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The Interplay Between Teaching Strategies Employed by Mathematics Teachers and

Academic Performance in Mathematics of the Grade 10 Students



Concept on the dependent variable of the study

Different educational institutions have been seeking to develop teachers by
making them fully aware of the different teaching strategies of Grade 10 Math
Teachers; since an efficient teacher is decided by his/her ability to choose or
create learning strategies through which the different objectives of the lesson are
achieved and its content is fully covered; and by which students are given the
ability to acquire the formerly set lesson objectives which precisely meets their
different needs. However, choosing or creating learning strategies is a complicated
process; it demands deep thinking from the teacher and the ability to make a
balance between the available strategies in light of the many interrelated

A teaching strategy is the essence of a general plan which includes all the parts
of the teaching situations; namely: the objectives, the methods, teaching aids, and
the evaluation strategies are based on kinds of patterns and theories that are
called “Learning Theories”. Such theories are classified into three categories,
they are: Behavioral, Cognitive, and Effective.

Identify and present the problematic issue/issues

Several studies have explored the impact of teaching strategies on students'
mathematics performance. One study in the Philippines found that peer pressure
significantly influences students' performance in mathematics, emphasizing the need
to understand the negative aspects of this relationship. Another study focused on
grade 8 students revealed that teaching strategies are predictors of achievement
and attitude in mathematics, highlighting the importance of enhancing students'
abilities and behavior in number-related courses. Additionally, a study in Jordan
showed a significant correlation between teachers' varied teaching strategies and
students' metacognitive and mathematical skills. Furthermore, research in Thailand
demonstrated the effectiveness of heuristic strategies like Guess-check-revise and
Systematic experimentation in enhancing problem-solving skills among grade 10
students. Lastly, an article presented a checklist of evidence-based practices for
educators to improve mathematics instruction for students with learning
disabilities, offering actionable strategies for immediate implementation.
Supporting evidence from international, national, regional, and local settings with

With the different factors that are currently affecting the students in the
Junior high school. Specifically in the Grade 10 perspective, the researchers have
found different issues that are hindering the performance of the students
specifically on Mathematics 10. These issues have similar factors that affect it
such as teaching strategies, peer pressure, self-concept, and cultural background.

A study in the Philippines explored the impacts of teaching strategies and social
support on Mathematics achievement, attitude, and anxiety among Grade 8 Students,
highlighting the importance of enhancing students abilities and behavior in number-
related courses (1).

Another research conducted in a private Higher Education Institution in Tagum City,

Davao del Norte, Philippines, investigated the difficulties and coping strategies
in understanding mathematical concepts, revealing challenges in visualizing
mathematical concepts and manipulating geometrical shapes and spaces meaningfully
(2). In the table that was shown connected to our study, Teaching strategies
used/created by mathematics teachers have significantly affected students'
understanding of mathematical concepts.

Another study aimed to determine the influence of self-concept, teaching

strategies, and peer pressure on students' mathematics performance across junior
high school students' grade levels, emphasizing the significant influence of peer
pressure on students' performance in mathematics (3). In the table that was shown
connected to our study, It can be seen that more than half, or 54.02% of the
respondents had often experienced varied teaching strategies employed by the
teachers with a corresponding satisfactory rating.
In Thailand, a study focused on using heuristic strategies to promote mathematics
problem-solving ability among Grade 10 students, demonstrating the effectiveness of
strategies like Guess-check-revise and Systematic experimentation in enhancing
students' problem-solving skills (4). A table namely Chart 2: Frequency of
Heuristic Strategies Used by Students in Problem Solving Ability Test, shows that
people often use systematic experimentation that was taught by their teachers
rather than the other possible ways of solving it.

Lastly, In Jordan, the research investigated the teaching strategies used by

eighth-grade math teachers and their relationship with students' metacognitive and
mathematical skills, highlighting a significant correlation between teachers'
varied teaching strategies and students' metacognitive and mathematical skills (5).
(Unfortunately, no Tables/Graphs were present)

Research Gap
Despite the evidence supporting the use of various teaching strategies to enhance
mathematics performance, there is a lack of research on how these strategies can be
effectively implemented in diverse educational contexts, particularly in schools
with high populations of disadvantaged students. Additionally, there is a need for
more detailed studies on the relationship between specific teaching strategies and
students' metacognitive and problem-solving skills in mathematics. Furthermore,
there is a need for research on how to effectively train and support teachers in
implementing evidence-based teaching strategies in mathematics, including
addressing potential barriers to implementation such as teacher buy-in and resource

Correlation measures of the two variables

The study in 1 found that most of the student-respondents agreed that demonstration
and cooperative learning were commonly applied teaching strategies by their
mathematics teachers, which were found to be effective in increasing students'
mathematical ability and understanding of mathematical concepts. The study in 4
aimed to determine the predictors of academic performance in mathematics of Grade
10 students using descriptive correlational analysis. The document in 5 discusses
the concept of correlation in education, defining it as the mutual relationship
between different subjects or variables in a curriculum. It outlines the importance
of correlation, including that it helps students perceive knowledge as a whole,
strengthens retention of knowledge, and promotes well-rounded development. The
document discusses different types of correlation, including vertical/internal
correlation between topics within a subject and horizontal/external correlation
between different subjects. Examples are provided of how mathematics can be
correlated with other subjects like science, geography, and economics.


Urgency of the study

The current state of research on teaching strategies to enhance mathematics
performance is lacking in several key areas, creating a sense of urgency for
further study. First and foremost, there is a need for research on how these
strategies can be effectively implemented in diverse educational contexts,
particularly in schools with high populations of disadvantaged students. These
students often face unique challenges that can impact their ability to succeed in
mathematics, and we must understand how to adapt and tailor teaching strategies to
meet their needs. Without this research, many disadvantaged students may continue
to struggle in mathematics, perpetuating educational and economic disparities.
Additionally, there is a need for more detailed studies on the relationship between
specific teaching strategies and students' metacognitive and problem-solving skills
in mathematics. While research has shown that certain strategies can be effective
in improving mathematics performance, there is limited understanding of how these
strategies impact the development of higher-order thinking skills. This is a
critical gap in the research, as these skills are essential for success in
mathematics and many other fields. Furthermore, there is a need for research on how
to effectively train and support teachers in implementing evidence-based teaching
strategies in mathematics, including addressing potential barriers to
implementation such as teacher buy-in and resource availability. Without this
research, teachers may not have the necessary knowledge and resources to
effectively implement these strategies, limiting their potential impact on student

Dissemination Plan
The study employed a descriptive correlation research design to achieve its purpose
of profiling Grade 10 students, determining their learning styles and correlating
the performance of mathematics teachers with these styles. From the results, it is
recommended that educators should develop effective teaching strategies for
enhancing mathematics performance in Grade 10 by considering how different students
learn differently. This study expands literature on mathematics education and has
implications to teachers for improving their learner’s performances. The aim was to
understand how various methods of teaching influence student’s academic
achievements. In understanding such patterns, we intend to improve learners
comprehension as well as grades in math. To address this challenge, we must engage
students in even more comprehensible learning and apply mastering of mathematical
concepts for Grade 10 students with diverse needs and instructions. We shall use
survey methods together with interviewing in order to improve math instruction and
how such improves student’s academic achievement according to learning strategy.
Results therefore indicate a significant positive relationship between certain
classroom practices used by teachers that are effective for Mathematics teaching at
this level, depending on one’s ability to take action from them.

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