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Innovative endodontic therapy for anti-inflammatory direct pulp

capping of permanent teeth with a mature apex

Takashi Komabayashi, DDS, MDentSc, PhD,a and Qiang Zhu, DDS, PhD,b Dallas, TX, and
Farmington, CT

Direct pulp capping is treatment of an exposed vital pulp with a dental material to facilitate the formation of
reparative dentin and maintenance of vital pulp. It has been studied as an alternate way to avoid vital pulp extirpation.
However, the success rate of pulp capping is much lower than that of vital pulp extirpation. Therefore, direct pulp
capping is currently considered controversial by many clinicians. To increase the success rate, a critical need exists to
develop new biologically based therapeutics that reduce pulp inflammation, promote the continued formation of new
dentin-pulp complex, and restore vitality by stimulating the regrowth of pulpal tissue. Bioengineered anti-inflammatory
direct pulp-capping materials, together with adhesive materials for leakage prevention, have great potential to improve
the condition of the existing pulp from an inflamed to a noninflamed status and lead to a high rate of long-term
success. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:e75-e81)

The conventional technique of direct pulp capping of extensions of the odontoblast cells. The mineralized
permanent teeth with a mature apex is currently con- matrix is formed developmentally by the odontoblasts,
sidered controversial by many clinicians. Because which begin secreting collagen at the dentinoenamel
much of the available information on direct pulp cap- junction (DEJ) and then grow centripetally, while trail-
ping is more than a quarter-century old, this review ing the odontoblast processes. The odontoblastic pro-
aims to discuss this treatment modality in light of more cesses encased in the dentin tubules make the primary
recent findings. and secondary dentin tubular.1,2 Because the circum-
An understanding of the components of pulp anat- ference of the most peripheral part of the crown or root
omy and biology is necessary to any discussion of of the tooth is much larger than the circumference of
endodontic treatment. The pulp, consisting of loose the final pulp chamber or root canal space, the odonto-
connective tissue, is enclosed by the dentin, which blasts are forced closer together as they continue to lay
develops from the pulp and is closely connected to the down dentin, eventually forming a columnar layer in
pulp tissue through the odontoblast cells that form parts of the coronal pulp, especially over the pulp
portions of both the dental pulp and the dentin body. horns.3 The convergence of the dentinal tubules toward
The dentin is a composite of apatite crystal filler par- the pulp gives the dentin a unique structural organiza-
ticles in a collagen matrix and is penetrated by the tion, which has profound functional consequences.2
The odontoblasts also secrete tertiary dentin (reparative
This work was supported by NIH KL2RR024983 (T.K.) and UL1
dentin) either when irritated by the chemicals diffusing
RR024982, entitled, “North and Central Texas Clinical and Transla- through the dentin, which insults the odontoblasts, or
tional Science Initiative” (Milton Packer, PI) from the National when toxic bacterial metabolites diffuse down the den-
Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National tinal tubules during a carious attack.
Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. Its Endodontic diseases are caused by microorganisms.
contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessar-
ily represent the official views of the NCRR or NIH. Information on
In 1965, Kakehashi et al.4 used the pulp of germ-free
NCRR is available at Information on Reengi- rats to demonstrate that pulp exposure to the oral cavity
neering the Clinical Research Enterprise can be obtained from http:// did not result in progressive pulp necrosis and perira- dicular disease. On the contrary, progressive pulp ne-
Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, Texas A&M
crosis and the development of periradicular disease
Health Science Center, Baylor College of Dentistry.
Associate Professor, Division of Endodontology, Department of always occurred in the presence of microorganisms,4 a
Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, discovery that was later confirmed in humans.5 Com-
University of Connecticut. plex endodontic treatment, also known as root canal
Received for publication Dec 6, 2009; accepted for publication Dec treatment, is necessary when the dental pulp becomes
23, 2009.
1079-2104/$ - see front matter
inflamed and/or infected. Although the exact numbers
© 2010 Published by Mosby, Inc. are unknown, it has been estimated that more than 22
doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.12.034 million root canal treatments are rendered each year in

e76 Komabayashi and Zhu May 2010

the United States.6 Of these, several million cases fail, surgical excision, ranging from minimal to complete
identified by the reoccurrence of symptoms in the pa- removal of the coronal pulp. This treatment is relatively
tient or through the detection of periradicular disease.7 simple to perform and may be done at a fraction of the
Failure to control infections is always the cause of these cost of a pulp extirpation followed by a root canal
treatment failures, but technical complications such as filling. However, the success rate for a direct pulp-
root perforations, failure to identify all pulp ramifica- capping treatment has, until now, been considered in-
tions, and substandard hydraulic quality of the root ferior to vital pulp extirpation.
canal filling are contributing factors.8 The very com- From a public health point of view, however, it is
plicated anatomy of the pulp complex makes thorough time to reconsider whether, given the recent advances
disinfection difficult. in tissue management and wound healing, all diseased
Pulp extirpation, which is the standard procedure vital pulps require pulp extirpation for optimal healing
when treating inflamed vital pulps, is technically very and success. Stanley11 and Bender12 have pointed out
challenging. The complete removal of the dental pulp is that a number of pulps are extirpated that could have
accomplished using a cleaning and shaping technique been saved through the conservative approach of direct
inside the root canal, after which a root filling is placed pulp capping. Many teeth are diagnosed with reversible
to protect the apically located connective tissue wound. pulpitis, which by definition does not require complete
This procedure may require several treatment visits, removal of the pulp; nevertheless, many such pulps are
often costing a few thousand US dollars. extirpated as though they had irreversible pulpitis. Di-
Pulp capping is often practiced as an alternative to rect pulp capping of mature teeth is considered contro-
pulp extirpation. The American Association of End- versial by endodontists who prefer the removal of the
odontists (AAE) “Glossary of Endodontic Terms”9,p40 entire pulp.13
defines “pulp cap” as “treatment of an exposed vital A comparison of the additional costs involved in
pulp by sealing the pulpal wound with a dental material direct pulp capping versus the conventional removal of
such as calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggre- all the pulp in root canal treatment indicates that direct
gate to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and pulp capping is less expensive and requires less treat-
maintenance of vital pulp.” Considering the morphol- ment time. Because this treatment is more likely to be
ogy of the dental pulp space, pulp capping is a seem- accepted by the patient, unnecessary tooth extraction
ingly preferable therapy compared with pulp extirpa- owing to the patient’s refusal and fear of conventional
tion. From a biological standpoint, the most desirable root canal treatment can be minimized. Because end-
treatment outcome for any endodontic treatment is to odontic failure affects workplace productivity because
preserve the vital pulp, thus promoting a normally of unavoidable sick days, a successful outcome of
functioning dentin/pulp complex. The dental pulp is patient treatment using the new direct pulp-capping
one of the most innervated tissues in the body, and it is material and technique goes beyond the patient and
still not entirely clear what its purpose may be. It has benefits the family, employer, and community. The cost
been speculated that some of these nerves may have containment of new direct pulp-capping materials and
proprioceptor functions protecting the tooth from over- technique will be achieved by decreasing the direct and
load. A Swedish research team studied this situation by indirect expenses and increasing the success rate.
loading vital or nonvital teeth with cantilever weight.10
Much more weight could be placed on a root-filled DIRECT PULP CAPPING: UNCERTAIN
tooth before pain was experienced. These findings sug- CLINICAL OUTCOME OF CARIES-EXPOSED
gest that the removal of the dental pulp may result in a VITAL PULP
loss of a protective function. Methods of preserving vital pulp are classified ac-
From a clinical/technical standpoint, pulp capping is cording to 2 types of pulp exposure: mechanical and
technically easier to perform than pulp extirpation. Pulp carious. According to the recent AAE glossary defini-
capping also allows direct inspection of the wound tion, mechanical pulp exposure refers to an “accidental
area. Direct capping is a proposed therapeutic treatment exposure of the pulp by hand- or engine-driven dental
modality for exposed vital dental pulps. The pulp ex- instruments in the absence of dental caries.”9,p41 Also,
posure may be the result of advanced caries or a trau- traumatic injuries, such as the fracture of a tooth with
matic exposure. Direct pulp capping was developed as vital pulp, mimic mechanical pulp exposure. If aseptic
a way of simplifying the treatment and preserving most conditions are maintained, the underlying pulp usually
of the dental pulp. After removal of any caries, direct does not become inflamed or infected. In contrast,
pulp capping requires the surgical removal of some of carious pulp exposure refers to that which “results from
the inflamed/infected coronal pulp. Depending on the the progressive destruction of the tooth’s structure by
severity of the pulp disease, this process may entail acids and proteolytic enzymes that have been synthe-
Volume 109, Number 5 Komabayashi and Zhu e77

sized through microbial activity.”9,p40 According to were asymptomatic; the pulp tended to become necrotic
Langeland et al.14 and Lin and Langeland,15 the under- slowly. Thus, most clinicians hesitate to do a direct
lying pulp becomes inflamed to a varying and unknown pulp-capping treatment, believing this option should be
degree, depending on the extent of the dental caries. As reserved only for teeth displaying minimal signs of
yet, there are no reliable means available to guide pulpitis. Such a clinical strategy is currently still advo-
clinicians in determining how advanced the inflamma- cated.28,33,34
tion is in caries-exposed vital pulp. The report by Lin
and Langeland15 describes a current clinical modality IDEAL PULP WOUND HEALING AND
for complete pulp removal of caries-exposed vital pulp. FEASIBILITY OF CAPPING
Further, in the treatment of deep caries, clinicians run The ideal healing of a pulp wound results in a solid
the risk of infected dentin chips entering the pulp tissue hard tissue deposit on tubular dentin. Such dentin heal-
proper. Thus, in vital pulp, the coronal pulp is usually ing stops when the repair is complete. Thus, calcific
infected by dental caries, while the apical pulp remains changes of the pulp tissue (calcific metamorphosis) are
vital with a varying degree of inflammation; neverthe- abnormal, signaling a biological breakdown in tissue
less, complete removal of all pulp is currently exer- function. According to Stanley,11 canal obliteration
cised. and internal resorption are the 2 main pulpal con-
About 80 years ago, it was discovered that wound cerns about direct pulp capping. Superficial pulp
treatment with calcium hydroxide in a water vehicle surgery or a pulpotomy is intended to preserve major
was effective at repairing the exposure site.16-20 Vital portions of the pulp as a functional organ. The AAE
pulp capping was frequently studied by European re- glossary defines “pulpotomy (pulp amputation)” as
searchers until the Second World War. With the signif- “the surgical removal of the coronal portion of a vital
icant contributions of Hermann, calcium hydroxide has pulp as a means of preserving the vitality of the
been used extensively in endodontic therapies for the remaining radicular portion.”9,p42
disinfection of infected root canals21 and for vital pulp In 1978, Cvek23 designed a superficial pulp surgery,
therapies.20 Zander16 introduced German techniques which he termed “partial pulpotomy,” using a pulp-
for pulp capping to North America as an immigrant cutting technique described by Granath and Hagman.35
dentist. Although it does not occur consistently,17 the The pulp tissue is atraumatically cut with an end-
hard-tissue repair response has been considered a de- cutting diamond at high speed with copious irrigation.
sirable outcome, because wound treatment with cal- The wound surface is smoothed and completely de-
cium hydroxide in a water vehicle indicates pulp heal- brided and cleaned before being capped. This surgical
ing. Although pulpal healing and repair have been technique for superficial pulp surgery has been well
reported at a high rate in both experimental and clinical established in papers by Granath and Hagman,35
follow-up studies in cases where the tissue was in- Schröder,18,36 Schröder and Granath,37,38 and Cvek and
jured,22-25 capping of the exposed pulp has remained colleagues.23,39-41 Cvek investigated whether the wound
controversial for adult dentition.11,26-28 can be induced at different levels of the coronal pulp. A
Unfortunately, the clinical outcome of conventional limited case series of clinical follow-up treatments us-
pulp capping is very uncertain as to the survival of the ing such measures showed that the 5-year pulpal sur-
vital pulp.29 Tronstad and Mjör30 reported that the vival rate in young teeth with penetrating caries might
outcome of caries-exposure pulp capping had less than be as high as 90%23,25,40,42; however, no such data exist
a 50% chance of success. Al-Hiyasat et al.31 examined on more mature adult teeth. In the AAE glossary,
the treatment outcome of pulp capping for both me- “Cvek pulpotomy” is also synonymous with “shallow
chanical and caries exposure. Three years after the pulpotomy” or “partial pulpotomy” and is defined as
procedure, patients were recalled, and their teeth were “the surgical removal of the coronal portion of a vital
evaluated using radiography only. The success rate was pulp as a means of preserving the vitality of the re-
markedly different for the 2 types of exposure, with the maining coronal and radicular pulp tissues.”9,p42
repair of mechanical exposure producing a 92% success An important issue to consider with this treatment is
rate, compared with a mere 33% for the caries-exposure the feasibility of the capping procedure. In contempo-
cases. Likewise, Barthel et al.32 examined the treatment rary restorative dentistry, many materials can be re-
outcome of pulp capping using calcium hydroxide for tained in a large cavity through various bonding pro-
caries exposure after an elapsed time of 5 and 10 years. cedures, which eliminates the need for a post and
The patients were recalled, and their teeth were evalu- access to the root canal. Thus, superficial pulp surgery
ated using both radiography and pulp vitality testing. or pulpotomy is an option if the technique can be
The success rates for 5 and 10 years were 37% and mastered. We now have restorative materials producing
13%, respectively. Most of the failures in these reports a bacteria-tight closing that protects the wound area
e78 Komabayashi and Zhu May 2010

from oral ingress. Direct pulp capping is used for repair processes of the pulp,54-57 and the advent of
closed-apex permanent teeth to treat exposed vital pulp modern pharmacologic and bioengineering strategies,
using dental materials such as calcium hydroxide, such as drug delivery systems, have created many av-
bonded composite resins, and mineral trioxide aggre- enues for development of improved and predictable
gate; the purpose of these materials is to facilitate both treatment methods for infected and inflamed pulps.
the formation of reparative dentin and the maintenance In light of the new knowledge, Rutherford and col-
of vital pulp.29,43,44 Calcium hydroxide–mediated hard leagues58,59 worked on a vital pulp therapy in the 1990s
tissue repair is thought to provide such protective func- using bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), also known
tions.11,18 However, Schröder18 suggests that a necrotic as osteogenic protein-1, which induced reparative den-
layer of tissue initially forms beneath the calcium hy- tin formation in experimental models of large direct
droxide after a direct pulp cap. Although it is known pulp exposures in permanent teeth. No specific attempt
that calcium hydroxide is a nearly ideal wound dress- was made to induce pulpitis before the exposure and
ing, it would be worthwhile to find a better material for partial amputation of the vital pulp. Soft tissue regen-
wound dressing, possibly one with bioactive functions eration followed by the regeneration of regular dentin
or growth factors. In 1985, Cox et al.45 examined the would be a more favorable outcome.
effects of materials placed against the pulp in direct Dentin contains many proteins capable of stimulat-
pulp caps and learned that the seal of the tooth was ing reparative responses. Demineralization of the dental
more important than the material used. This finding tissues can lead to the release of growth factors en-
also suggests that secondary caries, perforation, and trapped in the dentin matrix following the application
poor sealing are factors in the failed longevity of direct of cavity-etching agents or restorative materials and
pulp capping. Hebling et al.46,47 discredited the use of even when caries develop.60 Once released, these
All Bond 2 (Bisco, Itasca, IL, USA) composite as a growth factors play key roles in signaling many of the
direct pulp-capping agent. Torabinejad and Pitt Ford48 events involved in reparative dentin formation.61,62
and Witherspoon and Robertson49 compared mineral Growth factors, especially those of the transforming
trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide as growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family, are important in
pulp-capping agents. These reports stated that MTA cellular signaling for the differentiation and stimulation
was more effective because there was less inflammation of dentin matrix secretion. These growth factors are
(according to Torabinejad and Pitt Ford,48 there was secreted by dentin-forming cells during tooth develop-
none) and more homogeneous hard tissue/dentin bridge ment and deposited within the organic matrix preceding
formation. Menezes et al.50 found no significant differ- the formation of the mineralized tissue63-65 where they
ence in hard tissue bridging or inflammation when remain protected in an active form through interaction
using MTA Angelus (Angelus Soluções Odontológicas, with other components.66 The addition of purified den-
Londrina, Brazil), ProRoot (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental, tin protein fractions stimulates an increase in dentin
Ballaigues, Switzerland), Portland cement (Votorantim- matrix secretion.67
Cimentos, São Paulo, Brazil), and white Portland cement For exposed pulp, researchers have reported using
(Irajazinho; Votorantim-Cimentos) to pulp cap direct ex- TGF-beta together with a drug delivery vehicle to ad-
posures on dogs. minister an anti-inflammatory agent to the pulp. In
1998, Hu et al.68 suggested using TGF-beta-1 material
WHAT IS NEEDED FOR DEVELOPING A NEW as a direct pulp-capping agent. With this method, me-
DIRECT PULP CAPPING MATERIAL WITH chanically exposed pulp treated with TGF-beta-1, along
BETTER CLINICAL OUTCOMES? with a sterile absorbable collagen membrane, showed
In the 1960s and 1970s, glucocorticoids (steroids) significantly improved soft and hard tissue healing in
combined with antibiotics were frequently used in an rat molars after 3 weeks. However, the drawbacks of
attempt to control pulpal pain and suppress pulpal in- the study were the inclusion of mechanically exposed
flammation.51 Reports of poor wound healing and even pulp (with no previous caries involvement) and a poor
pulpal necrosis started to emerge,51-53 so steroids are no outcome description of the collagen membrane used as
longer used for direct pulp capping. During this period, a drug delivery vehicle for TGF-beta-1. In 2007, Zhang
there were few concerns about infection after comple- et al.69 evaluated the effect of a calcium phosphate
tion of the direct pulp-capping treatment. Many of the material equipped with poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)
treatments in these studies may have failed as a result of (PLGA) microspheres for pulp capping and measured
secondary problems such as complications related to the dentin bridge formation using various concentra-
technical control that compromised efforts to avoid tions of TGF-beta-1. The composition with 400 ng
bacterial leakage. Recent new knowledge about the TGF-beta-1 was able to trigger the resident stem cells
cellular and molecular basis of the inflammatory and in goat incisor pulp to differentiate into odontoblastlike
Volume 109, Number 5 Komabayashi and Zhu e79

cells and to induce the formation of tertiary dentin, Pulp wound healing, a solid hard tissue deposit consist-
suggesting that this material might be a good candidate ing of tubular dentin, should stop when the repair
for vital pulp therapy. The weaknesses of this study within the coronal part of the pulp is complete.
included the use of mechanically exposed pulp (no Finally, pulp tissue regeneration is needed if all the
previous caries involvement), the production and ma- pulp is necrotic. The ability of pulp to regenerate using
nipulation methods, and insufficient degradation of the the latest tissue-engineering techniques might be used.
PLGA polymer. The key elements involved in tissue engineering are (1)
Based on the previous information, it is hypothesized stem cells, (2) morphogens or growth factors, and (3) a
that the application of anti-inflammation factor(s) to scaffold of an extracellular matrix.72,73 A biomimetic scaf-
caries-exposed pulp limits the inflammatory response, fold might help direct the differentiation of dental stem
accelerates tissue regeneration, and leads to the depo- cells and the subsequent regeneration of a functional
sition of mineralized dentin of physiologic quality. The dentin-pulp complex.
advantage of this approach is that the increased risk of
pulpal necrosis or excessive calcification resulting from The authors thank Ms. Jeanne Santa Cruz (Texas A&M
calcium hydroxide–induced tissue irritation is avoided. Health Science Center, Baylor College of Dentistry) for
The local application of antibiotics, together with direct the critical editing. The authors also thank Dr. Kamran
pulp-capping material, may be more effective at remov- E. Safavi and Dr. Larz S.W. Spångberg (University of
Connecticut) for their helpful comments.
ing bacteria.70,71 Although it is known that direct pulp-
capping treatment is theoretically ideal at preserving REFERENCES
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