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How could the knowledge gained from this activity be applied to real-world scenarios in the allied health?

The knowledge acquired from the brochure activity can efficiently help the allied health professionals to
provide patient education, improve communication, enhance care coordination, identify risk factors, and
promote healthy behaviors. The brochure includes information its description and on how to prevent the
disease or live a healthier lifestyle while dealing with a chronic condition. This can help patients better
understand the disease known as pubic lice infestations, including its causes, symptoms, treatment
options, pathogenesis characteristics, treatment methods, and its prevention and control. Understanding
their illness allows patients to take an active role in their own care. By familiarizing themselves with the
data’s provided in the brochure, allied health professionals can improve their communication and holistic
care with patients. They can explain medical concepts to patients/clients in simple terms and they can use
this information to identify patients who are at risk of developing a specific condition. This can aid in
early intervention and prevention efforts. All of the professionals in medical field can use this information
to advise their patients on how to improve their health life style.


Studying for microbiology is just like studying for the other foundational science courses that
you must pass in order to become a pre-nursing student. As a nursing student, studying the
Microbiology and Parasitology (Laboratory) is very important because it provides us the comprehensive
information and insights into the various microorganisms that cause diseases worldwide. It is essential
that we have those goals/objectives that will guide us in every activity and in steps toward excellence.
The main objectives of the laboratory activities are to assist the students in the study of microorganisms
and parasites. Also, it unites the disciplines of microbiology and food technology, facilitating advances in
providing safer food for the world. As activities goes by, starting from our first activity which is the
“Exercise 1: Reflecting on the Movie: Outbreak” then next is the “Exercise 2: The Microscope,
Microscopy, and Cell Structure”, followed by “Exercise 3: Diversity of Microorganisms” and last is the
“Exercise 4: Eukaryotic Microbes – A Moldy Encounter” all of these activities have their own specific
techniques and procedures. Having the advance knowledge on how to operate the microscope can
consider one of your techniques since it gives you the advantage all about the microscopy. During these
activities, all procedures are highly examined to prevent malfunctions.
Furthermore, learning the basic laboratory techniques are really important for any individual conducting
the experiment. They ensure the accuracy, reliability and precision with every step and procedure.
Laboratory carry a great deal of risk; it is strongly advised that those with the necessary knowledge
should oversee the techniques and procedures. In every laboratory activity, there are always minor
challenges and problems that occurring. Some problems that we encounter are handling the microscope,
fermenting the bread, finding and researching different microorganisms for the drawing in exercise 3. We
get past all of these obstacles by doing research and consulting our professor for advice on how to handle
these small cases.

Looking back on our second activity, I can honestly say that it was an incredibly memorable experiment
for me. It was nevertheless a fantastic experience for me even though I could only use the microscope to
magnify limited specific samples. As a student who enjoys and loves doing activities in laboratories, I get
excited about trying, learning and discovering new things. In order for us to carry out the experiment
correctly, each group prepared the needed materials. Each group member brought a lab coat and provide
personal protective equipment to guarantee everyone's cleanliness and safety. We initially made sure we
had all the required supplies and equipment before beginning our experiment. We had no issues with our
group since all of the members were very cooperative while on the other hand, the materials were
affordable and easy to provide. My observations show that everyone in the group assists each other in
setting up and examining different specimens under the microscope. Yakult, water, oil, are the needed
samples that we will be using in the experiment. We never imagined it would look like that under a
microscope, so it was a lot of fun to look at it. Our group worked well together since some members were
in charge of the documentation, some handled the microscope, and others held the light to make the
specimen easier to see, and we were able to function as a cohesive team. The microscope was made
available for all of us to try, operate, use, and test. Fortunately, we had a good-Samaritan classmate who
provided his sperm willingly so we could examine the other specimen under the microscope.

Out of all the activities we perform, the two exercises that yield the most intriguing results are the one
where we use and operate the microscope and the last activity, which involves the incubation stage of the
bread loaf to have a mold. The final task, which involves actually growing mold, teaches us to be more
mindful and receptive. We gained knowledge of mold growth dynamics, how environmental factors
impact their development, and how to document their morphological characteristics through this practical
exercise. However, the other exercises teach me about how an infectious disease is portrayed in the
"Outbreak Movie," how to compare and contrast the traits of microorganisms, structure, growth
development, ecological roles and their taxonomy. Also on how to comprehend eukaryotic microbes and
the dynamic factors that affect their growth. Upon comparing, evaluating, and reflecting the results from
our lectures, I have observed that nothing has changed. Every result and piece of data is precise and aligns
with the theoretical understanding offered. In the lectures.

Moreover, “Microbes run the world. It's that simple.” Dead organisms would suffocate life without the
presence of microbial decomposer communities. Regarding on the microorganisms and parasites
characteristics, one of the most behavior of the earth's microbiological diversity is the existence of both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, as well as single- and multicellular organisms. There are differences in
microorganisms including its cultural characteristics that might be used in basis for the microorganism’s
taxonomy groups. They might consist of groups of fungi, bacteria, protists, archaea and many more. All
of the laboratory exercises improved my knowledge and comprehension while also developing my
practical skills and abilities. This was in addition to the traits and behaviors of the microorganisms. Even
the small details in every concept of Microbiology and Parasitology enhances my mastery in familiarizing
different microorganism as well as their structures. Every detail in understanding microscopic organisms
provide the students with essential knowledge about infectious diseases and parasites.

In summary, everything I have learned and discovered throughout this course will likely I will use in
future purposes. As a girl who dreams to be an allied health professional, this course and its laboratory
exercises will aid my understanding of nursing education by imparting efficient knowledge regarding
infectious diseases and the agents that cause them. Nursing subjects especially MC 102 Laboratory teach
us about the various types and kinds of microorganisms and parasites that can affect patients, as well as
their diagnosis techniques, pathogen characteristics, treatment and prevention. Medical professionals need
to know this information in order to treat patients well and support the public health initiatives. Our
knowledge and insights in microbiology and parasitology will guide our decisions about infection control
and patient education.

Meanwhile, for the improvements and modifications of laboratory activities, it's critical to maintain and
raise lab productivity and efficiency in order to enhance and modify lab operations. Providing enough
materials and paraphernalia will encourage and motivate the students to function and to do the
experiments efficiently. Furthermore, employing the best tools could increase productivity by accelerating
tasks and preventing technical problems.

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