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General Overview

Catch-up Grade 8
Peace Education

Theme: Community Awareness

Time Date: March 15, 2024

II. Session Details


At the end of the session, learners will be able to:

Session - develop a clear understanding of Social Justice and Human Rights.
Objective - analyze the impact of Social Justice and Human Rights on individuals and societies.
- appreciate the importance of understanding the impact of Social Justice and Human Rights on individuals and societies.

Key Concepts
social justice and human rights are vital for creating a just, inclusive, and harmonious society where every individual can live with dignity and
have equal opportunities to thrive.
social justice and human rights is commonly based on several key factors:
Several key factors commonly associated with social justice and human rights include:
Equality, Non-Discrimination, Justice and Fairness, Inclusion and Participation, Dignity and Respect, Accountability and Rule of Law,
Solidarity and Advocacy.
These key factors are interconnected and work together to promote social justice and protect human rights in society.

III. Facilitation Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures

Introduction 10 mins. Warm-up (5 minutes):

and Warm-up

1. Divide the class into two teams: the Affirmative team and the Negative team.
2. Each team will prepare arguments supporting their assigned position based on the significance of
personal growth in the journey to equality.
3. Assign roles within each team, such as team captain, speakers, researchers, and rebuttal
4. Set the format for the debate, allowing each team member to participate.
5. Conduct the debate, following the format below:
a. Opening Statements: Each team presents an opening statement outlining their position
and main arguments.
b. Individual Speaker Presentations: Speakers from each team present their arguments,
supporting their position with evidence from the story and real-life examples.
c. Rebuttals: Teams have the opportunity to respond to the opposing team's arguments,
challenging their points and providing counterarguments.
d. Closing Statements: Each team presents a closing statement summarizing their position
and reinforcing their main arguments.
6. Encourage respectful and constructive dialogue, focusing on the ideas presented rather than
personal attacks.
7. After the debate, facilitate a class discussion to reflect on the arguments presented and encourage
students to share their thoughts and insights.
8. Conclude the activity by highlighting the importance of personal growth in the journey to equality
and how it can contribute to broader societal change.
Concept 15 mins Reading and Analysis of “THE JOURNEY OF EQUALITY” (20 minutes):
Exploration - Distribute copies of the short story " THE JOURNEY OF EQUALITY “to each student.
- Instruct students to read the story silently, paying attention to the themes of intercultural Understanding.
- After reading, facilitate a class discussion using the following :

Opening Statements:
- Affirmative team: Personal growth is essential in the journey to equality as it fosters empathy, understanding,
and resilience, enabling individuals to become effective advocates for social justice and human rights.
- Negative team: While personal growth is valuable, it is not the sole determinant of achieving equality.
Structural changes, systemic reforms, and collective action are equally important in the journey to equality.

Individual Speaker Presentations:

- Affirmative team: Speakers present arguments highlighting the impact of personal growth on fostering
empathy, understanding diverse perspectives, and empowering individuals to challenge injustices. They
provide examples from the story and real-life instances where personal growth has driven significant progress
towards equality.
- Negative team: Speakers present arguments emphasizing the need for systemic changes and collective
action in the journey to equality. They discuss how personal growth, while valuable, may not address the root
causes of inequality and the importance of addressing structural barriers to achieve lasting change.

- Teams have the opportunity to respond to the opposing team's arguments, challenging their points, and
providing counterarguments. They can bring in additional evidence, examples, or perspectives to support their

Closing Statements:
- Affirmative team: Summarize the key points made throughout the debate, emphasizing the transformative
power of personal growth in driving societal change and the importance of individual agency in the journey to
- Negative team: Reiterate the significance of collective action, systemic reforms, and structural changes in
achieving equality. Emphasize that personal growth alone may not address the systemic barriers that
perpetuate inequality.

Valuing 10 Ins  Social Justice and human rights are essential for creating a just, inclusive, and harmonious society
where every individual can live with dignity, equality, and freedom.
Journal Writing 5 mins  Journal Entry
Ask students to write a journal entry reflecting on what they have learned about Social Justice and
Human Rights and how they can apply the concepts of Social Justice and Human Rights in their

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I MT 1 Principal I

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