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Into The Arena: The Hunger Games Podcast

Podcast Manuscript by Group 4

Host #1: Julien B. Dela Cerna
Host #2: Britney Shin Tero
Hunger Games Fan #1(Tribute #1): Marissa Fabro
Hunger Games Fan #2(Tribute #2): Beatriz Antoinette Den Otter
Hunger Games Fan #3(Tribute #3): Ken Chester Chi
Hunger Games Fan #4(Tribute #4): Ryza Silvosa
Hunger Games Fan #5(Tribute #5): Antonio Reyes
Hunger Games Fan #6(Tribute #6): Francismel Panerio
Hunger Games Fan #7(Tribute #7): Mij Ventura

Host #1: Hello, and good morning, to all of our global viewers and listeners. You are
now watching/listening to the Into the Arena: The Hunger Games podcast, in
which we discuss and analyze various aspects of the film Hunger Games. we are
your very host for today Julien Dela Cerna.
Host #2: And I am Britney Shin Tero. This episode I could say is really special because
it was requested by our avid listeners from our previous live podcast.
Host #1: Oh yeah I remember that! during our previous live broadcast, someone
commented and requested us to talk about the film hunger games right?
Host #2: That's right! And those commenters/listeners are here with us today. As big
fans, they will be sharing with us their sentiments about the first movie/book,
"The Hunger Games" in today's episode, "Into the Arena: The Hunger Games
Host #1: And to finally start our podcast, let us now welcome these guests who will be
with us for this day. (clap2)
Host #2: Here we have our guests, or should I say "tributes" of our live podcast.
Hunger Games Fan #1(Tribute #1): Hello to all the listeners I am Marissa Fabro
Hunger Games Fan #2(Tribute #2): Beatriz Antoinette Den Otter
Hunger Games Fan #3(Tribute #3): Ken Chester Chi
Hunger Games Fan #4(Tribute #4): Ryza Silvosa
Hunger Games Fan #5(Tribute #5): Antonio Reyes
Hunger Games Fan #6(Tribute #6): Francismel Panerio
Hunger Games Fan #7(Tribute #7): and Mij Ventura
Host #1: Now, let's move forward to the next portion of our podcast.
Host #2: Today, we will be having a game. I and my co-host will be asking questions
that you will be answering briefly. These questions will not only test your
knowledge but also test how you are as an avid fan of this particular book/movie.
Host #1: So our first question would be for Ms. Fabro to answer. Could you give us a
brief summary about the book/movie?
Hunger Games Fan #1(Tribute #1) (Fabro): There is an annual event named The
Hunger Games that sees members of all twelve districts gather in the Capital.
Peetah reveals his crush on live television and Katniss decides to play along as it
worked in gaining support from the audience and even sponsors Katniss is alone
at first but then meets Rue, a young District 11 girl who reminded her of her
sister. Peetah teams up with some Career tributes led by Cato who were from
the wealthy families and enjoyed the games. Rue and Katniss destroy the food
supplies of the career tributes and in the process, realize that Peetah was not
among them.
Host #2:What a wonderful answer from our 1st tribute. So our next question is for
another tribute. Mr. Chi, could you tell us who is the author of the Hunger Games
Hunger Games Fan #5(Tribute #3) (Chi): The author of the hunger games is Suzanne
Collins, came out in 2008. It is the first in a trilogy by the same name that
includes “Catching Fire” (2009) and “Mockingjay” (2010).
Host #1: Very well said our 5th tribute. Moving on to our next question, this is for Ms.
Den Otter, When was the first book of the Hunger Games series published?
Hunger Games Fan #2(Tribute #2) (Den Otter): I believe that the first book of The
Hunger Games series was published in hardcover, on September 14, 2008.
Host #2: This next question will be for our lovely tribute here, Ms. Silvosa. Could you
give us the names of the main characters of the book/movie?
Hunger Games Fan #4(Tribute #4) (Silvosa): The protagonist of the Hunger Games
book/movie is Katniss Everdeen and the other main characters of this piece are
peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy, Gale Hawthorne, Rue, President Coriolanus,
and many more.
Host #1: Wow! good job our tributes for answering those questions perfectly. I can truly
tell that you guys are truly avid fans of the Hunger Games. So now that we are
done with our game, let us now proceed to the next segment of our podcast.
Host #2: Now, we will be discovering what the Hunger Games meant to these people. I,
myself, am an enthusiast of novels as well. This certain book has the same
themes and ideas as the Hunger Games. And the ideas and impressions were
very remarkable. That is why I could see and understand why these people are
fanatics of the Hunger Games. With the bold and relevant themes, it has. This
kind of literature is something that is worth reading and is a must-read!
Host #1: Woah I didn't really expect that you too would be such an avid fan of some
literature, I wonder if you have any questions for them?
Host #2: Yes! I do have some questions for our hunger games fans today. This first
question will be for Mr. Reyes. So, from the first movie of the Hunger Games,
what was your emotional response to it? What did this movie make you feel?
Hunger Games Fan #5(Tribute #5) (Antonio Reyes): The movie Hunger Games
contains a huge amount of character emotions, and it helped me understand how
each character felt. I feel a variety of emotions after watching the film, but I
always feel excited because the main character is such a smart person and
occasionally pulls off a scene that surprises me and makes me shiver.
From beginning to end, the Hunger Games movie is such a wild ride. Although watching
this movie is a lot of fun, it also left me feeling constantly shocked because of
how unpredictable it is and how unexpected I find the characters' choices to be.
The way the characters act in the movie shows how great an actor they are,
especially the protagonist of the movie.
Host #2: Thank you for sharing with us, Mr. Reyes. I want to hear your sentiments as
well Mr. Panerio.
Hunger Games Fan #6(Tribute #6) (Francismel Panerio): My emotional reaction to this
film is both excited and pleased because the main character, Katniss Everdeen,
has to compete in a brutal and gory game with a variety of players who have
banded together to win, and sad and angry because everyone is slaughtered by
Cato's career pack.
Host #1: Could you tell us the themes that you have personally perceived in this movie?
Hunger Games Fan #2(Tribute #2) (Beatriz Antoinette Den Otter): Well from my
perspective, the themes include power, wealth, violence, and compassion. You
see, The Hunger Games reveals the truth on how power can be abused by the
corrupt, totalitarian governments in particular. The people of Panem in District 12
are ruled by a brutal and repressive regime that will do anything to stay in power,
and just like in the movie, many real totalitarian governments also utilize the
military force to inflict violence when necessary. The government also abuses its
power by exploiting its citizens, stealing crops and resources while returning very
little, so because of this, The Capitol continues their reign of wealth and
prosperity while the districts endure great poverty and hardship. This also goes
into accordance with the theme wealth, when Katniss journeys to The Capitol by
train carriage, she is overwhelmed by the opulent lifestyle that the people inside
The Capitol take for granted, including the polished tabletops and tables full of
lavished food set up on the carriage. Violence is witnessed consecutively
throughout The Hunger Games, making it said to be a condemnation of violence
and cruelty. But although the story is about children who are forced to kill each
other, it doesn’t glorify nor celebrate violence, but instead highlights the role that
violence plays in the narrative. A great example is at the end of the movie when
Katniss and Peeta face off against Cato, Cato’s dialogue highlights the injustice
of The Hunger Games, stating that killing is the only thing he knows how to do,
causing the audience to realize that Cato is just another victim of The Capitol.
When criticizing violence and cruelty, the film also praises compassion and
morality of characters like Katniss, Peeta and Rue. A great example is Rue’s
compassion being a stark contrast to the ruthlessness and cruelty of the career
attributes as she treats Katniss’ wounds and even shares food with her, despite
the two individuals technically being competitors and enemies.
Host #2: Those themes were incredible, Ms. Den Otter. Thank you for sharing. Ms.
Fabro, for you, what does this movie say about our world?
Hunger Games Fan #1(Tribute #1) (Marissa Fabro): The themes of fear, oppression,
and revolution in The Hunger Games clearly critique American culture. The
Hunger Games provides a clear indictment of the violence, consumerism, and
exploitation that characterize capitalism society, yet its primary goal is to make
money. It examines how the government functions in the dystopian society
depicted in these books. The government uses mind and physical control to
impose its will on the populace. Citizens revolt against the government as a
result of government oppression and persistent abuse of authority. Power and
inequality are among the book’s major themes. The Games are designed to
demoralize the populace and maintain a sense of hopelessness and
helplessness. The Games also demonstrate how people are opposing the
Capitol’s authority, in spite of the Capitol’s goals. There are many examples of
these differences in equality between the classes, such as their food and living
arrangements, with the districts focusing on just getting by and having a roof over
their heads in contrast to the people of the Capitol who frequently eat until they
pass out just to make more room and live in opulent and modern homes. The
tesserae system for selecting tributes is one of the best illustrations in the book of
the disparity between the wealthy and the poor. Even though it’s thought of as a
lottery, the poor have a significantly higher chance of becoming tributes. The
tesserae permits the poor to have the bare necessities of food and fuel to get
through the year, but increases the likelihood that they will pass away for the rich
people's amusement and as a potent warning from the Capitol.
Host #1: Thank you for sharing, that was really an interesting answer you have got there
Ms. Fabro, now for Ms. Silvosa, why would you think someone would want to
watch this film?
Hunger Games Fan #4(Tribute #4) (Ryza Silvosa): There are a lot of things that
someone would watch in this film. This film has genres such as sci-fi, action,
adventure, and most people, especially teens, are interested in watching films.
The movie takes place in the dystopian post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, where
a boy and a girl are annually chosen as "tributes" and made to participate in the
grandiose televised fight to the death known as the Hunger Games. The movie is
also not the typical dystopian thriller because it does not forget to instill an eerie
fear in its reader’s mind. The movie also shows an example of how the earth
might turn out to be if all of us won’t take care of it and the fact that our world will
end up as a tyrannical hell makes anyone do their duties in saving the earth from
such a terrible end. Furthermore, the most interesting thing that this film
contained is how the female protagonist is visualized. Unlike any other dystopian
thriller, this particular trilogy shows a woman single-handedly saving her people
from an unfair government.
Host #2: Wow, that is a very enlightening answer, Ms. Silvosa. Now, my next question
is, what is one good or winsome thing you could say about this movie to
someone else? I look forward to Ms. Ventura's response.
Hunger Games Fan #7(Tribute #7)(Mij Ventura): The Hunger Games trilogy has, as we
all know, been extremely well-liked ever since it was aired. even the films based
on the novels have all been huge box office successes. Maybe I'm exaggerating,
but I doubt there are many people left who haven't heard of The Hunger Games.
There are, of course, individuals out there who haven't watched the movie or at
the very least read some of the books. So, what are some of the scenes in the
movie? The evil side of government is a topic that is covered in The Hunger
Games, much as in other movies. The envisioned universe or civilization in this
movie is one where individuals live miserable, dehumanized, and terrified
existence. In this instance, the movie concentrates on the influence and power of
the Capitol over the districts. This movie covers important lessons on society,
politics, and daily living. Since Katniss Everdeen is the main character throughout
the entire novel, I'm focusing on her even though I adore a LOT of other
characters as well. Sixteen-year-old Katniss resides in district 12 with her mother
and siblings. Everything was OK until Katniss' sister Prim was selected as a
tribute, which prompted her to volunteer for her sister. I like how passionate and
protective Katniss is of her sister Prim, going above and beyond to ensure her
safety. She is a female with exceptional hunting and survival skills, which greatly
increases her chances of winning. The Games are a televised competition in
which the competitors, known as "tributes," are compelled to engage in combat
to the death in a hazardous public setting. The winning tribute is then given food,
supplies, and wealth for themselves as well as their home region.
The way the characters were killed off in The Hunger Games trilogy is something I have
always admired. The majority of the time, viewing how the other characters
respond to a death is more interesting than, for example, watching a character
get blown up by little parachute explosives. In addition, when we really witness a
character die, it has a far greater impact. Although the "shaky cam" violent
murders in the first movie were criticized, I thought they were entertaining and
was happy to see that they persisted all the way to the very end.
Host #1: Woah, that answer was really great Ms. Ventura, I could tell that you really love
this movie. Now for the last question, Mr. Chi. Are there some parts of the movie
that inspire you? If yes, then what is it? And your reason why you get inspired
from it?
Hunger Games Fan #3(Tribute #3) (Ken Chester Chi): It analyzes the role played by the
government in the dystopian society presented in these novels. The government
exerts its power over the inhabitants by controlling their mind and body.
Oppression from the government and continuous misuse of power results in an
uprising from the citizens against the government.
The Hunger Games shows how sacrifice can show true humanity and emotion in a time
where there is a lack of it. In the book children are chosen to be forced to fight to
the death and in the story Katniss chooses to do this in place of her sister
potentially sacrificing her life. The part where I was inspired or the point is you
should stand up for what you believe in no matter what your circumstances are.
Not just for others but also for yourself to improve our part in life. We must take
risks to achieve something that can help us on our journey in life.
Host #2: Thank you for that wonderful answer, Mr. Chi. And I agree with you. To stand
up and fight for your standpoint is a significant quality an individual could
possess. It is a huge risk because some may disagree with you. You may receive
harsh opinions from others. But, taking this risk would bring us to places we are
meant to be. It would bring us to people who would listen to us and understand
Host #1: And that concludes our today's podcast episode, "Into the Arena: The Hunger
Games Podcast". Thank you to our guests who came here today to share their
thoughts and feelings about the movie Hunger Games, and to our listeners and
watchers around the world. Thank you! Once again this is your host Julien Dela
Host #2: And I am Britney Shin Tero.
Host #1 & 2: Now signing off.

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