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My Social Development & Gender

I grew up in an environment full of girls (Aunt, Lola, Yaya, my sister, and mother). 2 of my best friends in
Highschool were Girls. I was also a part of the volleyball team and close with my non-binary friends. Despite all
that I am still really really into Girls. Social development happens when there is a change in
the norm. Whenever we do not follow the norm it may give you negative feedback. Social
development helps you get friends and some sort of belongingness to the society.
being a part of society with a strong force to their beliefs gives you Pride, mental fortitude
and belongingness. A part in social studies can explain the separation between those who
do and do not conform and how people think of gender
Which I am unaware of.
However my take on Gender
and society is, I would just
respect other peoples decision
and try and see it in their
perspective, become open
minded and treat each and
everyone equally.

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