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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
(Zambales National High School – Annex)
Bangantalinga, Iba, Zambales

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 9

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. define and differentiate the angles of elevation and angles of depression;
2. illustrate and solve the angles of elevation and angles of depression; and
3. appreciate the angle of elevation and angle of depression in real-life situations.


Topic: Angles of Elevation and Angles of Depression
Mathematics Learner's Material 9 by Merden L. Bryant et al., p. 468–461.
Materials: PPT, visual aids/ IM’s, scientific calculator, blackboard, and chalk.
Subject Integration: English and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
 Before we start, kindly One student will lead the prayer
stand up for the prayer.  Our Father…
b. Greetings
 Good morning class!  Good Morning ma’am!
c. Checking of attendance
 Class secretary, is there  None, ma’am
anyone absent from our
class today?

 Very good!

2. Review
 What was our lesson One student raises hand.
yesterday?  Our lesson yesterday was
about trigonometric ratios.
 Can you tell me what the six  The six trigonometric ratios
trigonometric ratios are? are the sine, cosine, tangent,
cosecant, secant, and

 Can you tell me the  Ma’am, the mnemonic that

mnemonic that we can use can help us easily remember
to easily remember the three the sine, cosine, and tangent is
main trigonometric ratios? the mnemonic SOH CAH

 Very good, do you have any  None ma’am.

more questions or
clarification about
yesterday’s topic?

 If none then let’s proceed to

the next topic.

1. Motivation
 Let’s start our today’s
discussion with a game.

 The title of our game is One student will read the mechanics
“Scratch and Answer”. From of the game.
the PPT, kindly read the Scratch and Answer
game’s mechanics. Yes, Mechanics:
_____. 1. The game will be play by a
group with five members.
2. Each group will be given a
piece of paper that they need
to scratch to reveal the hidden
3. Each group should be able to
write the answer in the blank
on their paper.

 To get to know your group, I The students will look under their
want you all to look under chairs.
your chair.

 As you can see, there is a

piece of paper that has
different angles.

 Now all the students who got Students will go to their respected
the 45°angles are on Team group.
Euclid. The students who got
the 60° angles are on Team
Pascal. Those who got the
90° angles are on Team
Newton. The students who
got the 120° angles are on
Team Descartes, and last but
not the least, those who got
the 180° angles are on Team
Archimedes. You may sit
where you can find the name
of your group.

 Thank you. So, here is the

paper; you can use a coin or
other things that you want to
reveal the riddle. I will also
be giving you 3 minutes to

 Are you ready?  Yes ma’am.

 I have here a 3-minute timer.

Once the timer is done, I
want you all to raise your
answers, and we will check if
your answers are correct.

 The first group that finishes

first will get a reward.

 Your three minutes starts The students will start their work
now. together.

(After three minutes)

 Time’s up! Raise your

answers, everyone.

 For Team Euclid, can you tell  The riddle that we got is,
us the riddle you got and your “I have wings; I am able to
answer? fly; I’m not a bird, yet I
soar high in the sky. What
am I?”

 Ma’am, our answer on the

riddle is “Airplane”.
 That’s correct. It’s an

 How about Team Pascal? Can  The riddle that we got is,
you tell us your riddle and “I love to dance, twist, and
your answer? prance. I shake my tail as I
sail. Wingless, I fly into
the sky. What am I?”
 Ma’am, our answer on the
riddle is “Kite”.

 That’s correct. It’s a kite.

 Let’s proceed to Team  The riddle that we got is,

Newton? Can you tell us your “I can only live where
riddle and your answer? there is light but I die if the
light shines on me. What
am I?”

 Ma’am, our answer on the

riddle is “Shadow”.
 That’s correct. It’s a Shadow.

 How about Team Descartes?  The riddle that we got is,

Can you tell us your riddle “I reach for the sky, but
and your answer? clutch to the ground.
Sometimes I leave, but I
am always around. I am
green at the top but brown
at the bottom. What am I?”
 Ma’am, our answer on the
riddle is “Tree”.

 Very good. You got the

correct answer.
 For the last team, we have  The riddle that we got is,
Team Archimedes. Can you “I can come in range, but I
tell us your riddle and your am not an option. I’m tall,
answer? but I’m not a sky
skyscraper. I can be climb,
but I’m not a tree. I have a
peak, but I’m not a cap.
What am I?”

 Ma’am, our answer on the

riddle is “Mountain”.

 Very good. Since you all got Students will give themselves five
the correct answer, I want you claps.
to give yourselves winner
claps. Please stand up, and I
will show you how to do the
winner’s clap.

The teacher will show the students how The students will do the winner clap.
to do the winner clap.

 Thank you, and for team

_____, who finished first,
here is your reward.

 Now, what do you think about  Ma’am, the answers we

the answers you got from the got are commonly found in
riddles? the environment.

 Very good. Another?  Ma’am, these objects are

familiar to us.

 Very good. Any other ideas?  Ma’am, these objects are

the objects that we
sometimes look up and
down on.
 Yes, exactly, so our topic for
today is connected to the
things that we look up and
down at.

 Are you ready to gain more  Yes, ma’am!

knowledge today, class?
 If you’re ready, then let’s
proceed to our discussion.

2. Discussion
 Our topic for today is about
angles of elevation and
angles of depression.

 Before I explain what the

angles of elevation and
angles of depression are, let’s
first define what “line of
sight” is because we can use
it today in our lesson.

 Kindly read, _____.  Line of sight is an

imaginary line that
connects the eye of an
observer to the object
being observe.

 As you can see in the

illustration, we have three
lines of sight. The line of sight
above the observer, line of
sight below the observer, and
the horizontal line of sight.

 Now kindly read the  The angle of elevation is

definition of “angle of the angle from the
elevation”. Yes, ______. horizontal to the line of
sight of the observer to the
object above.
 Let’s take a look at the

 As you can see in the

illustration, the line of sight
above the observer and the
horizontal line of sight create
the angle of elevation.

 How about the angle of


 The angle of depression is

 Please read, _____.
the angle from the
horizontal to the line of
sight of the observer to the
object below.

 Take a look at the illustration

 Ma’am, we can see that the
and tell me what you see.
angle of depression is the
opposite of the angle of
elevation. The angle of
depression is also created
by the horizontal line of
sight and the line of sight
below the observer.
 Very good. That’s correct.

 Now, can you tell me the  The angle of elevation is

difference between the angle the upward angle, and the
observer is looking at the
of elevation and depression
object above, while the
based on their definitions? angle of depression is the
downward angle, and the
observer is looking at the
object below.

 Excellent, so in simple words,

the angle of elevation is the
opposite of the angle of

 Now, let’s proceed to solve

some examples regarding our

 Please read Example 1. Yes,

The student will read the problem.

 Thank you so much. To

 Ma’am, we should first
answer this example, what do
identify what is ask.
you think is the first step to
solve this problem?

 Very good.
 Ma’am, we are asked to find
 Now, can you tell me what is
the distance of the observer to
ask in the problem?
the base of the tower.

 Ma’am, we should identify the

 Very good. Now for step 2,
what do you think we should

 The given are the height of the

 Great job. Can you tell me
tower, which is 15.24 m, and
what are the given, _____?
the angle of elevation, which
is 41°.
 Good job. After that we can
now proceed to step 3 which
is to illustrate the problem.

The teacher will draw the illustration.


 As we can all see, we have a

tower whose height is 15.24
m and a 41° angle of

 As you can also see in the

illustration, we created a right

 Now how do you think we

 We can solve it by using
can find the value of x?
trigonometric ratios.

 Yes, that’s correct. We can

use SOH CAH TOA to solve
for the unknown.

 Since we all know that we Students will bring out their

can’t solve the trigonometric calculators.
ratios manually, we need a
scientific calculator. That’s
why I ask t you to bring a
scientific calculator. So class,
kindly bring out your
scientific calculator.

 Now, looking at our problem  Ma’am, we should use the

and illustration, can you tell formula of tangent because
me what the given are and the given is the opposite
unknown sides of the problem side and the unknown is
are? What formula do you the adjacent.
think we should use?
 Very good. We will use the  tan � =
formula of tangent because it ��������
has both opposite sides and
adjacent sides. Can you tell
me the formula for tangent?

 Very good. Since we already

know the formula, let’s
proceed to our fourth step. We
need to substitute the given
into the formula and solve for
the unknown adjacent.

 We will have tan 41° = �

 Cross multiply, we will have

tan 41° � = 15.24.

 To remove tan 41° beside x  We need to divide tan 41°

we need to what? on both side of the

 Very good. So, if we divide

tan 41° on both side we will
end up to � = tan 41°.
 Using your calculator, can  � = 17.53 meters(m)
you tell me the value of our x?

 With that, we can say that the

distance of our observer from
the tower is 17.53 m.

 Is that clear?  Yes, ma’am.

 Do you have any more  None ma’am.

questions about our first

 If none then let’s proceed to

the next example.

 Please read example 2. Yes,  Example 2:

An airplane is flying at a
_____. height of 4 kilometers
above the ground. The
distance along the ground
from the airplane to the
airport is 6 kilometers.
What is the angle of
depression from the
airplane to the airport?

 Just like in the first example,

let’s take a look at our

 Since the problem is asking

for the angle of depression,
we can say that the angle of
depression is the angle made
from the diagonal line, which
represents the distance of the
plane from the airport, and the
horizontal line, which
represents the path of the

 We now have the


 As you can see on the

illustration our opposite side
and our adjacent side
changes position because we
are looking at the angle of

 Now based on the problem  Ma’am, the formula we

can you tell me what should use is
formula we should use? tan � =
since the
given are the opposite side
and the adjacent side.

 Now that we have the

formula, we can now
substitute the given we have:
tan � =

 Simplify we have
tan � = 0.6667.

 To convert 0.6667 to
degrees, we need to find the
inverse of the tangent. To do
that, we can use our
scientific calculator.

 Now I want you to hold your  Ma’am, the tangent is

calculator and press the shift raised to negative 1.
button at the upper left of
your calculator. Tell me,
what do you see on your

 Yes, if that is the case, then  Ma’am, the answer is

you can now proceed to type 33.69°.
0.6667 to get the final
answer. Can you tell me the
answers that you got?

 Very good. Therefore, our

angle of depression is equal
to 33.69°.

 Did you get the same  Yes ma’am.

 Also remember that when  Yes, ma’am.
we are writing the final
answer don’t forget to write
the unit of measurement like
the degrees (°) or kilometers
(km) or other unit of
measurement asked for.

 Do you have any more  None ma’am.

questions or clarifications
regarding our topic?

 If none, then let’s have some


3. Application.
 Here on the board, I have two

 May I have two volunteers The students will raise their hands.
to illustrate the problems?

 Yes, _____for problem 1 and

_____for problem 2.

 Please read the problem first

before going to the board to Student 1 will read problem 1.
answer.  Problem 1
A kite is flying at an angle of
elevation 67° with the ground.
if 100 ft of string have been
paid out to the kite, how far is
the kite above the ground?
 Now please read problem 2. Student 2 will read problem 2.
 Problem 2
The distance of a car from the
top of the building is 100
meters. If the car is 50 meters
away from the building, what
is the angle of depression?

Student 1 expected illustration.

 Thank you so much. Both of
you can now come here on
the board and try to illustrate
the problems.

Student 2 expected illustration.

 Thank you for illustration the

problems, ______ and _____.

 Now, who wants to solve the The students will raise their hands.

 Yes _____ and ____.

 While your classmates are on

the board, I want everyone to
also try solving the problems
in your notebook.

Student 1 expected solution.

���� =

sin 67° =
sin 67°(100) = �
92.05 = �

Therefore, the kite is 92.05ft above

the ground.

Student 2 expected solution.

���� =
���� =
���� = 0.5
� = ���−1 (0.5)
� = 60°

Therefore, the angle of elevation is


 Kindly explain your work The students will explain their

_____ and ______. answers on the board.

 Since both of your classmates

are done, let’s check their
answers as well as your
answers in your notebook.

The teacher will show the illustration and

solutions to the given problems.

 For problem 1, our final

answer is 92.05 feet, and for
problem 2, we have 173.21

 Yes, ma’am.
 Now, are your answers the
same as the answers on the
 Very good. Do you have any  None, ma’am.
more questions or

 If none, then we can say that  Yes ma’am.

all of you understand our
topic. Am I right?

4. Generalization
 Again, what is line of  Line of sight is an
sight? Yes, _____? imaginary line that
connects the eye of an
observer to the object
being observe.

 How about the angle of  The angle of elevation is

elevation? Yes, _____? the angle from the
horizontal to the line of
sight of the observer to the
object above.

 Now, what is the angle of  The angle of depression is

depression, _____? the angle from the
horizontal to the line of
sight of the observer to the
object below.

 Can you give me the  The angle of elevation is

difference of angle the angle between a
elevation and angle of person's horizontal line of
depression, _____? sight and an item when
they are standing and
looking up at it. The angle
of depression is the angle
between the horizontal line
of sight and the object
when a person is standing
and looking down at

5. Valuing
 Before we proceed to our  We may use the angles of
today’s activity, can you elevation and depression to
tell me the importance of calculate distances, building or
our today’s discussion or tower heights, and other
lesson in our daily life. things.
Yes, _____?

 Another?  Our topic can help civil

engineers build bridges,
homes, highways, and other

 Thank you all for your

answers. All of those
were correct, and this
topic is very important to
our society as it helps us
measure the height and
distance of different

 Aside from that this topic

can help you in the future
specially if we want to
take up math-related
courses in college.

 Do you have any more  None, ma’am.

questions or clarifications
about our topic?

 If none then let’s test the

knowledge that you gain
from our discussion.

In a one whole sheet of pad paper illustrate and solve the following problems. (10
points each)
1. A hiker is 400 m away from the base of a tree. The angle of elevation from
the top of the tree is 46°, how high is the tree?
2. A person observes a point on the ground from the top of the hill that is 1.56
km high. If the distance between the point and the observer is 2 km, what is
the angle of depression?

Criteria 10 8 6 4

Illustration All contents are The content and Has difficulty The presentation
directly related to drawn figures explaining how does not relate to
the topic. The are directly the content and the problem.
content and drawn related to the topic relate.
figures are topic. Included
thoroughly many details that
developed, and the demonstrate
details demonstrate knowledge of
knowledge of the the topic.

Solution Details and the Lack one detail, Lacks two Lack more than
process are but process is details, and the two details, and
complete. complete. process is not the process is
not complete.

Direction: Illustrate and solve the problem.
1. An observer in a lighthouse is 48.8 m above sea level saw two vessels
moving directly towards the lighthouse. He observed that the angles of
depression are 42° and 35°. Find the distance between the two vessels,
assuming that they are coming from the same side of the tower.

Prepared by:


Student Mathematics Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Head Teacher VI

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