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Table of Contents
Project Title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Method of Data Collection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Presentation of Data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Analysis of Data …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Discussion of Findings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 8

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Reference…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Project Title

An Investigation To Determine How Long It Take Students To Be Served In The Tuck

Shop \ Canteen Line At St. Mary High School.

Lunch time at school is one of the most anticipated periods at schools. Students usually have
problems with getting their lunches during this time at the tuck shop or canteen. Our group decided to
base our interest on this topic as it is a situation that we face at our school almost every day. The
researchers plan to achieve this information by presenting and collecting data, this is called statistics.
Statistical Knowledge helps to use the proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct
analyses, and effectively present the results.

The researchers’ aim is to ascertain factual data from students of the St. Mary High School on how
long it takes for them to be served at tuck shop or canteen on a regular day.

The objectives are:

 To create a statistical analysis to discern how long it take students of St Mary High School to
be served in the tuck shop\canteen line.
 To learn how statistics are used in an individual’s everyday life.

Method of Data Collection

A survey was distributed via WhatsApp to students who attend St. Mary High School from grades 7-

In gratitude to the devastating Corona Virus pandemic, (online schooling), which gave us the
knowledge to create our survey on google forms. The survey included a question to which students
were allowed to choose an answer. An online survey was in the best interest of the researchers as
social media has a major impact on teenagers; therefore, we discovered that we would have to get
more responses online than face- to- face. The survey didn’t take a lot of time to be done and it was
not costly. Within 22 minutes we had received 15 responses, however, we had achieved a total of 57
responses from the students of St. Mary High School.

Presentation of Data

After achieving successive data from students of the St. Mary High School, it was then assembled
using a pie chart and a bar graph as follows:

Figure 1. shows a bar graph of the time taken for students to be served in the tuck shop\canteen line at the St.
Mary High School.

Figure 2. shows the percentage of 57 students on how long it takes for them to be served in the tuck shop\
canteen line.

Analysis of Data
Figure 1 shows a bar graph of the time taken for students to be served in the tuck shop\canteen line
at St. Mary High School.

From this graph, it shows that it takes 17 students (the highest number of students who took the
survey) 30 minutes to be served in the tuck shop\canteen line at St. Mary High School. Followed by 40
minutes for 13 students, 50 minutes for 9 students, 1 hour for 7 students, 20 minutes for 6 students,
other minutes\hour for 3 students and 10 minutes for 2 students (the least number of students who
took the survey).

Figure 2 shows the percentage of 57 students on how long it takes for them to be served in the tuck
shop\canteen line.

From this chart, it is observed that it takes 30% of students, which is 17 out of 57 students, 30 minutes
to be served in the tuck shop\canteen line, followed by 23%, which is 13 out of the 57 students, 40
minutes to be served, 16%, which is 9 out of 57 students, 50 minutes to be served, 12%, which is 7 out
of 57 students 1 hour to be served, 11%, which is 6 out of 57 students 20 minutes to be served, 5%,
which is 3 out of 57 students, other minutes\hour to be served and 3%, which is 2 out of 57 students
10 minutes to be served in the tuck shop\canteen line at the St Mary High School.

Carrying out this survey, the results show that the majority of the students who took the survey had
to wait in the tuck shop\canteen line for 30 minutes and a few had to wait for 10 minutes.

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