Performance Task 4

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Performance Task 4.2: Green Team Warrior!

(Group Activity)
Directions: Propose a community project that can help in minimizing the bad effects of
human activities to protect the atmosphere. Complete the table for your community

Possible ways on how

humans/students can
help in protecting the Community project to Participants of the project
atmosphere and protect the atmosphere
minimizing air, water and
land pollution.

1. This project involves

organizing a group of
students and community • Students
members to clean up trash • Community Members
and pollutants from local Community Clean-Up
• Local Business
areas. This can include Campaign
• Volunteer
picking up litter, sorting
and disposing of waste
properly, and cleaning up
polluted areas.
2. People can actively
engage in the physical act
of planting trees.
Additionally, students can
assist in preparing the
planting site by clearing Tree Planting Activity
away debris, removing
weeds, and ensuring
proper soil preparation.
Students can also help with
watering and mulching the
newly planted trees to
promote their growth and
3. Humans/students can
actively participate in the
sorting and separation of
recyclable materials from
general waste. This can
significantly reduce the
amount of waste that ends
up in landfills. Also,
students can participate in Recycling and Composting
composting programs by
collecting and composting
organic waste, such as
food scraps and yard
trimmings, which can
provide nutrient-rich soil for
gardening, reducing the
need for chemical

4. People can help by

adopting water-saving
practices in their daily
lives, such as taking Water Conservation
shorter showers, turning Campaign
off faucets when not in
use, and fixing leaky pipes
or faucets.

5. Students can encourage

their peers and community
members to adopt energy-
saving practices, such as
turning off lights and
electronics when not in
use, using energy-efficient
Reduce energy
appliances, and utilizing
natural light and
ventilation whenever
possible. They can also
promote the concept of
transportation by
encouraging walking,
cycling, or carpooling
instead of relying solely on
private vehicles.

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