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Toward a Cost-Effective Smart Crop Health

Monitoring System
Sean Wallinger, Joseph Meier, Kyle Boatright, Haitham Abu Ghazaleh, Sotirios Diamantas, Rajesh Vuddandam
Mayfield College of Engineering Tarleton State University Texas A&M University System Stephenville, TX 76402, USA
{sean.wallinger, joseph.meier, kyle.boatright, abughazaleh, diamantas, vuddandam}

Abstract—In this research we have investigated and imple- that is local to the state of Texas. Many of these solutions may
mented smart-connected and cost-effective technologies that can need to be tailored to the specific type of crop, as well as being
aid with the crop management. In particular, we have installed region-specific. The range of research activities involved in
nodes with various sensors in several parts of a Green house
to supervise environmental and lighting conditions as well as this research include developing the monitoring system using
to monitor the growth of plants. Furthermore, the overall wireless sensor networks [6] and precision cameras that are
monitoring system further includes a central access node for either stationary or mounted on aerial drones [7], along with
accumulating the sensory data that can also be accessed remotely developing the infrastructure for accumulating the imagery
for further analysis. The data collected from this research will be and sensory data collected by the sensors in the field. In
used in determining the optimal placement of sensors within the
Green house, their performance as well as the strategies to be addition, a platform will be established for presenting the
followed for minimizing the growth rate of plannts while at the data and information to the operators (e.g., farmers) in a
same time maximizing their health. Finally, we have integrated meaningful format [8]. This solution will serve as a platform
all sensors input data into a Graphical User Interface. for supporting precision agriculture management by employing
Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Analytics, In- machine learning for smart detection and decision-making [9]
ternet of Things, Precision Agriculture Management
that will be investigated in future works. The data collected
from the crop health monitoring system can further be used
2023 IEEE MetroCon | 979-8-3503-1733-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/METROCON59008.2023.10340159

to carry out extensive analysis and impact studies on certain
The world’s population continues to rise and is expected conditions [10], either offline or in real-time. Another use of
to surpass 9.0 billion people by the year 2050. This growth this solution would be in automating and mechanizing labor-
will further drive the increase in demand for food and nutrition intensive tasks that can enhance the quality and efficiency of
supplied by the agriculture industry. However, there are several the agricultural process, such as the system developed by the
factors that could hinder the process of increasing the rate of authors in [11].
crop production and farming for meeting these rising demands
such as limited land space, limited resources (e.g., water and II. BACKGROUND W ORK
soil nutrients), limited skilled workforce, and the changing in The need for an efficient crop health monitoring system has
the environmental conditions. The introduction of existing and been recognized [12] and addressed by many researchers and
engineering technologies into the agriculture systems can aid for the purpose of maintaining a sustainable process, as well as
with addressing many, if not all, of these constraints [1]. These for optimizing the utilization of resources in the crop farming.
solutions further have the potential to improve the yields from In this research, the main goal is to create cost-efficient nodes
crops and farming in a cost-effective and efficient manner [2]. that have an array of sensors so that a farmer may collect
Some of these technologies include the use of wireless sensor data that can provide some insights on the crop conditions.
networks deployed at strategic locations for collecting sensory Examples of previous works that have attempted to meet such
data to a central database for further analysis and facilitated goals include [13] whereby a framework had been developed
by the Internet of Things architecture [3], [4]. The region has for monitoring the crop growth and diseases and focusing
been quite slow and reluctant to adopt such solutions into the on collecting temperature, humidity, PH, and soil moisture
agricultural process due to various challenges. Some of these measurements in an outdoor farm. Another similar solution
concerns are the additional costs that the solutions will intro- had been proposed by the authors in [14]. However, these
duce into the existing process [5], along with not foreseeing works did not address the hardware and cost-effectiveness of
the benefits gained from utilizing these technologies. Thus, their solution. The work by [15] have further shown how to
any solution presented to the agricultural community must be incorporate the IoT cloud solution for remote and multi access
able to demonstrate the benefits gained from such investments, to the sensory data, which is a desired feature in any crop
while being easily adopted in the field (Castrignano, et al. health monitoring system and one that we seek to incorporate
2020). into our own solution.
The aim of this research is to investigate the technologies The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in crop
and innovative solutions that can aid with better and efficient health monitoring systems have been proposed in many of the
crop health monitoring and focusing on an agricultural process previous works due to their versatility and ability to cover

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large field areas and in outdoor crops [16]. Examples of IV. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK
such work include [17]–[19], that have shown how UAVs At the conclusion of this research, we have successfully de-
with image processing techniques can be used to extract ployed our 12 sensor nodes at the Eden Green crop site and our
vegetation conditions of the crop fields and to identify any initial tests of the system had confirmed that the solution has
crop irregularities. However, such solutions are only capable met our desired aims for this research. We plan on improving
of monitoring a limited set of conditions and can be quite our Graphical User Interface (GUI) as well as providing more
costly. In [20], a multi-modal system was proposed that is functionality for the user to monitor the various senors. In
implemented using a set of stationary IoT sensor nodes along addition, we plan on developing Machine Learning algorithms
with a UAV for collecting various sensory data. for the purpose of automating anomaly detection in any of the
sensors or in any parts of the green house. As a future work,
III. M ETHODS AND R ESULTS our research plan is to use autonomous ground robots to aid
The overall crop health monitoring system consisted of the to the picking of plants by navigating autonomously through
following hardware and software solutions (Figs. 1-2): corridors and avoiding obstacles.
• 12 sensor nodes that are controlled by a Raspberry Pi ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Pico microcontroller. They are powered by a rechargeable
We are further grateful to Eden Green for the opportunity to
battery with the option of including a solar panel with the
implement and test our system prototype at their greenhouse
node. Each node is configured to collect the desired mea-
site. This project was funded by Tarleton State University’s
surements every 20 minutes and communicated wirelessly
2023 Presidential Excellence in Research Scholar’s (PERS)
to a main collector node. These sensors were developed
to measure the following:
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(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 1. (a) Set of sensors used in each sensor node; (b) Sensor nodes with their encasings; (c) Initial installation of the senor nodes at site; (d) Revised
installation of the senor nodes at site; (e) Pair of sensor nodes installed along a single vertical column; (f) Placement of Sensor nodes in each aisle pair.

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. (a) Example of database file with measurements collected from MLX90614 sensor; (b) Example of a time series plot of the collected measurements
using the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

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