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Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.


Inglês para Concursos

Lista de Exercícios 04
Professor Sérgio Gama - @gama.concursos

>>> ADJETIVOS a) more bad than

b) more worse than
1. The phrase "longer than" is one of the c) much bad than
comparative forms of the adjective "long". d) worse than
Choose the alternative which has another e) more badly than
comparative form and a superlative one:
a) as long / longest 6.
b) so much longer / longest Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the
c) as long / the longest candidate you sent us will not suit our purposes.
d) as long as / longest We need somebody _____ than he.
e) as long as / the longest Mr Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss
Cary. She is definitely the _____ person in our
2. Which alternatives contain comparative group.
I. Some dreams are more mysterious than others. a) smarter / most intelligent
II. Some dreams are as real as life. b) smart / intelligent
III. Some dreams are longer than others. c) smartest / more intelligent
IV. Freud became famous for studying dreams. d) as smart / as intelligent
V. It is clear that some dreams are universal. e) as smart as / as intelligent as

a) I / II / III 7. Dadas as afirmações de que o comparativo

b) II / III de superioridade de:
c) III / IV 1. clever é cleverer 2. much é more 3. many
d) II / V é more
e) Only I Constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):

3. Riding a horse is not _____ riding a bicycle. a) apenas a afirmação 1

a) so easy as b) apenas a afirmação 2
b) easyer than c) apenas a afirmação 3
c) more easy than d) apenas as afirmações 1 e 2
d) the least easy e) todas as afirmações
e) so easy so
8. Qual o superlativo de little?
4. a) most little
John: Is Sam from China? b) littlest
Hellen: No, he is from Canada. c) lesser
John: Is Canada _____ than China? d) least
Hellen: I don't know. e) less

a) most large 9. Of all the movies I have seen lately the one I
b) large saw yesterday was _____.
c) largest a) worse
d) more large b) worst
e) larger c) the worse
d) the worst
5. Our next examination may be _____ the last e) the most worse

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.892-39

10. Bob Evans, that athletic-looking young man, Literally, thousands of parts are used to make
ran _____ and finally won the race. up even the SMALLEST family saloon.
a) fast and faster a) o menor
b) faster and fast b) o maior
c) fast and fast c) o pequeno
d) faster and faster d) o grande
e) more and more fast e) o amplo

11. _____ the child _____ the payment. 17. (Unitau 95) Assinale a alternativa que
a) The eldest / the greater corresponde à tradução mais adequada da
b) Older / greater expressão, entre aspas, a seguir:
c) The oldest / the greatest Você é a pessoa 'mais interessante' que já
d) The elder / the greatest conheci.
e) The elder / the greater a) the more interesting
b) the interestinger
12. Air-jets are much _____. Let's go by car. It's c) the most interesting
_____. d) the much interesting
a) slower / quicker e) the best interesting
b) cheaper / more cheap
c) expensive / more cheap 18. (Fei 95) Indique a palavra que significa mais
d) quicker / more slow forte:
e) more expensive / cheaper a) larger
b) clearer
13. "When will you be able to give us _____ c) higher
information about the crime?" d) better
a) far e) stronger
b) furthest
c) farthest 19. The new generation of MT programs is less
d) farther ambitious is an example of comparative form.
e) further Mark the item which also contains a comparative
14. The _____ people know about our private a) Of the four translations, I like this one best.
lives, the better. b) That young boy behaves the most carelessly of
a) few all.
b) little c) This is the worst ice cream I've had in a long
c) least time.
d) lest d) This is the least expensive computer that we
e) less have.
e) The airport is farther than the university.
15. (Udesc 96) Choose the correct grammatical
answer to complete the sentence: 20. Assinale a alternativa que completa
I have been studying ... I can to learn English. corretamente a sentença:
a) as hard as
b) so hard as Of all the movies I have seen lately, the one I
c) as harder as saw yesterday was ... .
d) so harder so
e) so hard so a) worse
b) worst
16. (Unitau 95) Assinale a alternativa que c) the worse
corresponde à tradução mais adequada da forma d) the worst
adjetiva destacada a seguir: e) the most worse

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.892-39

21. (Mackenzie 96) Indicate the alternative that 24. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
best completes the following sentences: corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:
The more time people spend at an exhibit, ...
I – Which city is the ... from São Paulo? they learn.
II – My ... brother works at Mackenzie. a) more
III – Do you need any ... data on that matter? b) most
IV – Which is the ... building in São Paulo? c) much
V – Ribeirão Preto is the city that has the ... d) the more
problems with pollution in Brazil. e) the most

a) I – furthest; II – elder; III – more; IV – farthest; >>> GABARITO:

V – oldest
b) I – further; II – older; III – farther; IV – eldest; 1. E
V – less 2. A, B e C
c) I – nearer; II – oldest; III – farthest; IV – 3. A
longest; 4. E
V – least 5. D
d) I – nearest; II – elder; III – furthest; IV – eldest; 6.A
V – biggest 7. E
e) I – farthest; II – eldest; III – further; IV – oldest; 8. D
V – fewest 9. D
10. B
22. Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa 11. D
que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase 12. D
apresentada: 13. E
Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe 14. E
the candidate you sent us will not suit our 15.E
purposes. We need somebody ... than he. 16. B/E/F
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss 17. A
Cary. She's definitely the ... person in our 18. A
group. 19. C
a) smarter – most intelligent b) smart – 20. E
intelligent 21. E
c) smartest – more intelligent d) as smart – as 22. D
intelligent 23. E
e) as smart – as intelligent as 24. A
25. B
23. Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa
que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase
apresentada a seguir:
"Did Jerry come to work yesterday?"
"Yes, he did. He arrived ... than his colleagues,
but worked the ... so that he got as much done
as the others."
"Good. He's a very responsible fellow."
a) late – harder
b) later – hardest
c) earlier – hard
d) early – hardest
e) sooner – harder

Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

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