Annotated Bibliograpgy - Zach Thomas

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Annotated Bibliography

Muntel, Sarah. “Fast Food – Is It the Enemy?” Obesity Action Coalition, 15 Oct. 2021,

This source immediately goes into the problem at hand. Since the 1970’s fast food

restaurants have doubled, and this has increased the amount of obesity in the United States. The

author of this article, Sarah Muntel, has worked in the surgical and medical field of wight loss

for over twenty years. She is involved in several major weight loss programs, including ASMBS,

and serves on the Communication and Access to Care Committee. Sarah is also an active

member of the Obesity Action Coalition. This source is recent as it has been available since

2021. The Obesity Action Organization is currently run by the CEO and President, Joseph

Nadglowski. The organization was founded in 2005 and since has been the leading voice for

obesity in the US. This source is reliable as gives in depth comparisons to popular fast-food

restaurants, including the number of fat and calories inside the foods. As well as the contribution

the environment has on customers based off where the restaurants are located. The prices of

these restaurants can be very reliable, and that is another argument this article uses to find the

answer of who is to blame for obesity in America. Therefore, I believe this is a non-bias source

for this paper.

Stephens, Janna, et al. “Food Delivery Apps and the Negative Health Impacts for Americans.”

Frontiers in Nutrition, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 20 Feb. 2020,

This article dives into the topic of how food delivery apps have contributed to obesity in

America. Food delivery has grown tremendously over the last decade which has led to two thirds

of the American population to utilize these sources. The author, Janna Stephens, is a professor at

the Ohio State University College of Nursing. As of recent, Stephens is focusing on the

prevention of cardiovascular disease is underserved locations. In 2023 she received an award for

Health of Diverse Populations from the Midwest Research Nursing Society. This article has been

available since February of 2020. The popular food delivery applications like, Door Dash, and

Grub Hub are exhibited showing several reliable statistics. It is shown that 52% of Americans

order food online for lunch every week. Inferring that this percentage is more than half of the

nation’s population, this article proves that online food delivery is a definite contribution to

obesity in the US. With the valid statistics of these fast-food services, I believe this article is

accurate for my paper.

Robert Pearl, M. D. (2023, July 14). How the U.S. government can solve the obesity epidemic.


This source’s topic touches on the U.S. government’s role in obesity today, and different

ways they government is attempting to incorporate assistance within the medical field. It is

known that being overweight can lead to everyday stress, but also serious life affects. Being said,

a medication has been brought to the spotlight in the past few years, as people are looking for

new ways to reduce their weight. The author, Robert Pearl is the former CEO of the nation’s

largest medical group, Permanente Medical Group. Pearl was named one of Modern Healthcare’s

fifty most influential leaders as a physician. He was an ambassador for some of the advanced

technology that physicians use in healthcare today. This source was published in July of 2023,

using statistics from the Business and Culture of United States Healthcare. The United States

leading weight loss medication, Ozempic, is a main topic of this article as it is one of the best

sources for weight loss medication. In the last two years over five million Americans have been

prescribed this medication for weight loss reduction. With the conformation of the information

included in this article, the source is valid for the purpose of my paper.

Heimuli, Britney. “The Obesity Epidemic in America: Costly in Food and Lives.” Deseret

News, Deseret News, 14 July 2023,


This cite discusses the obesity epidemic and its effects on the world. Experts believe that

not only the US, but most of the population on Earth get more obese every year. As well as the

rise of addiction to food as it is viewed as this generations, “tobacco addiction.” Britney Heimuli,

the author of this article, is an active journalist for Desert News. She covers topics including

social issues, health, and international news. Britney focuses on discussions that impact
important issues, that impact her audience through reliable, engaging content. This article has

been available sense July of 2023. Desert News is a reliable daily newspaper source and is

currently the longest running news organization in the State of Utah. This organization is strictly

committed to standards that represent integrity and the principles of reporting. Throughout the

course of the article the author estimates that by the year 2035, four billion people are predicted

to be obese. According to Rifai, a major part of the problem in obesity is the lack of access to

foods that are indeed healthy. While as of currently it is easier to access foods that are high-

calorie, and highly processed. This information is another reassuring point for positive evidence

that can be used for a paper.

Hahn, Tobias. (2019, November 14). Who is to blame for the Health Risks of junk

food: Consumers or food companies? Who is to blame for the health risks of junk food?

This article quickly pinpoints the question of who is to blame for obesity. Many food

companies are confident that the main culprit of obesity today, is the consumers. However,

marketing tactics are used behind closed doors, to keep consumers coming back. The author of

this article, Tobias Hahn, is a professor of Social Sciences at the Esade Business School. He

mainly focuses on corporate sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. The organization

that this article was published through is Esade. This organization is known for its high-quality

academic organization. Their focus is set on the development of individuals in the business

world. Hahn throughout the article claims that he believes that the food industry plays a lead role

in the obesity epidemic. It is shown that over time eating fast food, can lead to cardiovascular
disease, and type two diabetes, as well as different types of cancer. It was examined that food

companies rely tremendously on the sales of processed foods. For most fast-food restaurants,

consumers purchasing foods containing high fat, and high sugar, is what the companies are

relying on for profit. It was also analyzed that companies have minimized their involvement with

health risk by pointing the responsibility towards the people who purchase the food. I believe

that these statistics are detrimental to the argument of this paper.

Laurence, Emily. “Obesity Statistics and Facts in 2024.” Forbes, Forbes

Magazine, 30 Jan. 2024,

The purpose of this article is set upon the statistics of obesity in 2024. According to the

CDC, obesity currently effects every one in four Americans. The World Health Organization

has also recorded that four million people die each year due to obesity. Emily Laurence is the

author of this article. She is freelance writer, journalist, and certified health coach. Laurence

writes regularly for big name publishers like Forbes, Shape, and the Huffington Post. This

article was released in January of 2024 under the Forbes magazine. Forbes is a worldwide

media output that focuses on new and popular information, as well as entrepreneurship,

technology, and lifestyle. This company is also known for its in-depth coverage of big

industries, with articles written by experts. Based on data acquired from 2017 to 2022, forty one

percent of adults in the US have obesity. This same set of data implies that roughly twenty

percent of adolescents also have obesity. With these statistics, it can be acknowledged that this

source is reliable for the purpose of this paper.

Work Cited

Stephens, Janna, et al. “Food Delivery Apps and the Negative Health Impacts for

Americans.” Frontiers in Nutrition, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 20 Feb. 2020,

Robert Pearl, M. D. (2023, July 14). How the U.S. government can solve the

obesity epidemic. Forbes.


Laurence, Emily. “Obesity Statistics and Facts in 2024.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine,

30 Jan. 2024,

Hahn, Tobias. (2019, November 14). Who is to blame for the Health Risks of junk

food: Consumers or food companies? Who is to blame for the health risks of junk food?
Chat GPT Essay

**Title: The Food Industry's Role in the Obesity and Health Epidemic**


The issue of whether the food industry should be held accountable for the obesity and health

epidemic has sparked widespread debate. While individuals bear some responsibility for

their dietary choices and lifestyle habits, there is growing evidence suggesting that the

practices of the food industry play a significant role in exacerbating these public health

crises. This essay will explore various perspectives on this issue, drawing on current

research to assess the extent to which the food industry should be held responsible.

**The Food Industry's Influence on Obesity**

The food industry's marketing strategies and product formulations have been closely linked to

the rise in obesity rates. A study by Malik et al. found a strong association between the

consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain in both children and adults.

This highlights the impact of certain food products on public health, as these beverages are

often high in calories and offer little nutritional value.

Additionally, Brownell et al. argue that the food industry's promotion of highly processed foods

and large portion sizes contributes to overconsumption and weight gain among consumers.

The prevalence of cheap, unhealthy food options, particularly in low-income communities,

further exacerbates the issue by making it difficult for individuals to access nutritious


**Challenges in Holding the Food Industry Accountable**

Despite evidence linking the food industry to the obesity epidemic, holding corporation’s

accountable poses significant challenges. One major obstacle is the industry's substantial

financial resources and political influence, which often thwart regulatory efforts aimed at

curbing unhealthy food practices. Lobbying by food industry giants has resulted in the

weakening of proposed regulations and the blocking of public health initiatives,

prioritizing corporate profits over public well-being.

Furthermore, regulatory loopholes allow food companies to engage in deceptive marketing

practices, such as labeling products with misleading health claims. This makes it difficult

for consumers to make informed choices about their food purchases, particularly when

products are targeted at vulnerable populations like children.

**Potential Solutions and Recommendations**

Addressing the obesity epidemic requires a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration

between governments, public health advocates, and the food industry itself. While

regulatory measures are crucial, constructive engagement with food industry stakeholders

may also yield positive outcomes. Ludwig and Nestle suggest that partnerships between the

food industry and public health advocates could lead to meaningful reforms, such as

reformulating products to reduce harmful ingredients and implementing transparent

labeling practices.

Furthermore, Pomeranz et al. emphasize the importance of clear and standardized labeling

systems, which can help consumers identify healthier options and incentivize the food

industry to produce more nutritious foods. Public education campaigns and community-
based interventions are also essential for raising awareness about the link between diet and

health and empowering individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices.


In conclusion, while individual responsibility certainly plays a role in the obesity and health

epidemic, the food industry must also be held accountable for its contributions to these

crises. By addressing regulatory gaps, promoting transparency in labeling, and fostering

collaboration between stakeholders, we can work towards creating a healthier food

environment and combating the obesity epidemic on a global scale. It is imperative that

policymakers, public health advocates, and the food industry collaborate to prioritize the

health and well-being of consumers.

Chat GPT Reflection

Chat GPT has various things about it that are not fully functional when given the

instruction. For this assignment the prompt given was very specific and Chat GPT still managed

to use irregularly formal words, and out of date sources. However, the AI chat remains very

beneficial regardless of its small amount of inaccuracy. I feel that it has been a helpful resource

throughout the course of this assignment. As I continued to do my work, I at times would get lost

with the format/structure. Asking Chat GPT for examples in class was extremely beneficial as I

got a view of what the finished product of this assignment should look like. Sometimes the Ai

chat bot did not correctly answer my requests. Each entry I would have to go back and edit the

wording so that I could get the correct output. Overall, using Chat GPT as a source is not very

reliable. Although, it can be a helpful reference when you are stuck on a heavy task.

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