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LC: Describe the force exerted by magnets (S3FE- IIId- e-3)


•Distinguish between North and South pole of a magnet.

• Describe how magnets attract or repel to each other.

• Demonstrate the force exerted by magnet.

Teacher: Good day, everyone. I have here an activity that I prepared for you. Anyone from the group,
please come and get the activity card. What I want you to do is to observe the magnets on that you bring
with you while following the procedures in the activity card.

Enactive Activity: (Observing and following the procedures in the activity card)


1.) Place two bar magnets on the table.

2.) Have the north pole of a bar magnet face the north pole of another bar magnet. Place them at least 5
cm away from each other. Observe what happens.

3.) Have the south pole of a bar magnet face the south pole of another bar magnet. Place them at least 5
cm away from each other. Observe what happens.

4.) This time, have the north pole of a bar magnet face the south pole of another bar magnet. Place them at
least 5 cm away from each other. Observe what happens.

5.) Try to move the north pole of a bar magnet towards the south pole of another. Observe what happens.

6.) Write your observations for procedure 2, 3 and 4. 7.) Present your output to the class.

Ikonic Level: (Answer the guided questions)

Guide Questions:

1. What happens when the magnets with the same poles face each other?

2. What happens when the magnets with opposite poles face each other?

3. What general statement can you formulate?

Symbolic Level: (Explanation of the activity)

Remember these: When the poles of the two magnets are put near each other, they have a force that will
either pull them together or push them apart. If the poles are different, then they will pull together, or
attract each other. (One pole is a south pole and one is a north pole.) If the poles are the same, then they
will push apart, or repel each other. (They are either both south poles or both north poles.) The push and
pull of a magnet is called magnetism. Magnets showing the north and south poles attracting metallic

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