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Department of Collegiate and Technical Education Diploma in CS&E

Course : IT SKILLS
(Code : 20CS01P)
Session No. 01
2.1 Basic web technologies
2.1.1 Browser or web Browser:
 Web browser is a software application used for retrieving, presenting and
traversing the information on the web.
 The web browser is a client on the web which initiates the communication
between client and server.
 The first web browser with Graphical User Interface was Moosic, it was
developed in 1993. Ex: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Safari, Opera etc.

2.1.2 Web Server:

 Web server is a program that process request made by the client using http
protocol. Web browser will respond to the client by representing requested Web

 Web server is a program which processes the network requests of the users and
serves them with files that create web pages. This exchange takes place using
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

There are many web servers available in the market both free and paid.
i) Apache HTTP server: It is the most popular web server and about 60 percent

Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education Diploma in CS&E

of the world’s web server machines run this web server. The Apache HTTP
web server was developed by the Apache Software Foundation

ii) Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS): IIS (Internet Information

Services) is a high performing web server developed by Microsoft. It is
strongly united with the operating system and is therefore relatively easier to

iii) Sun Java System: The Sun Java System supports various languages, scripts,
and technologies required for Web 2.0 such as Python, PHP, etc.

iv) Jigsaw Server: Jigsaw has been written in the Java language and it can run
CGI (common gateway interference) scripts as well as PHP programs

v) Lighttpd: Lighttpd is pronounced as ‘Lightly’. It currently runs about 0.1

percent of the world’s websites.

2.1.3 Client server model:

 Client server model is a distributed application structure that partitions task
between the providers of services called server and service requesters called

Client Server
Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education Diploma in CS&E


 When client sends request for data to the server through internet, the server
accepts the requested process and delivers the data packets back to the client.
Ex: Email, WWW

2.1.4 URL ( Uniform Resource Locator (URL):

 A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a
reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and
a mechanism for retrieving it.
 A URL is used to identify resources on the internet. Syntax: URI = scheme:
Object Address

2.1.5 SEO Techniques:

 SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization
 SEO is about optimizing a website for search engine; SEO is the process of
designing and developing a website to rank well in search engine results.
 It is process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website
or webpage from search engine

2.1.6 Search Engine:

 A search engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web searches.
They search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information
specified in a textual web search query.
 Ex: Google, bing.

2.1.7 Domain name:

Domain name are unique names of the host computer instead of Numerical address.
This name begins with name of the host machine.

Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education Diploma in CS&E


2.1.8 Domain Name System:

 The Domain Name System (DNS) is the Internet's system for mapping
alphabetic names to numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses like a phone book
maps a person's name to a phone number.
 For example, when a Web address (URL) is typed into a browser, a DNS query
is made to learn an IP address of a Web server associated with that name.

Computer Science & Engineering

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