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Business Strategy
A.Company Objectives

1.Marketing Aspects

In the marketing aspect, will focus on creating a strong brand identity and building
awareness among its target audience. This will involve developing a cohesive branding strategy
that communicates the uniqueness of the product offerings, highlighting the fusion of traditional
siomai flavors with cheese and fresh vegetables. The company will employ various marketing
channels, including social media platforms, digital advertising, and traditional marketing
channels such as flyers and posters, to reach potential customers. Engaging content and visually
appealing imagery will be used to showcase the delicious and healthy nature of the siomai and
juice offerings, enticing customers to try the products. Furthermore, the marketing aspect will
emphasize customer engagement and retention strategies to foster long-term relationships with
patrons. This will involve implementing loyalty programs, soliciting feedback, and actively
engaging with customers through social media platforms and other communication channels. By
consistently delivering high-quality products and excellent customer service, “Veggies-Siomai
with Cheese” aims to cultivate a loyal customer base and generate positive word-of-mouth
referrals, ultimately driving sales and contributing to the company’s growth and success in the
competitive food industry landscape.

2. Management Aspect

The management aspect encompasses the organizational structure, leadership strategies,

and operational processes employed to effectively plan, coordinate, and oversee all aspects of the
business. This includes establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the organization,
fostering a culture of accountability and collaboration, and implementing efficient systems and
procedures to ensure smooth day-to-day operations. Effective management involves strategic
decision-making, resource allocation, and performance monitoring to achieve the company’s
objectives while adapting to changing market conditions and emerging opportunities.
Additionally, effective leadership plays a crucial role in inspiring and motivating
employees, fostering innovation, and driving continuous improvement initiatives to enhance
productivity and profitability. In essence, the management aspect of “Veggies-Siomai with
Cheese” is focused on optimizing resources, maximizing efficiency, and fostering a culture of
excellence to achieve sustainable growth and success in the competitive food industry

3. Operational Aspect

In the operational aspect will focus on streamlining processes to ensure efficient

production, distribution, and customer service. This involves establishing standardized recipes
and procedures for siomai preparation, incorporating quality control measures to maintain
consistency and freshness, and optimizing inventory management to minimize waste and
stockouts. Additionally, the company will implement robust supply chain management practices
to secure a steady and reliable source of ingredients while negotiating favorable terms with
suppliers to minimize costs and maximize profitability. Operational efficiency will also be
enhanced through the use of technology such as point-of-sale systems and inventory
management software to track sales, monitor inventory levels, and analyze customer preferences,
allowing for data-driven decision-making and proactive adjustments to meet demand
fluctuations. Furthermore, the operational aspect will prioritize the creation of a seamless and
enjoyable customer experience at every touchpoint. This involves ensuring cleanliness and
hygiene standards are upheld in siomai stalls and juice bars, training staff to deliver prompt and
friendly service, and implementing efficient queuing systems to minimize wait times. Moreover,
the company will invest in staff training and development programs to enhance product
knowledge, customer service skills, and operational efficiency, empowering employees to
deliver exceptional experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. By focusing on
operational excellence, “Veggies-Siomai with Cheese” aims to differentiate itself in the market,
build a strong reputation for quality and reliability, and ultimately drive long-term success and
4. Financial Aspect
In the financial aspect, will focus on managing its resources effectively to achieve
profitability and sustainability. This involves developing comprehensive financial plans,
including budgeting, forecasting, and financial modeling, to ensure prudent allocation of funds
and optimal use of capital. The company will establish clear financial goals and performance
metrics, such as revenue targets, profit margins, and return on investment, to track progress and
evaluate the success of its operations. Moreover, the financial aspect will involve securing
adequate funding to support the startup and ongoing operations of the business. This may include
sourcing capital from various sources such as loans, investments, or grants, while also exploring
cost-effective financing options to minimize debt and interest expenses. Additionally, the
company will implement robust financial controls and risk management practices to mitigate
financial risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Furthermore, “Veggies-
Siomai with Cheese” will focus on maximizing revenue streams and optimizing pricing
strategies to enhance profitability. This may involve conducting market research to understand
customer preferences and price sensitivities, identifying opportunities for upselling or cross-
selling, and adjusting pricing strategies based on demand dynamics and competitive benchmarks.
Additionally, the company will closely monitor expenses, identify cost-saving opportunities, and
implement efficiency measures to improve overall financial performance.



Dependency on the Facing competition from
quality and freshness More other siomai vendors
Affordable Price of ingredients, which customers/buyers offering traditional and
can vary. innovative flavors

Limited customer Growing demand Competition from

Offering healthy and
awareness and brand for healthy and existing siomai and food
flavorful food
recognition innovative food businesses

Some individuals Potential to expand Health trends promoting

Emphasis on quality
may have allergies or the customer base low-fat or dairy-free
ingredients and
sensitivities to dairy by offering unique diets could impact
delicious flavors
siomai flavors demand

Potential lack of Opportunities to Competitors offering

Our Siomai is
nutritional balance collaborate with healthier or more diverse
delicious because it's
due to high fat local food festivals options may draw
made in real
content from cheese or events customers away

C. Competitive Strategy

Competitive strategy refers to the set of approaches and actions that a company
undertakes to gain a competitive advantage and outperform rivals within its industry. At its core,
competitive strategy involves analyzing the industry structure, understanding competitor
behavior, and identifying the company’s unique strengths and capabilities to position itself
effectively in the marketplace. There are various competitive strategies that companies can adopt,
including cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategies.
Cost leadership involves becoming the lowest-cost producer in the industry, allowing the
company to offer products or services at a lower price than competitors while still maintaining
acceptable quality levels.

Differentiation strategy, on the other hand, focuses on offering unique features or

attributes that set the company’s products or services apart from competitors, allowing it to
command a premium price and attract customers who value those distinctive features.

Focus strategy involves concentrating efforts on serving a specific market segment or

niche, catering to the unique needs and preferences of that target market more effectively than
broader competitors.

Successful implementation of a competitive strategy requires a deep understanding of the

company’s internal capabilities, external market dynamics, and the competitive landscape. It
involves making deliberate choices about where to compete, how to compete, and which
resources and capabilities to leverage to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Additionally,
competitive strategy is not static; it requires continuous monitoring and adaptation to changes in
the market environment and evolving customer preferences to remain relevant and effective over
time. Ultimately, a well-crafted competitive strategy enables a company to differentiate itself,
capture market share, and achieve superior performance compared to competitors within its

Marketing Strategy
A.Proposed Target Market

1.Problem to be Solved Benefit to Offered

The problem to be solved is providing a convenient, tasty, and healthy food option for
customers, especially those who enjoy veggies but may not find them readily available in
popular fast food choices.The benefit offered is a satisfying and nutritious meal option in the
form of a veggie siomai combo, complemented with refreshing drinks. This business caters to
both the growing demand for healthier food choices and the convenience of a quick meal.

2.Demographic Profile

Creating a business plan for a "Veggies Siomai with Cheese Combo" business with
drinks involves several key elements:
Executive Summary: Provide an overview of your business idea, including the concept, target
market, unique selling proposition, and financial projections.
Business Description: Detail the concept of your business, focusing on the Veggies Siomai with
Cheese Combo and the range of drinks you plan to offer.
Market Analysis: Conduct market research to identify your target demographic profile, including
their preferences, purchasing behaviors, and location.
Competitive Analysis: Analyze competitors in the market, including other siomai businesses and
beverage sellers, to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.
Marketing and Sales Strategy: Outline your plan for promoting your products and attracting
customers. This could include online marketing, social media presence, partnerships with local
businesses, and special promotions or discounts.
Operations Plan: Describe how you will produce and serve your siomai combo and drinks,
including sourcing ingredients, food preparation, staffing, and logistics.
Financial Plan: Create financial projections, including startup costs, operating expenses, sales
forecasts, and profit margins. Consider factors such as rent, utilities, ingredient costs, labor, and
pricing strategy.
Risk Analysis: Identify potential risks and challenges to your business, such as food safety
regulations, supply chain disruptions, or changes in consumer preferences.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Research and comply with local regulations for food
businesses, including permits, licenses, health and safety standards, and food handling
Sustainability Plan: Consider implementing sustainable practices in your business, such as using
eco-friendly packaging, sourcing locally grown produce, and reducing food waste.
By addressing these elements in your business plan, you can create a comprehensive roadmap for
launching and operating your Veggies Siomai with Cheese Combo business with drinks.

3.Other significant customers characteristics

Some significant customer characteristics for a veggie siomai with cheese combo with
drink business could include:
Health-conscious individuals: Customers who prioritize nutritious options and are looking for
plant-based alternatives.
Vegetarians and vegans: Those who adhere to vegetarian or vegan diets and seek meat-free
alternatives for their meals.
Cheese lovers: People who enjoy the savory taste and creamy texture of cheese as a complement
to their food.
Busy professionals: Individuals looking for convenient and quick meal options that are also
fulfilling and satisfying.
Families with children: Parents who want to provide their children with healthier meal choices
while also satisfying their taste preferences.
Food adventurers: Customers who enjoy trying new and unique food combinations, such as
veggie siomai with cheese, and appreciate the creativity in culinary offerings.

B.Place strategy
1.How large is the market
This market have a 3 schools Bata Elementary School 1 and Bata Elementary School 2
and Bata National High School and it have a big population that have a more than 20
2.Is it Growing or Shrinking how fast?
The growth or shrinkage of a business like Veggies Siomai with Cheese combo with
drinks depends on various factors such as market demand, competition, pricing strategy, and
customer satisfaction. Without specific data, it's hard to determine its growth rate accurately.
C.Promotions Strategy
1.Media used (reader,viewer,listener profiles)
Target readership, viewership, and listenership that align with your demographic. For
example, if your target market is young professionals, consider digital platforms like social
media and podcasts. Advertising efforts to reach the desired audience demographics, selecting
platforms like social media, podcasts, and digital channels that resonate with your target
2.Plans for generating publicity
Utilize social media influencers or food bloggers to create buzz, run contests or
giveaways, and leverage local events or partnerships to increase visibility. Engage influencers,
organize contests, and forge partnerships with local events or businesses to amplify brand
visibility and generate excitement around your Siomai with cheese and combo drinks.
Organizing promotional events, such as tasting sessions or product launches, can also generate
excitement and attract attention from both existing and potential customers. Additionally,
running contests or giveaways on social media platforms can help increase engagement and
expand your brand’s reach. By combining these various publicity-generating tactics, you can
effectively increase awareness and interest in your Siomai with cheese and combo drinks.

D. Price Strategy
1.Product demand
Analyze market demand through comprehensive research and sales data analysis to
optimize pricing strategies that maximize profitability while satisfying customer preferences.
Conduct thorough market research to understand customer preferences, purchasing behavior, and
willingness to pay for similar food items. By analyzing sales data and customer feedback, you
can gain valuable insights into the optimal pricing strategy that balances profitability with
consumer appeal.
2.Comparison against competitors’ prices
Continuously evaluate competitor pricing structures, taking into account product
differentiation factors such as quality and portion size, to ensure your pricing remains
competitive and attractive to consumers. your products effectively in the market. Compare your
prices against those of competitors offering similar products, taking into account factors such as
product quality, portion size, and added value (such as the inclusion of cheese in your Siomai).
By your prices against competitors, you can ensure that your offerings remain competitive while
still providing value to customers. Conduct regular price comparisons to ensure competitiveness
while also considering factors like product quality, portion size, and added value like the
inclusion of cheese. Adjust prices accordingly to maintain a balance between profitability
Location and Layout

A.Office and Plant Location rates
Street Stall: Monthly rental rates for a street stall in busy commercial streets or near
schools could range from 5,000 PHP to 15,000 PHP, depending on the location's popularity and
foot traffic.
B.Building and Facilities
1.Layout plan (illustration)

Street stalls provide different varieties. From classic street food staples like grilled
skewers and savory snacks to more adventurous fare like exotic fruits or fusion dishes, there's
something for everyone. And because street stalls often cater to local tastes, you get an authentic
culinary experience that's hard to find elsewhere.

Picking street stalls can be a rewarding culinary adventure, offering delicious food,
cultural insights, and memorable experiences at affordable prices.
Overall, street stalls are more than just places to grab a quick bite. They're vibrant hubs of
culture, community, and culinary delight, enriching the urban landscape in countless ways.
Description of the Management Team

A.Project Originators/Promoters/Managers

The project originators/promoters/managers of the business specializing in are responsible

for conceptualizing, initiating, and managing the overall business venture. They play a crucial
role in bringing the project to life and ensuring its success.
The project originators/promoters/managers are passionate individuals who have a deep
understanding and appreciation for vegetarian and healthier food options. They possess strong
entrepreneurial skills and a vision for creating a unique and innovative offering in the local
market. They are driven by the desire to provide delicious, high-quality, and nutritious Veggies-
Siomai with Cheese to cater to the growing demand for vegetarian alternatives.
These individuals have expertise in the food industry, including knowledge of culinary arts,
recipe development, and food safety practices. They have a keen eye for market trends, customer
preferences, and competitive dynamics, enabling them to identify opportunities and develop a
compelling business strategy.
In addition to their technical expertise, the project originators/promoters/managers possess
excellent leadership and management skills. They are adept at assembling and leading a skilled
team, fostering a positive work environment, and effectively managing resources, operations,
and finances. They have a strong commitment to quality control, ensuring that every aspect of
the business, from sourcing ingredients to production and customer service, meets the highest
The project originators/promoters/managers are also strategic thinkers and effective
decision-makers. They continuously monitor and evaluate market conditions, customer feedback,
and financial performance to make informed business decisions and adapt the business strategy
Overall, the project originators/promoters/managers are driven by their passion for
vegetarian cuisine, their entrepreneurial spirit, and their commitment to delivering an exceptional
product and customer experience. They are the driving force behind the business, guiding its
growth and success in the competitive market.
1.Business Proponents

The business proponents of the business specializing in “Veggies-Siomai with Cheese” are
the individuals or entities who support and advocate for the establishment and success of the
business. They may include investors, partners, or stakeholders who contribute resources,
expertise, or influence to help bring the business idea to fruition.
The business proponents of the business are passionate advocates for vegetarian and
healthier food options, sharing a common vision with the project
originators/promoters/managers. They believe in the potential of the business to meet the
growing demand for vegetarian alternatives and make a positive impact on the local market.
These individuals or entities may include:
Investors: These ae individuals or organizations who provide financial support to the business.
They believe in the profitability and growth potential of the business and are willing to invest
capital in exchange for a stake in the company. Investors may play an active or passive role in
the business, depending on the terms of the investment agreement.
Partners: These are individuals or businesses who collaborate with the project
originators/promoters/managers to contribute their expertise, resources, or networks. They may
include suppliers who provide high-quality ingredients or equipment, distributors who help with
the distribution and sales of the products, or other businesses with complementary offerings that
can create synergies.
Stakeholders: These are individuals or groups who have an interest in the success of the business,
such as employees, customers, and the local community. They may support the business by
being loyal customers, providing feedback and suggestions, or advocating for the business within
their networks.
The business proponents share a common goal with the project
originators/promoters/managers to establish and grow a successful business specializing in
“Veggies-Siomai with Cheese.” They contribute their resources, expertise, and networks to
support the business’s operations, marketing efforts, and overall success. By working together,
the business proponents and project originators/promoters/managers create a collaborative and
supportive environment that fosters the growth and sustainability of the business.
Business Title: "Veggies-Siomai with Cheese" Business: Siomai and Juices
Group members:
Chapter VI: Quiocson, Nikki
Chapter VII: Mainit, Jane
Malacad, Trishajen
Chapter VIII: Sabillon, Sean
Chapter IX: Ebro, Ma. Kyla

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