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Roll No. ....;............

First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Political Science-I TIME ALLOWED:30 mlns. \.

Course Code: POL-101 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q. I Tick the following statements as True / False (10)

1. There is no difference between federation and confideration TF

2. Legislature legislate for a state. TF
3. 'Ihe main function ofjudiciary is to implement Laws TF
4. Political sciences is knowledge about society TF
5. There is no difference between psychology and political science TF
aaaaaaaaa r aa aaataaaaaaoaa,
First Semester 2018 : :
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme 3 Roil No. .....................
oo aa a o o aaoaaaaa i
oaa a o o o a a a'

PAPER: Political Science-I TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-101 MAX. MARKS: 50
Atlempt thk Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Short Questions
Q.2 Answer the following (5+5+5+5=20)
a). Define sovereignty.

b). What is legitimacy?

c). Define the tem nation.

d), What is power?

Q.3 Questions with Brief Answer (15 + 15= 30)

a). what is Political Science? Explain scope of political science

b). Explain parliamentary form of government

Second Senester - 2018 aaaaaa aaa aa a a aaaaaaaaa a a ao
Examination: P.S. 4 Years aa
I Ro[No...................... :
oo t taa a.aa aloo t l
'o e o o o t a' oe

.PAPER: Political Science-Il TIMD ALLOWED: 2 Ers. & 45 Min.

Course Code: POL-102 I 12445 Part - fI MAXMARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2. Short Questions: (4x5=20)

l. Define public opinion. How it is formulated?

lt. Define liberalism and explain its major features?
lll. What are requirements of rmpartial Elections?
lv. Define Constitution and discuss how it is arnended?

Q.3. Long Questions: (3xlF30)

L Define Political Parties. Discuss fts different kinds of functions?
11. Define Law. Discuss its kinds and various sources?
1!. Define political system. Discuss th9 key functions and features of Political
Second Semester - 2018 ..Roll No.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years

PAPER: Political Science-Il

Course Code: POL-102 I 12445 Part
- I (CompulsorT) MAXMARKS: IO
Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

llels9fuglrelcjhe correct ontion. Each MCO carries I Mark This Paner will be collected
back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. a)Choose between True and False. (5x1=5)

|. Socialism- , promotes no role of state in people's affairs: True / False

ii. One of factors that affect public opinion is media: True / False
iii. Law is not related to morality. True / False
iv. Nationalism is love for your country. True / False
v. Impartial Elections are essential part of democracy. True / f,'alse

Q.1. b)Multiple Choice Questions. (5xrd)

i. Public opinion is the viewpoint of:
a) Government b) Parliament
c) state
People in d) None of these

ii. Which ofthe following is the source of law:

a) Party
Political b) Interest group
c) TraditionVCustoms d) None of these

iii. Karl Marx gave whichtheory:

a) Nationalism b) Liberalism
c) Mancism d) None of these

iv. Elections are important part of:

a) Democracy b) Dictatorship
c) Kingship d) None of these

v. Nationalism is:
a) Love of Government b) Love for Country
c) party
Love for apolitical d) None of these
Second Semester - 2018 . RollNo.
Examination: B.S. 4 Ygars
PAPER: Political Science TIMEALLOWED: 15 Min. '.
Course Code: POLS-112 Part- I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS:10

Attemnt this Paner on this

Please encircle the correct ontion. Eech MCO carries 1 Marlc This Paper will be collected
beckefter expiry of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1 (I0xt=10)

Choose the right answer

1. Wlio is knour as the father of political Science.

a) Karl Marx b)Aristotle c)Plato

2. Political Theory is not related to

a) co,ceptr.ral clarification of ideas b) providing models of behaviour

c) Rationalization of Political propaganda

3' l, which form ofgovernn:e,t bicaureralism is an essential feature.

a) Presidential b)Parliamentary c) Federal
4. one of the following is a feature of presidential System.
a) Separation of Power b) Biparty systenr c) Supremacy

5. Idea olpopular sovereignty was presented by

a) Rousseau b) John Locke c) Hobbes

6 The Main Characteristics of the traclitional approach o1'political science u,as

a)'rhe value free study b) lnstitr"rtional stucly c) Comparative study

7. Polil.ical Science deals wirh

a) State b) Covernment c) State and Government

8. Main Function of Executive is

a) MakingLarv b) LnpJernenting I_aw c) Executing Law

9. Which form of goverrulent exists in pakistan

Parliamentary b) presidential
a) c) Unitary

10. In Islam Sovereignty belongs to

a) Allah b) State c) People
aa a aaaoa aaaa aaaaaaaaaa aa aa
Second Semester - 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years
!tt RollNo...................... :
oo t t t r oo oo
o o o o ot

PAPER: Political Science TIME ALLO\IYED: 2 Hrs. & d5 Min.

Course Code: POL$112 Part - II MAX.MARKS:50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2: Write short rnswerr. (4x5=20)

l. Describe relationship of Political Science with History.

ll. Define Legitimacy

lll, What is Unitary form of Govemment?
iv. What is meant by "Bi-Cameral"?

Q.3: Write brief aurwenr. (3xl0=30)

l. Define state. Also write down its origin and evolution of state in detail?
11. Write down the merits and demerits of parliamentary forrn of Government?
1U. What is sovereignty? Explain its kinds in detail?
aaa a a a aa a a a aa a a a a a aa aa aa aa
Third Semester 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme ! nouNo...................... :
oo a a l a a a a a aaa a a a a aaaaaaaa'

PAPER: Political Systems @eveloped) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: P OL-201 121446 MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separute Answer Sheet provided.


Q. # 2: Questions with Short Answers. (4x5=20)

1- What is Political Process?

ll- Define Political Party.
lll- Define the Term Political Culture.
lv- What is Executive?

Q. # 3: Questions with Brief Answers. (15x2:30)

i- Explain historical background of USA constitution
ii- Discuss various functions of UK Legislature.
Third Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPER: Political Systems @eveloped) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini.'.. \

Course Code: POL-201121446 MA)L MARKS: 10 '...
Attempt this Poper on lhk Question Sheet only.
NOTE: Attempt ALL questions,

Q. # l: Multiple Choice Questions. True / False, Tick the True One (10)

i- Upper House of UK Parliament is more powerful tan House of Common True / False

ii- Multi-Party system is working in UK. True / False

iii- USA has Parlimentary System. True / False

iv- The constitution of USA is a rigid constitution. True / False

v- There is no committee system in UK Parliament. True / False

aa aa a aaa aaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaa
Third Semester 2018 aa
!to tonouNo. ..................... :
ataa aaa aa oaaaaor t o'

PAPER: Political Science-I (MAS) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-221. MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Sepa?ate Answer Sheet provided
Subjecfive Type

Qs # 3: Give short answers of the followings. 20

l. Behavior and revolution of new institutions in Political Science. 5

2. Differentiate beNveen adult and lirnited franchise by explaining what they mean with
3. Briefly explain the relation of political science with 5
(b) Economics
4. Differentiate between power and authority.

Qs # 4: Explain followings, 30

l. Explain merits and demerits of Parliamentary system of govemment. 10

2. What are the agents of political socialization? l0

3. Exptain political communication in detail. l0
Third Semester 2018
Eramination: .S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Political Science-I (MAS) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini.'. \

Course Code: POL221. - MAX.IVIARKS: 10
Attemptthis Paper on thls Questlon Sheet only.
Objective fipe

Qs # 1: Fill in the blanks

1. Democracy means " " " " ' with systems of
1 ' is a social science whi ch deals
activities' political thoughts and political
governance, and the unuiy'i' ofpoiitical
behavior. teaching
science of comparison and
is the sci "1liT::"":
3. associated fields' all ofthem
rrerur' c'!r vr E'
,ypat of political actors' legislature andI assoclat€u
i* un intrastate PersPective'
Hffi,':l:* il;;il;',
:::::::::ll judiciarv T11'abiritv
to innuence or
^I-' i,ffiIili";i;;;; .,..': "" " "" the
of people'

ounigtt, control the behavior

Qs # 2: Write true
and false'
is a set of fundamental
principles or established precedents
1. A constitution isgoverned"""""
to which a state or other organization "
knowledge of city state" " ' " ' "
2. According t" S"";;t ;"lilicut "ien"e ii the result of law
3. Dejouro ,o'""ignty *"tun''u
go"'n"nt that comes irto existence as a
und hu, the suPPort of the Public ''

the sociar
perceived as inegitimate bv
i. lilirfi''[J:."'l'$::l$Ht'"J io"o*'r
Fourth Semester - 2018 ',.Roll No.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
PAPER: Political Systems @eveloping) TIME ALLowED: 15 Mints. ..
Course Code: POL-202_!!O14417 Part-I (Computsory) MAX.MARKS: 10

uestion Sheet onlv.

Please encircle the correct ootion. Each M9O carries I Mark This Paper will be collected
back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.

Q.r True / False. Tick the true one. (rxl(F10)

l. India is following the Parliamentary system. True / False

ii. Iranian Political System is liberal in practice. True / False

iii. Civil-Military relations are bad in Turkey. True / False

iv. Multi-Party system is working in Pakistan. True / False

v, Pakistan has a new political system after election of20l8. True / False

vi. Pakistan has a stable political system since 1947. True / False

vii. Shias are in majority in Iran. True / Frlse

viii. First constitution was implemented in Pakistan in the year of True / False

ix. Turkey is situated in South Asia. True / tr'alse

x, Iran is situated in Europe. True / False

Fourth Semester - 201E aaaaaaaaa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
I ooo
RottNo. ..................... :
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ao o aooo ao

PAPER: Political Systems @eveloping) TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Qourse Code: POI-202 I POI-22447 Part -ll MAX. MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Qrrcstions u'ith Short Ansl,ers $x420)

o What is l,olitical Proccss?
r l)escribc the organs oI'govcrnmcnt.
o What is constitution?
r l)escribe thc role of'.j udiciarl, in thc government.

Q.3 Qucstions with brief answcrs (10x3=30)

o l)cscribe thc rolc of gcography in thc political systcm of Palcistan.

. IIou' thc geographical location of Iran affects thc political cnvironmcnt
ol'this statc?
. Iixplain thc rolc ol'military in the politics of lral<istan.
Fourth Semester - 2018 ). RolI No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
{LLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: POL-203 I POL-22448 Part - I (Comoulsorr) MAX. MARKS: 10 ",. -'.
Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

Q.l True / False. Tick the true one. (lxrFr0)

i. Indian Muslims were living happy and successful life under True / False
British Rule.

11. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was interested to encourage Muslims True / False
tojoin politics.

lll. Muslims and Hindus cooperated in Lacknow Pact. True / False

lv. Nehru Report was rejected by Muslims. True / False

v. I(hilafat Movement was a successful attempt by Muslims. True / False

vi. Indian National Congress was established in 1906. True / False

vii. Partition of Bengal took place in l9l I. True / False

viii. Congress Ministies of 1937 were popular among Muslims. True / False

ix. Cripps Mission was welcomed by Hindus. True / False

x, Latrore Resolution of 1940 was supported by Hindus. True / X'alse

UNIVERSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB aaaaaaaa aa aa aaa a a aaaaaaaa
Fourth Semester - 2018 a
i RottNo. ..................... :
ol o o t oo aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaa a'

PAPER: Pakistan Movement TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: POL-203 t POL-22448 Part - 11 MA)L MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Questions with short Answer-s (4x5=20)

1. Horv Moplzrh uprising had crackcd Hindu-Muslim rrnity? 5

2. Why .Jinnah's l4 points arc I'amous? 5

3. f)cscribe thc objectives of Indian National Congrcss. 5

4. Describe the importance of Lahorc Rcsolution. 5

Q.3 Qucstions witir bricf ansrvers. (10x3=30)

1.f)escribe Partition of Bengal. l0

2. Explain government of Inclia Act 1935. l0

3.f)escribe the role of an1, trvo leaders towards Pahistan Movement. 10
Fourth Semester - 201E ..RolI No.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proqramme
PAPER: Introduction to Political Science TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: poL2rl tpoLil2tl4 Part - I (Com MAX. MARKS: l0
uestion Sheet onlv.

IlellgfE9iteltthe correet option. Each MCO carries I Mark This Paper will be collected
back after exoilv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.l(a) Encircle correct option (05)

1)Presidential foi-m cf goveinment means

a. Government headed by president b. government headed by prime minister

2 )Bicameral legislatu re mea ns,

a. LegislatLrre with two houses b Legislature of aristocrats

3)Democracy m ea ns,

a. Rule of people b. rule of mob

4)Root word of politics is,

a. polis b. pakis

5)The Senate of Pakistan represents,

a, the people of Pakistan b. Ttre provinces of Pakistan

Q.l(b) True or Fatse (0s)

1 Fecleral State is good for plural

societies, True/False
'). Lock's socralcontract was based on two agreernents. True/ta1se
3 l'he Senate of Pakistan is elected through direct elections. True/False
4 The concept of popular sovereignty is the base of democracy. True/False
5. United Kingdom is an example of unitary state, True/False
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaa aaaaa aa ar,oaaaaaa
Fourth Semester - 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme !to ooRoltNo...................... :
ooo r oo
e aaaaaaaaaaaa al

PAPER: Introduction to Political Science TIME ALLOWED: 2 Ers. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: POI--zll lPOl-22114 Part - II MAX. MARI(S: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Givc slrort answcrs of the tollowing quesltons (ax5=2C)

1, Discuss the relationship of PoliticalScrence with Sociology?

2 How you can compare lslamic and Western concepts of state?
3 Define sovereignty?
4. Discuss nra n features of parliamentary form of government?

Q' 3 Explain the followings: (3x10=30)

1 Define political science, and discuss its nature and scope?

2 Make a comparison of presidential and parliamentary form of government?
3 Discuss the role of legislature and executive in the working of a government?
Fourth Semester - 2018 '...Roll No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
TLLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Codg: POl,-222I G8N42417 prrt- I (Co.prlro"v) W. "..
Attemnt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.
Please encircle the correct option. Each MCO carries 1 Mark This Psoer will be collected
back after exnirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.l True / False. Tick the true one. (1x10=10)

i. Population is a key element of state. True / False

ii. Media can be a helpful tool to make foreign policy. True / False

iii. Idealism promote peaceful means to resolve issues between True / False

lv. State can come into existence without sovereigrrty. True / False

Democracy is a hindrance in the way political awareness. True / False

vi. Radio and TV are significant souraes of print media. True / False

vl1. Foreign policy deals with domestic issues of a state. True / tr'alse

viii. Democracy is Govemment by few. True / False

ix. Media can be a best source to promote awareness among True / False

x. Media can create a shong link between masses and rules. True / False
aaa aa
Fourth Semester - 2018 aa
aa oaaaaaaaaaaaa a a aa

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme aa

3 RoI!No...................... :
PAPER: Political Science.Il (MAS) TIME ALLOWED:2 Err. & 45Mints.
Course Code: POL-222 I cEN-22417 MA)L MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q2, Questions with short answers (ZO)

a, Define the term Media. (5)

b, What is lnternational Relations? (5)

c, what is electronic media? (5)

d U/hat is ttealism (5)

Q3, Questions with brief Answers. (30)

a, Discuss demerits of democracy. (10)

b, Describe features of foreign poiicy. (10)

c, Describe role cf electronic media. (10)

Fifth Semester 2018

PAPER: Western Political Philosophy-I TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl".
Course Code: POL-301 MAX. MARJG: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Qs. I : Write truc or false. 5

l. Plato can be understood as idealistic and rationalistic, much like Pythagorus

but much less mystical
2. socrates (384-32?) was born in a small Greek colony in Thrace called
3. For four years, Arlstotle served as the teacher of a 13 year old
Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon.....
4. The greatest work of Socrates is his fatnous book, "the republic""
religiolr and
5. Socrates was loved by everyone due to his unorllrodox views about
Qs. 2. Fill in thc blanks.
I . Aristotle f rnds taLrlt with . .... Schetrre tbr comrrrutrism of property'

2. 'fhe Epicurean school was estabtished in """""' in 306 B'C'

3. Polybius was a citizerl olArcadia, an importatrt member of "'"'"'""'"""'
4 Ea':ly Greeks tilled their fields antl cleveloped a " ". " Clviliz-trtions'
5. Plato was the stuclerrt of .........'....'.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme 3 Roll No. ..................... :

PAPER: Western Political Philosophy-I TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-301 MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Qs, Cive short answcr.s 5+5+515:29

I. Civc accot-llt ol',,tlre statesnran,, lry plato.
2. Lixplain rlre concepr olthe polity by
J Explain Socrares as a philosoplrer.
4. [Jriefly narrarc.jLrstice according to ,,the Republic,,
by plato.

Qs. Cive brief answers 10+10+16:36

l. Give Aristotle's criticisrn of the ideal state.
2. Cive account ol'beginning political irrstitutiorrs in Creece
3 . tJ topian isnr
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
PAPER: Muslim Political Philosophy-I TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'...
Course Code: POL-302 MAX. MARKS: l0
Attempt this Paper on this Queslion Sheet only.
Choose the answer:

I . ' A very important po(ion of Ahkamul Sultaniya was related to

a) Imamat b) Tanqid c) Bureaucracy

The theory of Group mind was presented by

a) Al Mawardi b) Ibn-e-Khuldun c) Al Ghazali

J. Who wrote Ahya ul Ulum

a) AlGhazali b) Ibn-e-Khulden c) Ibn-e-Taymiya

4. Who is famous for the work "Muqaddarnah"

a) AlGhazali b) AlMawardi c) Ibn-e-Khuldun

5. Al Mawardi beloqged to school ofthought

a) Imam Malik b) Imam Shafi c) Imam Abu Hanifa

6. Al Ghazali performed as a Prolessor ol

a) Theology b) Sociology c) Economics

7. The term Asbiyah used by

a) AlMawardi b) Al Farabi c) Ibn-e-Khuldun

8. Shahwalli Ullah's famous work is

a) Hujjatul Balagha b) Tafseer c) Tahseen

9. Who is kuown as AlMuallim ulThani?

a) At Farabi b) Ibn-e-Sina c) Al Ghazali

l0 Who is considered an authority on Greek Philosophy?

a) Al Farabi b) Ibn-e-Sina c) None of these

P.T.O. for Uldu Version
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Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme i RoltNo...................... :
'.rrooo .rrrrooorroo'

PAPER: Muslim Political Philosophy-I TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-302 MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q:2 Write short answers

1) Discuss the main features of lslamic Concept of Sovereignty?(10)

2) Define Shura and why it is important in lslamic State System?(05)
3) What is the concept of Equality in lslam? (05)

Q: 03 Questions with Brief Answers

1) Discuss lbn-e- Khuldun's explanation of The Rise and Fall of Civilizations? (15)
2) Discuss lmportant contributions of Shah Waliullah for lndian Muslims? (L5)

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Fifth Semester 2018 '.. \
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme
". \
PAPER: Comparative and Developmental Politics-I TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'..
Course Code: POL-303 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Choose the right answer

1. David Easton has listed obj ective of behavioural approach.

)2 ii) 6 iiD 8

2. Sample survey is used in approach.

i) Traditional ii) System iii) Behavioural

1- The term political system is compound of words

i)3 ti) 2 iii) l

4 Gabried Almond has given properties of political system

i)3 ii) 2 iiD 4

5. David Easton has given analysis of political system

i) Input output ii) property iii) pattern of power

6. Political culture of US is based on

i) Developing ii) participatory iii) Parochial

7. Rulemaking is part of
i) In put ii) Output iii) none of them

8. of
Pakistan political culture is facing the issue
i) Iow participation ii) low information iii) un democratic

9. Behaviowal approach is more

i) Scientific ii) Historic iii) Descriptive

10 Traditional approach is
i) non parochial ii) philosophical iii) Un static
Fifth Semester 2018 : :
Examination : B. S. 4 Years Prosra m me i .Ytl.'i::'..: ;:'.':'.': ;:'.':'i'. ;
PAPER: Comparative and Developmental Politics-I TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: POL-303 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Q.2 Write Short Answer

I) What is ComParative Politics?
II) Why we compare and what we compare
in comParative Politics?'
other system? 05
IID How political system is different from
in its nature? 05
IV) Wlry traditional approach is parochial


development' 15
Q.l Write a brief note on the concept of political
Q.2 Give a brief evolution of comparative
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme \
PAPER: Political Ideologies TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'.
Course Code: POL-304 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Shebt only.


Q. 1 Choose the correct option (05)

L Marxism was ideology given by......

a). Ronald Raegan b). Aristotle c). Both d). None of these

2. A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a

state, typically through eiected representatives is known as...............

a). Capitalism b). Democracy c).Nationalism d). None of these

3. Democracy is originated from .......... language.

a). Roman b). Greek c). Latin d). None of these

4. Multiparty system is .................... to political stability and parliamentary

a). Supportive b). Dangerous c). Irrelevant d). None ofthese.

5. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and

industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
a). Communism b). Capitalism c). Social Theory d). None of these

Q. 2 Choose Correct or Incorrect Statement. (05)

1. Capitalism was the ideology practiced by USSR during cold war......

2. If the head of state is also democratically elected then it is called a democratic

3. Socialist movements became prominent in Germany after 2nd World
4. The greatest invention of capitalism is often said to be the "Joint Stock

5. Violence. coercion and other illegal acts are the modes of operation of a
democratic government. .
-a a a a a aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a

Fifth Semester 2018 : :

Examination : B.S. 4 Years programme t .T:,j.T:: ;: ...:
PAPER: Political Ideologies TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Code: POL-304 MA)L MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Q.1 Write short notes: (5+5+5+5=20)

l. Non-governmental democracy with examples.
2. Pressure groups
3. Investment & its importance in capitalism.
4. A Short note on Caiiphate.

Q.2 Write detailed answers. (10+10+10=30)

l. What is nationalism and how it was a cause of WWl.

2. Discuss in detail the 3 Cs (Constitution, Consent, and

Consultation) of Islamic democracy.

3. Forms of Democracy in details with examples.

Fifth Semester 2018

PAPER: Public Administration TIME ALLOWED: 30 mlns....

Course Code: POL-305 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Poper on this Question Sheet only.
Choose the right answer

What is the basic function of any organization

i) Profit ii) Loss iii) Hierarchy

Red-tapism is found in
i) Media ii) Private organization ii i) bureaucracy

Public policy is made by

i)Government institution ii) Private organizations iii) independent organizations

POSDCORB means in publ.ic administration is

i) Scope of public administration ii) Criticism of public administration
iii) Appreciate of public administration

Meaning of Private administration is

i) adm.inistration of house hold ii) Administration of private organizations
iii) Administration of government

One of the reasons for rise of big government is

i) Increase in population ii) increase in budget iii) increase in government
7. Ombudsman fur-rction is
i) administrative control on finances ii)judicial control on finance iii) Legislative control
on llnance

Budget means
i) Financial statement ii) Accountability iii) Transparency
Bureaucracy is the helper of
i) Govemment ii) Media iii) Judiciary

l0 Public administration is attacl-recl to

i) Physics ii) Biology iii) Economics

Fifth Semester 2018 :rt _ ,, _,


Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme :. .T:llJj::.;:...:...:...:...:;:;...:

PAPER: Public Administration TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-305 MAX. MARKS:50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Q.2 Write Short Answer

i) Define the difference betu,een Public administration and Political Science
il) Write the characteristics of public administrations 05
IV) Write the various fbrms communications 05


Q.r Whatarethebasicfunctionsofjudiciaryandlegislativeaboutthework
theory t5
Q.2 Define the bureaucracy and make a critical analysis of Max-Weber's
aaaoaa a a aaa a aaa a a aa a aaaa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa
Examination: B.S, 4 Years Prosramme
oo o
RollNo. ..................... :
ot oooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

PAPER: Western Political Philosophy-Il TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Cource Code: POL-306 Part- II MAX MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2: Write short answenr. (4x5=20)

i. Make a comparison of Hobbs and lnck's concept of Law of Natural?

ii. Write a short note on "Concmunist Manifesto" written by Karl Max.
iii. Write a note about Rousseau's concept of General Will?
iv. How Bentharn developed the concept of Utilitarianism?

Q.3: Write short aurwers. (10x3=30)

i. Critically evaluate "The Prince" written by Machiavelli?

ii. Discuss the concept ofLaw ofnature presented by John Lock?
iii. Critically evaluate the concept of Liberty presented by J.S. Mill?
Sixth Semester - 2018

PAPER: Western Politicsl Philosophy-Il TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.

Course Code: POL306 Part - I (Com MAX.MARKS:10

Attemot this Paoer on this

back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

(J 1 Choose the right i),tswer. ( I0l

I. .lermy Benthanr developed School ofthought.

a) Hurnanitarianisrtr b) Utilitarianism c) none of these.

l. Loi:ll's Slr,rercigtri is befoi-c the pecpls

a ) AccoL[ttable b) not accountable c) none of the abol'e.

J. 1he concept of power politics is given by

a) Karl iVlarx b) I-Iegel c) \'Iach iavelli

1. Filst Corrntunist State r.vas fbunded bi,

a) Lenrn b) Sralin c)Malx

5, Marx presented the thr-ory ol

a ) Porver politics b) Itealisnr c) Sr-rrplns value

6. Divine Rights of king, pro.iect by

a) Ror.rsseau b) Hobbs c) Lock

t. On Libcrty is wlitten bv
a) Benthan-r b) Laski c) J.S. llill
8 lvl achiavelli belongecl to
a) l: l'ance b) Italy c) England

9. Karl Marx's the ntrrst [rrr.rous lriece ol' writing is

l) (-irnlntunisl lr'lrnr lesto b) Conrrnan,inrcnL c) Desile tr-rl peace.

10. 'l'he basis of'llobian Social Contract is

a) irear b.) Selfishness c) Desire ol peace.
aa a a a
aa aa a a aaaaaaaaaaoa a aa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa
Examination:.8.S. 4 Yeers P{oeramme
!ll ooRouNo......................
l oooooaoaoooooooaaoal

PAPER: Muslim Political Philosophy-Il TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Min.

Course Code: POL-307 Part - II MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q. 2: Write Short Answers: (4x5=20)

i. Discuss the concept of Khudi?

tl,/'*V:t!r* Lt|ti .1

ll. Discuss the concept of Pan-Islamism?

tc-t/S;tsuttgt .ii
lll. Who was LJbaidullah Sindhi, give his life sketch?
y'tl'c:'2uuLg)ttz-s)fi!'/>)u: .lll
iv. $/rite about the teachings
Ali s;#c/
ttf {,>t*,le;& .iv

Q.3: Write Brief Ans?yen: (3xlF30)

i. Discuss the salient features of lqbal's concept of Rlucation?

r s1,luv.ep P,r1t { e F LJ$t .t
How Maulana Moudoodi tried to reform the Indian Muslims?
t {,f $L L6 /. { o }tP 0v, * Ld : v / il/
e .11

lll. What was the role of Imam Khumaini in hanian Revolution?

I sr-,f,*Vtt!tu,/Lsf 1t et,.$ t$t r-r .iii
Sirth Semester - 2018 ..Roll No.
Examination: B.S. 4 Yeans proeramme
PAPER: Muslim Politicat philosophy-Il TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: POL307 part I fCbmr MAX. MARKS: 10

bnek after exoi of time limit mentioned above.

Q: 01 Fill in the blanks by choosing the right answer (10)

l-. Allama lqbal was great admirer of -----__-_-_-___

a. Maulana Roomi b. Alghazali

2. Major portion of lqbal's poetry is in ----------____- languages.

a. English b. Urdu and persian
3. Jamaluddin Afghani is known for his work on -_-_-__-__---_
a. Muslirn brotherhood b. Egyptian Muslims
4. Maulana Maudoodi started his work in _----_--__--__-
a. lran b. lndian sub,continent
5. Syed Qutb and ------------- have similar contributions in Muslim philosophy.
a. jamaluddrn Afghani b. Hasan furabi

6. iaved Nama is written by-----____-

a. Ilafiz Jalandhary b. Allam tqbal

7. lmam l(humaini belonged to--_---_-_____-.._

a. lra q b. lran

B. The founding father of lamat-e- lslami was_-_____--_

a. Hasan Turabi b. Maulana Maudoodi

9. The teachings of lmam Khumaini brought revolution in

a. lran b. Egypt

10. lqbal used the word Shaheen for --------------

a. lndian Youth b. Muslim youth

PTOfor Urdu Version

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Sixth Semgster - 2018
''' ''' 'o' ' ' ''''''' '''' "
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Prosramme ' tit0ll lf0. .....................
' aoo
oa aooooooaaaaa aa aaaaaal

PAPER: Comparative snd Developmental Politics-Il TIME ALLOWED: 2IIrs. & 45 Min.
Course Code: POI-308 Part - II MAX. MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2: Questions with Short Answers: (4x5=20)

i. Define the concept of political modemization?

ii. Define charismatic leadership?
iii. Just highlight four hurdles in the process of Political development?

iv. Why political parties are important in the process of political development?

Q.3: Questions with Brief Answem: (3xlF30)

i. How ethnicity create hurdle in the way of national integration? Explain with
special reference to Pakistan?

ii. Write a note on Political Participation?

iii. Is behavioural approach still relevant?
Sixth Semester - 2018 '..Roll No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Comparative and Developmental Politics-Il TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.

Course Code: POI-308 Part - I (Comnulso MAX. MARKS: 10

Attemnt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

back after exnirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1 Attempt this paper on this Question sheet on1y.

1.David Easton is famous for working on in political science.

(a) Traditional approach (b) System theory (c) Individualism
2. Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach was written by
(a) Easton and Almond (b) Easton and Powell (c) Almond and Powel
3. _ __, __ is a movement in political science which insists on analyzing only
observable behavior of political actors.
1a) Behavioralism (b) Traditionalism (c) Humanism
4. is a kind of political culture where citizens are not aware about central
governrnent, its structural foundations and functional role.
(a) Subject culture (b) Civic culture (c) Parochial culture
5. is the prooess through whioh individuals get fzrniliarized with the
values of politics and power to shape their political orientation.
(a) Political socialization (b) Psychoanalysis (c) Discourse analysis
6. Behavioralism is based upon
(a) Empirical approach (b) Historical approach (c)Psychological
7. Differentiation and Specialization are characteristics of
(a) Leadership (b)Democratization (c) Political developmcnt
8. Majorproblem for Pakistan's democracy is
(a) Corruption (b) Econornic situation (c) Tenorism

9. Pakistan's political leadership is highly characterized by

(a) Participative style (b) Authoritative style (c) Laissez Faire
10. Political system has to perform output functions.
(a) 1'wo (b) Tluee (c) Four
Sixth Semester - 2018 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
!tt RonNo...................... :
o ooooooo totoooooooo tt a ao

PAPER: Ilistory of International Relations TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Min.

Course Code: POL309 Part- II MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Seprrate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2: Questions with Short Answers: (ax5=20)

i. Discuss the main features ofNew World Order?

ii. Define terrorism. Discuss the causes of terrorism?
iii. Discuss the causes of disintegration of Soviet Union?
iv. Define Globalization. Discuss its disadvanrages?

Q.3: Questions with Brief Ancwen: (3rf0=30)

i. Discuss the Origin and Causes of Cold War?

ii. Discuss the Origin and Causes of World War tI?
iii. What is globalization? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages?
Sixth Semester - 2018 '. RoIl No. ..................

PAPER: History of International Relations TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. '.
Course Codei POL3O9 P"rt - I (Co.polt

uestion Sheet onlv.

Q.l(a) Objective Type Questions:

1. Where did the subject of lR originated:

b. US
c. lnd ia
d. None of These
2. Which agreernent ended USSR invasion of Afghanistan:
a. Paris accord
b. Ceneva Accord
c, Virs'ailes Treaty
d None of 'Ihesc
3. How many states have declared nuclear Weapons:
a. 8
b, 10
c. 1Z
d. None of these
4. Which of these conferences were held in the last months of World War ll:
a. Pa ris Conference
b. Sevres Conference
c. Ya lta Conference
d. None ofThese
5. One of the major causes of Globalization is :

a. Democracy
b. Religion
c. CommunicationTechnologY
d. None of These

Q.l(b) True/Fatse Tick the True one (lx5=5)

i, World War I started in l-920. T/F

ii, League of Nations was established after World War l. T/F

iii, USSR was major supporter of socialist ideology. T/F

iv, Cuban missile crisis took place in 1960. T /F

v, Cold War started in1930. T/F
T]NIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ta
Sixth Semester - 2018
aaooo oaaoo otttoa
PAPER: Introduction to Local Government TIME ALLOWED:2 Hrs. & 45 Mints-
Course Code: POL,-310 Part - fI MAX. MARKS:50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Qucstions with short aus\vers. 20 nr a rl<s

l . lJelluc Local Se lt Gor,'ernrlent Systenr. 5

2. Desclibr' thc st|rrcttr|e ol-l-ocal (itlYCInnrent in I)al<istan . 5

l. Ilesclibe' responsibilities r'ri'people in Local Goventn.ietit. 5

4. Defir-re clcct:utralization olpou'cr. 5

Q.-1 Qrrcstions u'ith sltolt ans\1 ct's. 30 rnarl<s

l. Describe the li.irrds rrl tlansler o['porver at the local lcve l? 10

) l:xpllin reriou: >tr'ps lbt it'ttptuvctrrctrt in Local Govet'utlent Systerl of developing

statcs. l0

-). Hou,Local Governnrerrt Sy'sterl plal-s its role to\vards the developntent ol a corrntrl' l0
Sixth Semester - 2018 . RolINo.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
PAPER: Introduction to Local Government TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: POL-310 Part- I (Com MAX. MARKS:10

Attempt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

Please encircle the correct ootion. Each MCO carries 1 Mark This Paoer will be collected
back after exoirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. True / False. Tick the True one. (1xl0=10)

l' Local Government System in true sense empowered the people. True/False

ll. Local Governrnent system discourages comlption. True/False

ll1. Public Services are not the firnctions of local government. True./False

lv. Good govemance is not linked with local govemment. True./False

Local Government works at national level. True/False

vl. There is no role of provincial goverrunent in local govemment. True./False

vlt. Local government shares power and promotes the

accountability of local public services. True/False

viii. Law making enforcement is the frrnction of local government. TruelF alse

ix. Local Government system leads towards the power of people. True/False

x. Pakistan has a stable local govemment system since 1947. True/f,'alse

aa a a
a aa a a aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa

Seventh Semester 2018 : :

pxamination: g.S. + years Piosramme
i *:l'.nJ::';:'.':'.':'j:'.':'.':'j'. j
IAPER: Method of Study & Research TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
C.ourse Code: POL-401 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Question with short answers 5x4: 20

l. Define Behavouralism
2. What is comparative method
3. Define concept
4. Can you describe generalization

Part - III 30

Question with Brief Answers

Q.l. What is research discuss its kinds and importance? l5

Q.2 Wlrat is Hypothesis, explain its varior-rs kinds. l5

u. (sx+=zo) al-t7trf

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t g-./,*v t t! 1Li L-8 tt Q.fuy,*t t s +{f l;tt

4/ctV. *t t9 { d $ 7t il{ s'f -Q

Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme

PAPER: Method of Study & Research TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini:.

Course Code: POL401 MA)L MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Filt in the blank with right answer (10)

A___ _ _s tudy dilected towards greater knowledge

a) Basic research b) Pure research c)aandbboth

2. Research that seeks to solve practical problem is called

a) Basic researcl-r b) Applied research c) Exploratory research

3. N4cthod in which data collected, using a qrrestionnaire. analyz-ed statistically is.

a) IvlultiMethod qLralitative b) Nlono lvlethod qualitirtive c) Mono method quantitative


4. is the classical form of Research?

a) Experiment b) Case study' c) Grounded theory

5. Final layer of research onion is

a) Time horizon b) Strategies c) Case study

6. A terature Revieu' requires

a) Ptanning b) Lot of rewriting c) All of the above

7. Condircling sule-v used to generate

a) Primary data b) Secondary data c) Qualitative data

8. Theoretical I'r'amework discusses the relationship among

a) Variables b) Concept c) 'fheorl

9. Irollowing are included in good research except

a) Defined pupose b) Planned c) Ambiguous results

I0 F'ollowing are the synonyms of dependent variable except

a) Measured outcome b) Response c) Predicted from

PTOfor Urdu Yersion

Atumpt this Paper on this euestion Sheel only.

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Roll No.
Seventh Semester 2018
Exsmination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPER: Foreign Policy Anatysis TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins).

Course Code: POL-402 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Max Mark. = l0 Part-I

l. SAAI{C rr,'as established in

i) 1993 ii) l98s iij) 1990 ir,) 1998

2. Drplomatic relations betrveen Pakistan and Atghanistarl were established in

itSep. 1947 ii) Feb. 1948 iii) Jan. 1949 iv) Feb t%6
). Pakistan exploded her first nuclear bomb on
i) 28'i' NIay 1998 ii) l4tr' August 1998 iii) 4tr' April 1998 ir.') 5'r' .lune 1998

4. \Mro u,as dre writer of Politics Among Nauons ?

i) Morgenthau ii) Charles Stephen iii) P Cohen iv) D.M Hamath

lracl occLtpied Kun'ait in

i) .lLrlv 1990 ii) AugLrst 1990 iii) December 1990

Irconomics in au insLnuncnls in
(i) International politics (ii) State (iii) USA (iv) U.K.

7 . Cuban Missile crisis happened between rr,,hich two super powers

(i) USA & Gem.rany (ii) USA and Rr.rssia (iii) USA and Soviet Union (iv)USA & Japan

8. Cricller l)iplontacv conres under the lread of

(i) Track-I,, (ii) 'i'rack- 1.5 (iii) Track-II (iv) 1'rack-III

9 Foreign policl,analvsis helps to

( ii) Decide (ii) prornote (iii) states (ir,) none of above

10 9i l1 incident irappencd iu the year

(i) 20(,)l (ii) 2002 (iii) 2003 (ir) 2004
a a aaa a aaaaaaaa aaa a"a
Seventh Semester 2018 : :
Examination : B. S. 4 Yea rs Prosram me l. .1:T.I]:'.';:'i:'.':'j:'j: ;:'i'. .:

,, PAPER: Foreign Policy Analysis TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-402 MAX. MARKS: 50


,\1tcn-ip1 'l'his Papet'on a Separale Ansu,er Slreet Providccl

Q.2 Write Short Answer

r) Write dorvn few approaches of foreign 1:olicy 05

II) Wrat iire the major kinds of F-oreign Policy? 05
l rI) DcIine Iioleign Policy? 05
IV) What do you uudei'stand by foleign policy anall,si:'l 05


Q.r Criticalll, explain tl're role of dornestic factols in Foreign Policy'Making. l0

Q.2 Llow Media can in1'luence foreign policy decision naking plocess? Explain with
exarr-rples 10
r) 'i
Write down the cleterminants of Foleign Poiicy 10
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Public International Law-I TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins)'..

Course Code: POI-403 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q. 1 True / Fasle, Tick the TRUE one. (2 x 5 = 10 marks)

l. There is no difference between Intemational Law and Municipal Law.

I True / False ]
2. International Law deals with domestic issues of a state:

I True / False ]

3. Jean Baden is father of Modern International Law:

I True / False ]

4. Treaty is not a source oflnternational Law:

I True / False ]

5. De-Jure recognition is permanent recognition.

I True / False ]
aaa a a aaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Seventh Semester 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme i RottNo. ..................... !
taa aaaoaaa o l a l o oooaooooott

PAPER: Public International Law-I TIMEALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL-403 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on SeParate Answer Sheet provided

Question with the short Answers. (20 Marks)

a). What is Customary Law

b). What De-Facto Recognition?

c). Define the Terrn State.

d). What is dualist Theory?

Q.3 Question with Brief Answer (30 Marks)

a). Discuss Nature and Scope of lntemational Law

b). Explain Exclusive Economic Zone.

c). Discuss State as a Subject oflnternational Law

a aoa aaa aaaaaaaaa
Seventh Semester 2018 : :

Examination: B.S.4 Years Prosramme i.T:tl.nJg:.;:.j:...:...:...:...:.j.. j

PAPER: Foreign Policy of Pakistan TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: POL-404 MAX. MARKS:50

Attempt this Poper on Separate Answer Sheet provided

Q.2 Write a note on the following: (4x5=20marhs)

i. Pakistan-US relations during Trump Era og)t7-JstnL,rDt-il
ii. Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline tlu;y,{ady-dr4lw
iii. Challenges to Pakistan's sovereignty sP&,/*!v{sdtrttt
iv. Modi doctrine: isolate and Encircle Pakistan cl A ud'r./&,lt / ctdy-, / fil' r -O

Q.3 Answer these questions: (30 marks)

l. Discuss the prevailing hydro-politics in South Asia and expand on how does it (15)
affect Pakistan-India relations?

,n .M arydlL srt tt { s. 4G+ t! J r tdp uyao-routi ca Lt E LP-t 4t -t

The alliance of Pakistan-US is usually referred as that of "disenchanted allies? (ts)
What measures can be adopted to reduce trust deficit and enhance cooperation
between them both on strategic and economic front?

Lu{dotTrbL'u{frKorecochmtcdAlli d .J$th/'g LLloudt -r

-4 d r -g 4- L Lv z,st,g I v,t { ;J 6; .,,t LJfoQ' &cM,
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme

PAPER: Foreign Policy of Pakistan TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins. '.

Cource Code: POI-404 MAX. MARI$: 10
Attempt this Paper on rhis Question Sheet only.

Q. I Mark the correct atrswer of the following questions .' -:4grut!*Ve€

l. AFPAK policy was announced in:
a).2006 b). 1999 c).2009 d). None of these
tt{t{,*rsurfd yody-ct$t r

..ndJ/* t,,llO lttlJT r..l{Jl,

2. Ship mounted energy project (activated in Pakistan in 2010) in sponsored by:
a) Iran b). china c). Turkey
d). None ofthese
ql l-,/,t rt& ilLo) sfi a, uc odyilo*4kwrt* -r
,.ndi/* {ito 6lw gt4tJ-il
3. SAARC was established in:
a). 1993 b). l98s c). 1990 d). None of these
tly(t&,ct/J* r
,.ndU* ttt.-(O ItA6-(y mr{J,,
4. Pakistan has become non-pennanent member of Sectrity Council for:
a). 7 times b). 4 times
c). 6 timesd). None of these
?e,s r,{d^JY ; fifiL,{ ctdg -t,
,,ltl6/* Arr-Qt l/rJw 4,/Lt-tt
5. Pakistan left commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in:
a). 1988 b). l9S9 c). 1985
d). None ofthese

-6,P, * Jty" lt tt /.(P y' u gltszr Lodl r

,,ntl6{tr tchoJ.o ItAtJT tt,f,fl-/t
6. Which time period is called period of alliances in Pakistan's freign policy:
a). 1950s and 60s b). 1960s and 70s
c). 1970s and 80s d). None of these
t avl(,, / (*liV/Lr..{ LO! y*,v,!ody -t
,,16u* Acutilltc*{O Z,rvrlltt.s-(i, 1os/|lilos-LJ,
7. Which name was given to Pakistan and Russia joint military drills in 2017:
a). Friendship b). Friends c). Both A & B
d). None of these

-{1, ry,Ju
ft{ittP,F l-"
ulzortelt LLlu tr sdl z
u166/* (w)t(d)duJs shlJw *Wl-tt
8. Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were established in:
a). Sep. 1947 b). Feb. 1948 c). Jan 1949
d). None ofthese
-z-t ( c SboY t Letr)s,t
!o@ odl t
,.n6U* nr'1Jti?!Q ttr'^rhiJw nrz/J-il
9. PakistanjoinedNAM intheyear:
a).1978 b).1980 c). 1981 d). Noneof these
a!,p J,.llatWV /
t Lud! -t
,.166/*nu.lro ttA.{v n.AlJtt
10. Members of Quadrilateral group are US, Pakistan, China and
a). India b). Russia c). Afghanistan d)' None of these --:
-d u6,sdy, ltt dut LGv t
d,+)r'-l pt'/ -t.,

,.1,16/t' c)PgtJlz drtw eil../.-lt

Roll No.
Seventh Semester 2018

PAPER: Diplomacy TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini.''.

Course Code: POL-405 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Max Malk. 2x5- l0 Part-I

Q.1 Attempt this paper on Question paper.

Choose the right answer

1. Economic diplomacy is the use of the full spectrum economic tools of a state to achieve
i) National Interests ii) International Interest iii) Local Interest

2. Which of the follou'ing is about soft power and public diplomacy? Select all that apply.
i)Economic sanctions ii)Cultural exchange programmes iii)Voice of America

3. Diplomatic method have undergone important changes since the

i) V icr-rna Conventions ii) World War-l iii) World War-ll

4. What is the chief instrument of foreign policy?

i) Elections ii) Intelligence iii) Diplomacy

5. TI-re functions of diplomatic mission are reporting and negotiation

i) Substantive ii) Primary iii) Modem

6. The infusion ofinterest groups, legislatures, and public opinion into the foreign policy
process is referred to as
i)Opendiplomacy ii)Democratizeddipiomacy iii)Parliamentary diplomacy

1 . During 1960 the relationship betrveen open and secret diplomacy was introduce by
i) Nicolson ii) Mechiavelli iii) George Bush

8 Till the end of century traditional diplomacy continued

(i) 17tr' (ii) l Sth (iii) 1gtr,

9. Trump believes in Diplornacy

i) Coercive ii) Public iii) Secret

10 Pakistan India need diplomatic

i) Negotiation ii) propaganda iii Coelcive Method

PAPER: Diplomacy TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: POL405 MA)L MARKS:50


Attempt I'his Paper on a Separate Answer Sheet Provided

Q.2 Write Short Answer

r) What is rhe role of foreign office 05

II) Define diplomacy. 05
rII) W-leat do you understand by the term persona non grata 05
IV) Name four functions of diplomacy 05


Write a note on the evolution of diplomacy 10

Q.2 What are main characteristics of a good diplomat l0
Q.3 What do you understand by types of diplomacy give the difference
between old and new 10
aa a aaaa aaaaaaaa aaa a aaaaaaa

Seventh Semester 2018 : :

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme i .T:T.,]:: ;: ;: ;:...:...:'j::'. ;
PAPER: Foreign Policies of USA and [IK TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: POL-406 MA)L MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheetprovided.

Write a note on the following: (20 Marks)


' ,,,4 Ji / l';/"*

Future of NAFTA (5 Marks)
F r/*t ri
1'rump's travel ban arrd its prospects l5 w]prk;l ,/t-
,l*,.'i;l'/ /' rJ'-<"rt tii
- -.
J.t &tL d,y- ,tr
Economic implications of Brexit (5 Marks)
*J-t,/ I 6-" b. / *eaitt iii
US withdrawal from lranian Nuclear Deal (5 l\4arks)

,j,/ r i r (/ 7t tlv
A Vr z:- z-4itz '7

Answerthesequestions:(30Marks) ,
-> ,-. ttS/,-. It t/)t't''
1. Define the central objectives of British foreign policy since the end of Cold War? (15 Marks)

L4 u? rta,J /iio,llJ,G r/,::ri '/ /4bL J4)'/ (l

2. Since 9/11the violence Middle
US has wagLd an endl-ess in the statement.
East. Discuss Also present
your reflections on the prospects of US involvement in Middle East? (15 Marks)

. d- 2,, (z
\^rt ,-;i 6it .t) rsry' ,f t 6f i7t /1 ,a

L/-Z'-S- o,: Fu' 0f ,Y' ' 6/-" 'i if ^ta2

t ,*/ I,u
Seventh Semester 2018
Examinstion: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: X'oreign Policies of USA and UK TIME ALLOWED:30 mins. '.

Course Code: POL406 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Poper on this Question Sheet only.
Mark the correct option of the following questions: (10 Marks)

1. operation Desert shield was launched by ttre US to deferrd saudiArabia rn.

a) leso -|/L,r;;J4/rq/_/6,r-r/,-7, ,rt: j,/_; cl/i I
b) 2oo1
lg?o (a
c) 1e91 Zoo I ( L
d) None or these
r/"i ) ::
2. The 'exit day'that will observe withdrawal of UK from
EU is:

a) March20r.e,Uf1 (/, L't ) 4' J/, r tr,,1/EU' )U,/ 1' Flt 0?'r,
b) 2019
Zo0 (: tti B
Lo 19 6 /' (b
c) November 2019 '
) tc
?-ol? ,,"
d) rhese j
frl ,/.' l, d
None of

3. Current Secretary of State for foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in UK is:

u/A4t / ,r, i .'? )2, t3

a) Jeremy corbyn(f. ,rt g., t, u)v/n:o/.
b) Boris iohnson
c) Theresa May
d; tz rf.,/, 7b
d) None of these
z-t-l;t G

04 ,j'i i' to
4. Kerry Lugar Bill is about:
.+ - rl o/'J // l'/
a) Aid spccifically to pakistani flood victims

b) Aid to Pakistan

c) Aid to Muslim countries

z-.,u./,roi{s)'or"n 'o '-:tJr r'
d) None of these

"i' ';(t
,y, sj/Jb {
{(' (L


u:;'Y'jl (d
), ,
. ). /_.))i-t
,/r. '/*r,'4"r, ;' rlt z ls
5. Missile Crisis of 1962 was between: . i,/t o',.
a) USA, USSR and Cuba t, r'- ,ti r.r" 2 ' ' '! /' Iq
b) USA, USSR and EgYPt 211 g-s' '[/11 sl
c) USA, USSR and lran Cr
' ', '!flt/
u4 &' Li/
d) None of these G.r.o.) t
6. NATO announced
, ,/ -, / .-r,,-,;rJwl 1_yl
to hand over all security operations in Afghanistan to Afghans in: .
a),/u* k LL
".i;'-/i*ti;t' wt ;t^lj C,Y f (a
il ::,:'; )otz
d) Noneofthese ,':
u:i i ll (r"
7. The British secretary of foreign affairs A. Balfour announced British support to establish Jewish state
-i';itfuil;f ,t ,iP z- tl v ;/'' :1,' '
'L o.
b) octoberlelo
' t
d-t -Y
c) December 1918 tl ?),'r' I C a
d) None of these trt l/7tcL
8. D6tente between the us and USSR is the period from:
a) 19s9-69 . I
/r /.' ( DI
b) 196e-79
c) 1980-90
, + v tq t{ic7ut D*;* uV, : 7l' z
,tt ,4-/ l

d) None oi these
t?t?- (? ((
t?6' - 79 1b
.t trt -
9. Monroe Doctrine was given in: 9tt (c
:19 d )
a) 1922
// [- )
b) )/u b) 2.t,r
,d t r,Jf (f u* r' /r'''/-'
c) 1924
| 9ZZ
d) None of these
t?23 t,
tczf (c

u4,/ u
) (d
10. The Great Britain and Russia agreed to make Afghanistan a buffer state between their empires in:

a) l8t9
b) 1897
c) 1869
d) None of these

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