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How it works:-

1- Probe and Connection:

Logical analyzers have multiple input channels , Each channel is
connected to a specific digital signal or line, such as a data bus,
control line, or communication interface.
2-Signal Sampling:
The logical analyzer samples the digital signals at a specific rate,
known as the sampling rate. Higher sampling rates capture more
detailed information and allow for the analysis of high-speed signals.
The analyzer records the logic levels (high or low) of the digital signals
at each sample point.
3- Data Capture and Storage:
The sampled data is stored in the analyzer's memory for analysis.
Memory depth determines the amount of data the analyzer can store.
Many logical analyzers can be set up to capture data continuously or
in response to specific conditions, like triggering events.

4- Triggering :
Triggering is a feature that allows the analyzer to start or stop
capturing data based on specific conditions or patterns.
 Trigger options:-
1- No trigger:
With no trigger, the logic analyzer will begin sampling and recording
data as soon as you press the "Start" or "Run" button.
2- Edge Trigger:
You can set the logic analyzer to wait for a rising or falling edge on a
single channel.
3- Pattern Trigger:
If you are capturing multiple channels, you can set the logic analyzer
to start capturing when it sees a pattern of 1s and 0s across several
4- Complex Trigger:
Some advanced logic analyzers will let you set a series of if then else
statements to create a trigger.

For most logic analyzers, you push a button named "Start" or "Run."
With no trigger set, the analyzer will begin sampling and storing data
until memory is full.
5- Data Analysis and Visualization:
Once the data is captured, Most logic analyzers will display
data as waveforms with time in the x axis and logic state (1 or
0) in the y axis.

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