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2 PERMANENT AERIAL CABLING WITH ADSS OFC GI Pole to be used as per drawing which approved by Planning. Proper Porcelain pulley or metal pulley or supporting clamps to be used for OFC
rolling as per provided pics. Pole should be undergrounded at least 1M and fix with proper 1:2:4 concreting
(200mm (dia)*500mm (Height) all-around of Pole. Approx. 2- 3 mm dia GI string wire (PVC coated) to be used for support of OFC and
OFC not to be tighten directly by wire (in case Aerial cabling done with OFC other
than ADSS OFC). OFC loop approx. 10 m to be kept at every 5th Pole or every turning Points with
mounted “O” ring or clamp on Pole loop radius should not be less than 0.6M. OFC closure should be kept at proper order to avoid OFC bend. Spiral clamp to be used at the pole to tighten the OFC which helps to avoid the
direct tension on the OFC.

Permanent Aerial laying Pics

Permanent Aerial laying Pics
Pole Specification of Permanent Aerial.

A) G.I.pole is to be supplied & installed as per detailed specification given below

a. Overall Height of the pole : 7.00 M

b. Height above the ground : 5.80 M (or as per the site (requirement)
c. Planting depth : 1.20 M (or as per the site(requirement)
d. Section Height of the pole : Bottom - 4.00 M
: Middle - 1.50 M
: Top - 1.50 M

e. Only Hot Dip Galvanized Pole to be used, specification – 410-SP-1 with base plate & vent
hole (Guarantee of Galvanised minimum 30 years)
f. Cross hole is required 20 mm at the height of 600mm from bottom of pole, and 16mm
bar will be used –m300 mm long at the time of grouting/concreting as per drawing.
g. Pole to Pole distance 45 meter only or as per site requirement and as advise by Engineer-

B) Cement Concrete -M-20, Size of the Concrete area -500 mm x 500mm x 1200 mm or 500mm dia
from bottom level to surface level with a height of 1200 mm & additional 300mm dia -250mm
height Concrete to be given above the SGL.

C) The OFC cable drawn along with the G.I. pole with the following materials mentioned below:

a. Pole Clamp as per the size of Pole head, G.I., Shackle Insulator/Spool Insulator along
with Adjustor / turn buckle & nut bolt to be use on pole in zig -zag route & in straight
road, "round shackle" insulator can be use along with wrapping with aluminum wire and
as advised engineer-in-charge.

b. Joint of ADSS cable as per the specification and joint closure to be fix with the Pole by
openable closure box with nut bolt. Maintaining a minimum height of Joint closure 2.50
Mtr from the ground level.

c. Earthing should be done in all erected G.I.Pole by 8/10 swg G.l.wire only.

d. Loop is required at city area in alternative pole & in case of other than cities /Town, at
a distance of 180-220 Mtr or as advice given by the engineer in charge (Maximum loop 10
mtr), Loop to be done properly binding with cable tie and hang on the pole with extra
G.I. cross arm (40 mm x 40 mm x 6mm) with U clamp.

e. Pole marking and numbering in all erected poles.

f. For crossing of river and long distance valley / curve double pole with cross arm to be

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