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Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 1

Georgia Tech Athletic Machine Learning

Rudy Gleason

STEM Adv. Scientific Research/ Internship

Nancy Curran

24 April 2024
Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 2

Table of Contents

· Chapter One: Career Choice

o Introduction

o Job Description

o A Day in the Life

o Pros and Cons

· Chapter Two: From Here to Their

o Professional Profile

o Education

o Budgeting

· Chapter Three: Personal Assessment

o My Skills

o My Personality

o My Motivation

· Chapter Four: Productivity

o My Project

o Career Connection

o References
Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 3

Chapter One: Career Choice


I decided to intern at the Georgia Institute of Technology. There are a multitude of career

paths that can be taken at this college, many involving engineering, business, medicine, biology,

and design. The career path that I choose to intern under is biomedical and mechanical

engineering. My Dad is a biomedical engineer at Georgia Tech so ever since I was young, I have

always followed him and wanted to do what he does. I also enjoy building and creating things, in

mechanical engineering you are always trying to create something new or make something better

that could help the world. I think that sounds really fun and exciting the idea of building

something that could potentially help people makes me want to pursue this career. In the future

when I go into this career, I already know that I would really enjoy working in that kind of

environment. During my internship so far, I have learned a lot and have had so much fun by

interacting with the different students and undergraduates who work in the lab. Everyone

working in the mechanical engineering lab has so much spirit and joy and I can really tell that

they enjoy what they are doing. Being in such a positive work environment really encourages me

to pursue this kind of career. I think I would have a great experience if I went into this career

path and would much rather be doing this than be stuck doing a miserable job. Tianu Wang who

is my mentor in my internship tells me how much he loves being an engineer because he has so

much flexibility and he always enjoys coming in for work. He says that there hasn't been a day

that he wakes up and doesn't want to come into the lab. Also, after completing my Career

Exploration Assignment I matched with a career path in engineering so I feel like after interning

here is the right fit for me and I can move closer to becoming an engineer.
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Job Description

The first part of my career that I am studying for my internship is Biomedical

Engineering. A Biomedical Engineer is someone whose focus is on studying and finding

advances in technology and medicine to develop new devices and equipment for the

improvement of human health. The second job under my internship is a Mechanical Engineer.

They are someone who researches, designs, develops, builds, and tests mechanical and thermal

devices, including tools, engines, and machines.

At Georgia Tech engineers work in their own labs. They are studying, building and

testing different project ideas that will help the world. Some of the Engineers teach classes to the

students attending the university. Based on the website Glassdoor the average salary for a

Biomedical or Mechanical engineer is around ninety thousand per year. This factor could vary

based on what college they are employed at or where they are living. The growth rate for an

engineering career path is about ten percent each year and the unemployment rate are about 1.6

percent. This is a very good statistic for someone who is coming out of college and wants to start

their career as an engineer. In a study done by John Roswell called Biomedical Engineering in

Sports Medicine says that “Entering an engineering field can be one of the most beneficial and

successful careers” (Roswell 27). Students coming out of college seeking a career in either

Biomedical or Mechanical engineering are usually attached to these traits: creative, smart,

hardworking, and motivated. Engineers always must continuously seek to improve something or

build something creative to help someone else.

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Engineering can be a very fun but also a very demanding career. The fun part is coming

up with your own idea and building your device that will help the world. The hard part is finding

the other aspects that are required to build your device like the funding and the equipment that

you need.

A Day in the Life

The start of an engineer's day at Georgia Tech would be making the journey from there

house to campus. Usually, all engineers grab a coffee before they come in, in order to stay awake

throughout the day. Some engineers have classes to teach during the day so they usually will go

to those first and teach their students. Their classes match what type of engineering they fall

under. After teaching their classes they head to their office and talk to students who have

questions or are struggling with the course material. They spend an hour in their office for

meetings with students then they head to their labs. If they have research to do in their labs, they

may be in there for longer but if they don't have anything to do, they will usually meet with their

undergraduate students and help them or check in on their progress of what they are working on.

So, depending on whether the engineer has classes or not they will spend most of their time

either teaching or helping their undergraduate students. The offices at Georgia Tech are very nice

and spacious. They offer a nice environment to get things done and collaborate with the people

you are working with. Georgia Tech also offers the ability to travel anywhere with your project.

If you are designing something to help a third world country, the university will provide grant

money for you to travel. In this career you also don't really get a set number of hours. You must

show up to teach your class and go to your office and show up to your meetings but other than

that there is a good fluctuation of hours. Also, one of the best things about working at a

university as an engineer is being able to collaborate with so many people. There are many
Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 6

different students and professors you can combined your work with which makes doing projects

more exciting. Getting opinions on what others think about the design can make a huge

difference in your project. Having other people can increase the productivity and the

environment of your career.

Pros and Cons

To start the pros of becoming a Biomedical or Mechanical Engineer at a university is the

freedom and the flexibility of the job. You have the freedom to create any invention that could

potentially help the world. You get to work with numerous people and collaborate with different

kinds of intellectual people. You are able to travel the world and interact with different people

and different cultures around the world. You can help support Third World counties by visiting

them or creating something to better their lives. You are able to work in a positive work

environment that has plenty of equipment to do what you want. The salary is very good for

someone who does the job full time. And you have such a flexible schedule that you can be with

your family.

The cons of this career are it takes more schooling than usual to enter this career.

Depending on where you went to college you could be stuck in a large amount of dept from this.

Another thing is you probably are going to have to teach a class if you are working for a

university and this could take time out of your schedule. You could be spending all your time

working on your invention, but you have to go to meetings and teach, which could be seen as a

drawback. A final issue that may arise when working for this specific career is not getting the

funding for your project. Each year engineers must submit a form to receive grant money and if

they do not get it can become very difficult to continue their project.
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Overall, I would say the pros outweigh the cons and working in this career path is very

enjoyable and can be extremely exciting. The cons can be seen as a positive thing; however,

some teachers love teaching their classes and helping students succeed and become engineers.

Chapter Two: From Here to Their

Professional Profile

For the someone entering the Biomedical/Mechanical Engineering profession they would

most likely be someone who loves creating or building things. Being a Mechanical or

Biomedical Engineer is not just about solving equations or building skyscrapers it takes someone

who is driven by curiosity, innovation, and a passion for problem-solving. One of the most

desirable traits in the field of engineering is curiosity. Having the mindset to want to understand

how the mechanics work or how different designs are put together to create something. This

curiosity helps an engineer dive deeper into the physics and mechanical aspects of whatever it is

they are creating.

Aside from curiosity a Mechanical or Biomedical Engineer is inherently innovative. They

possess some kind of spark that happens when they are faced with a problem or challenge that is

needed to be overcome. Whatever they are designing or creating there will always be problems

or setback that comes up they will need to have an innovative attitude towards what they are

doing in order to overcome these problems and achieve their goal. If they are joining this career,

they must also be a team player. Many engineers collaborate with others to maximize their

productivity and bring in new ideas to their projects. If an engineer is unable to collaborate it

becomes very difficult for them to finish what they are building on their own. Without help from
Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 8

others they will have to do everything on their own which will take a long time and be very


Finally, engineers must be adaptable, they must understand that innovation will always

have problems and they must be able to deal with these failures and move on in their work.

Combining all these traits together will help young engineers be successful in their careers.


Becoming a qualified Biomedical or Mechanical engineer takes many steps devoted work

and a diverse set of skills. It requires a blend of critical thinking, creativity, and a passion for

innovation. The first step required is they must possess a strong understanding of the basic

mathematics and physics. They must be able to fully understand calculus and fully understand

complex physics problems. For college you must earn a master’s and bachelor’s degree in the

specific engineering field you want to go into. Depending on how high up you want to be within

your join the university that you attend could matter. If you attend a smaller university to gain

these degrees, you might not be receiving a higher pay than someone who attended a better or

more well-known university.

Taking an internship at a company is the best way to gain job experience. In the article

Engineers: Employment, pay, and outlook by Elka Torpey she states that “An internship is the

best way to gain experience” and that they “highly noticed” by employers (Torpey 11-22).

Companies look favorably towards applicants who have already been trained and taught. Having

job experience greatly increases your chances of being hired. Ultimately, what qualifies a person

to be a Mechanical or Biomedical engineer is more than just a technical understanding. It

requires certain skills like technical proficiency, critical thinking, creativity, communication
Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 9

skills, and a deep-seated passion for innovation. Without theses I would not say a person would

be able to join this career field. Having these qualities along with the required schooling will

make this career fun and enjoyable.


Considering the costs of becoming a Biomedical or Mechanical engineer involves careful

consideration of the payout you will receive from the job that you are accepting, the cost of the

education required is the primary focus when dealing with your budget. The required education

for this career is a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. This in total will take at least six

years of schooling. Also depending on what college, you attend the college tuition may be

different. If you attend out of state the tuition cost will be higher and if you attend in state, it will

be lower. However, the payoff from your career depends on what type of company you join. In

the article Carestream by Max Otto he states that “Engineering pay is based on the need for them

in that state at that time” (Otto 13). Depending on here you live and the need for the job at that

time your pay could vary. If a city is in need for engineers' companies will begin to hire more

and it will be easier to find a job.

Also, if you attend a good university and have admirable qualities, you will have a better

chance of landing a higher paying job. If you are hired to this well-paid job your payout will be

greater than your cost. You will be able to pay back the college tuition. The overall cost and the

work put into college can be worth it and if you work hard enough you will be on the plus side of

your budget. Working hard in college and getting good grades is ultimately what will lead a

student to land a good job. Companies will look for your admirable qualities and hire you if you

possess things that they like they will hire you. Joining the better companies will help you earn

what you need to live a successful life.

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Chapter Three: Personal Assessment

My Skills:

Some skills that I have that have helped me throughout my internship have bene my

ability to use C++ programing. This ability has allowed me to begin working with their app

sooner rather than them having to teach me. Having this ability is great for this internship and

career because it allows you to enter in different job positions and contribute to many different

things. Programming can be a very important part in different kinds of engineering and

possessing this skill will allow someone to be prepared and go right into their career.

I have also taken calculus and am good at math. Math is a really big part of engineering,

it's basically the main thing they do. Almost every engineer has to be skilled and have some love

for math. If you are not good at math you will not be able to make it far as an engineer. They use

calculations to build things and make things for whatever they do. I also am skilled at problem

solving. I think that I am very good at finding ways to get things done and if I'm an engineer I

will be able to solve the problems I am faced with.

One of my weaknesses that will probably hurt me in my internship and in the future as an

engineer is my procrastination. Procrastination is bad and causes me to not finish my work this

can be hurtful when I need to complete something for my internship or in the future with

engineering this could cause me to get fired. However, in the future I will not procrastinate

anymore and will do my work so that I don’t get fired from being an engineer.

My Personality:

Some of the broad personality types that are usually associated with engineers are

communication, creativity, attention to detail, critical thinking, problem solving, and curiosity. I
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don’t think I possess all of these specific traits, but I do have some and think my personality is

right for this career. The first trait that I associate with myself is creativity. I think I can be pretty

creative sometimes when it comes to budling something. I love creating new things and in

engineering that the bulk of what they do is make something to benefit other people.

The second trait I would use is problem solving. In engineering they have to be able to

adapt and overcome the different challenges that they are faced with. I think I am very good at

finding ways that things can be accomplished, especially the types of problems that engineers are

faced with. Based on the article How your engineering degree can be used in the sports industry

by Allen Willis he states that “An engineer will never face the same problem twice” (Willis 37).

I like that I will always see new problems and have to find ways to solve each of them

differently. I think I will be able to do this and my personality is a fit for it.

Finally, the personality trait that I think associates with me that would help me in my

career would be curiosity. In engineering you have to have a certain desire to learn more. To

want to make things better and understand how things work. I think I possess this trait to want to

know more. I am very interested in what engineers do and how they make and build certain

things. I want to know how things function and why they are built the way they are. I think I can

help improve different designs and other engineering projects. All these personality traits have

led me to want to become an engineer and pursue a career in this field I think I will fit in the vibe

of engineering and will succeed in it.


After participating in this internship at Georgia Tech and having the opportunity to be in

a real lab and see what they do has boosted my motivation to becoming an engineer. Being able
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to work with Tianu Wang and see what his day-to-day life is as an engineer has shown me how

fun and exciting it looks to do what he does. Being an engineer take a lot of work and dedication

you really have to love what you do in order to be successful at your job. Being at this internship

has shown me that the people working really love what they do they work hard and at the same

time have fun with what they are doing. The work environment is super friendly and inviting the

second I started everyone was super nice. They are very organized and know exactly what needs

to get done and when it needs to get done by. All these factors have greatly boosted my

confidence into entering an engineering career path. I am excited to work in these kinds of

environments and with these kinds of people.

The career explorations that we completed have also greatly increased my motivation into

entering this career. Engineers are paid very well and are starting to have a lot of job openings

the future opportunities look very good and the economic factors that come with this are

increasing my want to join this career. My plan for the future is to go to buffalo for my first

semester then transfer to Georgia Tech as a Civil Engineer then I will earn my degree from there.

After finishing college, I will look to pursue a job in that specific career. Some big employers in

this career field are Chandlee Construction, 3Alpha LLC and Paulson Mitchell, Inc. Some of the

major obstacles I see coming may be getting the grades I need at Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech

has very difficult classes and can be very challenging but to overcome this challenge I plan to

study very hard and work towards my goal of becoming an engineer. A useful skill that I learned

from my STEM class is time management and I will be able to use this at Georgia Tech and in

the future of my engineering career.

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Chapter Four: Productivity

My Project

For my project I am designing code within an app that can self-generate a skeleton on an

athlete is a three-dimensional space. At my internship we are working with the app builder called

MATLABS. Tianu Wang built an app that can take three videos of an athlete’s motion and put it

into a 3D space so that you can analyze the biomechanics of it. The three views are side, back,

and front angle views. The skeleton is used to watch the athlete’s motion over time to quantify

objects like speed, position, acceleration and consistency.

However, in the videos you have to manually generate a skeleton onto the athlete’s body.

This process can be very tedious and is not very practical for it to be used in the real world. So, I

am designing a way for the app to recognize common aspects of a kick for the skeleton in order

for it to create one for the athlete on its own. I first had to manually place a skeleton on every

frame of twenty videos of a field goal kick for each set. Once we had enough manually created

skeletons, I could use the common factors for the machine learning to generate the points

themselves. The app could then recognize these common factors and find out where the specific

skeleton point needs to be placed. It didn’t work I at first because some of the camera frames

were different in each of the videos. We had to calibrate the timing so that every video is moving

at the same speed and at the same time frames. After we fixed this the machine learning could

generate a proper skeleton. The code now allows you to upload a video of an athlete’s motion

and can show the skeleton point for someone to analyze the biomechanics of it.

Career Connection
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My project on building a code that can self-generate a skeleton for an athlete in a three-

dimensional space is connected to the engineering careers that I have been studying from the

aspect of the design side of it. Biomedical/Mechanical engineers’ main job is to build things

using science and math that can be used in the real world. For my project I designed part of an

app that will make using the device much easier. The code will save many hours of manually

placing the skeleton on the athlete. It can be used more practically and produce faster results.

Engineers in the world are always building new designs or making old ones better. In my case I

used the already built app and added an aspect to it that will make the overall purpose of the app

more proficient and easier to use.

Athletes wanting to use the app can quantify their mechanics and use the data to better

themselves. They can do this without having to go through the stannous process instead with the

device they can just look at the date and see what needs to be improved on. From this process of

creating this device I have learned a lot about the career field of engineering. I learned how hard

engineers work and how much time and effort they put towards the things they are designing. I

have also learned how much fun and enjoyable a career field such as this can be. Collaborating

and working with a great team of people can really make busy work seem exciting. There was

never a day I did not want to go down and be an intern as an engineer. I learned that this career is

a very fulfilling experience and has encouraged me to continue following it.

Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 15

Work Cited

Lipinski, K. (2023, July 14). Novel 3D imaging system helps optimize athletic performance from

head to Toe. Vision Systems Design.



Otto, M. (2022). Carestream’s OnSight 3D Extremity System Offers Sports Medicine

Professionals Affordable, High-Quality 3D Imaging. Carestream’s onsight 3D extremity

system offers sports medicine professionals affordable, high-quality 3D imaging.


Roswell, J. (2017). Biomedical Engineering in Sports Medicine. ASME.

Rylie, F. (2019). 3D infrared analysis. Water and Sports Physical Therapy.

Torpey, E. (2018, February). Engineers: Employment, pay, and outlook : Career outlook. U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Willis, A. (2017, May 4). How your engineering degree can be used in the sports industry.


Georgia Tech Internship Gleason 16

ZusammenfassungJüngste Fortschritte in der Technologie des CT, M., Cabezas, A. F., Kwon, Y.

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Y. X., Kim, Y. N., & Raiss, P. (2016, February 23). 3D imaging in Sports Medicine. Sports

Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

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