HW tiếng anh tuần 1 tháng 4.2024

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I. Use will, won’t, would or wouldn’t to complete the paragraph. Then translate it.

My grandmother was a very adventurous woman, but not when it came to using the Internet. We told her

that she could send email, shop, read news articles, and so much more, but she (11)……. have anything

to do with computers. Then, her first grandchild was born. Because she lived four hours away from us,

we told her, "If you (2) ……. learn to use a computer, you will miss the opportunity to see with your

grandson everyday." She made up her mind and said, "I (3) ……. learn how to use a computer even if it

takes all year." It was very difficult for her, but she never said "can't". After a few video-chats with

her grandson, she was "on board" with the Internet. She said, "I (4) …….(do) this earlier, but I didn't

understand how useful it is." She added, "Now I (5) ……. teach myself how to 'grog'." (I think she

meant "blog".)

II. Match the two sentence halves and write a – h next to the number 1 – 8.

1. Would you like to come for lunch this weekend? a. Oh. Yes please! Could you?

2. Can you help me with this table a moment? b. Well, actually, my mum’s not feeling

3. Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? well. Maybe another time.

4. Would you like me to ask my brother? c. I suppose so. But I need it back before

5. Can I come round to your house later? Friday.

6. Could you lend me 20, please? d. Yes, of course. Here you go.

7. Can I get you a cup of tea? e. Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?

8. Would you mind passing me that menu, please? f. I’m sorry, I’m not from around here.

g. No, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just had one.

h. Oh, I’d love to, thank you.

III. Read the following sentences with Do you want or I want and write sentences with the same
meaning using would you like or I’d like.

Ex: I want some coffee. ⇒ I’d like some coffee.

Do you want some coffee? ⇒ Would you like some coffee?

1I want to go out tonight. ⇒ ……. tonight.

1. 2Do you want to come with us? ⇒ ……. with us?
2. 3Do you want a sandwich? ⇒ ……. a sandwich?
3. 4I want a bottle of water, please. ⇒ ……. a bottle of water, please.
4. 5Where do you want to go? ⇒ ……. Where ?
5. 6I want to learn French. ⇒ ……. French.
6. 7What do you want for dessert? ⇒ What ……. for dessert?
7. 8I want to stay with you today. ⇒ ……. with you today.
8. 9Do you want to meet my family? ⇒ ……. my family?
9. 1I want an answer. ⇒ I ……. an answer.

IV. Complete the sentences with a modal verb from the box below. Sometimes more than one answer
is possible.


1. You _______________ touch that dog. It looks dangerous!

3. The bus _______________ be here by now. That’s what the schedule says.

4. When I was six, I _______________ play violin but I haven’t practiced since then so I
_______________ play anymore.

5. I _______________ rather stay at home than go out and have dinner in a restaurant.

6. She _______________ study harder if she wants to pass the exam.

7. I’m tired. I _______________ go to bed early tonight.

8. You’ve just had a huge breakfast. You _______________ be hungry anymore.

9. Passengers _______________ speak to the driver when he’s on duty.

10. Ask Henry. He _______________ know the answer but I’m not sure.

11. When I was younger I _______________ climb to the top of the mountain without being out of

12. I _______________ have gone to the doctor, but it got better after a few days.

13. If you speak to her, she _______________ probably tell you the truth.

14. The company boss _______________ be extremely rich if he owns several sports cars.

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