Complete Registration Form

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a. Please fill up the form using blue pen and capital letters.
b. Completed form should be submitted accompanied by the following,
i. Coloured ic copy/passport
ii. one passport size photograph
iii. Previous qualification certificates
c. Completion letter from previous institute, if any.
A. Students information:

1. Full name (as in I/C or passport) :

2. I/C no. or passport no. :

3. Date of birth :
4. Place of birth :____________________

5. Age : _____________ 6. Email :__________________________

7. Address :

8. House no. : 9. Phone no. :

10. Tahfiz completion date : 11. Syahadah completion date:*

*Student who has completed syahadah only

B. Parent's/guardian's information:
1. Parent's/guardian's name :

2. I/C no./passport no. :

3. Phone no. :
4. Email :__________________________

5. Occupation :_________________ 6. Income :____________________

7. Mother's name :

8. : I/C no./passport no. :

9. Phone no. :
10. Email :_________________________

11. Occupation :_________________ 12. Income :____________________

13. Parent's/Guardian's address :

C. Other :

1 . Health :
A ) Sickness :______________________________________________
B ) Allergies:_______________________________________________
C ) Disability (If any, please state ):__________________________
2. Education :

1 . Previous institute/madrasah:
i. ______________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________

2 . Reason of transfer :

3. In case of emergency:

1. Emergency contact person :______________________________________

2. Phone no. :____________________________________________________

I, the above named, do hereby declare that all the information given above
are true and correct. I have read and understood the rules and regulations of
the Madrasah and I will follow and accept all the decisions made by the
institute of Akademi Pengajian Islam Sri Petaling.

------------------------------ ------------------------------------
Applicant's signature Parent's/Guardian's signature

Type of fees :
No. Fee details Amount Remark
1. Registration fee RM 600
2. Monthly fee RM 400
3. Visa (below 18) RM 1400
4. Visa (above 18) RM1400
5. Visa renewal RM600
*Students should pay the monthly fee before the end of the month.

Payment can be made to the following account no. :

Account name : Akademi Pengajian Islam Sri Petaling
Account number : 8603781575
Bank : CIMB Bank
Please send the payment details to Ustaz for record purposes.

Students are advised to memorise the rules and regulations before

enrolling into the Madrasah. They will not be allowed to join classes
until they have memorized all the rules and regulation of the

1. Every student must respect all the asatizah, the administrator

and all the staffs of the Madrasah.
2. Every student should maintain the cleanliness of themselves
and the Madrasah.
3. Every student must take part in all the programs and follow the
program schedule. For example majlis of bayan, class time,
eating time, sleeping time etc.
4. Student’s dress code should be in accordance to Sunnah. Jubah
or kurta must be above the ankles. Clothes with pictures and
writings are not allowed. Class uniforms are white jubah, white
kopiah and white turban.
5. Student’s hair should always be short and neat.
6. It’s prohibited to shave the beard.
7. Students are not allowed to smoke cigarettes or anything that
is harmful like drugs, sniffing glue etc. the Madrasah has the
right to expel any students found guilty of committing in the
above actions.
8. Students are not allowed to be in the dormitories during class
time. They are not allowed to leave any class without
9. Families or relatives are not allowed to visit the students during
classes or after classes without permission.
10. Students are not allowed to leave the Madrasah or go for
holidays without the permission of the mudir or the ustaz on
11. Students are not allowed to bring outsiders into the
dormitories. Ex-students are not allowed to enter the
dormitories without permission.
12. It is compulsory for the students to pray the five prayers in
congregation and to look after their sunnah prayers.
13. Students are not allowed to receive any form of gifts or money
from anyone besides their families. Allowance from the families
for the expenditure of the students should be send through the
Madrasah. The Madrasah will not be responsible for any losses
of personal belongings.
14. Arguing and fighting amongst the students will not be tolerated
at all. If any fighting takes place, do not take personal actions.
Consult or inform the mudir or any other ustaz.
15. Students should not participate in any kind of political activities,
form any kind of groups, or rebelling against the Madrasah or
give any statement to the media.
16. Students should create a deeni environment and studies at all
17. Students are not allowed to bring any kind of magazines, news
papers, cassette, video player, camera, cell phone or any
musical instruments to the Madrasah.
18. Students are not allowed to keep any dangerous items and
weapons like knives, sword, sharp steel etc.
19. Students are not allowed to cook in the dorm.
20. The Madrasah has the right to expel any students who are
found guilty of breaking the rules and regulations of the
Madrasah like taking drugs, arguing with the ustaz or fighting
using dangerous weapon.
21. The Madrasah, mudir and the asatizah can and will do sudden
spot-checks upon the activities of the students at any time of
the day or night.
22. Students are not allowed to borrow or use any public transport
like bicycle, motorcycles, cars etc. in the Madrasah area or
outside the Madrasah area without permission from the
23. Students are allowed to contact their families once a week after
getting permission from the ustaz on duty.
24. Students are not allowed to have any social media account
including Facebook, Twitter, Friendster etc. throughout the
study years in the Madrasah.
25. Besides the above mentioned rules, the Madrasah has the right
to change or add any new rules from time to time and the
students are required and bound to obey them.

Endorsed by
Disciplinary Committee
APISP 2022

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