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(01) The following bar graph shows the food items brought by the students of Kaikawala

Central College for their breakfast. Study it and write a description on it. The provided words
and phrases may be useful. Use about 100 words.
maximum, minimum, higher than, lower than, favourite etc.






122 134

Rice Bread Chickpeas Green grain Sweet patato Short-eats


(02) The following pie chart shows the reading materials that the students of Parakrama National
College would like to read. Examine it and write a description on it. You may use words such as
highest, lowest, greater than, lower than, equal etc.

Numbers of students who read different reading materials

Newspapers; 34 Story books; 44
Magazins; 11

Novels; 72

Textbooks; 258

Story books Novels Textbooks Magazins Newspapers


(03) The following table shows the numbers of students of Vijaya College who use different
modes of transport to come to school.
school bus, school van, train, motor cycle, push cycle, on foot
Mode of Transport Number of students
Motor cycle 44
School bus 470
School van 253
Push cycle 33
On foot 219
Train 118


4) The Environmental Society of your school has organized a tree plantation campaign. Write a
notice to inform students and teachers of it. Use about 40 -50 words. Include the following.
Where you conduct the campaign
What kinds of plant participants should bring
Date and time


5) The sports meet at your school has been postponed due to extreme heat in the area to another
day in May. Write a notice about this to be put on the notice board in your school. Use about 40
- 50 words. Include the following.
The date it had been scheduled
When it will be held again
Date and time


06) You have lost your practice kit at school. Write a notice to inform the students and teachers
about this. Use about 40 - 50 words. Include the following.
The place, date and time you may have lost it.
Its colour, size, brand etc.
To whom it should be handed over if found

7) You have found a pencil case at your school. Write a notice to inform the students of your
school about it. Use about 40 - 50 words. Include the following.
where and when you found it
Its brand, what it contains
where you have kept it for collection etc.


8) The Youth Society of your village has organized an "Aluth Awurudu Uthsawaya" for the Year
2024. Write an invitation for the chief guest of it. Mention the following.
What the event is
who has organized it
date, time and venue etc.

9) Convert the following to reported speech.

a. Ruvini says , " I am too hungry now."

b. Ann and Andrew say, " We have settled that bill."
c. Teacher instructs, " Students, complete this activity quickly."
d. Mother asks, " Son, do you go to the class today?"
e. Doctor advised, " Boy, take this tablet at night."
f. The girl shouted, "Somebody please come and help me."
g. Brother says, " I will have to restart this project tomorrow."
h. The manager says, " Our employees had worked hard yesterday."
i. The policeman ordered, " Stop the vehicle and get down."
j. My sister says, " I washed your clothes yesterday."

10) Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

1. Where does the poet stop?

2. What time of day is described here?
3. Who is the poet?

4. Where is the house of the wood's owner?

5. What has happened to woods?
6. Who thinks it is queer to stop there?
7. Why does he think so?
8. Why does the hose shake bells?
9. What is the adjective that describes wind?
10. How far should the poet go before sleep?

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