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How does Film Containing Stem Cell Secretome can Healing Burn Wound on Male Wtihe Rats?

Methods Results

1. Made some gel and film secretome 1. The Effect of Secretome Films on the Healing Results of Macroscopic Second Degrees Burns in
corresponding author/researcher make 3 formulas with secretome as active Male White Rats
compound. the first formula contains 5% secretome, secound formula
contains 8% secretome and third formula contains 10% secretome.

2. Preparation of test animals and induction of burns in experimental animals

Male rats aged 12 -14 weeks and weighing 200 – 250g,, the hair on the back was shaved and then anesthetized
with diethyl ether,and than burn were made with a metal chop which was heated to 95 ± 20C in water and
touched to the rat's skin for 10 seconds.
Figure 1. Results Healing of Macroscopic Second Degrees Burns in Male White Rats
3. Burn Healing Activity Test
The test animals given secretome primary dressing films according ti their respective concentrations. primary 2. The Effect of Secretome Films on the Healing Results of Microscopic Second Degrees Burns in Male
film dressing was given for 7 days, and observations were made everydays. After 7 days, the rats were White Rats
euthanized using diethyl ether and then the skin was cut on the back and immersed in a 10% Buffered Normal
Formalin (BNF) solution.

4. Histological Analysis of Skin Test Animals

Observed changes and repairs that occur in cells or tissues. Changes and repairs are assessed by meansof
scoring according to the severity and wound healing process which can be seen from the severity of
inflammation, the formation of collagen and fibroblasts and re-epithelialization. Scoring is done with numbers
1 to 4 where 1 is a small amount, 2 is a moderate amount, 3 is a large amount, and 4 is not found.
Figure 2. Results Healing of Microscopic Second Degrees Burns in Male White Rats

Conclusion References

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