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1 May 2024 Page 1 of 2

Intern Name: Bry anna Mieles

Interns hip: PE ST 2

Submitted: Apr 21, 2023 Superv is or(s ): J ennifer Kraus e, Lis a Pauls on

Cours e/Term: EDFE444 - 072 : Student Teac h Phy s ic al Mentor(s ): Abby Ney -Hawley
Edu ( Spring 2023 )

As s es s or: Abby Ney -Hawley (Mentor) Site: Les her Middle Sc hool (1550), 1400 Stov er Street , Fort Collins CO 80524

Comments : Subjec t(s ): Afric ana Studies , Art, Biologic al Sc ienc es , Biology , Chemis try , Chines e, Drama, Early Childhood, Earth Sc ienc e, Educ ational Leaders hip, Elementary , Englis h, Frenc h, Generic , Geography , German, His tory , Itinerant Vis ual Impairment, Math, Mex ic an Americ an Studies ,
Mus ic , PE, Phy s ic s , Soc ial Studies , Spanis h, Spec ial Educ ation, TESL, Theater
Grade(s ): Infant and Toddler, Pre-K, K4, K5, K, 1s t, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Adult Educ ation, Spec ial Educ ation, N/A

General Information

Information N/A

Teac her Candidate:

Comments : Bry Mieles

Obs erv er:

Comments : Matt Moeller & Abby Ney -Hawley


Comments : 4/20/23

Sc hool:

Comments : Les her Middle Sc hool


Comments : 6th

# of Students :

Comments : 75

UNC Cours e:

Comments : EDFE 444

Les s on Foc us :

Comments : Spirit of the Game: Ultimate Fris bee

Start/Stop Time:

Comments : 9:14-10:37

0.000 pts

Professional Preparation

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning N/A

a. Teac her c andidate arriv es at

plac ement early and is ready to
teac h.

Comments : Bry is alway s early , prepared, and helps s et equipment, and mak es s ure all c las s proc edures are ready for the les s on

b. Teac her c andidate is dres s ed

appropriately and interac ts
profes s ionally .

Comments :

c . Equipment and materials are

s et out and ready for c las s .

Comments :

0.000 pts

Classroom Management

Advanced Proficient Developing n/a N/A

a. The c las s room env ironment is

pos itiv e and welc oming to all
s tudents .

Comments :

b. Proac tiv e s trategies for

s tudent behav ior management
are us ed c ons is tently .

Comments : Utiliz es "friends " "v oic es " "I'll wait" and "y 'all"

c . Students are s afe (phy s ic ally

and ps y c hologic ally ) during the
les s on.

Comments :

d. Organiz ation of s tudents and

equipment allows the les s on to
flow s moothly .

Comments :

0.000 pts


Advanced Proficient Developing n/a N/A

a. Les s on objec tiv es are c learly

c ommunic ated and aligned to
s tandards .

Comments : All les s on objec tiv es align to s tate s tandards and IB c riterion.

b. Learning ex perienc es
addres s the ps y c homotor,
c ognitiv e, and affec tiv e domains .

Comments : Ps y c homotor: Student emphas is on warm up ex erc is es and and s pec ific ultimate fris bee s k ills Cognitiv e: Student reflec tion on heart rate monitor ranges (blue, y ellow and red) and ultimate fris bee s trategy /roles and res pons ibilities Affec tiv e: Spirit of the game: pos itiv e, thoughtful and k ind.

c . Tas k s are dev elopmentally

appropriate and s equenc ed
progres s iv ely .

Comments : Les s ons are s c affolded and built upon prior learning ex perienc es .

d. Ex tens ion, refinement, and

applic ation tas k s are integrated
into the les s on.

Comments : Students are s elf guided and c an adjus t bas ed on their output and needs with their heart rate monitors . Students hav e the opportunity to be s uc c es s ful through the Sport Ed. Model with roles and res pons ibilities bas ed on s k ill lev el and ability .

e. Les s on offers ample prac tic e

time and moderate to v igorous
phy s ic al ac tiv ity .

Comments : Heart rate monitor ranges are s et daily for s pec ific ac tiv ities and s tudents are prov ided ample time to reac h MVPA within the c omponents of fitnes s and time on tas k during game play .

f. Interdis c iplinary c ontent (e.g.,

literac y , math, s c ienc e) is
integrated into the les s on.

Comments :

0.000 pts

1 May 2024 Page 2 of 2
Advanced Proficient Developing n/a N/A

a. Communic ation is c lear,

c onc is e, and us es res pec tful
and inc lus iv e language.

Comments : Bry is us ing gender neutral language s uc h as "friends " and "y 'all" Bry is improv ing in her paus e and wait time requiring s tudents to be on tas k for ins truc tion.

b. A s et induc tion/antic ipatory s et

orients and ex c ites the learners .

Comments : Bringing in ex ternal v ideos and ex perienc es to motiv ate s tudents for game play and ultimate fris bee.

c . Ac c urate demons trations are

us ed to model s k ills /tas k s .

Comments : Utiliz ing peer modeling and demons trations . Ins uring that team c aptains and c oac hes are s et s o thes e s tudents c an als o demons trate s pec ific s k ills .

d. Chec k s for unders tanding are

us ed to ens ure s tudent
c omprehens ion.

Comments :

e. Spec ific c ongruent feedbac k

is prov ided equitably us ing
memorable c ues .

Comments : Bry us es language s uc h as "friends " "v oic es " and "y 'all" to ens ure all s tudents are rec eiv ing quality feedbac k during time on tas k .

f. Tas k s are modified to

differentiate learning for
indiv idual s tudent s uc c es s .

Comments : Students are able to modify and adjus t their fitnes s c omponent bas ed mov ements bas ed on their s k ill, ability and heart rate output. Eac h s tudent has an indiv idual role within the team bas ed on their unique s k ills ets within their team.

g. Appropriate ins truc tional

approac hes are applied for
les s on/s tudent c ontex t.

Comments : Bry us es a balanc e of teac her led and s tudent led ins truc tional approac hes to ens ure s uc c es s of s tudents regardles s of s k ill or ability .

h. Tec hnology is meaningfully


Comments : TV dis play at front of the c las s room, mic rophone, s peak ers , heart rate monitors .

i. Clos ure is us ed to reinforc e

and ex tend learning.

Comments : Student follow up c onv ers ations about output when doc k ing watc hes bac k in ev ery day .

0.000 pts


Advanced Proficient Developing n/a N/A

a. Formativ e as s es s ments are

us ed to inform ins truc tion and
s tudent learning.

Comments : Eac h day s tudents and teac hers c an c hec k heart rate monitor data graphs and hav e c onv ers ations and reflec tions . Peer to peer as s es s ments on their performanc e and output.

b. Formal as s es s ment data are

rec orded to ev aluate s tudent
progres s and ac hiev ement.

Comments : Students are ev aluated bas ed on IB c riterion rubric s that meas ure s pec ific output and performanc e.

c . As s es s ments are
dev elopmentally appropriate
and aligned to s tandards &
objec tiv es .

Comments : Eac h as s es s ment is aligned with s tate s tandards and the IB c riterion for eac h grade lev el.

0.000 pts

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Feedback N/A

General Feedbac k /Notes

Comments : Bry is ex tremely s trong in c ontent and v ery good at planning and pedagofy . She is great at the "art" of teac hing, and building s tudent relations hips . She needs to c ontinue work ing on finding her v oic e and be c onfident in her ability to deliv er c ontent and handle s tudent behav ior.

0.000 pts

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Performance N/A

Teac her Performanc e

Objec tiv e #1:

Comments : Gender Neutral Language: Bry does a c ons is tent job of us ing gender neutral language when addres s ing indiv idual s tudents or whole group.

Teac her Performanc e

Objec tiv e #2:

Comments : Ac tiv e Superv is ion: Bry is alway s c irc ulating and talk ing to s tudents during ac tiv ity . Bry is c onfident to s tep in and hav e hard c onv ers ations if needed.

Teac her Performanc e

Objec tiv e #3:

Comments : Spec ific Feedbac k : Bry will tak e the time to build relations hips and a s trong rapport with s tudents before behav iors bec ome more diffic ult.

0.000 pts

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Observation Summary N/A

Obs erv ation Summary

Comments : We will be v ery s ad to s ee her go. Bry is going to do great things in her grad s c hool and her profes s ion! We really apprec iate her hard work and dedic ation to the Les her Family .

0.000 pts

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