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1. What are the global issues concerning to Education and Society today? Give 4 and explain.

Climate change has dire consequences for our planet. Global warming is causing hotter and more
unbearable summers, affecting public health and leading to the extinction of species. Urgent
action is needed to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate these effects.

Inflation impacts individuals and families worldwide by reducing their purchasing power and
standard of living. It can be caused by factors like increased production costs, excessive
government spending, or fluctuations in currency exchange rates. Low-income households are
especially affected as they struggle to meet basic needs amidst rising prices. Inflation also erodes
savings, discourages investment, and worsens poverty and inequality. Governments and central
banks must implement effective monetary policies to control inflation and maintain economic

Poverty affects many people globally, depriving them of financial resources and basic necessities
like food, shelter, education, and healthcare. Structural factors like unequal wealth distribution
and limited opportunities perpetuate poverty. It is closely linked to gender inequality as women
face discrimination in wages, education, and the workforce. Addressing poverty requires
sustainable development, social protection programs, and equal opportunities for all.

Gender inequality is a widespread problem that hampers progress worldwide. Women face
discrimination in education, employment, and decision-making roles. The gender wage gap
persists, limiting economic empowerment and reinforcing stereotypes. Policies promoting equal
pay, ending violence, improving education and healthcare, and encouraging women's leadership
are crucial for achieving gender equality. Empowering women benefits individuals and supports
sustainable development and stronger economies.

2. How does a global citizen address such problems?

As a global citizen, solving global problems is exciting and empowering. Today's interconnected
world means issues are not limited to one country or region. Poverty, climate change, and social
injustice are among the challenges. Raising awareness is one way to address these problems.
Educating oneself and others can mobilize support and encourage involvement through social
media campaigns, public speaking, or community events. Advocacy and activism are also
effective ways for global citizens to make a difference. A global citizen can address problems through
advocacy, activism, and supporting organizations. They actively speak out against injustices and work towards
policy changes. They use their voice, actions, and resources to push for change and have a direct impact on
solving pressing issues. Being a global citizen means taking responsibility for addressing global problems. We
can make a difference through awareness, advocacy, activism, and supporting existing initiatives. Let's
embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and determination to shape a better future for all.
3. Explain the importance of Global Citizenship on the 21st

In the 21st century, global citizenship has become increasingly important. With the advancement of technology
and the interconnectedness of our world, it is essential for individuals to recognize their role as global citizens.
Global citizenship refers to the idea that we are not only citizens of our own country, but also citizens of the
world. It is about understanding and respecting the diversity of cultures, promoting equality, and taking
responsibility for our actions on a global scale.
One of the key reasons why global citizenship is important in the 21st century is because it promotes a sense of
unity and collaboration. We live in an era where issues such as climate change, poverty, and human rights
violations transcend borders. These problems cannot be solved by individual countries alone; they require
collective action from all nations. By embracing global citizenship, individuals can work together to find
innovative solutions to these global challenges. It encourages us to think beyond national boundaries and
consider the well-being of humanity as a whole.
Moreover, global citizenship fosters a sense of empathy and understanding towards different cultures and
perspectives. In today's interconnected world, we often interact with people from diverse backgrounds. Global
citizenship encourages us to embrace this diversity and learn from one another. It helps us break down
stereotypes and prejudices, leading to a more inclusive and tolerant society. By understanding and appreciating
different cultures, we can build bridges of understanding and promote peace.
Furthermore, global citizenship encourages individuals to take responsibility for their impact on the world. It
emphasizes the importance of sustainable living, social justice, and ethical behavior. Global citizens strive to
make a positive difference in their communities and beyond. They are aware of the consequences of their
actions and actively seek ways to contribute to a better world. Whether it is through volunteering, advocacy, or
supporting ethical businesses, global citizens recognize their power to effect change.
In conclusion, global citizenship is crucial in the 21st century due to the interconnectedness of our world. It
promotes unity, empathy, understanding, and responsibility. By embracing global citizenship, individuals can
contribute to a more sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful planet for future generations.

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