CAPS Chemistry 2nd CH. 2

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5-BLOCK ELEMENTS SHORT QUESTIONS (TEXT BOOK EXERCISE) @.6 Compare the chemical behavior of lithium with magnesium. Ans: Comparison between chemical behavior of lithium and magnesium NO. LITHIUM MAGNESIUM 1 1, _| Radius of Li‘ is 0.60 A° Radius of Mg” is 0.65A° 2. | Lithium reacts with acids and Magnesium reacts with acids and liberate hydrogen gas liberate hydrogen gas 2Li + 2HCI—> 2LiCl + Hy Mg+ 2HCIl —>MgCh + Hp 3. | Hydroxides and nitrates of Lithium | Hydroxide and nitrates of Magnesium decompose on heating decompose on heating 2LiOH —+Lin0+ H,0 Mg(OH), ——>MgO + 120 4. Lithium carbonate decomposes on Magnesium carbonate decomposes on heating heating L000: —41i0+C0, MgCO; —> MgO + CO; a a ats decomposes on | Magnesium nitrate decomposes on : ing and produce it oxides heating and produce its oxide. 6. mates —> 21:0 + 4NOz+ 0,'_ | 2Mg(NO3)2 —— 2Mg0O + 4NOy+ 02 | Lithium reacie as ae pith water to form | Magnesium reacts with steam to form cr ind hydrogen hydroxide and hydrogen i : 7 [oa thO —> 2L0H +H Mg+2H,0 —+ Mg(OH)) + Hp . Athiui a A . produce lithe tt aittogen and“, | Magnesium reacts with nitrogen and oA nitride, produce magnesium nitride. LE +N — 21 3Mg + No ——>Mg3No Be Scanned with CamScanner IES’ ~O CHAPTER - 02: s-BLOCKS ELEMENTS 27 Q7 (a) Mention the properties of beryllium in which it does not resemble with its own family. (LHR 2016, SWL 2017) Ans: Following are the important properties in which beryllium does not resemble with its own family: (i). Beryllium is enough harder that it can scratch glass like iron. i) Ithas high melting and boiling point than other alkaline earth metals. (iii) TIA group elements are powerful reducing agent that they can reduce water. However, on reacting with water Beryllium forms BeO coating on it which is insoluble in water and protects it from further attack. (iv) Be shows resistant in complete oxidation even by acids because of protective coating of BeO... (v) IIA group members do not react with alkali while Be react with alkali. Be + 2NaOH —>NajBeQ; + Hp (b) Why Na,COs gives alkaline solution in water? Write corresponding equation also. (DGK 2014, LHR, DGK 2015, FBD 2016 2017, DGK:2018) © Ans: NaCOs is a basic salt. When NaxCO; is dissolved in water, hydrolysis of CO;? ions takes place as a resillt HxCO3 is produced which is weak acid ‘and release OH" and solution becomes alkaline which turn red litmus to blue. é Na,CO, —>2Na*' +COz i 3 CO;? +H* -OH—>H,CO,+0H Q8 (b) Point out the three advantages of this process (Down’s cell). (SGD, GUJ 2015, AJK 2016, MTN 2018) Ans. Three advantages of Down’s cell are: () Metallic fog is not produced. (ii) Liquid sodium can easily be collected at 600°C (iil) “Material of the cell is not attacked by the products formed during the electrolysis. 29(b) What happens when: ‘ (@® Lithium carbonate is heated. . (MTN 2016) Gi) Lithium hydroxide is heated to red hot. Gi) Beryllium is treated with sodium hydroxide. ne (v) Lithium hydride is treated with water. * ) Lixco; — > = LO+CO, (i) 2Li0n — 1i0+H,0 (ili) Be+-2Na0H = —+ NaBeO) + Hp (iv) LiH+ 0 — > LiOH+H, (MTN 2016) Scanned with CamScanner : . 15; SGD 2015. . ing minerals. (MTN 2015; GUJ 2015; ; Give formulas of ee a awe 2017; LHR 2018; RWP 2018; MTN 2018) (a) Dolomite (b) Asbestos (©) Halite (d) aan (©) Beryl (f) Sylvite (g) Phosphorite (h) Chile saltpeter (i) Barite (j) Borax + Formulas of the Minerals a | Dolo MgCO3. CaCOs [Lb [Asbestos CaMgx(SiOs)s : |e | Matte || Nacl | d - | Natron ‘NayCO3. H20 |e [Beryl BesAla(Si03)s | ft - | syivite KCl g _| Posphorite Cax(POs)2 h__| Chile saltpeter NaNO; i Barite BaSO4, i | Borax Na;B,07.10H,0 Q.11 Answer the following questions briefly. @ Why are alkali and alkaline earth metals among the reactive elements of periodic table? Ans. Alkali an ize and (LHR 2012) d alkaline earth metals are at extreme left side of periodic table they have largest Weak nuclear attraction low reduction potential so have low ionization energy and are mote electropositive element Teactive elements, ts, lose electron easily that’s why they are very (b) Why lime water turns milky with CO: but becomes clear with excess CO;? (BD 2014, SGD 2015, SWL, RWP, FBD, AJK 2016, ; . SWL 2017, FBD, SGD, DGK 2018) When lime water Teacts with CO) it forms calcium carbonate which is water insoluble. But when lime water reacts with excess of CO) then it forms calcium bicarbonate which iswater soluble, Ca(OH): + CO2 + CaCO; 4 +H,0 CaCOs + #20 + CO2 + Ca(HCO,), How plaster of paris is formed? Give its two uses. (LHR 2014, MTN, DGK: RWP 2015, SGD, RWP, LHR, DGK, FBD 2017, MT. Plaster of paris 'N, GUJ, DGK, SGD 2018) Wheh eypsum is Of wi al © 2Caso, 2H,0. a above 100"¢ epasacte. (CasO,),.H,043H,0 ter ofan heated above 100°C under controlled conditions, it loses three quatte® of crystallization the resulting product is known as plaster of paris. Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER = 02: s-BLOCKS ELEMENTS @ Anst (0) Ans: Ans: ® Ans: used for making Plast (i) It is used in surgery, Plaster of Paris b fractured bones after they have been set Why 2% gypsum is added in the cement? : (LHR 2014 2016, SGD, BWP 2017, LHR 2018) Portland Cement is made by strongly heating a finely powdered mixture of clay and lime sione, The final product, known as clinker, is cooled and then ground into a very fine powder, : . During the grinding, 2% of gypsum is added, which performs two functions: (i) Prevent the cement from rapid hardening, walls, casts of Statuary, coins, etc Pandages are used for holding in place (ii) _ Increases the setting time of cement, Why lime is added to an acidic soil? ‘ (LHR 2014, AJK 2015, DGK 2016, DGK, RWP, SGD 2017, GUJ 2018) Due to its basic nature, CaO is used in large quantities for neutralizing acidic soils. CaO + 2HNO; ——>Ca(NO3)2 + H20 It has been found that application of lime to acidic soil increases the amount of readily Soluble phosphorus and thus increases the fertility of soil. How lime and sand are used to make glass? (LHR 2015, DGK 2018) Lime (CaO) reacts with sand (SiO) at high temperature to form calcium silicate which is used in glass manufacturing. CaO + SiO. ———+ CaSiO; Lime Sand Calcium silicate What is a lime mortar and what changes occur when it hardens during hydrolysis? (GUJ 2014, SGD, GUJ 2015, DGK, SGD, RWP 2016, RWP 2018) Lime mortar, is Prepared by mixing freshly three or four volumes and water to form a the stones and bricks hardens or sets, thus Following Teactions take place during har prepared slaked lime one volume and sand thick paste. This material when Placed between » binding the blocks together. ‘dening of lime mortar. Ca0+H,0 _ —+ca(OH), Ca(OH), +CO, —>CaCO,+H,0 Ca(OH), +Si0, —> Casio, +H,0 Scanned with CamScanner SHORT QUESTIONS (PAST PAPERS) | 2 Q:1 Define alkali metals and alkaline carth metals? Ans: Q2 Ans; Q3 | OR | the elements of group I-A are called alkali metals and that of group a Why are the ele i tals? alkaline earth met On i and alkaline earth metals? Why s-block elements are called as alkali an (SGD, GJ 2015, LHR 2017, Guy 2018) OR : 5 (BWP 2014, SGp 2015) What are s-block elements? OR i i in rth metals? Why group II-A elements are called Alkali and alkaline eai (BWP 2014, MTN m5 Alkali Metals: . t The elements of group IA except hydrogen are. called akali metals, because of their property to,form strong alkalies with water. 2Na +2H,0 ->2NaOH + H2 They are also called alkali metals because the name alkali came from “Arabic. word” which means “The Ashes”. The Arabs used this term for these metals because they found that the-ashes of plants were composed chiefly of sodium and potassium. Alkaline Earth Metals: The elements of group IIA are known as Alkaline Earth Metals, because they produce alkalies in water and are widely distributed in earth’s crust. sBlok Clements are the metals in group I-A and group Il ea the s-block elements because S-orbitals are being filled in their outermost shells hy the alkali metals are strong reducing agent? The. reducing depends (LHR 2009; RWP 2017) Property deper i ; Fat energy, Reducing cael ends upon metallic characters and the value of ionizato low ionization energies and hi A of the periodic table they are i 2Na+ Ch, 2Nacy ive the na mes and formula for common minerals of Be, (GK 2014) Beryl BesAl(SiO;)g Chrysobeiyl AL,BeO, fhium differ from its o ch show that Lithi uF points in Which Lit ple 18 are the points which Lithium is much harder ang lighter than th le ot] wn family members. (LHR 2013) um is differ from other members: ther alkali metals, Scanned with CamScanner Ans: Ve ne ~ UES s-BLOCKs ELEMENTS Lithium can produce its carbide and ni Le ni Lithium reacts very slowly with w, vater, while othe; Lithium isthe leat reactive metal of freer a Facts vole cy, Lithium is least reactive element of ai an afom and high ionization energy 6 Lithium is least reactive than all others alkalimmea ‘teal metals. Tha’ wy LIN a ve How reece Ae differ on application of heat? Write corresponding OR What happens, when Lithium Nitrate is heated up Sodium nitrate is heated up (LHR 2015, RWP 2018) Nitrate of all alkali metals decomposed, but lithium nitrate decompose and produce 0» and NO2 whereas sodium nitrate produce sodium nitrite and oxygen gas. This is because of the stability of Li,O and un-stability of LiNO> and other alkali metals nitrites are more stable than their oxides. : 4LiNO; —4.5 2Li,0 + 4NO2+0, 2NaNO; —*-5 2NaNO, +0; 2KNO3—>2KNO> + 0 Give reactions of Mg with Nz and sulphur? (GK 2015) () Reaction of Mg with Nz 3Mg +N >Mg3No (i) Reaction of Mg with sulphur .Mg +S —>MgS Solution of Na,O in water is alkaline. Justify thestatement. Naz0 is basic oxide on dissolving into water produce alkali. When NazO is dissolved into water it jonizes into Na“! and O7 ion. Oxide ion hydrolyses water and yield OH that’s why aqueous solution of Na20 is alkaline. Na,O—> Na*' +07 07 +H’ -OH—>20H Reactions of alkali metal oxide with water is an acid base reaction not oxidation — reduction reaction. Explai _ (LHR 2013) The reaction of an alkali metal oxide with water is an acid-base reaction but not an oxidation reduction reaction take place because element do not show any change in its oxidation number. The reaction simply involves the decomposition ot ioe ae an oxide ion. In this reaction oxide ion acts as base because it accept H” and water act as base as it release H”. The reaction is given below: Na,O— Na +07 0? +H -OH—>20H Scanned with CamScanner _ i Q: 10 Complete and balance equations: (LHR, MTN 2017) (a) LiNO} + heat > (b) Mg (NO3)2 + heat ~» Ans: (a) 4LiNO; —-+ 2Li,0 + 4NO2 + Op (b) — 2Mg(NO;); —*-» 2MgO + 4NO> + Op Q:11 Why aqueous solution of NaOH is more basic than LIOH? (MTN. 2017) Ans: Solubility of NaOH is greater in water as compared to LiOH due to lower lattice eneryy of NaOH. As NaOH produces more OH" ions in water so solution of NaOH is mote basig than that of LiOH. Q: 12 Why KO) is used in breathing equipments for mountaineers and in spacecraft? (LHR 2017, SGD 2015) Ans: KOy (Potassium superoxide) is used in breathing equipment for Mountaineers and in space crafts. Ithas ability to absorb carbon dioxide and liberating oxygen simultaneously, 4K Ox + 2CO2g) —+ 2K2CO3,) + 3024) | Q: 13. Give the trend of solubility of group I — A hydroxides in the periodic table with a reason, (GUS 2005) Alkali metal Hydroxides are very soluble in water except LiOH which is slightly soluble, The solubility of alkali metal hydroxides increases down the group due to decreasing charge density and lattice energy of hydroxides. Q:14 Solubility of alkaline Earth metal hydroxides incre: reason, J Ans: ases down the group. Give (SGD 2015, 2018) If hyration energy is greater than lattice energy then the compound is soluble in water. In case of. these hydroxides as we move down the group the difference between the hydration energy and lattice energy goes on increasing thus making the hydroxides more easily soluble.. Ans; The size of the metal ion increases in the order Be < Mg < Ca < Ba, So, the Le enthalpy goes on decreasing: from Be (OH)2 to Ba(OH)>. Also, at the same time # hydration energy increase from Be(OH), to Ba(OH), Therefore, Be(OH)2 is least soluble while Ba(OH). is most soluble in water, Q:15 Write a note on oxides of alkali metals, (SGD 2015,2018) Ans: Oxides of alkali metals: Alkali metal oxides dissolved in water to give’strongly alkaline solutions. Li,0 + H,0 +2LiOH 2NaQ2 + 2H20 —4NaQH + O2 ‘ an alkali metal oxide with water is an acid-base reaction, The react? the decomposition of water molecule by an oxide ion. E + 0? +H,0 — 20H- The basic character of alkali metal oxides increases down the group. Scanned with CamScanner The reaction of simply involves _— Q:l6 Ans Ans: Q20 Ans: Qa Ans: &2; Ans: Justify with equations that Be BeO is amphoteric in oe ide. (SGD 38 nature. Because Beo a Oxides of other alkatine aoe) SUS, 6D 2017) Se ell as basie nature it ean reas Matas ae basen ‘1d as Well as, an amphote: BeO + H2SO, —} BeSO,+H2,0 BeO +NaOH ——» NapBeO, + H,0 What is milk of magnesia and for which treatment is it magnesia? Give its uses, used? Or What is milk of (GUS 2015) A suspension of Mg(OH). in water is called milk of may treat iment of acidity in stomach as it has basic character, Why lithium carbonate decomposes on heatin; remain unaffected? (DGK 2017, 2018) Lithium’ carbonate decomposes on heating to form oxide because the electrostatic attraction toward oxide formation is high. LigCO3—>Li,0 + CO, While other metal carbonates do not compose because the electrostatic towards oxide formation is very low, for example the electrostatic attraction between potassium ion and carbonate ion are stronger than potassium and oxide ion that’s why potassium carbonate cannot decomposes easily. gnesia. It is used for ig While other alkali metal carbonates What happens when: ‘ (i) LiyCOs is heated (ii) NayCO3 is heated (LHR 2016, GUJ.2018) () LixCO;—* > Lin + CO2 (ii) NayCO; + Na;O + CO, The oxides of alkali metals are basic, give reason? z (SGD 2015) The oxides of alkali metals are basic because they contain O” ions. The O” ion has high - affinity for proton and cannot exist, alone in an aqueous solution. Therefore, it immediately takes proton from water and form OH “ion. 0? + H,0 >20H™ Alkali metal oxides dissolve in water to give strongly alkaline solutions e.g. LiO + H2O 2LiOH Why is CaCl; added in NaCl in Down’s cell? Be (GUJ 2017) The melting point of pure NaCl is 801 °C. Calcium Chloride is added to lower the melting point of NaCl. Calcium Chloride has low melting point. When it melts at a low temperature, It facilitate the melting of NaCl at 600°C which is below the melting point of NaCl. Mention two.major problems that may arise in Nelson be j during the working of a diaphragm cell. ‘ive the two major problems during BWP, MIN 2017; MTN 2018) Nelson’s cell ’s cell. We'can face two major problems during the working of Scanned with CamScanner “ene ey @ Chlorine produced’ can react with hydroxide ions in cold condition ad hypochlorite ions : Clyiqy t 20H —+ OCi,,) + Cl) +H,0 (ii) Hydroxide may be attracted towards.anode where they can be discharged Teleas oxygen gas This oxygen ges may contaminate the chlorine and renders tng 40H —>2H,0+0, +4¢ “| Q: 23. What is meant by dead burnt gypsum? . (MTN 2015, LAR 245 i 2 ly controlled conditions, it | = When gypsum is heated above 100°C under carefully con , it Loses ans quarters of water of crystallization, The resulting product is called Plaster of Parig * 2CaSO4.2H2.0 —#"C_5 (CaSO,4)2.H20 + 3H20 Gypsum plaster of Paris Gypsum heated too strongly forms anhydrdus salt which absorbs water slowly. Such plaster is called dead burnt gypsum. ; , CaSOs.2H2O0 —S8'8_» CaSO, + 2H20 Q: 24 What is cement plaster and hard finish plaster? Or — What is hard-finish plaster? (DGK 2015, SGD 2016, RWP, DGK 2018) Ans: Cement plaster: . It is plaster of paris t6 which usually glue or other oils have been added as retarders to prolong the time of setting. seh Hard finish plasters: These are made by the calcinations of the anhydrous sulphate with alum of borax. These plasters set very slowly but give a hard finish, 7 i Q:25 What is the importance of sulphur for plants? (MTN 2017, LHR 2018) Ans: Sulphur has been tecognized as an-essential constituent of plants. For centuries, sulphur compounds had been applied to soils because of their observed beneficial effect on plants growth aside from serving as a constituent of protein and various other compounds in Plants, sulphur has an influence on chlorophyll development in plant leaves. Although not 2 constituent of chlorophyll, plants deficient in ‘sulphur exhibits a pale green color. - Roots system of plants has been observed to be greatly enlarged by the application of sulphur. > Q:26 What is the function of calcium in plant growth? _ Ans: Followings are the important functions of Calcium in plant growth: @ An adequate amount of calcium is necessary to stimulate’ the development of root hair and in fact entire TOOt system. . (ii) Calcium is necessary for development of bark, Ui) Caleium is also necessary to make phosphorus available for plants. (iv) An “adequate quantity of calcium is essential for the optimum activity of microorganisms that produce nitrates, (%) Calcium is necessary for normal leave development and tends to accumulate in leaves (i) Deficiency of Ca causes accumulation of various substances such as Al and Ma it harmful concentration in plants Scanned with CamScanner Chile saltpeter has the chemical formula (LHR 2009, 2014, 2015; GRW 2012, 2016; SWL 2014, 2016; MTN 20: a 5 125 RWP 2014; BWP 2011; SGD 2017) (A) NazBsO7 (B) KNOs (C) NaxCO;.H,0 —_(D) NaNO, ‘The oxides of beryllium are (GRW 2006, SGD 2013, MTN2014, 2015; BWP 2012) (A) acidic (B) basic (C) amphoteric (D) neutral Which of the following sulphates is not soluble in water? (SGD 2010, 2015, 2017; LHR 2013; RWP 2012) (A) sodium sulphate (B) potassium sulphate (C) zine sulphate (D) barium sulpliate Down’s cell is used to prepare (DGK 2011; GRW 2018) (A) caustic soda (B) baking soda (C) sodium metal (D) hydrogen Which is deposited at cathode during electrolysis of brine in diaphragm cell? (FSD 2010, 2014; RWP 2012; BWP 2011, 2016; MIN 2017; SWL 2018) (A) Na (B)H2 (©) 02 () Ch Which one of the following is not an alkali metal? - (GRW 2009, 2013, 2015;LHR 2008, 2013, 2018; MTN 2014; DGK 2013; SWL 2017) (A) francium (B) rubidium (C) radium (D) caesium Which one of the following does not belong to alkaline earth metals? (FSD 2009, 2017, 2018;MTN 2008, 2016, 2018;LHR2012, 2013; GRW 2015; FSD 2015; DGK 2013, 2018; AJK 2017) (A) Be (B) Rn (C)Ba (D) Ra The element caesium resembles with (MTN 2015; SGD 2015) " (A) Ca (B) Cr (C) Both (D) None Which ion will have maximum value of heat of hydration? (BWP 2015; LHR 2017; GRW 2017; RWP 2017) (A) Nat (B) Cs? (©) Me” (D) Ba”? The mineral CaSO4.2H20 has common name d (FSD 2011, 2013, 2016; SGD 2017; MTN 2017, 2018) (A) dolomite (B) epsom (C) gypsum (D)calcite - z sTz Tels olstets Tel £|.¢ | 7 face ob elualeee HP eC 10 liaic Scanned with CamScanner RS) MCQs (PAST PAPE Dolomite is an ore of : (LHR 2008, 254 (A) strontium (B) barium (C) magnesium (D) potassium ‘ In potassium super oxide (Kz), oxidation state of oxygen is (GRW ay, (A)-1 (B) -2 (C)-1/2 (D)-4 | 3 Point out ore of potassium * (LHR 2p (A) dolomite (B) cryolite - (C) bauxite (D) canallite 4 Alkali metals are,chemically similar because (MTN 2%, (A) their atomicity is one 7 (B) their outermost electron have same principle quantum number (C) their valence shell electronic configuration is same (D) of their molecular nature The metal which has same hardness as that of iron is (MTN 2004 (A) Be (B) Mg (C)Ca “ (D) Ba The alkaline earth metal oxide which is insoluble in water — (FSD 2009; SGD 2014 (A) CaO (B) BeO (C) SrO (D) BaO Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER - 02: s-BLocKs ELEMENTS " 1. 8 20, 21, 22. 23, 25, The formula of magnesite is * (FSD 2009) (A) MgSO, (B) M, e IgCO3 (C) CaMgy(Si0,);__ (D) MgCl Soda lime is often employed t ume RWP 2010) (A) carbon dioxide and hydrogen Pott : d hydrogen sulphide (B) carbon dioxi ioxi k n dioxide and water (C) carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide (D) water and nitrogen dioxide Which statement is true? (MTN 2009) ® lithium Bives Violet flame (B) sodium’ gives ceramic red flame (C) caesium gives blue flame (D) all are incorrect The ore of NaCl is named as (MTN 2010) (A) caustic soda (B) baking soda_—_(C) halite (D) sylvite Which clement is not present abundantly in the earth crust? (GRW 2008; RWP 2013) (A) silicon (B) aluminium (C) oxygen, (D) sodium Sulphur isan important constituent of (RWP 2009) (A) chlorophyll (By plant (C) protein ()all Only.alkaline earth metal, which will form peroxide? (SGD 2009;MTN 2009) (A) Be (B) Mg (C)Ca . (D)Ba The alkaline earth metal oxide which is more soluble in water (FSD 2009) (A) CaO (B) Beo (©) SO -(D) Bao Which of the following is the least reactive alkali metal? (LHR 2014) (A) Li (B)K: (C)Na (D) Rb Which of the following has the lowest melting point? 5 (LHR 2014) (A) beryllium (B) calcium (C) magnesium (D) strontium Calcium chloride is added to NaCl in Down’s cell to : (SGD 2011) (A) decrease solubility (B) decrease melting point (C) decrease dissociation (D) decrease conductivity LiNOs decomposes to give products . (SGD 2012) (A) Li20 + NO2 + Op (B) Lix0 #NO +02 (C)Li0+NO (D) Lix02 + NO +O, Cement contains gypsum: (LHR 2012) (A) 3% (B) 2% (C)0.2% (D) 0.3% Which 0 of the following belongs to alkaline earth metals? (SGD 2014) (A) Be, Mg, Ca (B) Fe, Co, Ni (© Li, Na, K (D)B, Al, Ga Plaster of Paris can be obtained from (FSD 2012) (A) marble (B) limestone (©) gypsum (D) bauxite The compound MgSOy.7H20 has common name (FSD 2011) (A)dolomite ~— (B) gypsum (C) epsum (D) calcite Elements of group IIA are called . (FSD 2014) (A) alkali metals (B) Alkaline earth metals ; (C) Coinage metals (D) Halogens . Nelson cell is used to prepare (SWL 2015) (A) NaOH (B) Na-metal (C) Na,COs (D) Nac Carnallite is a mineral of (SWL 2013 (A) Na (B) Mg (C) Be (D)Ca ) Scanned with CamScanner | | | 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, EA 38. The word alkali is derived from which language? ‘D) German (A) Arabic (B) French (C) Greek ta en cell? (DGK 7 ‘Which gas is evolved at cathode during electrolysis of brine in diap (D) Ch (A)Na @)ke Oot (GK 29, Which of the following will not form oxide on heating? Dy Mani: \) (A) LiNOs (B) CaNO3)2 Oe Gk, Dolomite is carbonate of (D)Na 4 (A) Be (B) Ba (©) Me (WGK 29 Which of the following will turn lime water milky? ora yy (A) COz (B) co COO ce ct : (GK 29 hemical formula no es . (B) KNOs (C)NaCO3.H,0 — (D) ae 201) i ith NaOH to form UasBeoshul @)Bcbee By pier (©) NecBeOs sy (D) Belo, Oxide used in mountaineer’s breathing equipment is , 5 (DGK 2010) (A) NaxO, (B) KO; ‘” ©)Nax0 (0) K20 Formula of superoxide is ’ (DGK 200 (ao! (8) 0;? qo (D) 0," Milk of magnesia is used for the treatment of (BWP 2014) (A) Basicity (B) Raneidity (C) Acidity (D) Jaundice Borax has chemical formula (BWP 2017), (A) KNO; (B) NaNO; (C) NazB,O7.10H;0 (D) NayCO3.H20 Formula of sodium beryllate is . (LER 2018) (A) NazBs0;.10H;0 (B) BeONa (C)NaBeo, (D) NagB,O; In Down’s cell, CaCh, is added to NaCl to GK 2018) (A) Increase the solubility = 4 0 (B) Increase the conductivity (C) Increase the dissociation (D) Lower the melting point ; c 2 c 3 D 4 c 5 A ] s B 1 B 8 B 9 D 10 cal D2 To Pas Pp L : wre : > 4 D 15 A at Ls a C Lz le Py B ee 2 a pts 44 | 23 | ao | ¢ [3 Te a te leaat 7 3 B 34 Cc 35, Cc L36 | 37 | ¢ [38 [> ina | e Oe , Scanned with CamScanner

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