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Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration

MGNT2512I Global Experiential Learning II
Term 2, 2023-24

Name: Dr. Toni Maria Tong
Office: Room 834 Cheng Yu Tung Building, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin
Phone: 3943 7651
E-mail: tonimariatong@cuhk.edu.hk
Office hours: By appointment

Name: Ms. Letitia Lee
Office: Room 837 Cheng Yu Tung Building, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin
E-mail: letitialee@link.cuhk.edu.hk
Office hours: By appointment


Welcome to this full 100% online course.

You should already note that we have developed two new online 1-credit each Global Experiential Learning
(GEL) courses – GEL I (MGNT 2511) and GEL II (MGNT 2512) that adopt innovative pedagogical
approach to realize the synergistic learning outcome of transformative experiential education by integrating
academic contents and experiences of global business. And all of you should have completed GEL I
(MGNT 2511) that introduces fundamental concepts of global business operations.

Now, you will continue to take this one-credit course which focuses on live global learning experiences
categorizing into outbound (e.g., term-time exchange, study trips, international internships, overseas service
trips) and inbound (e.g. local internships or consulting projects in multinational corporations or firms with
strong global orientation). Upon completion of the global expedition, you will be assessed on your
reflections, conceptualization, and experimentation of GEL and acquisition of global competencies.

In addition, some of the students will benefit from a well-known business education pedagogy using online
case-based teaching and learning environment by studying real-life global business cases.

As it is a 100% online course, the instructor may not be able to contact you face-to-face as usual. Please
check your emails, Blackboard announcements on frequent basis to avoid missing important information and
updates about the course. Missing course important information or updates can result a failure grade of the
course without any notice, so please be very careful.

After completion of the online course, students should be able to:

1. develop understanding of global environments through learning and reflective observations.

2. acquire global competencies and orientations in terms of necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and
others required in global business and situations.
3. apply global business knowledge and concepts through concrete experiences and real life business
environment (including analyzing business cases).
4. transform global business knowledge through active experimentation.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 1


This is a Distinction/Pass/Fail course using 100% online without face-to-face lectures. The whole course,
including online lectures, readings, exercises, cases, etc. will be delivered via Blackboard. And for all
assessments, there are due dates to help keep track of the learning schedule.

Tasks Description Learning Assessment

Outcome Weighting
1. Online lectures & Complete all online classworks and correctly 1, 2 30%
classworks answer all the questions
2. Report writing* Summarize and reflect the global experiential 3, 4 70%
learning experiences
*For external review

NOTE: Students must get at least a pass in BOTH classworks AND report writing before they can pass the
whole course.

Belonging to Category A students in this course, you have satisfactorily completed at least one of the
following global experiential learning activities*. And you have declared to the UGO the specific activity
for this course. Please stay with it accordingly, unless getting prior approval from the course instructor or
the UGO.

- Outbound term-time/summer exchange

- “Global” internship (by OSA, faculty or self, etc.)
- Study or service trips
- MNC consultancy projects
- Overseas case competitions

*These outbound global activities should last for at least 5 days while inbound ones should take place for 2
weeks or longer. And subject to vetting and approval, these learning activities (or other approved
courses/programme) are organized by the CUHK, CUHK Business School, colleges, units/societies on the
campus or organizations outside CUHK.

Friendly reminder: You must report a DIFFERENT ACTIVITY for this course.
Same activities which have been reported in another credit-bearing course (e.g. IBBA3010) are NOT allowed
to be used again in this course (otherwise students will receive an immediate Fail) Please contact your
lecture asap if you have any query.

2.1 Online lectures & classworks (30%)

There will be both in-class and take-home classworks. You are required to complete all the online lectures
and answer the exercise questions before the deadline. All questions will be available on Blackboard/Course
Contents. Please answer ALL the online questions correctly before each deadline. Late submission of
classworks is not allowed.

2.2 Report writing & lectures reflection essay (70%)

You need to prepare and submit the followings before the deadline:
a) An exchange/internship/study trip/consultancy project report (between 1,500 – 2,000) words
b) A learning reflection essay of lectures (between 400 - 500 words)

Suggested contents for the project report and essay writing could be found in the Appendix A of this course
syllabus but please feel free to make any adjustments if applicable. A 5% late penalty per calendar day will
be applied to late submission for this assessment.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 2

2.3 Real-time online lectures and/or guest talk(s) – if applicable

Subject to the arrangements by the instructor, real-time online lectures and/or guest talks may be organized.
Please check with your lecturer with regarding the compulsory arrangement of online lectures and guest
talk(s) session if applicable. Absence from these classes may have detrimental result of your grade. In-class
classworks for these lectures must be completed before the end of the class and late submission / makeup
may not be technically feasible. Due to copyright issues, recordings of online lectures and/or guest talks may
not be available so please ensure you mark your calendar accordingly.

2.4 Assessment rubrics

Students are highly recommended to read and understand the assessment rubrics before starting to write their
assignments. The rubrics details are contained in the Appendix B of this course outline.

Please note that the following show some examples (but not limited) that would result in a failure of getting a
Distinction/Pass grade of the course:
- Late add of the course without sufficient reason or valid proof.
- Changing the declared activities when writing the report without prior approval.
- Failure to/late attempt of any part of the Assessment Scheme stated above.
- Failure to satisfy the required rubrics listed above.

2.5 Grade descriptor

Distinction Outstanding satisfactory performance on all learning outcomes through:

Satisfactory completion of all online lecture and test questions

Pass Overall satisfactory performance on most learning outcomes through:

Satisfactory completion of all online lecture and test questions

Fail Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, or failure to meet

the assessment requirements.

*Rubrics details are given in the Appendix B of this document.

2.6 Recommended resources (non-compulsory)

Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior, by F. Luthans and J. Doz, latest edition, McGraw Hill.
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication across Cultures, by M.W. Lustig, J. Koester
and R. Halualani, latest edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall.

2.7 Feedback of assessments:

In general, the turnaround time for comments will be available approximately three to four weeks for written
assignment, project or test (with the exception of materials that are required to retained for external reviews).

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 3


Week Topic Learning Exercise

1-4 Introduction lecture (0930-1030hrs on Jan 09, 2023) In-class classwork
 Introduction of the course and syllabus Classwork 1 due
 Global competency concept on week 5
Video: Leading sustainability in global context

5-9 Lecture 2: Understanding cultural differences and inter- Classwork 2 due

cultural Communications on week 9
 Concepts of national culture
 Inter-cultural communications

10-14 Lecture 3: Selected topic of global experiential learning Classwork 3 due

15 Course wrap up on week 13
Written Report due
on week 15
Different sessions may have different deadlines. For exact due dates and time, please refer to your latest
Blackboard announcement.


4.1 Referencing requirement

The reference style required is APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition in this class.

APA is a common reference style used in academic paper of social science and business disciplines. This
course requires students to conduct referencing throughout the paper (in-text citation) and at the end of the
paper (reference list). Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each
entry in the reference list must be cited within your text (Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab, 2017). To be
familiar about the reference requirements, please refer to the Citations page on CU library:

A RULE OF THUMB: Anything that is no created by your MUST have a reference.

4.2 Blackboard (CUHK eLearning platform)

Please regularly access the course outline and course content folders from blackboard in order to receive
important information, course updates and assignment guidelines. You are also encouraged to access the
CUHK online library for getting the related references from various academic databases to complete your
assignments and group project works.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 4

4.3 Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English in this course. All written assignments should be submitted using
English only. References that are from non-English sources must have an English translation version
submitted in your Appendix section of your report.

4.4 Online lecture arrangement

Different lecturers of this courses have different teaching preferences and/or arrangement about their online
lectures. Therefore, different sessions may have different classworks arrangements and deadlines. This
explains why “sit-in” arrangement in other sessions is not feasible in this course. Students are highly
recommended to check the latest updates from the course blackboard site frequently.


5.1 University Policy on Honesty in Academic Work

The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted
by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead
to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Attention is drawn to University
policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures
applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a declaration that they are aware of these policies,
regulations, guidelines and procedures. Assignments without the proper declaration will not be graded by

For written assignments, students must submit them via VeriGuide. Student should receive a receipt issued
by the system upon successful upload of the assignment. You are highly recommend to submit the final
version of the assignment via VeriGuide.


The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the
requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having
committed undeclared multiple submission. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a
sentence or two from one’s own work; but substantial reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the
course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

5.2 The use of AI & computerized context generative tools

As a general principle, students are prohibited from using any AI tools to complete their assignments,
assessments and any other works that count towards their final grade of the course or attainment of the
desired learning outcomes. Students are expected to produce their own work independently without any
collaboration or the use of AI tools.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 5

Please note that Digital Writing Assistants (DWAs) such as Grammarly, WordTune, Perusall, Google
Translate etc. use AI in their services, and thus may cause academic integrity issues for students. Students
need to understand the originality requirements not only applies to ideas alone but also to the form of
expression which including the use of your own English writing style & tone, your choices of references,
graphics etc.

According to the University guideline, improper/unauthorized use of AI tools in learning activities and
assessments constitute acts of academic dishonesty which will be handled in accordance with the
University’s Procedures for Handling Cases of Academic Dishonesty.

5.2 Professional Conduct & Behavior

Late Assignments and Exercises: All students are expected to submit all their class exercises and assignments
according to the schedule (with the exception for in-class classworks) on Blackboard only. As a result,
substantial late submission could result in a failure grade. As students are taking multiple courses at the same
time, clashes of deadlines are unavoidable especially in the last few weeks of the semester. So please ensure
you plan your work schedule ahead of time.

*Please note that personal reasons (e.g. job interviews, competitions, deadline clashes of other courses etc.)
and short-term illness (e.g. flu, stomach upset etc.) are not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances for
missing assessment where students are given a number of weeks/months in advance to complete such work
by course rule. You are highly recommended to mark your calendar accordingly to avoid any time clash with
your personal schedule.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 6

Appendix A: Suggested guidelines that may be helpful for your project writing

The followings are ‘suggested’ guidelines only. Students are welcomed to make any amendments or addition
topics that meet their writing needs.

For project writing:

Internship Exchange/Study Trip/Case Competition

- Introduction - Introduction
- About the country and context (cultural,
economic, social and political background), - Before the exchange/trip/Competition – country
business/industry/host company and the work context (cultural, economic, social and political
environment (supervisors, peers or others) background), host university and the education
- Major projects, tasks of the job taken, environment (including preparing for culture
relationships with your supervisors or others and language)
- Visits, major sites, history, etc.
- Achievements/contributions, shortcomings - During the exchange/trip/case competition –
(e.g. culture shock or other problems) and studies, curriculum, various case competition
learning/reflections (most important) events, accommodation, living, making friends,
- Recommendations and conclusion visits, interesting sites/history, etc. and any
culture shock or problems.
Virtual Exchange (only if approved)
- Introduction - After the exchange/trip/case competition –
- Country descriptions (PEST framework) achievements/contributions, shortcomings
- University/programme/course descriptions – and learning/reflections (most important)
what are the features which are similar or
different from CUHK’s - Recommendations and conclusion
- Teaching and learning experiences –
similarities and differences of teaching and
learning, relationships with people
- Achievements/contributions, shortcomings
and learning/reflections (most important)
- Recommendations and conclusion

For reflection essay writing:

- How do you feel about the topic delivered in the online lectures (please focus on one online lecture
only)? Do not just repeat the points from the lecture powerpoints. You could describe your
experience when you listen to the lecture but keep this brief please.
- Any new knowledge / concepts that can integrate your personal contexts (past working / learning
experience for example)?
- How the newly learned knowledge would be useful in your future in both academic and work
- Any insights you may offer.

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 7

Appendix B: Rubrics for the reports on experiential learning

Assessment tasks Criterion Distinction Pass Fail

1. Report & essay 1.1 Evidence of high-level critical Outstanding Overall satisfactory Fail to submit work / substantial late
writing analysis with good use of practice submission that leads to fail grade.
examples and conclusions drawn. Able to Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
offer insights & differing views with Very little/ no logical relationship to the
evidence of new ideas/analyses based on topic and poor use of practice examples.
knowledge gain. Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
Unstructured and unsupported arguments
with no discussion of differing views and
no new ideas.

1.2 Ability to offer well-grounded Outstanding Overall satisfactory Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
arguments with knowledge well Arguments offered are mostly
integrated & supported by valid, relevant unconvincing with lack of sufficient
additional literature research conducted integration of knowledge. There is
from an extensive variety of reputable minimal/ no evidence of additional
peer-reviewed academic and business research conducted from peer-reviewed
sources. academic sources and/or business

1.3 Ability to answer specific question & Outstanding Overall satisfactory Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
integrate in-depth applications of relevant The work is mostly descriptive thinking
HRM / management / business models, with no minimal evidence of analysis &
principles & concepts learnt. applications of HRM models, principles
& concepts learnt. Irrelevant detail and
some misinterpretation of the question.

1.4 Logical flow of content & clear Outstanding Overall satisfactory Inability to achieve marginal pass level
expression of ideas with mastery of The work shows confused / muddled /
academic terminologies & English lack of logical presentation. The work
proficiency. lacks any recognizable organization
and/or contains enough distracting
grammatical/syntax error to make it
substantially incomprehensible. The

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 8

work is incomprehensible with numerous
amounts of distracting grammatical and
syntax errors in English writing.

1.5 Ability to offer original works with Outstanding Overall satisfactory The submitted work contains substantial
mastery of the required style of plagiarized content from other sources
referencing in both in-text citations and and/or points are directly copied from
reference list.. case notes, textbooks or other sources.
Substantial content of work is not
original works of students (including
direct copy-and-paste from various
source and/or use of computerized and
AI generative text tools as proven by AI
text detectors). The report includes
minimal / no in-text citations and/or a
reference list or the report follows a
referencing style that does not comply
with the required format.

Assessment tasks Criterion Distinction Pass Fail

2. Classworks, 2.1 Ability to identify global competency Outstanding Overall satisfactory Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
and cultural issues and its’ impacts on Fail to submit work on time. Central
shaping individual’s behavior and global competency and cultural issues are
decision making. not defined appropriately or completely
and/or misunderstanding of the issues

2.2 Ability to complete and submit works Outstanding Overall satisfactory Inability to achieve marginal pass level.
on-time with good quality / right answers. Student fails to submit work on time
and/or with quality not up to standard.

- END -

@2023 Toni Maria Tong. All rights reserved. 9

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