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What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and demonstrated that

talent over time?

One of my greatest skills that I have is definitely public speaking. As a rally commissioner for my
highschool, I have a lot of experience in public speaking. I have developed and demonstrated
this skill in various ways such as when I get to MC rallies, different lunch time activities, and
different after school events. Another great skill that I have is communication. I am very good at
speaking my mind in different situations. I’ve developed different solutions to let people know
what my opinion is without hurting anyones feelings and making people feel unheard. I also
happen to be a very good team player. I get along with everyone and can make conversation
with anyone. I also have very good active listening skills. I have demonstrated this skill
frequently when I attended several kinds of meetings for the variety of clubs that I am a part of.
ANother skill that I possess is time management. I have good time management skills because I
am always early and make sure to get my work done the day it’s assigned. I really am an
organized person and it’s very useful when it comes to assignments, due dates, and meetings. I
have also had the chance to practice my patience skills when I work with kids. I quite often get
the oppurtgounity to work with kids when I go to church, babysit, and I have 3 younger siblings
that I take care of which have really helped me use my patience tool. In conclusion, I have
several different skills that I can use in my future.

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others,
helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

An example of my leadership experience has definitely stemmed from my position in ASB. Being in
ASB gives me the opportunity to positively impact people in our school. I am able to speak for the
kids who feel unheard and outcasted. My junior year of highschool, I was fortunate enough to run for
vice president of my class which came with the responsibility of being one of the four prom
committee members. We took people’s opinions into consideration while we were planning the whole
thing. We picked everything from the venue all the way to the color of the napkins they were going to
use to wipe their faces. Being one of the leaders of planning prom, people’s opinions really mattered
to us and I think that was a really big example of when I had to use my leadership skills in a positive
manner. I am also a rally commissioner at my school. That commitment really opens up; the doors
with ways for me to do things for the community of my highschool as a whole. Getting to direct and
put together these rallies means I am directing and putting together for all of the 2,000 people at my
school. I am putting together different skits, games, and activities for the majority of the people to
watch. As rally commissioner, I always have to think about what the people want to see. I will not
always please everyone with everything that I do but I definitely try to incorporate everyone’s
different interests and opinions. In conclusion, I really feel as if I have many different opportunities to
express my leadership skills to positively influence others.

What have you done to make your school or community a better place?

I would like to think I have done a numerous amount of things to make my school and community a
better place. I have stepped up in many ways I didn’t think I was capable of such as joining
leadership, becoming vice president of my junior class, and becoming an ASB officer. I was also a
member of a club called Central Valley Conservation Association where we would pick up trash
around our school campus and go on field trips to pick up trash around our city. I have over 300
community service hours where I have helped teachers mentor their classes and help when help is
needed. I have also volunteered during my summers to attend optional leadership classes where we
would help make decorations for the upcoming school year. During my junior year, I was also given
the opportunity to be a part of the prom committee. My role in ASB is rally commissioner which
leaves me in charge of planning and prepping all pep rallies with a script, props, participants,
slideshows, playlists, ideas, and games. During our winter wish rally, we were able to give one of our
student’s mothers a car. I also attend and support all sporting events. I have also been a member of
the Black Student Union club since my sophmore year. I attend church every Sunday and watch all
the babies in the nursery and come up with different arts and crafts to keep them occupied. I also
think I have helped my community by being a positive role model for those all around me. I like to
have a good attitude and being a positive influence on everyone around.

Beyon what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you a strong
candidate for admissions to the University of California?

I believe that I am a strong candidate for admissions to the University of Califonia because I am very
hardworking, teamplayer, and responsible. I started working during my sophomore year of high
school. During that time when I first started working, I was also taking college classes. I took on a lot
of responsibilities during my high school career. My freshman year was Covid year but that did not
stop me from completing the driver’s ed course that year. During my sophomore year I was in
various clubs such as BSU and CVCA. While in those clubs, I was able to go on numerous field trips
and a variety of conferences. During my junior year of high school, I was vice president of my class
as well as a prom committee member. I was also enrolled in leadership that year. I was also able to
earn 176 community service hours that year. As senior year rolled around, I was interested in doing
something that had more community involvement. I really enjoyed getting to speak on the behalf of
my peers at school. I ran for an ASB officier position. I really felt that was the perfect way to connect
with my community and the people at my school. I ran for it and got the position. As of now, it is my
senior year of high school, I am a part of ASB, in leadership, and am still a member of the BSU club.
I am also an employee at a cookie shop called Crumbl. On top of everything, I am one of five
siblings and three are younger than me. I take care of my 3 younger siblings because both of my
parents work out of town. In conclusion, I am a very responsible and hardworking person who gets
things done.

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