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Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.


Inglês para Concursos

Lista de Exercícios 05
Professor Sérgio Gama - @gama.concursos

>>> VERBOS SEQUENCIAIS d) to finding

e) found
1. There must be a better way _____ this.
a) do 6. Fill in the blank:
b) of do
c) to do – How about _____ a party soon?
d) for do
e) we do a) having
b) to have
2. Before _____ sent to prison, the thief will be c) have
given the right to defend himself. d) has
a) being e) had
b) be
c) to be 7. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
d) he will be corretamente a sentença a seguir:
e) he has been
Most people cannot learn verbs without ...
3. Most people cannot learn verbs without _____
them. a) to study
a) to study b) studying
b) studying c) study
c) study d) studied
d) studied e) studies
e) studies
8. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
4. Without fear of be happy (Sem medo de ser corretamente a sentença a seguir:
feliz) é o título, em inglês, que um periódico
paulista atribuiu ao livro do jornalista americano Nothing can be done except ... the results of the
Ken Silverstein sobre a campanha de Lula à exam.
Presidência da República em 1989. Examinando
o título, você diria que: a) to waiting
a) Está estruturalmente correto. b) waits
b) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Been Happy" c) to wait
c) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of to Be Happy" d) wait
d) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Being Happy" e) waiting
e) Deveria ser: "Without Fear to Be Happy"
9. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
5. A lacuna da sentença abaixo deve ser corretamente a lacuna da frase abaixo:
preenchida por:
He stopped ... only after the doctor said he was
Astronomers are used ... all kinds of wild going to die.
things in outer space.
a) drank
a) find b) drink
b) to find c) drinks
c) finding d) drinking
Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos
Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.892-39

e) to drink Excuse … you.

10. Both Mary and Roger enjoy ... tennis. a) me to interrupt

a) plays b) me for interrupt
b) play c) me for interrupting
c) to playing d) me in interrupting
d) playing e) me to interrupting
e) played
16. Assinale a alternativa correta:
11. Indicate the correct alternative:
Would you mind coming with me? I’d like … .
I had hoped ... my letter.
a) you to come
a) her answer b) to come
b) her answering c) coming
c) that she answer d) you coming
d) that she would answer e) you come
e) to her answer
17. You can sing well, … ?
12. A melhor forma de concluir a sentença a a) didn’t you
seguir é: b) can’t you
c) don’t you
Although personal appearance is of great d) doesn’t you
importance when going to an interview for a e) couldn’t you
job, the candidate should be careful … .
18. He hasn’t seen you lately, … ?
a) to not overdress a) has he
b) to do not overdress b) is it
c) not to overdress c) have you
d) do not overdress d) have we
e) not overdress e) haven’t you

13. Leia a frase e preencha a lacuna: 19. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à
seqüência de question tags adequadas para
By signing below, I ask that an account … completar as frases a seguir:
opened for me and Card(s) issued as I request,
and that you renew and replace them until I 1. He isn’t at home, … ?
cancel. 2. That will happen, … ?
a) to be 3. She hasn’t a cue, … ?
b) are 4. It rains a lot, … ?
c) is
d) will be a) isn’t he; won’t it; has he; doesn’t it
e) be b) is it; will it; does she; has it
c) isn’t he; will it; has she; hasn’t it
14. I congratulate you _______ it so well. d) is he; won’t it; has she; doesn’t it
a) to have doing e) isn’t he; won’t he; has she; does it
b) on doing
c) do 20. Assinale a alternativa correta:
d) be doing
e) for do He doesn’t study here, … he?

15. Excuse my interrupting you a) doesn’t

b) do
Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos
Licensed to Ronaldo Alves Campos - - 034.854.892-39

c) did 7. B
d) does 8. D
e) don’t 9. D
10. C
21. Assinale a alternativa que completa 11. B
corretamente a sentença abaixo: 12. C
13. E
Your name is Mary, … ? 14. B
15. C
a) isn’t you 16. A
b) isn’t it 17. B
c) aren’t it 18. A
d) aren’t you 19. D
e) isn’t he 20. D
21. B
22. Politics is a science, … ? 22. B
a) weren’t they 23. D
b) isn’t it 24. A
c) wouldn’t he 25. D
d) wasn’t it
e) won’t they

23. He’ll be back soon, … ?

a) will he
b) doesn’t he
c) shall he
d) won’t he
e) couldn’t he

24. Escolha a question tag correta para

I knew I would be a scientist, ______ ?

a) didn’t I?
b) wasn’t I?
c) won’t I?
d) don’t I?
e) would I?

25. The sun shone the whole day, … it?

a) is
b) did
c) doesn’t
d) didn’t
e) isn’t

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. A
Inglês Militar Professor Sérgio Gama @gama.concursos

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