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Time Travel - Science fiction or Reality

S. Anand and L. F. M. Anand*

Department of Post-Graduation studies in Physics, Government First Grade College- K R Puram, Bengaluru, 560036,
Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author E-mail:

Abstract: Absolute time according to newton is undetectable and could only be understood
mathematically. Using a pendulum, Newton knew the relationship that existed between the length of
the string and the period of a pendulum. A simple method adopted to measure time, is by varying the
length of the pendulum till it matches with the period of a clap and its return. Time, being a constant
phenomenon in the universe, it is relative to different frames of reference. By studying the relative
motion of bodies and the laws of physics governing the theory of relativity, applying Einstein’s ideas
and Stephen Hawking’s understanding on the evolution of time, time travel could possibly be
understood. There is been the use of telescope to look into the light from galaxies and celestial objects
in deep space. If time travel into the past is possible, then time travel into future should also be
possible. According to NASA, time travel into the future is possible other than the rate of 1 second per
second only with certain viable conditions. In this work, an attempt is made to understand the
possibility of time travel into the future with certain assumptions and hypothesis that is been proposed.

Key words -Time travel, Gravitational bending, space-time gravity

Everything in this universe is interlinked by the event in past and future. In Earlier times the time
doesn’t mean anything it was just determined based on sunrise and sunset. The great mathematician
Sir Isaac Newton defined, 'Time’ is a constant phenomenon on which whole universe depends. It
doesn’t vary in the universe which is said to be linear and deterministic. He stated space is a three-
dimensional coordinate system where time is constant even in the space. His theory on time and space
were believed until Einstein came into the play [1]. In 1905 Albert Einstein published Special theory
of relativity and in 1915 published General theory of relativity. Based on these two theory’s time travel
came into an existence. After publishing these two theories’ the whole world of physics took a turn. He
stated Time is the fourth dimension of space time along with the three-coordinate system (x, y, z).
Time is different on earth compared to the space time gravity. Time travel is studied under Einstein
theories of relativity. It applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy [2].

Time travel is the concept travelling to our past or future on the basis of Special theory of relativity
and general theory of relativity. Special theory of relativity which deals with the relative motion of
the objects. For Ex: Planets revolving around the sun in one frame of reference. Frame of reference
is a coordinate system which determines the position and motion of the objects. The relative
motion of objects in their frame of reference. Once while Einstein travelling in a bus, he observed
the outer objects were moving backwards this is the main lead role to understanding the relative
motion. He came out of the bus and observed the motion of a bus which was relative. There are
two types of frames of references. Inertial frame of reference and non-inertial frame of references.
A body is said to be at rest or moving at constant velocity is called inertial frame of reference. Ex:
A car moving on straight road at constant velocity with respect to time. Non-Inertial frame of
reference a body is said to accelerating with respect to time. For Ex: A starting car. Einstein
explained his theory on natural events. Let us consider a man at free fall due to the gravity what
does he thought is all about equivalence principle. An object free fall due to gravity on earth is
equal to the object in space there is no effect of gravity in space. Understanding these concepts are
the basics for time travel. To understand time difference let us consider a man sleeping on bed to
the man travelling in a train at velocity v. The time moves fast for the person at rest. The time gets
slow for the man moving at velocity v. Here we understand the concept that as much you move
faster the time gets slow. On this basis time dilation came into an existence. 1.Principle of
relativity: The laws of physics are same in all inertial frame of reference. 2. Principle of constancy:
The speed of light in free space has the same value ‘c’ in all inertial frames of references [3].
General theory of relativity which deals with the space time (x, y, z, t). Space time tells matter how
to move matter tells space time how to curve by john Wheler American physicist. Einstein thought
space and time were intertwined in an infinite “fabric”, like an outstretched blanket. A massive
object such as sun bends the space time blanket with its gravity. When sun rays fall on the earth
they make curve form and light no longer travels in a straight line. Heavier the mass of an object
space time curve bends deep inside. The simplest way to understand the fabric of space time is to
imagine a curved sheet of a rubber that directs how everything in the universe moves. The relation
between the gravity of space time with respect to time travel are studied by some of the models of
time travel. To understand space time easily the below figure [1] shows how space time tells how
matter to curve and matter tells how to curve the space time [4].

Fig. 1. Space Time Gravity Ref - Pyle/Caltech/Mit/Ligolab


Time dilation: The process of delaying of time by moving with a speed comparable to the light. Let
us consider two clocks one of the clocks is located on earth at rest the other one is moving around the
space at some speed. When we compare the time differences between these two clocks. The time gets
slower for the clock moving around the space at a speed. Here we are not changing the normal time
clock. Only a moving clock is under low gravity. The time varies normally on earth on comparison
with the space time clock makes a difference with the normal time. In 1971American Scientists
conducted an experiment to demonstrate the time difference between clocks by using automated
clocks. These clocks are designed to show the exact time in any part of the universe. One of the
automated clocks on earth at rest. Another automated clock moving around the space at some speed.
When they compare the difference between these two clocks. The time gets slower of moving
automated clock around the space. Here travelling to the future is possible because our time gets
slower than the normal people on earth.
Fig.2.Time Dilation Ref - Pyle/Caltech/Mit/Ligolab

This model has proved the theoretical and experimental methods. Similar to this we have another
method is twin paradox [5].

Twin paradox
One of the most known popular concepts on the basis of delaying of time of one of the twins.
Twins who are similar to each by their physical appearance. In this one of the twins is an
astronaut the other one on earth not. When twin astronaut travels around the space for a period of
time. When he returns back to the earth. The age differences between them varied due to change
in location on earth to the space. If astronaut travels around the space for a long time. After
returning to the earth his twin will be aged younger when compared to him. This is time travel to
the future by lowering our time on space [5].
The Time Machine
The hypothetical device which is used to time travel to the past or future. The device which is
under angular acceleration with the speed of light in an rotatory motion of machine. Time lapse
when time machine travels at the speed of light. Here is a chance of travelling to the future. The
idea of a time machine was popularized by H.G well’s 1895 novel. It is only seen in science
fiction movies like ‘Back to the future’ Directed by Robert Zemeckis. ‘The Time Machine’ based
on H.G well’s 1895 novel directed by David Duncan. According to these movies time travel is
possible in story books. In reality there are no chances of making time travel to past is

impossible. The time travel to the future is possible under some conditions applied. Since there is

no such time machine designed in the world. Only for the purpose of making movies [6].

Fig.3. Twin Paradox Ref -

Fig.4. The time machine Ref - movie by H.G Well's

Black hole
It is the darkest massive object in the universe. Massive stars on collapsing due to unstable or by
aging forms a black hole. High gravitational fields around the black hole results in swallows'
heavier objects towards the singularity. The event horizon is the region or boundary of no escape.
Even light could not escape from its gravitational fields. Singularity is the point of infinite
density and infinitesimal volume at which space and time distorted according to the general
theory of relativity. It is at a distance of 25,640 light years. In a black hole time goes slow
because of high gravitational force. Stephen Hawking and some scientists believe “a black hole
connects 2 universes”. But if man enters a black hole due to high gravity body gets stretched and
moves like a small piece. Time travel through black hole is just an imaginary thing where laws of
nature violate. If we want to reach the black hole it takes Million light years. If we travel with
light speed it takes more than life of a person. In general relativity a white hole is a hypothetical
region of space time and singularity that cannot be entered from the outside, although energy
matter, light and information can escape from it. It is the reverse of black hole. In 2019 black
hole was seen in M87 galaxy by NASA [6].

Fig.5. Black Hole Ref - mark/garlic/mit/photo lab

In 1935 Einstein and Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on this idea
proposing through space time. Space time connecting to different points. Travelling for a large
distance in space time is impossible, so we are making shortest distance by connecting two
different points like a curved tunnel in space time. Wormhole is bridge or a tunnel connection
between black hole and white hole. These bridges connect two different points in space time.
There is no start and end point to the wormhole. Unstable wormhole may be collapsed in any
time. When you enter into a wormhole it may take us to different universes or any other galaxy.
Some wormholes are unstable they may collapse in second. Entering into wormhole needs a
negative exotic matter which overcomes the contraction of objects while passing through the
tunnel. Existence of wormhole only is a theoretical assumption. Time travel through wormhole to
different universe, galaxy, is an exception of human brain. If you travel to multiverse through
wormhole the possibility of finding anti-earth which may be similar to us. But Research is going
on to find the appearance of the wormhole [7].

Fig.6.Warmhole Ref-mark/garlic/mit/photo lab

Results and Discussion

Time travel back to the future is an impossible event. Because as we defined time is a linearly
infinite in one direction and deterministic. There are no such concepts evolved to time travel to
past. Only in science fiction movies we can experience. Time doesn’t exist in past only it exists in
future. If we time travel to past where laws of nature violate. This explained by grandfather
paradox. Let us consider I have time travelled to my past where in present I don’t exist. Meeting
my grandfather in past will violate the linear time and future. If I could not travel back to my
present. Then my generations in future exist in different way. Where the normal time and future
affects me. In such a manner time travel could not possible me thinking to time travel in the future.
Grandfather paradox explains travelling to past and killing my grandfather doesn’t make me exist
in the future. Time travel concept making irregularity in nature of time. Normal time affected by
making time travelling to the past time. Future time travel is possible on applying time dilation
concept in real life. It doesn’t violate laws of nature we are not changing the normal linear infinite
time. But applying time dilation concept on space where time varies slow when compared to earth
normal time. Its only possible for short range future. According to twin paradox it has already
made travel to short range future. Time travel to future at long range is not possible. Because we
can’t move around the space with speed of light. Only a massless particle can move with the speed
of light. In case of worm hole, the chances of making time travel through black hole in future
technology may possible. Since we have not seen presence of wormhole it just an imaginary
prediction might be. If we found the wormhole to reach the wormhole it takes 28000 light years.
So, to make this we have to travel with speed of light. Even if we travel with speed of light it takes
more than our lifetime. So, scientists are designing the quantum worm holes as we have seen
Avengers Endgame. We have a black hole m87 galaxy by NASA in 2019. As we know travelling
to black hole on midway galaxy. It takes light years to reach black hole by our speed. It doesn’t
make sense of travelling to future beyond our knowledge may be in future. Where we don’t exist
only the future generations may build this. Nothing is impossible in this universe as more
drawbacks to invent something new on nature.


As we conclude time travel through some of the concepts are studied. Still the possible time travel
was made by time dilation process. Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krik lev holds the record for time
spent in orbit around the earth 803 days. It is calculated that the time dilation caused by his orbital
motion means that krikalev 0.02 seconds younger than other people born at the same time as him
on earth. It may be less age time but in future the development technology give rise to Ultra time
travel phenomenon. Time travel through the concepts we have learned upcoming generations and
technologies may develop the time travel. The point is not to say time travel is not possible.
Miracles happens when we face more consequences, limitations, drawbacks. In future we develop
to travel at the speed of light or spend time in intense gravitational field. Many physicists or
working on this concept to make it succeed in future.

1. Einstein, A. (1919, November 28) Time Space and Gravitation Science Published in London
Times Retrieved from
2. H. Holt Company New York the Special and General Theory of Relativity Retrieved from;
3. David J Griffith (2013) "Electrodynamics and Relativity" 4 th Edition Pearson Retrieved from
4. Pilkington Ace (2017) Science fiction and Futurism McFarland Retrieved from
5. Crowell Benjamin (2000) The Modern Revolution in Physics Retrieved from
6. Bhawal B, Gravitational collapse and Cosmic Censorship Retrieved from
7. Denvis (10 Oct 2022) New York Times Black holes may hide mind bending secret about our
universe Retrieved from

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