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Hi guys!

My name is Paridhi Joshi and I'm here to show you guys that
ASL, American:
Sign Language, isn't all that hard to learn. [1.0s] Here I have my sister,
Dhwani Joshi.
[1.35]I will be teaching her the alphabet and after that we will be
practicing fingerspelling. [1.4s] So, how do you feel about ASL? [1.2s]
American Sign Language, it seems really, really cool, but it is, it looks
a little intimidating on my side. Yeah, yeah, I completely agree. I think
with all the facial expressions that you have to know in addition to the
words and the words with the hand signals, it can be a lot of, it can be
a lot scary at first, but with constant practice and constant learning,
like you'll see in a
little bit, you can easily get the signs down.

So, we'll start with the alphabet, and then from there we'll just be
fingerspelling certain words to see if we can sort of connect that
alphabet to spelling some words out. So, let's start with the letter A,
which is like this, [1.4s] and then B, yep, [2.3s] C, D, [4.3s] so D is
gonna be so that's an F so yeah D is gonna be like that yeah and if you
can see
they make a lot of this similar you know this looks like a D right yeah
similar shapes E
[1.7s]F [2.2s] so G is gonna be like this this one kind of is tricky
because it doesn't
really look like a G H is two letters two fingers so it's kind of like that
okay right H [1.1s]
[1.7s] And then J will just sort of be like that J motion, like you're
writing the J with your pinky. Mm-hmm. K. Yep, [2.9s] there you go. L.
Mm-hmm. M. [1.9s] Yep, so [1.1s] you kind of see that M there, right?
So what do you think N would be? Two fingers?
Mm-hmm. Yeah, so it'd be kind of like that. Okay. Yeah. N. O. [1.5s] P.
[4.8s] Yep, kind of like that K, right? But upside down, [1.7] yeah. Q.
[2.0s] R. S. T. [2.5s] So [2.3s] kind [2.1s] of like that cross, right? Yeah,
sort of like that N and that M. So T. U. V. W.
[7.8s] X. [2.4s] Y. Okay. [3.1s] And then Z. [1.5s] Yep, so with your
thumb in kind of like Z. Yep, like you're writing the letter Z. Okay, one
more time? Yeah, let's do it one more time for practice, veah.

Okay. So A, right? Do you know B? [1.4s] Remember, four fingers,

right? Okay. So four
B. C. D. [4.6s] Remember, not the F, right? Yeah, there you go. E, kind
[1.1s] of like the letter, the shape, right? Yeah. F, the one that's kind of
like the D, right? G. That's one finger? That's the one that, yep. So
what would H be? Two fingers. There you go. I. J.
J, [2.1s] yep. K, upside [2.0s] down P. Okay. Q. Oh, sorry. [5.6s] L.
Yeah. L. I was thinking about P. L. And then M, [2.3s]N, [2.2s] 0, [2.1s]
P. Damn right. Yeah. Now it's Q. R, S, [1.6s] T, U, [1.65]V. [8.2s] W,
[1.4s]X, [1.3s] Y, and C. [1.3s] There you go, yeah. Yep. So based off of
that, let's try fingerspelling some words. Do you have a word for me?
Let's [1.5s] do the color blue. Color blue, okay. So B, L, U, E. Okay.
[7.3s] All right, and for me, my word to you, we're gonna go with the
color theme, I guess, so purple. Okay, so... Upside down. [1.7s] right?
Yep. P-U-R-P-L-E. There vou go, veah. Okay. What about me? Um, [1.3s]
burgundy. Burgundy! I don't think i can spell that okay b ur g [1.5s] a m
[1.3s]n d [1.1s] y all right since you wanted to give me a hard one,
turquoise. [1.0s] Oh god, okay. [1.1s] T, U, R. [5.5s] It's Q. Remember Q
is kind of like that. Q, U? I think so, yes. U, O, I, S, [6.0s] S over? S is
over, A is to the side. Oh, and then E is up. Yeah. Okay, S and then E.
There you go, yeah.
Okay. All right, so all in all, how do you feel about kind of just
fingerspelling some words, the ASL alphabet? You seem to get it
pretty fast, so. It's not as bad. You can relate it to the actual alphabet
in the letters, so that's a little bit helpful, but some of them are still a
little iffy about. Yeah, yeah. like the letter Q and stuff. I understand.
Yeah. It's a lot of pictorial things. So it's sort of like what it looks like
is kind of what you see is what it exactly most of the times. So being
able to put that together, I think with more practice, you could maybe
even learn the signs for the colors, you know, like blue has its own
sign, purple has its own sign.
So just knowing those things with practice. I think vou could get a lot
more stuff down.
So as you guys can see, ASL isn't that hard to learn? Even if it's just
starting off with the alphabet and doing finger spelling it's still not too
hard to learn. It's still something
that's easy to understand. So I encourage every single one of you guys
to go ahead and practice and mavbe use every day even finger spelling
to sort of communicate with people who might be hard of hearing or
even deaf. And also let us know if we spelled turquoise right. [1.5s] But
thank vou for watching. Bye! [2.5s]

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