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For age now, there has been a public out ray on the need to indigenize

technology in our nation in order to reduce oversea expenditure, improve our local

technology and promote to generate economic standard of our nation.

We were made to understand that technology abroad keeps improving while

our national technology is left lying idle. In this regard therefore we need to

develop our national technology such as producing our own port manufacturing

industries, motor building and assembly industries apart from Peugeot Automobile

Nigeria Limited (P.A.N.). Foundry and heat treatment industries cater for our

transportation, agriculture, communication and other industrial advancement that

will improve the total life of the people.

The knowledge is different from educational and this might be the problem, reason

why our nation has been dependent on oversea technology. So, after viewing the

whole case the difficulties of our nation to stand on their own technological

advancement, we have decided to try our hands, using local materials to do things

that serve our everyday needs. The idea of construction of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine will assist in the manufacturing and packaging


The raw materials needed for this type of project are in abundance in this

country. It will also be noticed that he resultant cost of production per unit for the

local automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine will be cheaper and within

reach of the masses. Now we do not have to import anything during the

construction process and therefore saves the cost of import. In other words, we

bought all the raw materials needed for this project in this country and product it

directly. The result is that production cost is reduced and hence the marketing price

will reduce as well.

The automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine can last longer with

low cost of maintenance. The automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine is

provided with a strongly constructed stand on which the electrical and element is

mounted on. Durability is further enhanced by providing guards around the sealing

chamber which can withstand various sizes of polythene and protect them from


The polythene cutting and sealing machine is easy to operate and very safe. The

cutting part is provided with a rectangular box form external interference after

uses. In addition, the technical and scale efficiency in polythene processing were

also determined alongside the constraints affecting the processing of polythene by

rural women.

Polythene cutting and sealing machine manually can be quite tasking, time

consuming and ineffective. Thus, undertaking this project will no doubt alleviate

the problems being encountered by individuals, small and medium enterprise that

still seal and cut polythene separately for commercial production. The use of

machinery will go so far in reducing the physical exhaustion in cutting and sealing,

the duration of labor and increase in overall efficiency, but the efficiency in term of

quality and quantity can still be improved to combine the process in other to

improve the production rate and at the same time improve the efficiency.


Polythene Automatic Sealing and cutting machine is a machine that is used to seal

and cut polythene into different sizes depending on the required dimension.

Polythene is a type of synthetic rubber widely used often as transference sheets for

water proof packaging. The sealing machine is one of the most important

fabrication of engineers of the 20th century, the achievements led to sweet relieve

for Agriculturist, industrialist, marketers etc. for this purpose, the production of

Agricultural and industrials, goods which need appropriate attention for packaging

and storage has been on the increase.

Traders in the market require Polythene bags in packaging commodities for their

customer. The same material can be made in various shapes as long as packaging

of goods is concerned. There is obvious need for diversification of the Nigeria

economy. We can start by producing some simple machine so that scare of foreign

exchange can be conserved for more need and essential goods. It will also enable

Nigerians manufacture to expand their industries there by making price of products

relatively cheaper compared with the imported ones and are affordable to majority

of Nigerians.

Developed countries like Japan started by producing simple machine using the

abundant local raw material for the manufacture of goods can also be exported in

order to earn foreign exchange rather than exporting the raw material. There is

great need to improve on the technological advancement in the country since, she

is blessed with abundant material and human resources which need to be tapped for

useful purpose. In plastic industry the machines that are required to process goods

into usable products can still be manufactured locally.


Overall, the development of automatic polythene cutting and sealing machines

represents an important area of research and development for the manufacturing

and packaging industries. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to

see even more sophisticated machines that are capable of cutting and sealing

polythene with even greater precision and efficiency.

The machine currently, many industries and businesses that produce and package

goods require polythene bags to store and transport their products. However, the

process of cutting and sealing the polythene bags is usually done manually, which

is time- consuming, labor-intensive, and can lead to inaccuracies and

inconsistencies in the size and quality of the bags produced. Therefore, there is a

need for an automated machine that can efficiently and accurately cut and seal

polythene bags, thereby reducing the cost of production, improving the quality of

the bags, and increasing productivity. The machine should be user-friendly, easily

operable, and capable of cutting and sealing polythene bags of different sizes and

thicknesses. Additionally, it should be durable, safe, and energy-efficient, with

minimal maintenance requirements


1.3.1 AIM

The primary aim of this project work is to develop an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine that cut and seal polythene with minimal human intervention.


The specific objectives are to:

(a) Design an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine;

(b) Construct an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine designed in

(a), and

(c) Evaluate the performance of the automatic polythene cutting and sealing



To alleviate the processing of polythene cutting and sealing to a large scale; to

hasten the processing operation and to eliminate the effects of environmental

factors on the product, a machine will be developed with the aim of increasing the

production and quality level of the polythene cutting and sealing operation.


The development of an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine is a

significant study for several reasons, With the cost of exchange rate to import

goods from abroad. The development of the machine locally source materials will

increase the technological know-how of the nation. The machine will be available

to traders who do not have money to buy imported ones. This project is necessary

because it is a test of practical knowledge and help to prepare student to face

practical problem that they may meet in the field. It also expected that through

such projects student will get more acquainted with material identification and

selection. It helps in building more knowledge in student about machine

development. When this type of project is improved upon it will contribute much

in helping our nation over dependence on foreign countries for provision of goods

and machine

In summary, the development of an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine is significant as it addresses environmental concerns, increases efficiency

and productivity in manufacturing, and has economic implications for small and

medium-sized enterprises


There are several limitations to the development of an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine, some of which include:

1. Material properties: Polyethylene is a type of thermoplastic material that can

melt easily when exposed to high temperatures. However, it can also be difficult to

cut and seal due to its high viscosity and low thermal conductivity.

Developing a machine that can accurately cut and seal PE requires a deep

understanding of the material properties and how they can be manipulated to

achieve the desired results.

2. Machine complexity: An automatic cutting and sealing machine for polythene

requires multiple components, including a cutting blade, heating element, and a

control system to manage the process. Designing and building such a machine can

be complex and require significant engineering expertise.

3. Safety considerations: The high temperatures involved in cutting and sealing

polyethylene can pose safety risks to both the machine operator and the

surrounding environment. Careful safety measures must be implemented to ensure

that the machine operates safely and without risk of injury or damage.

4. Cost: Developing an automatic cutting and sealing machine can be expensive,

particularly if the machine is designed to handle large volumes of material. The

cost of materials, engineering, and manufacturing can be a significant barrier to

entry for many businesses.

5. Maintenance and repair: Like any machine, an automatic cutting and sealing

machine will require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to ensure it

operates effectively. These costs should be factored into the overall development

and operating costs of the machine.


Polythene: it is a tough, light flexible synthetic resin made by polymerizing

ethylene, chiefly used for plastic bags, food container and other packaging.

Sealing: it is the action of fastening or closing something securely.

Cutting: is the separation or opening of a physical object, into two or more

portion through the application of an acutely directed force.

A Foam Strip or Foam Pad: This is often used in automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machines as a cushion or spacer between the heated sealing bar and the

cutting blade. The foam strip helps to prevent the heated sealing bar from directly

touching the cutting blade, which can cause damage.

The Arm: The arm on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine serves

several functions:
1. Material feeding: The arm of the machine is used to feed the polythene material

into the machine for cutting and sealing. The arm holds the roll of polythene

material and feeds it into the machine's cutting and sealing mechanism.

2. Cutting: The arm of the machine holds the cutting blade that cuts the polythene

material to the desired length. The blade is controlled by the machine's

programming, which determines the length of the cut based on the user's input.

3. Sealing: The arm of the machine is also used to seal the edges of the polythene

material after it has been cut. The arm holds the heating element that melts the

edges of the polythene material together to create a strong seal.

4. Speed control: The arm of the machine may also be used to control the speed at

which the polythene material is fed into the machine. This helps to ensure that the

cutting and sealing process is carried out at a consistent speed, which is important

for producing high-quality products.

The Cross Bar: The cross bar on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine serves an important function in the process of producing sealed plastic

bags or pouches.

The cross bar is a horizontal bar that moves back and forth across the width of the

machine. It holds the polythene material in place while the sealing and cutting

process takes place.

During operation, the polythene material is fed into the machine, and the cross bar

holds it securely in place while the heat-sealing element seals the edges of the

material together. Once the sealing process is complete, the cutting blade of the

machine cuts the sealed material, creating individual bags or pouches.

The cross bar also helps ensure that the bags or pouches are cut and sealed evenly,

preventing any leakage or uneven seals. It is an essential part of the automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machine, as it helps to maintain the accuracy and

precision of the cutting and sealing process.

The Face Board: The face board on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine serves several functions:

1. Guide: The face board acts as a guide to ensure that the polythene material is fed

smoothly and evenly through the machine.

2. Support: The face board provides support to the polythene material during the

cutting and sealing process, ensuring that it remains flat and stable.

3. Protection: The face board helps to protect the cutting and sealing mechanism of

the machine from damage by preventing the polythene material from getting

tangled or caught in the machinery.

4. Accuracy: The face board can also help to improve the accuracy of the cutting

and sealing process by ensuring that the polythene material is positioned correctly

and consistently.

Overall, the face board is an important component of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine, helping to ensure that the process runs smoothly,

accurately, and efficiently.

The Heating Element: The heating element on an automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine is a crucial component responsible for melting the edges of the

polythene sheet and sealing it shut. The main function of the heating element is to

generate enough heat to melt the polythene material and fuse it together to create a

strong seal. When the polythene sheet is fed through the machine, the heating

element heats up to a specific temperature and comes in contact with the edges of

the sheet. As the edges melt, the machine applies a continuous, airtight seal.

Without the heating element, the edges of the polythene sheet would not melt and

fuse together, resulting in a weak seal that could break or allow air to seep in. The

heating element ensures that the polythene sheet is cut and sealed precisely,

allowing for efficient and effective packaging of goods.

The Metallic Frame: The metallic frame on an automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine serves several important functions:

1. Support: The frame provides a sturdy structure to support the various

components of the machine, including the cutting blade, heating elements, control

panel, and motor.

2. Stability: The frame ensures that the machine remains stable during operation,

which is crucial for achieving accurate cuts and seals.

3. Safety: The metallic frame also helps to protect the operator and other personnel

from any moving parts or hot surfaces on the machine.

4. Durability: The use of a metallic frame ensures that the machine can withstand

the wear and tear of continuous use over time.

5. Precision: The frame also plays a role in maintaining the precision of the cutting

and sealing process, as any movement or vibration of the machine could negatively

impact the accuracy of the cuts and seals.

The Nail Hook: The nail hook on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine is typically used to hold the plastic bag or film in place during the cutting

and sealing process. The hook is located near the cutting and sealing mechanism

and is designed to securely hold the plastic material as it is fed through the


As the plastic material is pulled through the machine, it is first cut to the desired

length and then sealed along the edges. The nail hook helps to ensure that the

plastic material remains in place during this process, preventing it from slipping or

becoming misaligned.

The use of a nail hook can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the cutting and

sealing process, particularly when working with larger or thicker sheets of plastic.

It can also help to reduce waste by ensuring that each bag or piece of film is cut to

the correct length and properly sealed along the edges

The Pedal: The pedal on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine is

used as a control mechanism to operate the machine. When the operator presses

down on the pedal, it activates the machine's cutting and sealing functions. The

pedal is usually connected to a pneumatic or hydraulic system that controls the

movement of the cutting and sealing mechanism. When the pedal is pressed down,

it sends a signal to the control system to activate the cutting blade and the heating

element, which melts and seals the edges of the polythene material.

The pedal is a convenient way to control the cutting and sealing process because it

allows the operator to use their foot to activate the machine, leaving their hands

free to handle the polythene material. This can increase the efficiency and

productivity of the machine, as well as reduce the risk of accidents or injuries that

can occur when using manual cutting and sealing tools.

Overall, the pedal on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine plays a

critical role in the machine's operation, allowing for precise and efficient cutting

and sealing of polythene materials.

The Regulator Switch: The regulator switch on an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine is used to adjust the temperature of the heating element that is

used to seal the polythene.

Polythene is a thermoplastic material, which means it can be melted and reshaped

repeatedly by heating and cooling. In an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine, a heating element is used to melt the edges of the polythene, creating a

strong and durable seal.

The regulator switch is used to adjust the temperature of the heating element to

ensure that the polythene is properly sealed. If the temperature is too low, the seal

may not be strong enough and the package may leak. If the temperature is too high,

the polythene may melt and become damaged.

By adjusting the regulator switch, the operator can ensure that the sealing

temperature is just right for the specific type and thickness of polythene being

used. This helps to create a strong and secure seal, ensuring that the contents of the

package are protected during shipping and storage.

The Rubber Band: The rubber band on an automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine serves as a component of the machine's feeding system. The

rubber band helps to grip and pull the polythene material through the machine,

ensuring a smooth and consistent feed of the material during the cutting and

sealing process.

Specifically, the rubber band is located on the machine's feeder rollers, which

rotate to pull the polythene material into the machine. The rubber band provides

the necessary friction and grip to help the rollers effectively grip and pull the

material through the machine.

Without the rubber band, the feeder rollers may slip or fail to grip the polythene

material, resulting in irregular cutting and sealing, or even damage to the machine

itself. Therefore, the rubber band plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and

effective operation of an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine.

The Sealing Platform: The sealing platform on an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine serves a very important function. The main purpose of the

sealing platform is to hold the polythene bag in place during the sealing process.

The platform is typically made of a heat-resistant material, such as aluminum or

steel, and it is designed to provide a flat, stable surface for the bag to rest on during

the sealing process.

When the bag is placed on the sealing platform, it is pulled tightly over the heating

element, which melts the plastic and creates a seal. The platform ensures that the

bag is held firmly in place, which helps to ensure that the seal is strong and

consistent. Additionally, the platform helps to prevent the bag from shifting or

moving during the sealing process, which could result in an uneven or incomplete


Overall, the sealing platform is a crucial component of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine, as it plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and

consistency of the seals that are created.

Overall, the foam strip is an important component of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine, helping to ensure smooth and consistent operation

while protecting the machine and producing high-quality cuts and seals



Polyethylene is one of the most widely used plastic materials in the world. It is

used for a variety of applications such as packaging, agriculture, and construction.

However, cutting polythene sheets to specific sizes can be time-consuming and

labor-intensive, which has led to the development of automatic polythene cutting

machines. This literature review aims to explore the development of automatic

polythene cutting machines.


According to Oladimeji and Akinlabi (2017), design and fabrication of an

automatic polyethylene cutting machine, he stated the current art in automatic

cutting machines and proposed a new design that is more efficient and cost-

effective. The machine uses a blade to cut polyethylene sheets to the desired size

and shape.

Rizki, Iqbal, and Maulana (2018), designed a motorized polyethylene cutting

machine that uses a stepper motor and a blade to cut polyethylene sheets. The

machine is controlled by a microcontroller and can cut polyethylene sheets to a

high degree of precision. The researcher conducted experiments to evaluate the

performance of the machine and concluded that it is a reliable and efficient tool for

cutting polyethylene sheets.

According to Wang and Yan (2020), developed a high-speed polyethylene cutting

machine that uses a laser to cut polyethylene sheets. The machine is capable of

cutting polyethylene sheets at a speed of up to 1000 mm/s with a high degree of

precision. The researcher conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of

the machine and concluded that it is a reliable and efficient tool for cutting

polyethylene sheets.

Kumar, and Garg (2019), development of an automatic polyethylene cutting

machine for packaging industries. The machine uses a blade to cut polyethylene

sheets to the desired size and shape. The researcher conducted experiments to

evaluate tool for cutting polyethylene sheets in the packaging industry.

Chelladurai et al (2017). attempted to create the artificial flank wear using the

electrical discharge machining (EDM) process to emulate the actual or real flank

cutting machine. The tests were conducted using coated carbide inserts, with and

without wear on EN-8 steel. The acquired data were used to develop artificial

neural networks model. Empirical models were developed using analysis of

variance (ANOVA). Vibration and strain data during the cutting process were

recorded using two accelerometers and one strain gauge bridge. Power spectral

analysis was carried out to test the level of significance through regression

analysis. Experimental results were analyzed with respect to various depths of cut,

feed rates and cutting speeds. Also, Palanisamy et al (2019) studied the flank

cutting tool prediction of a tool by focusing on two different models, namely,

regression mathematical and artificial neural network (ANN) models. The Design

of Experiments (DOE) technique was developed for three factors at five levels to

conduct experiments. Experiments were conducted for measuring tool wear based

on the DOE (Design of experiments) technique in a universal milling machine on

AISI 1020 steel using a carbide cutter. The predictive neural network model was

found to be capable of better predictions of tool flank wear within the trained


Singh and Khamba (2018), studied cutting machine using stationary ultrasonic

machining of titanium and its alloys by using the outcome of the Taguchi model

and developed a mathematical model for tool wear rate using Buckingham’s π-

theorem. Six input parameters, tool material, power rating, slurry type, slurry

temperature, slurry concentration, and slurry grit size were selected to give output

in form of tool wear rate . Kumar et al (2000). investigated the application of

ultrasonic cutting machining, an impact machining process for the cost-effective

machining of commercially pure titanium (ASTM Grade-I) and evaluation of tool-

wear rate under the effect of different process parameters. The outcome of the

Taguchi model was used for developing a micro-model for tool-wear rate (TWR);

using Buckingham’s pie theorem. A comparison of the experimental resulted

obtained assisted in the validation of the model.

Yuefeng et al (2008). studied statistical relationships between the initial wear and

uniform wear periods of a cutting and sealing machine. Large amount of literature

review of tool wear and questionaries’ of manufacturers, 873 tool wear curves

were taken as samples. Finally, statistical analysis was carried out to select the

most suitable tool from all the tool materials suggested by the tool manufacturers.


Jayabal and Natarajan (2010), studied the effect of optimal cutting parameters on

thrust force, torque, and tool wear in drilling of coir fiber-reinforced composites.

They determined the optimal cutting parameters’ settings through experiments, and

analyzed using the Box–Behnken design, Nelder–Mead, and genetic algorithm

methods. Singh and Rao (2012) developed an analytical tool wear model for the

mixed ceramic inserts during the hard turning of bearing steel incorporating

abrasion, adhesion, and diffusion wear mechanisms. The new model developed

reliably used to assess the wear of the mixed ceramic tools within the domain of

the parameters. It was observed that tool wear was increasing with the increased
cutting speed, feed, and effective rake angle. However, it was found to be slightly

decreased with the increased in nose radius. The proposed model was validated by

conducted experiments. Also, Li and Guo (2018), investigated experimentally the

condition of the tool wear by studying signals acquired from vibration and force

sensors. They explored the use of Frequency Band Energy (FBE) analysis and

Fuzzy Clustering (FC) techniques for tool wear status recognition in metal cutting.

Their results proved that superiority and effectiveness of this method over other

method for tool wear status recognition. Moreover, Fang et al (2016). conducted an

experiment on the effect of tool edge wear and the cutting forces. The experiment

showed that the tool edge wear increased as the tool edge radius increases.

Gonzalo et al (2015). investigated the use of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) of

two different coatings (ZrCN and TiN) . Different turning inserts were coated with

four different bias voltages (30, 120, 210 and 400 V). The results showed that the

tool wear was directly related to the residual stresses of the coatings, and these

were controlled by the bias voltage [16].

In another work, Fang et al (2017). investigated experimentally and theoretically

the sharpand round-edge tools in orthogonal machining with BUE (built up edge)

formation for cutting. The experiment showed a roundedge tool produces higher

vibration magnitudes than does a sharp tool. The developed neural network model

had proven valid using a separate set of cutting experiments under different cutting

conditions from those used for network training and testing. Saglam, studied feed

rate, the cutting speed, the engagement length and material hardness in order to

monitor tool wear effect on line. An old multi point band saw machine was used

for the experiments. Tool wear monitoring models using artificial neural network

were developed to predict the tool wear during cutting off the raw materials. The

analysis also showed that cutting length, hardness and cutting speed had significant

effect on tooth wear, respectively, while feed rate showed less effect.

Also, Zhang et al (2016). proposed an innovative approach based on shape

mapping to acquire tool for cutting , to establish an off-line tool wear predicting

model for assessing the degree of wear and remaining useful life. These mapped

holes on the metal material were analyzed according to all types of milling cutters

in order to establish the relationship between the characteristic parameters of these

mapped holes and tool wear. Experiments showed that the shape mapping strategy

of tool wear allowed for an effective assessment of tool wear and indicated good

correlation with the expected wear characteristics and easily conducted tool wear


Furthermore, Albertelli et al (2019). experimentally studied the effects of Spindle

Speed Variation (SSV) technique on tool wear in steel turning. The cutting speed

and the cutting speed modulation were the main investigated factors. The flank

wear width was the main considered process response and it was monitored

continuously during wear tests up to the end of the tool life. The effects of the

factors were analyzed through the analysis of Variance approach.

Chen et al (2018). analyzed the relationship between cutting tool vibration and

surface roughness. In this experiment the spindle speed, feed rate, and cutting

depth were chosen as the numerical factor; the cutting feed direction and holder

type were regarded as the categorical factor. The final results showed that the

effects of feed rate and cutting depth provide the reinforcement on the overall

vibration to cause the unstable cutting process and exhibit the result of the worst

machined surface. He investigated the tool wear by studying the changes in forces

and dynamics of an individual multi tooth milling cutter using internal encoders

and signal analyses.

Moreover, Peng et al (2018). investigated the effects of vibration by studying the

fundamental principles and mechanism of ultrasonic cutting machining together

with experimental results of scratching of polysilicon with parallel and vertical

ultrasonic vibration assistance. A new approach was proposed by an elliptic

ultrasonic vibrating workpiece. It presented with the elliptic ultrasonic vibration

assistance, the brittle material was more ductilely removed than in conventional

condition, and tool wear decreased in scratching of brittle materials. Hsieh et al.

(2018) discussed the effects of the sensor installations, selected features, and the
bandwidth size of the features on the classification rate. Results showed that proper

feature extraction for classification provided a better solution than applying all

spectral features into the classifier.

Also, Jaffery and Mativenga (2019) studied development of a wear map for Ti-

6Al-4V alloy, in cutting machine to identify the wear mechanisms associated with

tool deterioration across different regions of the wear map. The characterization of

wear mechanisms with respect to machining conditions and tool wear rate

ultimately helped in the development of suitable tool coatings for machining

titanium-based alloys. Furthermore, Zangera and Schulzea (2019), experimentally

analyzed tool wear rate against change in temperature and sliding velocity (feed).

Lath machine, Ti-6Al-4V (Titanium) alloy as work piece and tungsten carbide as

cutting tool were used for experiment.

Xu et al (2018) studied tool cutting tool analysis on the uncoated and multi-layer

(Al2O3/TiCN) coated carbide tools was performed in high-speed turning operation

with the aid of cutting temperature and tool Von Mises stress simulations. The

main wear mechanisms of the uncoated tool were crater wear, oxidation wear,

adhesive wear, and abrasive wear, whereas for the multi-layer coated tool, they

were crater wear, adhesive wear, and abrasive wear .

Ding et al (2018). studied the tool cutting behavior during ultrasonic

vibrationassisted grinding (UAG), whose grain motion trajectory differs from that

in conventional grinding (CG). This way they evaluated the grinding wheel

performance inorder to investigate the effects of ultrasonic vibration on the tool

wear through tracking observation of grains. As a result, UAG obtained lower and

more stable grinding forces while slightly rougher ground surface in comparison

with CG.

MihoKlaic et al (2018). conducted experiments on stone cutting machine with a

small diameter twist drill to predict tool wear by means of a machine learning

decision tree algorithm. Signal features extracted from both the time and frequency

domain were used as input parameters for construction of a decision tree which

classifies the tool state into sharp or worn. The best model achieved 90% accuracy

in classification and relied only on features of the current signals, which simplified

its implementation in a CNC system for industrial applications.

D’Addona and Teti (2018), investigated tool cutting development during

machining processes. In order to monitor the tool wear, the interface chosen

between the working procedure and the computer was a digital image of the cutting

tool detected by an optical sensor. They designed and optimized artificial neural

networks for automatic tool wear recognition using standard images of cutting tool

is proposed.
In conclusion, the development of automatic polyethylene cutting machines has

greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of cutting polyethylene sheets.

Various designs and techniques have been developed over the years, including the

use of blades, lasers, and micro controllers. These machines have been shown to be

reliable and efficient tools for cutting polyethylene sheets in various industries.

Future research in this area could focus on improving the speed and precision of

these machines and exploring new techniques for cutting polyethylene sheets.



Introduction of computerized control systems: Modern polyethylene cutting and

sealing machines come equipped with computerized control systems that allow for

precision control of the cutting and sealing process. This technology has enabled

the production of bags, sheets, and films with higher accuracy and consistency.

According to a study by Hafiz et al. (2017), computerized control systems have

improved the efficiency and accuracy of polyethylene cutting and sealing

machines, resulting in higher quality products.

1. Integration of ultrasonic cutting and sealing technology: Traditional

polyethylene cutting and sealing machines use heat to cut and seal the material,

which can sometimes cause issues such as uneven edges or warping. Ultrasonic

cutting and sealing technology has been introduced as a more precise and efficient

alternative. A study by Kumar et al. (2019) found that ultrasonic cutting and

sealing technology significantly improved the quality of polyethylene bags by

reducing wastage and increasing productivity.

2. Development of automatic roll feeding systems: Traditional polyethylene cutting

and sealing machines require manual feeding of the material, which can be time-

consuming and increase the risk of errors. Automatic roll feeding systems have

been developed to streamline the feeding process and improve efficiency.

According to a study by Singh and Soni (2015), automatic roll feeding systems

have reduced labor costs and increased productivity in polyethylene cutting and

sealing machines.

3. Introduction of safety features: Polyethylene cutting and sealing machines can

be dangerous if not used properly. To improve safety, manufacturers have

introduced various safety features such as emergency stop buttons, interlock

systems, and safety guards. A study by Kim et al (2016), found that the

implementation of safety features significantly reduced the incidence of accidents

in polyethylene cutting and sealing machines.


2.6.1 Heat Sealing Method

Heat sealing is a common method used in automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machines. The machine uses a heated element to melt the polythene and create a

seal. The heat source can be a hot wire, a heated bar, or a heated jaw. This method

is fast and efficient, and it can create a strong seal that is resistant to tampering.

2.6.2 Ultrasonic Sealing Method

Ultrasonic sealing is another mechanized method used in automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machines. This method uses high-frequency vibrations to melt

the polythene and create a seal. Ultrasonic sealing is fast and efficient, and it can

create a strong seal that is resistant to tampering. This method is commonly used in

industries that require airtight seals, such as the food and pharmaceutical



2.7.1 Laser Cutting Method

Laser cutting is a precise and efficient method used in automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machines. This method uses a laser to cut the polythene sheet or bag.

Laser cutting is ideal for cutting complex shapes and patterns, and it can cut

through a variety of materials, including polythene, without damaging the material.

This method is commonly used in industries that require high-precision cutting,

such as the electronics and automotive industries.

2.7.2 Pneumatic Cutting Method

Pneumatic cutting is a mechanized method used in automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machines. This method uses compressed air to power the cutting blade.

Pneumatic cutting is fast and efficient, and it can cut through thick materials,

including polythene, with ease. This method is commonly used in industries that

require high- volume cutting, such as the packaging and shipping industries.

Sealing is an important process in the packaging industry, particularly in the

production of polythene bags. The development of automatic polythene sealing

machines has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of the sealing process.

In this literature review the researcher explore some of the key research on the

development of automatic polythene cutting and sealing machines.




In achieving the stated objectives, extensive literature study on previous works will

be done. The detailed conceptual drawing of the developed an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine will be done using Solid works Software. The

isometric and orthography views of the designed automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine are show in figure 1 and 2. The improved machine will involve

incorporate controller to control the heart of the element. The design consideration

consider as are: cost, ergonomics, maintainability, operational flow, operational

safety, rigidity and temperature. In the fabrication process mild steel metal will be

used in the frame body of the machine.

The machine would be assembled using both permanent and temporary fastening.

The performance of the machine will be evaluated by comparing the performance

of the developed automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine with the

manually operated one.


Engineers are usually concerned with the availability of material and the property

these materials possess for intelligent, reliable, functional, and resourceful design.

Material property is the measured magnitude of its response to standard performed

according to a procedure in a given environment (Niebel and Wyok, 1999). The

choice of materials depends on many factors such as types and intensities of stress

to which the component is subjected, corrosive action, weather it is to be flexible

or rigid, type of manufacturing process required, durability or expected service life,

weight of the component, temperature effect, aesthetic value, cost of construction

etc. material selection is very important in many engineering design because it

make failure or success of the marked product. The material to be used for the

construction of automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine and its

components is stainless steel. Stainless steels were invented to overcome the

problem of corrosion which is a major concern of cattery hand tools and machine

and many other industries (Dewangan et al., 2015).

The properties of stainless steel play an important role in the design of element and

table parts of the equipment. The use of high-quality stainless steel in fabrication

of processing equipment helps not only to prevent corrosion but also ensures purity

of the product handled in that equipment (Dewangan et al., 2015).

In addition to this, stainless steels are easy to clean and maintain and a number of

different products can be manufactured or processed. If properly utilized, equipment

made of stainless steel can be expected to last for many years (Tuthill et al., 1998). On

a life cycle basis, the alloys are often the most cost effective (Covert and Tuthill,



Figure 3.1: Isometric view of the automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine

Figure 3.2: Orthography view of the automatic polythene cutting and sealing



The design of the proposed developed automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine is summarized using the isometric and orthographic diagram in figure 3.1

and 3.2 to explain how the machine will be operated.

From the above drawing, the designed component include: the cutting mechanism,

the sealing mechanism, the feeding mechanism, and the control system. The

automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine works on a simple principle of

cutting and sealing the polythene sheet. The machine first unwinds the polythene

roll and feeds it into the machine. The polythene sheet is then cut according to the

required length by the cutting unit. After cutting, the sealing unit seals the edges of

the polythene bag to prevent leakage. The cooling unit then cools down the bag to

ensure that the seal is firm and secure. Finally, the cut and sealed polythene bag

move to the next stage of the production process.




3.4.1 A FOAM STRIP OR FOAM PAD: This is often used in automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machines as a cushion or spacer between the heated

sealing bar and the cutting blade. The foam strip helps to prevent the heated sealing

bar from directly touching the cutting blade, which can cause damage.

3.4.2. THE ARM: The arm on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine serves several functions:

1. Material feeding: The arm of the machine is used to feed the polythene material

into the machine for cutting and sealing. The arm holds the roll of polythene

material and feeds it into the machine's cutting and sealing mechanism.

2. Cutting: The arm of the machine holds the cutting blade that cuts the polythene

material to the desired length. The blade is controlled by the machine's

programming, which determines the length of the cut based on the user's input.

3. Sealing: The arm of the machine is also used to seal the edges of the polythene

material after it has been cut. The arm holds the heating element that melts the

edges of the polythene material together to create a strong seal.

4. Speed control: The arm of the machine may also be used to control the speed at

which the polythene material is fed into the machine. This helps to ensure that the

cutting and sealing process is carried out at a consistent speed, which is important

for producing high-quality products.

3.4.3 THE CROSS BAR: The cross bar on an automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine serves an important function in the process of producing sealed

plastic bags or pouches.

The cross bar is a horizontal bar that moves back and forth across the width of the

machine. It holds the polythene material in place while the sealing and cutting

process takes place.

During operation, the polythene material is fed into the machine, and the cross bar

holds it securely in place while the heat sealing element seals the edges of the

material together. Once the sealing process is complete, the cutting blade of the

machine cuts the sealed material, creating individual bags or pouches.

The cross bar also helps ensure that the bags or pouches are cut and sealed evenly,

preventing any leakage or uneven seals. It is an essential part of the automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machine, as it helps to maintain the accuracy and

precision of the cutting and sealing process.

3.4.4 THE FACE BOARD: The face board on an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine serves several functions:

1. Guide: The face board acts as a guide to ensure that the polythene material is fed

smoothly and evenly through the machine.

2. Support: The face board provides support to the polythene material during the

cutting and sealing process, ensuring that it remains flat and stable.

3. Protection: The face board helps to protect the cutting and sealing mechanism of

the machine from damage by preventing the polythene material from getting

tangled or caught in the machinery.

4. Accuracy: The face board can also help to improve the accuracy of the cutting

and sealing process by ensuring that the polythene material is positioned correctly

and consistently.

Overall, the face board is an important component of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine, helping to ensure that the process runs smoothly,

accurately and efficiently.

3.4.5 THE HEATING ELEMENT: The heating element on an automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machine is a crucial component responsible for

melting the edges of the polythene sheet and sealing it shut. The main function of

the heating element is to generate enough heat to melt the polythene material and

fuse it together to create a strong seal. When the polythene sheet is fed through the

machine, the heating element heats up to a specific temperature and comes in

contact with the edges of the sheet. As the edges melt, the machine applies a

continuous, airtight seal. Without the heating element, the edges of the polythene

sheet would not melt and fuse together, resulting in a weak seal that could break or

allow air to seep in. The heating element ensures that the polythene sheet is cut and

sealed precisely, allowing for efficient and effective packaging of goods.

3.4.6 THE METALLIC FRAME: The metallic frame on an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine serves several important functions:

1. Support: The frame provides a sturdy structure to support the various

components of the machine, including the cutting blade, heating elements, control

panel, and motor.

2. Stability: The frame ensures that the machine remains stable during operation,

which is crucial for achieving accurate cuts and seals.

3. Safety: The metallic frame also helps to protect the operator and other personnel

from any moving parts or hot surfaces on the machine.

4. Durability: The use of a metallic frame ensures that the machine can withstand

the wear and tear of continuous use over time.

5. Precision: The frame also plays a role in maintaining the precision of the cutting

and sealing process, as any movement or vibration of the machine could negatively

impact the accuracy of the cuts and seals.

3.4.7. THE NAIL HOOK: The nail hook on an automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine is typically used to hold the plastic bag or film in place during the

cutting and sealing process. The hook is located near the cutting and sealing

mechanism and is designed to securely hold the plastic material as it is fed through

the machine.

As the plastic material is pulled through the machine, it is first cut to the desired

length and then sealed along the edges. The nail hook helps to ensure that the

plastic material remains in place during this process, preventing it from slipping or

becoming misaligned.

The use of a nail hook can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the cutting and

sealing process, particularly when working with larger or thicker sheets of plastic.

It can also help to reduce waste by ensuring that each bag or piece of film is cut to

the correct length and properly sealed along the edges

3.4.8 THE PEDAL: The pedal on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing

machine is used as a control mechanism to operate the machine. When the operator

presses down on the pedal, it activates the machine's cutting and sealing functions.

The pedal is usually connected to a pneumatic or hydraulic system that controls the

movement of the cutting and sealing mechanism. When the pedal is pressed down,

it sends a signal to the control system to activate the cutting blade and the heating

element, which melts and seals the edges of the polythene material.

The pedal is a convenient way to control the cutting and sealing process because it

allows the operator to use their foot to activate the machine, leaving their hands

free to handle the polythene material. This can increase the efficiency and

productivity of the machine, as well as reduce the risk of accidents or injuries that

can occur when using manual cutting and sealing tools.

Overall, the pedal on an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine plays a

critical role in the machine's operation, allowing for precise and efficient cutting

and sealing of polythene materials.

3.4.9 THE REGULATOR SWITCH: The regulator switch on an automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machine is used to adjust the temperature of the

heating element that is used to seal the polythene. Polythene is a thermoplastic

material, which means it can be melted and reshaped repeatedly by heating and

cooling. In an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine, a heating element

is used to melt the edges of the polythene, creating a strong and durable seal.

The regulator switch is used to adjust the temperature of the heating element to

ensure that the polythene is properly sealed. If the temperature is too low, the seal

may not be strong enough and the package may leak. If the temperature is too high,

the polythene may melt and become damaged. By adjusting the regulator switch,

the operator can ensure that the sealing temperature is just right for the specific

type and thickness of polythene being used. This helps to create a strong and

secure seal, ensuring that the contents of the package are protected during shipping

and storage.

3.4.10.THE RUBBER BAND: The rubber band on an automatic polythene cutting

and sealing machine serves as a component of the machine's feeding system. The

rubber band helps to grip and pull the polythene material through the machine,

ensuring a smooth and consistent feed of the material during the cutting and

sealing process.

Specifically, the rubber band is located on the machine's feeder rollers, which

rotate to pull the polythene material into the machine. The rubber band provides

the necessary friction and grip to help the rollers effectively grip and pull the

material through the machine.

Without the rubber band, the feeder rollers may slip or fail to grip the polythene

material, resulting in irregular cutting and sealing, or even damage to the machine

itself. Therefore, the rubber band plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and

effective operation of an automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine.

3.4.11THE SEALING PLATFORM: The sealing platform on an automatic

polythene cutting and sealing machine serves a very important function. The main

purpose of the sealing platform is to hold the polythene bag in place during the

sealing process. The platform is typically made of a heat-resistant material, such as

aluminum or steel, and it is designed to provide a flat, stable surface for the bag to

rest on during the sealing process.

When the bag is placed on the sealing platform, it is pulled tightly over the heating

element, which melts the plastic and creates a seal. The platform ensures that the

bag is held firmly in place, which helps to ensure that the seal is strong and

consistent. Additionally, the platform helps to prevent the bag from shifting or

moving during the sealing process, which could result in an uneven or incomplete


Overall, the sealing platform is a crucial component of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine, as it plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and

consistency of the seals that are created.


This is concerned with detailed designed of the automatic polythene cutting and

sealing machine. This includes design specification and choice of material used in

the construction of the machine.

In the production of the automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine, some

factors such as reliability of the machine economics, stability, height, movement,

sizes of individual components where considered, and also of consideration are

cost, maintenance, portability, efficiency and other characteristics. The detail

design deals with the actual sizing and dimensioning of all the component parts

(both fabricated and purchased) of the machine that go into the making of the total


The automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine is widely used in homes,

packaging industries, nylon industries etc, since many individual and packaging

industries cannot afford the bigger polythene cutting and sealing system.


Automatic polythene cutting and sealing machines are designed to cut and seal

plastic bags, pouches, and packaging materials in various sizes and shapes.

3.6.1 Mechanical System Calculations

The mechanical components of this machine consist of the following:

 The Frame

 Foot press (or pedal)

 Restraining Springs

 Heat Sealing Lid

 Boards

This machine is designed to seal and cut polythene materials at varied


3.6.2 Heart Generated by The Conducting Wire of The Machine

According to Joule’s Law of Heating;

 The amount of heat produced in a current conducting wire, is

proportional to the square of the amount of current, i, that is flowing

through the circuit when the electrical resistance of the wire, R and the

time of current flow, t is constant.


H ∝ i2(where R and t are constant)

 The amount of heat produced is proportional to the electrical

resistance of the wire when the current in the circuit and the time of

current flow is constant.


H ∝R (When i and t are constant)

 Heat generated due to the flow of current is proportional to the time of

current flow, when the resistance and amount of current flow is



H∝t (When i and R are constant)

Combining all three equations above gives:

H∝i2 Rt

When I, R and t are all changing.

1 2
H = j i Rt

Where H is the heat generated in joules, J

i is the amount of current flowing through the conductor in amperes,

R is the electrical resistance of the wire in ohms, Ω

J is the joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat


MACHINE The force, F required to seal the polythene material using the

machine is equivalent to the force required to stretch the restraining springs, F s

since the spring restrains and retains the sealing lid at a distance above the hot–

wire sealer.

Mathematically, F ≅F s

For springs:

Force acting on spring (tension or compression), F s = Stiffness Constant (K)

x Distance (x).



The power control unit is of paramount importance. It happens to be the

building block of every electronic design in the sense that the overall

functionality depends on it. However, electronic circuits operate with DC

power supply hence the need for the following components.

 240/12V transformer

 Bridge rectifier

 Filter capacity

 Voltage regulator

The block diagram of the power unit is shown in the figure 3.3 below:

Transformer Rectifier Filter Voltage


Figure 3.3; block diagram of power unit


The interconnections of the block diagram above give rise to what is called

the power supply as shown below in the figure below.

Figure 3.4: Power supply circuit diagram


The transformer is a static electronic device consisting of two closely

coupled coils (primary and secondary). Its job is to either step up or step

down the AC supply to its primary side through induction to the secondary

side stepped up/down. An ideal transformer has the following


Ep α Np

………………………………………………. (1)

Analysis on transformer parameters for V out =V

……………………… (2)

Ep= primary voltage = V

Es= secondary voltage = V

Np= number of primary turns

Ns = number of secondary turns

t = turns ratio thus, the turns ratio t,

Figure 3.5: Diagram of the transformer


A rectifier is a device designed that changes an alternating current (AC) to

direct current (DC).

The output of a transformer is fed to the rectifier which is basically of two


1. Half wave rectification and

2. Full wave rectification precisely

The full wave model is usually adopted as the output is a combination of

both the forward and reversed biasing as both the positive and negative

portions are connected to the output needed for the supply of power

(Trevor, 2000).

A full wave rectifier is a circuit, which converts an ac voltage into a

pulsating dc voltage using both half cycles of the applied ac voltage. It uses

two diodes of which one conducts during one half cycle while the other

conducts during the other half cycle of the applied. Ac voltage.


Table 4.1 below will be used to obtain data analysis of volume for manual

operation, for the constructed automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine.

Time Volume

(Seconds) Manual Constructed automatic polythene cutting and sealing




From the table above the results of the will be compared by calculating the mean

deviation of the volume obtained by the manual operation, machine operation.



The developed automatic polythene cutting and sealing machine will be evaluated

using available polythene in the locality. It will be carried out at the School

Workshop, Mechanical Engineering Department.


The conceptual design of the proposed machine has been done. The literature

review is in progress. The approval of this seminar will lead to the actualization of

this work which seeks to performance development of an automatic polythene

cutting and sealing machine.


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