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No. New Words Word Form Meaning Examples

1 Sacred ADJ Linh thiêng

2 Basberry Noun
Belonging to a particular place by
Pipestone birth; a person born in a specified The native plants thrived in
3 Adjective/Noun place their natural environment.
Plume A location or area where something The construction site was
4 Noun significant or interesting is found buzzing with activity.
Quarry Related to or used in ceremonies or The ceremonial attire added
5 Adjective formal events elegance to the occasion.
To build or create; a complex
Sprinkle concept formed by combining The team worked together to
6 Verb/Noun elements construct a new bridge.
Flesh Exactly, accurately, or with great She measured the ingredients
7 Adverb attention to detail precisely for the recipe.
The sunset over the
mountains was truly
8 Porcupine Adjective Strikingly beautiful or impressive spectacular.
Mugwort Something that is difficult or The disappearance of the
9 Noun impossible to understand or explain artifact remained a mystery.
To pull or attract; a game or contest The artist used charcoal to
10 Puff out Verb/Noun ending without a winner draw a detailed portrait.
The adventurous explorer
Pinch Willing to take risks or try out new ventured into uncharted
11 Adjective methods, ideas, or experiences territory.
Gastrointestinal An interconnected system; to The social network facilitated
12 Noun/Verb connect or operate with a network communication worldwide.
Bothersome A wonderful or astonishing person The ancient architecture was
13 Noun/Verb or thing; to be amazed a marvel of engineering.
An organization for the promotion
Puncture of art, science, education, etc.; to The institute conducted
14 Noun/Verb establish or enact groundbreaking research.
Mediator The restriction on travel was
15 Noun A limiting condition or measure lifted after the pandemic.
To protect or maintain; a place They worked hard to preserve
16 Swell Verb/Noun where wildlife is protected the historical documents.
Wheal To relate to or have relevance to a The discussion will pertain to
17 Verb particular subject recent scientific findings.

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