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Ilocos Region
Bacnotan District

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in

Teacher: Lilibeth P. Ferrer Grade Level: 5

APRIL 25, 2024
Teaching Date
ROSAL (1:30-2:20) Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
and Time:
KAMIA (3:10-4:00)
Quarter: 4TH Quarter

I. Learning At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to

Objectives 1. Solves routine and n0n-routine problems involving temperature in
real-life situations.
2. Answer the given questions;
3. Relate the topic to real life situations.
II. Content: Solves routine and n0n-routine problems involving temperature in real-life situations.
III. Learning TM Math Grade 5
Resources/Mate LM Math Grade 5, Flashcards, smart tv
rials: Module 4 – Q4
IV. Procedures Teacher and Students’ Activity
A. Preliminaries  Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
B. Review Divide the class into 3 groups and each group will be given activity sheets to work on.

C. Motivation What should we do? So that our classroom becomes organized.

Let learners tell something about the picture.

D. Presentation / Discussion Adrian boiled the meat that he needs for his recipe and he let it cool for 20 minutes.
After that, he measured its temperature and got 62°C. How many degrees did the
meat’s temperature go down after boiling?
Analyzing the problem.
1. What is asked in the problem?/What do you like to find out in the problem?
2. What are the given facts?/What do you know about the problem?
3. What operation/s to be used?/How do you solve the problem?
4. What is the number sentence?
5. What is the complete answer?

Discuss the different steps to follow in answering a word problem.

1. The meat’s temperature go down after boiling.
2. 20 minutes, 62°C
3. Subtraction
4. 100°C - 62°C = N
5. The meat’s temperature go down 38°C after 20 minutes.

*Remind the learners about the acronym AGONA/AGONSA

E. Generalization What are the steps to follow in answering word problems?
F. Application Group Work Activity
Group the class into 3 then give this problem to each group for them to solve. Each
group will be given time to present their answer.
Mang Elio went to his laboratory at 7:00 AM and recorded that the temperature was
11.07°C. At lunch time, the temperature rose by 27.9°C but dropped by 8.05°C at
5:00 PM. What was the temperature at 5:00 PM?
V. Evaluation Read and solve. Select and write the correct answer.
1. The lowest temperature recorded in a valley this year is 5°C lower than of last year.
If the lowest recorded temperature this year was 12°C. What is the lowest recorded
temperature in the valley this year?
A. 7°C B. 5.12°C
C. 17°C D. 12.5°C
2. The recorded temperatures for five days were 21°C, 24°C, 26°C and 28°C. What
was the average temperature?
A. 24.4°C B. 25.4°C
C. 26.4°C D. 27.3°C
3. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a group of mountain climbers boiled water.
They observed that the water started to boil at a temperature of 6.5°C lower than that
of the boiling point of water at sea level. What is the boiling point of water at the top
of the mountain?
A. 93.5°C B. 94.5°C
C. 95.5°C D. 96.5°C
4. The temperature reading in a thermometer is 15°C lower than the boiling water.
What is the temperature reading?
A. 80°C B. 83°C
C. 85°C D. 86°C
5. The level of temperature of liquid in a thermometer is 26.52°C lower than the
boiling point of water. What is the thermometer reading?
A. 73.48°C B. 74.38°C
C. 74.83°C D. 78.48°C
VI. Assignment

Prepared by:

LSB Teacher

Checked by:


Principal IV

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