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Teacher: Dan Jestony A. Viernes Date of Instruction: Week 3- Week 4

Subject: MAPEH- Arts
Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of:

● Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills.

● The arts are integral to the development of organization, spiritual beliefs, historical events,
scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrence and other external phenomena.
Performance Standard:

The learner:

● Performs/ participates competently in a presentation of a creative impression

(verbal/nonverbal) of a particular artistic period.

● Recognizes the difference and uniqueness of the art style of the different periods
(techniques, process, elements and principles of art).
Learning Competency:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

● Analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a
western and classical art.

● Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods.

● Identifies representative artists from various art periods

Objectives: A-M-T
I can:

Lesson 1: Ancient and Prehistoric Art

- Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of work, following the style of a
Western and Classical art.
- Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods.
- Identifies representative artists from Ancient and Prehistoric Art.
- Reflects on and derives the mood, idea or message from selected artworks.
- Determine the use or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of
art elements and principles.
- Uses artworks to derive the tradition/history of an art period
- Compares the characteristics of artworks produced in this period.

Lesson 2: Classical Art

- Create artworks guided by techniques and styles of western classical art traditions
- Describes the influence of iconic artist belonging to western classical art on the evolution
of art forms
- Applies different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences and
stories showing the characteristics of western classical art traditions
- Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concept and ideas using the criteria from the
western classical traditions
- Shows the influence of the western classical art traditions to Philippine art form
- Mount an exhibit using complete western classical art tradition.

Lesson 2: Medieval Art

- Create artworks guided by techniques and styles of Medieval art traditions

- Describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to Medieval art on the evolution of art
- Applies different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences and
stories showing characteristics of medieval art traditions.
- Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from Medieval
art traditions
- Show the influence of the Medieval art traditions to the Philippine art form
- Mounts an exhibit using completed Medieval art tradition

Learning Materials:
■ TV screen/ Projector

■ Arts Material ( photos, crafts and paintings)

Lesson Proper
I. Introduction
ARTS Lesson 1: Ancient and Prehistoric Art
Set the students mood by showing a video about Ancient and Prehistoric

Group the class with 5 members each. Instruct them to do brainstorming

where students will share ideas that come to mind and record these.

Lesson 2: Classical Art

Set the students’ mood by exploring the different pictures of classical arts.

Present and let the pupils answer the Big Question “ How do Classical Arts
reflect the People’s Idea”.

Lesson 3: Medieval Art

Present pictures of medieval Arts.

The students will analyze and describe the elements and principles of the
artworks and let the students share their answers.

II. Interaction Lesson 1: Ancient and Prehistoric Art

Discovering the arts of Ancient and Prehistoric Period.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Have the students read and discover the history of Ancient and
Prehistoric artworks.
o Make the students recite their discoveries.

Describe the nature of Ancient and Prehistoric Period.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Explain the various arts in Ancient and Prehistoric Period.

o Provide examples of Ancient and Prehistoric Period.
▪ Let the student see the different examples of Ancient and
prehistoric artworks.
Developmental Activities
● Discuss the summary of the lesson using question and response strategy in
processing the students’ understanding.

Lesson 2: Classical Arts

Discovering the art of classical Period.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Have the students analyze the concept and ideas about Ancient
Egyptian Classical Art, Greek Classical Art, and Roman Classical
o Give the students an opportunity to acquire information about classical

Describe the nature of Classical Art.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Explain the various concepts of Classical Art.
▪ Let them give insights on the following:
Ancient Egyptian

Developmental Activities
● Discuss the summary of the lesson using question and response strategy in
processing the students’ understanding.

Lesson 3: Medieval Art

Discovering the art of the Medieval Period.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Have the students read and analyze some famous artworks done

during the Medieval Period.
o Give the students an opportunity to describe what they discover.
- Art Element
- Principle of Art
- Mood, Idea or Idea

Describe the nature of Medieval Art.

● Using PPT presentation:
o Explain the various concepts in Medieval Art.
- Medieval Byzantine Art
- Gothic Art
o Let them give insights on the following:
▪ Paintings of Medieval Art

▪ Sculpture of Medieval Art

▪ Architecture of Medieval Art

Developmental Activities
● Discuss the summary of the lesson using question and respond strategy in
processing the students’ understanding.

● Explain briefly the Classical Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

● Differentiate the three Periods .

III. Integratio Activities

Quiz no. 1
On a 1/2 sheet of paper, Set the standards in giving self-evaluation and
evaluation as a class in relation to the content and performance standard.
● Let the students’ answer the “Create and Express” letters A-B on page 69
and “Extend and Link” letter B on page 71, to assess the learner’s
knowledge about the topic.

Quiz no. 2- Group Activity

Set the standards in giving evaluation as a class in relation to the content and
performance standard.
● Let the students’ bring art materials to create Egyptian Artwork Nemes
headdress worn by the pharaohs to assess the learner’s knowledge about
the topic.
o Appearance - 30%
o Creativity - 30%
o Neatness - 20%
o Overall Impact- 20%

Quiz no. 3
On a 1/2 sheet of paper, Set the standards in giving self-evaluation and
evaluation as a class in relation to the content and performance standard.
● Let the students’ answer the “Create and Express” letter C on pages 94-95,
to assess the learner’s knowledge about the topic.

Summative Examination
On a 1 whole sheet of paper, Set the standards in giving self-evaluation and
evaluation as a class in relation to the content and performance standard.
● Let the students’ answer in the book Expression 9- Teachers’ Guide on
pages 56-57, to assess the learner’s knowledge about the topic.

Performance Task

Instruct the students to create recycled stained glass by group.

● Follow the directions on the book Expression 9 on pages 95-96.

● Let them present in front of the class.

Below is the rubric for the performance task:

o Topic Integration - 20%
o Appearance - 30%
o Presentation - 10%
o Creativity - 40%
IV. Target Excellence
Core Love

1. Castro K. I., Daya M. T., Feeney R. B., Tan J. M., Toniza J. D., (2021). Expressions, Worktext in
Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. Published by Dreambooks Publication, DBP. 2353 Rj
Place Unit 2e, Selya Street, corner Laura Street, Pandacan, Manila, Tel. No: (02) 587-0299 .
Pages 1-18
2. Ancient nd prehistoric Art
3. Expression 9- Teacher’s resource Material for Music, Arts, Physical education and Health.


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