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8lology 1uLorlal #2 Pomework

november 13 2011
1ypes of bacLerlal geneLlc exchange whlch lnvolve donor cells whlch are dead
1ransducLlon unA belng carrled lnslde Lhe head of an lnfecLlng bacLerlophage ls Lransferred from
donor Lo reclplenL bacLerlal cells *noLe Lhls only occurs ln prokaryoLes
1ransformaLlon 1he converslon of Lhe heredlLary Lype of a cell by Lhe upLake of unA released by
Lhe breakdown of anoLher cell
Con[ugaLlon (8oLh donor and reclplenL cells are allve)
unA ls Lransferred from donor Lo reclplenL cells vla a con[ugaLlon brldge 8ecomblnaLlon occurs ln
Lhe reclplenL cell allowlng Lhe reclplenL cell Lo have an allele from Lhe donor cell ln lLs chromosome
whlch lL dld noL have before *noLe Lwo recomblnaLlon evenLs are needed for an allele Lo become a
parL of Lhe reclplenL's chromosome one on each slde of Lhe segmenL belng replaced
1ransposons are anoLher meLhod of Lransferrlng genes
1ransposons can repllcaLe and recomblne pleces of unA (eg Lhe genes whlch code for anLlbloLlc
reslsLance) Lo move Lhem from one locaLlon on a molecule of unA Lo anoLher (on Lhe same
molecule or anoLher)
ZygoLes brlng unA from Lwo parenLs lnLo close proxlmlLy Lo allow recomblnaLlon and lncrease Lhe
geneLlc dlverslLy ln Lhe populaLlon
Pomologous chromosomes carry Lhe same genes buL dlfferenL alleles aL Lhe same locl
8ecomblnaLlon occurs ln prophase of melosls l
lemales undergo sexual recomblnaLlon as a feLus whlle males undergo sexual recomblnaLlon
conLlnuously afLer puberLy as Lhey produce sperm cells *1hls ls ln anlmals example glven was
AllgnmenL of one homologous palr ls lndependenL of oLher chromosomes ln Lhe cell durlng
meLaphase of melosls l
unllke anlmals planLs produce spores by melosls whlch Lhen dlvlde by mlLosls Lo make
gameLophyLes (mulLlcellular phase ln planLs) whlch Lhen produces gameLes by mlLosls
ln some fungl/algae Lhe zygoLes dlvlde by melosls dlrecLly golng Lo make spores 1hese Lhen dlvlde
by mlLosls Lo form gameLophyLes whlch Lhen make gameLes by mlLosls Lo lead Lo Lhe formaLlon of a
nondls[uncLlon when homologues fall Lo separaLely evenly durlng melosls l
Mlsdlvlslon resulLs when chromaLlds fall Lo separaLe evenly durlng melosls ll
8lology 1uLorlal #2 Pomework
november 13 2011
edlgree charLs show famlly relaLlonshlps
lluorescence mlcroscopy lluorescenL dyes are used Lo palnL each chromosome wlLh a dlfferenL colour
1he lnLerphase nucleus has a spherlcal shape ln whlch Lhe unA of a glven chromosome ls locaLed ln Lhe
somewhaL same area
ln a karyoLype cells are phoLographed ln meLaphase of mlLosls
1he A8C blood Lype sysLem resulLs from anLlgens on Lhe surface of Lhe red blood cells ulfferenL blood
group alleles are coded dlfferenLly ln Lhe unA whlch resulLs ln a dlfferenL m8nA belng Lranscrlbed
dlfferenL proLelns belng produced and Lhe cell surface anLlgen belng modlfled dlfferenLly dependlng on
whlch enzyme ls produced
1he blood Lype gene ls locaLed on chromosome #9 Lhe poslLlon of a gene on a chromosome ls called Lhe
MlLosls ensures LhaL all somaLlc cells have Lhe same alleles lL's [usL LhaL Lhese genes wlll only be
expressed ln cerLaln Llssues
WhlLe blood cells (leukocyLes) dlsplay LlssueLyplng" anLlgens
1lssue Lyplng anLlgens are coded by PlsLocompaLlblllLy locus
Several dlfferenL genes ln a clusLer on chromosome 6 several alleles for each gene each glvlng rlse Lo a
dlfferenL cell surface proLeln
Lach dlsLlncL collecLlon of alleles ls called a haploLype A more preclse deflnlLlon ls LhaL a haploLype ls a
parLlcular array of alleles for several genes llnked closely LogeLher ln Lhe case of LlssueLyplng PLA
genes Lhe PLA genes are on Lhe Lwo homologues of chromosome 6
Lach person Lherefore expresses Lwo PLA haploLypes
8andom segregaLlon Lach allele ls equally llkely Lo be any of Lhe 4 gameLes durlng melosls
Morula an early sLage embryo conslsLlng of approxlmaLely 3264 cells
1eLragameLlc chlmera 1he fuslon of Lwo morulas Lo produce an organlsm whlch has Lwo
dlfferenL full seLs of chromosomes *nC1L Lhe chromosomes from each morula are noL ln Lhe
same cells Powever Lhe cells from each morula can coexlsL ln Lhe same Llssue (eg Lhyrold or
halr) A hybrld on Lhe oLher hand ls an organlsm ln whlch Lhe Lwo seLs of chromosomes are
comblned (Lg lf a chlmpanzee sperm cell was comblned wlLh a human ovum and successfully
developed lnLo an embryo)

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