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Structural Code
of the
Philippines 2015
C A L U S T E , K H AY L I E A N N
What is the National Structural Code
of the Philippines?
The National Structural Code of the Philippines
(NSCP) is used by builders to ensure that structures, such
as high-rise condominiums, can withstand the tremors of
magnitude 7 to 8.4. Only buildings, towers, and other
vertical structures such as poles and billboards are covered
by the NSCP.

What is the purpose of National

Structural Code of the Philippines?
The purpose of NSCP 2015 is to assist everyone in
the Philippines with the construction, repair, modification,
occupation, maintenance, and even demolition of any
building, whether it is private or government-owned. This
includes the Special Provisions for Seismic Design and
Detailing, laying out factors to serve as bases in designing
earthquake-resilient structure: seismic zoning, site
characteristics, occupancy, configuration, structural system,
and height, creating a requisite durability and ductility to the
How is NSCP important to
Architecture as well?

It is important for it ensures that the buildings

that were built by architects and contractors are as
durable as possible. To ensure the safety and well-
being of tenants and inhabitants. The NSCP includes
the Minimum Design Loads, Earthworks and
Foundations, Design and Durability Requirements and
many more.
Different Classifications of Structures
I. ESSENTIAL FACILITIES Basically, both emergency and defense-
related structures such as Hospitals and
other health care services, water storage
and ancillary buildings, fire, rescue,
ambulance, police stations and garages,
and designated earthquake, tornado, or
other emergency shelters.

I. HAZARDOUS FACILITIES Are locations such as oil refineries,

Chapter 1: chemical plants and major fuel or
chemical storage sites where large
General Requirements volumes of hazardous materials are
manufactured, managed or processed.
I. SPECIAL OCCUPANCY Structures that have the potential to
STRUCTURES provide capacity for special groups of
people including, but not limited to,
schools, day care centers, resident
incapacitated patients, etc.
I. STANDARD OCCUPANCY All structures housing occupancies that
STRUCTURES are not included to category I,II,III and
I. MISCELLANEOUS Includes Private garages, Carports, sheds
STRUCTURES and fences over 1.5m high
Posting and Instruments

Posting of Live Loads: Loads are a primary

consideration in any building design because they
define the nature and magnitude of hazards or
Design external forces that a building must resist to provide
safety and serviceability.
Earthquake Recoding Instrumentation: The
Strength: recorded response data from buildings and other
Serviceability: instrumented structures can be and are being
Stability: primarily used to facilitate necessary studies to
Foundation: improve building codes and therefore reduce losses
Design: of life and property during damaging earthquakes.
Specifications, Drawings and Structural Inspections, Tests and
Calculations Structural Observation
o Specifications: It contains
information on the material and
It is typically a visual inspection performed by a
design requirements mentioned in this
structural engineer to validate the structural soundness of a
home or building's weight bearing components such as
framing, foundation, beams, columns, posts, or trusses.
o Design Drawings: Design drawings
are used to communicate and generate
Structural observation is the visual review of the
concepts for an emerging design:
structural system by a representative of the Design
Professional for general conformance with the approved
o Calculations: Engineers use them to
construction documents. It is performed by a Building
determine the loads that a building
must withstand and the properties of
members that comprise its structure
What are the Loads?
• Forces, deformations, and
accelerations applied to structural
Chapter 2: elements are known as structural loads
or behavior. Structures are stressed,
Minimum Design Loads deformed, and displaced as a result of
loads. The methods of structural
analysis are used to evaluate their
results. Excessive load or overloading
can cause structural failure, so this risk
should be factored into the design or
strictly controlled.
What are the major types of
of Loads 1. Dead Loads
Buildings, towers, and other -The dead load is usually made of
vertical structures, as well as their loads that are relatively constant
components, must be engineered to over time, such as the structure's
withstand the load combinations. weight and immovable fixtures like
walls, plasterboard, or carpet.
When one or more of the
contributing loads do not function, 2. Live Loads
the most important effect will occur.
-Live loads, also known as imposed
All relevant loads, including
loads, are temporary, short-term, or
earthquake and wind, must be taken
moving loads.
into account in accordance with the
load combinations defined.
Dead Loads
The weight of all construction materials incorporated into the
building or other structure, including but not limited to walls, floors, roofs,
ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding, and other similarly
incorporated architectural and structural products, as well as fixed service
equipment, such as cranes, is referred to as "dead loads”.

Live Loads
The maximum loads anticipated by the intended usage or
occupancy are to be used as live loads, but they must never be less than the
loads specified in this section.
Wind Loads
• Is used to refer to any
pressures or forces that the wind exerts
on a building or structure. There are
actually three types of wind forces that
would be exerted on a building.
• Types of Wind Loads:
- Uplift wind loads
Other minimum loads - Shear wind loads
- Lateral wind loads

Earthquake Loads
The following earthquake provisions are
specifically designed to protect against significant
structural damage that could result in loss of life or
property. These clauses aren't meant to guarantee that
buildings won't be damaged or that they'll keep
working after a major earthquake.
Soil Lateral Loads
The foundation, basement, and retaining walls must all be built to
withstand lateral soil loads. Unless stated otherwise in a soil investigation
report approved by the building official, soil loads shall be used as the
minimum design lateral soil loads. Basement walls and other walls with
limited horizontal movement at the top must be built to withstand at-rest
strain. Active pressure can be used on retaining walls that are free to shift
and rotate at the top. The lateral earth pressure load must be increased by
the design lateral pressure from surcharge loads. If the site contains soils
with expansion potential, the design lateral pressure must be increased.

Rain Loads
Roof drainage systems must meet the requirements of the local
code. Secondary (overflow) drains or scuppers must have a flow capacity
equal to or greater than the main drains or scuppers.
Flood Loads
All new construction of buildings, structures,
and parts of buildings and structures within flood
hazard areas shall be built and constructed to withstand
the effects of flood hazards and flood loads, including
significant improvement and repair of substantial
damage to buildings and structures. The provisions
associated with the most stringent flood hazard area
shall extend to buildings located in more than one flood
hazard area.
General Requirements
This chapter sets forth requirements
for excavation, fills, footings, and
foundations for any building or structure.
Chapter 3:
Earthquake and Foundations
Excavation And Fills
Excavation or fills for buildings or structures
shall be constructed or protected such that they do
not endanger life or property. Reference is made
to Section 109 of this code for requirements
governing excavation, grading and earthwork
construction, including fills and embankments.
Excavation And Fills
Protection of Adjoining Property
The following provisions shall apply unless prevailing local laws are deemed more stringent from an engineering
• Before commencing the excavation, the person making or causing the excavation to be made shall notify in
writing the owners of adjoining building not less than 10 days before such excavation is to be made and that
adjoining building shall be protected. The condition of the adjoining building shall be documented to include
photographs prior to excavation. Technical documents pertaining to the proposed underpinning and excavation
plan shall be provided the owner of the adjacent property.
Foundation Investigation
Foundation investigation shall be conducted and a Professional Report
shall be submitted at each building site. For structures two storeys or higher, an
exhaustive geotechnical study shall be performed to evaluate in- situ soil parameters
for foundation design and analysis.

Table 303-1 Minimum required number of boreholes per structure.

A< 50 1
50< A < 500 2
A>500 2+(A/ 1000)**
(Rounded up to Nearest Integer)

* The minimum required number of boreholes should in no way be constructed as

an upper limit value.

** ”A” corresponds to the footprint area of the structure in m2.

Questionable Soils
Where the classification, Strength or compresisbility of the soil are

Expansive Soils
Soil Test
Tables 303-2 and 303-3 summarize the commonly use field and laboratory
test needed in determining the in- situ soil parameters for design and analysis.

Table 303-2 Laboratory and Field Test

Laboratory/ Field Test ASTM/ Test Designation Output Data/ Parameter Obtain
Classification of Soils
Moisture Content D2216-05 Moisture/ Water Content
Grain size Analysis D422-63 Soil Gradation
Atterberg Limits D4318-05 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit

Table 303-3 Geophysical Tests

Field Test ASTM Designation Output Data/ Parameter Obtain
Geophysical Tests
Seismic Refraction D5777-00 Maps subsurface geologic
conditions, lithologic units and
Seismic Refraction D7128 Map the top of bedrock. Estimate
classic Wave velocity of subsurface
Allowable Foundation And Lateral Footings
Pressures Number Thicknes
A geotechnical investigation and assessment shall be of Floors s of
Supporte Foundatio Width of Thicknes Depth
presented in a report. d by the n Wall Footing s of Below
Foundati (mm) (mm) Footing Undistur
Table 304-1 Allowable Foundation and Lateral Pressure on (mm) bed
Class of Materials 1 Allowable Foundation Lateral Bearing Below Lateral Sliding 4 Con Uni Ground
Pressure2 (kPa) Natural Grade3 (kPa/m of Surface
Depth) (mm)
Coefficient Resistance
1. “Intact” Tuffaceous Mas
Sandstone 1000 300 - -
1. “Lightly Weathered”
Tuffaceous 500 150 - -
1. Sandy Gravel and/ or 1 150 150 300 150 300
Gravel (GW & GP) 100 30 0.35 - 2 200 200 375 375 450
1. Well- Graded Sand, 3 250 250 450 200 600
Poorly- Graded Sand,
Silty Gravel and
Clayey Gravel (SW,SP, 75 25 0.25 -
SM, SC, GM, and
1. Clay, Sandy Clay, Silty
Clay and Clayey Silt
(CL, ML, MH and 50 15 - 7
REQUIREMENTS And Section 307 Foundation Construction Seismic Zone 4
A Pile is long cylindrical support pushed in the
ground for the stability of the structure built on the top of it. In Seismic Zones 4, the further requirements of
this section shall apply to the design and construction of
foundations, foundation components and the connection
of superstructure elements.
It is stated that individual pile caps, piers, or piles
shall be interconnected by ties.
Special Foundation, Slope Stabilization
And Materials Of Construction
General Requirements
The scope and applicability of
NSCP 2015, Vol. 1 are defined in
general terms. To assist users in better
understanding, a subsection on
perception has been added.

Chapter 4: Section Notation And

Structural Concrete Terminology
Because of the possibility that interlocking
headed bars may not be properly interlocked and
because the heads which become disengaged under
complex loadings well into the nonlinear range of
reaction, the description for hoops has been updated.
It's now known as a closed tie or continuously wound
tie, consisting of one or more reinforcement
components with seismic hooks on both ends.
Structural System Requirements
Materials, Design Loads, Structural System and Load Paths,
Structural Analysis, Strength, Serviceability, Durability, Sustainability,
Structural Integrity, Fire Resistance, Requirements for Specific Types
of Construction, Construction and Inspection, and Strength
Evaluation of Existing Structures are all topics covered in this
section. The majority of these Subsections relate to the NSCP's
other Pages. Section 426 is mentioned in the subsection on
construction and inspection, for example. The NSCP does not have
any clear criteria in the areas of sustainability and fire resistance.

Self-weight, applied loads, and consequences
of prestressing, earthquakes, volume shift restriction,
and different settlement are all considered loads. Loads
and seismic zones must be defined in compliance with
the general building code, or by another body with
jurisdiction in areas where no building code has been
legally implemented.
Two-way Slabs Beams
Section 418.10.1 The precast concrete industry's use of
(corresponding to ACI 318M11, open web reinforcement for torsion and shear in
Section 18.9.1) states that all slender spandrel beams as an alternative to the
flexural members with unbonded closed stirrups historically required by this Code.
pre - stressing tendons must have a Closing stirrups is advantageous because they
minimum area of bonded cause reinforcement congestion; but, because
reinforcement. The minimum pre-tensioning strand must be threaded through
unbonded reinforcement over the the closed stirrups, production costs increase
tops of columns is designed to significantly.
spread cracking caused by high
local flexural tensile stresses in
areas of peak negative moments.
However, slabs with unbonded
tendons are not the only ones with
high local flexural tensile stresses.
Diaphragms Earthquake
Subsection 418.12 of the NSCP 2015 Resistance Structures
included design and detailing criteria for There are a number
diaphragms in structures assigned to high seismicity of significant and substantive
areas (Zone 4). A new Section 412 incorporated changes to this Section.
design guidelines for diaphragms in buildings
allocated to low seismicity areas for the first time With the confinement
(Zone 2) “To the configuration of non-prestressed pressure, the ability of the
and prestressed diaphragms, from (a) through (d): concrete core of a concrete
reinforced column to
(a.) Cast-in-place slabs for diaphragms. withstand compressive strains
(b.) Diaphragms made up of precast components tends to improve. Axial load
with a cast-in-place topping slab. causes compressive strains. To
(c) Diaphragms made up of precast components ensure consistent lateral
with end strips made up of cast-in-place concrete deformation capability,
topping slabs or edge beams. confinement reinforcement
(d) Diaphragms made up of interconnected precast should be increased with axial
elements with no concrete topping cast in place. load.
Reinforcement Details
Mechanical or welded splices with strengths less than 125 percent of the
spliced reinforcing bars' yield strength are no longer allowed. The stagger conditions
that were associated with it have been removed. As a result, "complete" mechanical
or "full" welded splices are no longer needed.

Construction Documents and Inspection

In this section, the user will probably require some time to get used to, it
starts with the following: This Sub‐section addresses (a) through (c):
(a.) Design details that the licensed design professional must include in the
construction documents, (b.) compliance criteria that the licensed design professional
must include in the construction documents, and (c.) inspection requirements that
the licensed design professional must include in the construction documents are all
things that the licensed design professional must include in the construction
As a result, design and inspection standards have been merged and are now
linked to construction documents. “Design information” or “compliance
specifications” are the two terms used to describe the construction requirements.
This is all pre-existing content that has been rearranged.
What is structural
Structural steel is a type of steel used in
the building industry. It is engineered to have a
high strength-to-weight ratio (also known as
unique strength) and to be cost-effective as a
structural component in houses, highways,
Chapter 5: bridges, and other structures.
Structural Steel Why steel? Steel as a robust
Steel and composite designs must be suitable for
their intended use and must be both durable and practical.
As a result, once suitable designs for steel and composite
structures (or structural members) have been made, they
should be engineered, built, and maintained in such a way
that they are protected against different behavior and
usable over their construction and service times. Steel and
composite structures must both be long-lasting and
environmentally friendly.
Specification for Steel members
Steel and composite designs must be suitable for their intended use and must
be both durable and practical. As a result, once suitable designs for steel and composite
structures (or structural members) have been made, they should be engineered, built,
and maintained in such a way that they are protected against different behavior and
usable over their construction and service times. Steel and composite structures must
both be long-lasting and environmentally friendly.

Structural Steel Types and Grades

Structural steel comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Various shapes and
grades are available, depending on the needs of that particular application. Structural
steels are categorized according to the form of their cross-sections, which include the
most common I, T, and C shapes (2). The mechanical properties of steel are
specifically affected by their grade, in addition to their form.
Several types of steel can be shaped and used as beams, rods, plates, bars, or
profiles. Here are the standard structural steel materials:
Carbon Steels:
High Strength Low Alloy Steels:
Forged Steels:
Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steels:
Common Structural Shape ASTM
Alloy identification for these steels begins with A
and continues with two, three, or four digits. The four-
digit AISI steel grades that are commonly used in
mechanical engineering, computers, and automobiles are
a separate specification set. Both steels have unique titles.
For Example:
A1085 – structural pipe and tubing
A36 – structural shapes and plate

Figure 2: The Various Types of Structural Steel Shapes

Advantages and Disadvantages of Structural Steels
High Strength to weight ratio Susceptible to corrosion
Easy and high quantity production High cost to make it corrosion resistant
Formed and molded Fatigue
Cheap Buckling
Long lived Strength decrease in high temperatures

• Higher strength/weight ratio

• Good ductility:
• High Toughness:
• Architectural variety:
• Saving space:
Structural Steels Applications
Structural Steel is that the most preferential metal by architects, designers, engineers, contractors, and
fabricators. Due to properties especially highly durable, corrosion-resistant, tensile, and relatively low price has found
used in various fields.
o Construction
Structural steel has varied applications in the construction industry. It is generally used in designing and
building industrial places. Structural steel has a high strength/weight ratio that makes it excellent to use in the
construction of enormous structures such as buildings, warehouses, bridges, factories, etc. Steel frames, beams,
columns, bars, girders, plates, and many others are created by structural steel fabricators which are used in the
construction industry.
o Mining
The mining industry has a lot of applications of structural steel. Most of the components in the mining
substructure are reinforced using structural steel. All workshops, offices, structural parts of mines such as mining
screens, fluidized bed boilers, buildings are made with structural steel.
o Transportation
Structural steel is used to produce trucks, transmissions, trains, rails and ships, anchor chains, aircraft
undercarriages, and jet engine components. Most of these vehicles contain a significant amount of structural steel.
Structural steels used due to their elasticity, corrosion resistance, tensile strength, ductility, malleability, and
o Marine
Most marine vehicles are built using structural steel, for example; submarines, boats, supertankers, ladders,
steel flooring, and grating, stairs, and fabricated sections of steel. Structural steel can resist external pressures, can be
formed easily. These properties make structural steels purposive for the marine sector.
o Energy
There are a lot of structural steel applications in the energy industry. It is used in many industrial buildings in
renewable and non-renewable energy sources such as transmission towers, pipelines, wind turbines, electromagnets,
transformer cores, oil and gas wells.
Factors to be considered in the
design of steel structures
Standards To ensure proper operation throughout
service life, all components of the structure should
Standards are used to produce structural
have sufficient weight, stiffness, and endurance. To
steel forms, proportions, chemical composition,
ensure proper operation during service life, members
mechanical properties such as strengths, and
should have sufficient weight, stiffness, and endurance.
handling methods. The relevant industry or
Reserved strength must be available to cater
national standards, such as ASTM, API, BSI,
ISO, and others, are used to specify structural
o Occasional overloads - underestimated
steels. In certain cases, specifications specify only
the most fundamental conditions, such as
o Variability of strength of materials from
chemical composition limits and tensile
those specified.
o Variation in strength due to workmanship,
construction practices.
o Goal is to prevent limit state from being
1. Adaptations to site:
If the structure is a building, for instance, the designer must create a plan that has suitable arrangement for
rooms, corridors, stairways, windows, elevators, emergency exits etc and all this plan should be adapted to site so that
it is feasible, accepted aesthetically and at a reasonable cost. This is called functional planning.
2. Structural scheme:
Structural scheme is dependent on functional planning. Structural scheme includes the location of columns in
the buildings, it is to be worked out with the functional plan and sufficient space must be anticipated between finished
ceiling and finished floor for location of columns.
3. Structural analysis:
Once loads are defined and design is laid out, structural analysis must be performed to determine internal
forces that will be produced in various members of the framework. Assumptions must be made and it should be
ensured that structure in reality also behaves as it is supposed to (and as it was assumed to behave).
4. Proportionality of members:
Members must be proportioned with factor of safety in mind.
5. Factor of safety:
The development of design specifications to provide suitable values of the margin of safety, reliability and
probability of failure must take into consideration the following factors.
o Variability of the material with respect to strength and other physical properties
o Uncertainty in the expected loads
o Precision with which internal forces are calculated
o Possibility of corrosion
o Extent of damage, loss of life
o Operational importance
o Quality of workmanship
The design safety of structures may be evaluated in either of the two ways:
o Allowable Stress Design
o Load and resistance factor design

Allowable stress design:

o Based on linear elastic behavior of the material.
o The stress is in allowable limits.
o The full strength of the material is not utilized but we use less value as the limited stress value.
o It is based on linear elastic behavior of the material
o The stress on structural members is kept within the allowable limits
o Full strength of the material is not utilized but less value is used as the limited stress value.
o The tensile compressive stress is divided by a factor of safety to obtain an allowable or working stress.
Methods of Steel
Structure Design
Following are the methods
of structural steel design:
What is wood?
Wood is a flexible and fibrous
structural tissue found in trees and other
woody plants' stems and roots. It's a natural
composite of cellulose fibers that are high
in tension and are embedded in a ground
substance that prevents compression.
Chapter 6: The word "timber" refers to the wood after a
Wood tree has been felled at any point. The raw material,
also known as rough wood, or the refined material
may be used.
Timber is sometimes used to refer to felled
trees in the United States and Canada, while lumber is
used to refer to sawn wood products.
Lumber is the collective word for harvested wood, whether
it is cut into logs, heavy timbers, or light-frame members. Hardwood
and softwood are the two types of lumber. The term is also used to
describe the items made from logs in a sawmill.
Minimum Quality
• Quality and Identification
All lumber, wood structural panels, particleboard, structural glued-
laminated lumber, endo-jointed lumber, fiberboard sheathing (when used
structurally), hardboard siding (when used structurally), piles, and poles governed by
this chapter must meet the relevant standards or grading rules defined in this chapter
and be marked as such by a mark or a certificate of inspection issued by the
• Minimum Capacity or Grade
Performance measures may be used to determine the minimum ability of
structural framing members. When tests are not performed, capability is determined
using design values and calculations.
Decay and Thermite Protection
• Preparation of building site • Girders entering masonry or concrete walls
• Wood support embedded in ground • Under-floor ventilation
• Under-floor clearance • Wood and earth separation
• Plates, sill and sleepers • Wood supporting roofs and floors
• Columns and posts • Moisture content of treated wood
• Girders entering masonry or concrete walls • Retaining walls
• Weather Exposure
Wood supporting Masonry or Concrete
• Dead Load
Except as permitted by applicable parts of NSCP Volume III – Housing,
wood members shall not be used to permanently support the dead load of any
masonry or concrete.
• Horizontal Force
In buildings above one floor in height, wood members shall not be used to
withstand horizontal forces caused by masonry or concrete construction.
Wood Shear Walls and Diaphragms
Wood shear walls and diaphragms shall be restricted to 1 to 2 story dwellings unless
approved by the Building Official or by applicable provisions of NSCP Volume III – Housing. The
following provisions of this Section will be used as a basis for their construction, if applicable.

Particleboard vertical diaphragms and lumber and wood structural panel horizontal and
vertical diaphragms can be used to resist horizontal forces in horizontal and vertical distributing or
resisting elements, provided the deflection in the plane of the diaphragms does not exceed the
allowable deflection of attached distributing or resisting elements, as calculated by measurements,
tests, or analogies drawn therefrom.
• General
- General Requirement
- Responsibility Of Designer To Adjust For
Conditions Of Use
Design Values for • Reference Design Values
Structural Members • Adjustment Of Reference Design Values
- Applicability Of Adjustment Factors
- Load Duration Factor
- Temperature Factor
- Fire Retardant Treatment
What is masonry?
Masonry is an individual unit of
maybe stone or brick attached by one
another with the use of mortar.
The materials, design, construction
and quality assurance of masonry shall be in
accordance with this chapter.
Mortar and Grout
Chapter 7: The mortar is used as an adhesive material,
Masonry while the grout is utilized to fill gaps in tiles or
Selecting Portions
M 1 - - - - - - 1/4 Fine 1 0 to 1/10 2 1/4 to 3
Cement S 1 - - - - - - OVER 1/4 TO 1/2 Grout times the sum
Lime N 1 - - - - - -
OVER 1/2 TO 1 1/4 Not less of the volumes
than 2 of the
O 1 - - - - - - OVER 1 1/4 TO 2
1/4 and cementitious
not more
M 1 - - - - - 1 materials
than 3
Mortar M - - - - 1 - - Course 1 0 to 1/10 2 1/4 to 3 1 to 2 times
times the
Cement Grout times the sum sum of the
S 1/2 - - - - - 1 sum of
S - - - - - 1 - the of the volumes volumes of the
separate of the cementitious
N - - - - - - 1
volumes cementitious materials
M 1 - - 1 - - -
of materials
Masonry M - 1 - - - - - cementiti
Cement Table 703-2 Grout Proportions by Volume
S 1/2 - - 1 - - - materials
S - - 1 - - - -
N - - - 1 - - -

O - - - 1 - - -

Table 703-1 Mortar Proportions for Unit Masonry

General Conditions

Multi-wythe Hollow-Unit
Masonry Masonry
Fine .30 20 35x50
Fine 1.50 35 35x50
Fine 2.40 35 35x50
Fine 3.60 35 45x75
Fine 7.20 50 75x75
Coarse .30 35 35x75
Coarse 1.50 50 65x75
Grout Masonry Coarse 2.40 50 75x75
Coarse 3.60 60 75x75
Coarse 7.20 75 75x100
Table 704-1 grouting Limitations
Allowable Stress (Asd) Of Masonary

707.1.5.2 Tension
f1m(MP 50 75 100 125 150 200 250
10.3 1.10 2.45 4.32 6.76 9.74 17.3 27.0
12.4 1.20 2.67 4.76 7.43 10.7 18.9 29.6
13.8 1.25 2.80 4.98 7.83 11.2 20.0 31.2
17.2 1.38 3.16 5.61 8.72 12.6 22.4 34.9
20.7 1.50 3.43 6.14 9.57 13.8 24.5 38.3
27.6 1.78 3.96 7.08 11.04 15.9 28.3 44.2
707.1.4 Embedded Anchor Bolts 34.4 1.96 4.45 7.92 12.43 17.8 31.6 49.4
41.3 2.15 4.85 8.68 13.53 19.5 34.7 54.3
Table 707-1 Allowable Tension Bt, for embedded Anchor Bolts for Clay and
Concrete Masonry. kN1,2,3
6 10 12 16 20 22 25 28 f1m(MPa 10 12 16 20 22 25 28
1.56 3.51 6.27 9.83 14.1 19.3 25.9 31.9 )
Table 707-2 Allowable Tension Bt, for embedded Anchor Bolts for Clay and 10.3 2.14 3.78 5.92 7.92 8.45 9.12 9.7
Concrete Masonry. kN1,2, 12.4 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.28 9.35 9.57 10.1
13.8 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 9.17 9.79 10.4
17.2 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 9.70 10.4 11.0
20.7 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 10.1 10.9 11.5
27.6 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 10.9 11.7 12.4
34.4 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 11.5 12.3 13.1
41.3 2.14 3.78 5.92 8.45 11.6 12.9 13.7

707.1.5.3 Shear
Thank You!

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