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I've decided to start a doc to write down all of revenantMonads (Rain the Lord of Hope) rants

about classpect stuff.

What is a "Classpect"
they’re essentially a label to describe the collection of traits and views that make you who you
are. Classes are simply a description of your behavior, with aspects defining your worldview.
Your classpect should be the one that most reasonably achieves goals, fits your personality,
and makes you happy. The role you take from that point forward Is predestined, because you
will act out the role that Is “you” naturally, unless you resist your true impulses. In my case I
sometimes doubt myself like anyone else, but reminding myself that I’m the one and only lord of
hope makes me happy, even If someone else disagrees. I have an internal confidence that I'll
always be able to achieve my Ideals in the end. If anything, resisting my true urges actually
detracts from my lord of hope nature, as I am a lot more abhorrent and controlling in my
unfiltered everythingness. I think that confidence, being at peace with yourself, can be a good
indicator that you’ve figured It out for the most part. Although there should still be a challenge, a
plate to step up to. I haven’t played sburb, but the goal of the game is not to kill its players. Their
roles are predestined, but skaia wants the players to be happy, so that destiny generally Is only
worsened by the actions of other people and agents and societies rather than fate itself.

For this doc the aspects are going to be put into 3 groups, due to aspects being related to each
other in certain ways. These groups are called the Cardinal Aspects, Duality Aspects, and the
Aspects of Character.

Cardinal Aspects
Time/Space/Breath/Blood are the cardinal aspects, They go together thematically as aspects
which have to do with the basics of storytelling. Space creates setting, Time sets the pacing,
Breath drives the narrative’s plot and underlying ideals/message, and Blood deals with the
many interactions which allow that plot to move forwards, the actual literal events.


Keywords: inevitability, patterns and cycles, death, time itself, music/rhythm, animation, and
movement. there's also notable ties to violence thanks to its lord.

This aspect Is the most focused of all on details rather than the big picture, as time cannot
afford to be careless with details. time Is precise, time Is deadly, time keeps In constant motion,
and doesn't have a ton of liberty with their choices because they know their fate is
predetermined. Tied to heart In their passionate frenzy and tied to light and mind by their shared
focus on multiple possible outcomes, focusing on probability, choices, and in time’s case, the
timelines resulting from the two. While their views on death vary they’re often strong. A trend for
the time players we've seen is being traditionally masculine, which is more of lord english’s
influence, It’s why time players are cast as more dominant, assertive, and violent than some of
their friends. it’s not necessarily intrinsic to time so much as the players we saw were all under
LE’s influence to a greater or lesser extent. time Isn't the most symbolic aspect, It's kind of
straightforward like Its players, It tends to take the shortest path from A to B because time Is so
focused on that efficiency, using time wisely, getting caught up In needlessly complex routes
puts them at risk and they learn to avoid this. They don’t want the journey, they want the
destination. I’m not sure exactly how this works out but I think colors might have some
connection to Time. Caliborn’s land was the land of colors and mayhem, and colors couldn’t be
perceived without time allowing light to move. although I wouldn’t argue time controls that, so
much as time facilitates It. LE also had a strong influence in warping the hemospectrum into
something violent and twisted. Take this idea with a grain of salt.


Keywords: setting, the big picture, physical science, static art, matter, motherhood, creativity,
and distance.

Space is the aspect of the setting, concerned more than anyone with the big picture, rather than
focusing on the destination and the details of how to get there, space explores the whole
journey. Tied to genetics through breeding of the genesis frog, and physics through their
powers, space is among the aspects most known for scientific connections, It is also deeply tied
to the concept of creativity, due to its contrast with time as a destructive force constantly eroding
things. This connection with the creative, as well as it’s contrast with time and role as the
“mother” of the frog (can be male obviously), ties into the traditionally feminine. Space is an
aspect that brings loneliness, due to the physical space separating its users from others, and
also due to the demands of the big picture requiring they stay put, This is often reflected in
emotional distance that causes the space player distress at times. If you were to link them to a
type of art, sculpting, tailoring, painting, and other forms of static art come to mind. Things you
can enjoy holistically without any progression (such as in a comic) or movement (such as in
music or animation), this type of art is also more prone to lasting the test of time, as an old
painting has just as much to offer as a new one, sometimes more, but things like movies
develop to the point where the first movies ever made have a certain obsolescence beyond
historical value and a niche audience. Space is very technical, similar to time, it obeys the rules
of the medium it is currently living in. a good example of this is that jade’s god tier powers do not
naturally exceed light speed, but in areas within range of her first guardian powers, she is
capable of using that frame of reference to boost her power instead. she obeys physics, but as
a first guardian has access to different laws of physics in certain areas, because the green sun
apparently changes the maximum speed of an object in homestuck, somehow. Space is also
somewhat the type to live in the moment, part of why callie’s lonely isolation was torture even
for a cherub. They take every single moment and experience it individually, rather than
constantly making wild plans and trying to remember all the details, this can either stress them
out or relax them depending on if you’ve got a kanaya or a jade. also sometimes this trend is
bucked entirely in favor of making wild plans but being enthusiastic about their broader impact
rather than the enactment itself, like jade doing her duty to sburb towards the very beginning of
the comic.

Editor's Note:
A friend called EnervatedQuerent said:
"regarding colors being linked to time, I think color is the perfect example of the combination of
space and time; color is a physical thing, but we can only perceive it through photons hitting the
surface of the physical object and going into our eyes as time passes (though a very, very small
amount of time), effectively traveling through space. However, colors can also fade and change
as time passes, showing that it too can decay"


Keywords: Wind, plot progression, independence, freedom of thought, emotional/ideological

detachment, pure idealism, escape, mail.

Breath is an aspect governed first and foremost by the ideal, seeing the world through a
detached lens. Breath aspects are highly individual, primarily getting carried away by their own
ideas without thinking of the impact on others, They’re naturally curious, and self driven.
Independence is also strongly tied to the aspect. Breath needs space to move, to fly, in both a
literal and metaphorical sense. This makes them good revolutionaries as they care immensely
about freedom of thought and action, making them natural opponents of tyranny. They tend to
drive the plot forward as they often continue moving for the sake of it without necessarily being
pushed into that role by interactions with someone else. They are connected to the mail as it is
the transfer and movement of ideas, which is everything breath stands for. They’re also
somewhat oblivious of others wants and needs, as they get so wrapped up in the world of their
own ideas that they can completely forget the desires of others by mistake, which makes the
aspect a bit more difficult for passive, team-oriented players to play in a super planned-out way
(this can lead to tragedy like john getting curb stomped by his denizen once he got the idea in
his head to try it out).


Keywords: interaction, cohesion, bonds, connections, social unity/organization, consideration,

literal blood, chains/metal.

Blood is an aspect first and foremost defined by its relationship with cohesion. Commonly
believed to be about relationships themselves, the aspect has a broader scope than being your
relationship counselor, as many of its players could tell you. The aspect deals with social
cohesion on a broader scale, the connections that organize a society. The aspect deals with
cohesion on a smaller scale as well, the way that interactions between people have an impact
on their development. This gives them a strong sense of empathy and consideration for others,
and an acute awareness of their desires (one which can be overwhelming for players with an
active self image). The cohesion between people forms bonds, which are the most well known
part of the aspect for contributing to its “power of friendship” qualities and the stability of blood
player’s interpersonal relationships.The interactions between people are also a big focus of the
aspect, in contrast with its opposite breath which considers how an individual acts when
removed from outside influence. Literal blood and chains are visually connected to the aspect
as well, through Karkat, the Sufferer, and potentially Bec Noir, who is speculated to be a prince
of blood (using the blood-coded red miles to attack, severing the chain connecting prospit to its
smaller satellite, his connection to jade and his hatred for the concept of friendship and the
social order, among other strong reasons such as his role as the cancer in the universe and his
rupturing of the frog’s body).

Editor's Note:
Bec Noir in a prince outfit would be so good despite how much they'd hate it,,,

Duality Aspects
Hope/Doom/Life/Rage are aspects which are intrinsically defined by their relationship with
Duality. Hope and Doom interpret duality as a binary structure. While Hope deals with whether
or not something CAN happen at all, Doom focuses on whether or not an individual has that
capacity, whether they’re allowed to do it. Doom in that sense governs whether any given
individual can do something that is possible for them, but not whether or not it is possible to
begin with, focusing more on authorization and limitation. These are hard yes or no situations,
whether something can or cannot happen, period. whether an individual is allowed to take an
action or not. Conditions are added to complicate this but ultimately a judgement against these
conditions results in a true or false for any given person. Life and Rage, however, interpret
duality as a spectrum. While hope sees a world bound by strict moral right and wrong, Life sees
a less stark dichotomy, defining morality with many more gray areas. They are focused on the
choices used to grow, Tasked with choosing between growing with others or growing by using
them to get ahead yourself. The duality of life is primarily thus a moralistic one defined by
whether or not you choose to live cooperatively or predatorily. Meanwhile Rage is an
interpretive aspect. In contrast to hope’s focus on the objective truth of reality and their
absolutist beliefs, Rage sees the world through an interpretive lens, converting the moral drama
of life into comedy and tragedy, telling stories. They are empirical and rather than seeing truth
as a hard yes or no, they withhold judgement, refusing to believe or disbelieve, but living based
on the limits of their own perceptions and the variety of personal “truths” that they collect over
their lives, However when one of these subjective truths resonates with them, they will become
immensely stubborn about it, It will become their own ideal outcome and everything else will be
a lie in their eyes. The dichotomy between life and doom is essentially one of permission as a
result, while Hope and Rage argue over the nature of truth. Hope and life argue over morality,
and rage and doom argue over how rules and actions should be judged.


Keywords: Objective truth, Belief, Madness, Imagination, Possibility, Overriding, Sexuality.

Hope is an interesting aspect, and one commonly misunderstood. Rather than endlessly
positive and focused on an unconditional belief in a better future, hope tends to first and
foremost be driven by their convictions, They are one of the binary aspects, seeing things in a
very black and white way. Morally, this means something must be right or wrong, In terms of
possibility, something is either possible or impossible. Hope aspects, contrary to popular belief,
are not always positive either. In order to believe in one outcome you must disbelieve in the
others, as disbelief is just belief something cannot happen, and thus disbelief is not rage but still
hope. This is perhaps the last relevant binary, And also part of the complexity of the aspect. As
a naturally imaginative aspect, hope players can dream up plenty of different outcomes,
meaning their imagination can present them with outcomes they know consciously are
impossible but still fear and are upset by anyways, and thus the aspect is as much of a
nightmare as it is a dream. At its best, it is the strongest aspect, capable of overriding others (as
seen with jake standing up to a literal lord, curb stomping jade the first guardian goddess, and
bypassing the laws of void to summon angels and brain ghost dirk out of nothing), and warping
the objective truth of a situation. control over what is objectively true and the ability to make
something completely impossible or constantly possible under given conditions is their most
overpowered ability, not the raw unfiltered energy we see, which is more of an unguided eraser.
However this aspect is also one of the hardest of the aspects, in the sense that unlocking even
an ounce of that power is extremely difficult and involves literally performing some of the most
difficult tasks in the game, such as genuine belief you can do what others say is impossible for
you. Madness and sexuality are worth noting, as they’re tied thematically to the aspect. Hope
invokes fanaticism and delusionality regularly as a refusal of their nightmares is part of their
obsessive drive towards their dreams. Sexuality is tied to the aspect more visually, with white
magic resembling ejaculation and angels resembling sperm, But also thematically through jake’s
desirability both in his friend group and as a sex symbol on earth C, as well as Eridan’s
destruction of the matriorb and his ancestor Cronus’ sexual failures.

Editor's Note:
Rains aspect :o Speaking of Rain, he has something he'd like for me to add on
disconnected to the rant above!
"I think it’s worth noting that the idea of hope being nice meaning it isn’t terrifying is mistaken,
there are a lot of quotes about just that, like “there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than
innocence,” or “children are innocent and love justice, while adults are wicked and love mercy”."

Keywords: Conditionality, Systems, literal binary, cost, sacrifice, permissions, restrictions and

Doom is a lot of things but it is primarily an aspect that is aware of its own limitations and those
on others. If hope is about whether or not it is possible for you to do something, doom
determines the conditions under which you are allowed to do something given that you can.
Doom is an aspect of authority and living within the rules that govern reality and what exists. It
knows the price of any action, the conditions under which a goal must be achieved, and that
which it is necessary to lose in order to gain. It is an aspect of price and receipts, transactions
with repercussions. The binary is one of what is and is not allowed, such as if your character in
a game has access to a certain ability or not, and it also determines what conditions will allow
you to gain access should you not have it. This makes it, like the other binary aspects,
immensely powerful in governing the systems that move people around and what choices they
are allowed to make to begin with. Like the other aspects here, it is also prone to getting the
final say in a display of large endings. A good example of this is mituna trading his sanity to
protect his friends, utterly demolishing the fate that approached them by using his
understanding of self sacrifice and cost. He didn’t even regret it, that little badass. Sollux does
similar definitive things, such as ending aradia’s conventional life, unintentionally bringing an
end to both universes with his program, and dragging the meteor to the green sun by sacrificing
half of his weird duality-coded life. Doom is essentially how you interpret the restrictions around
you and live within that system, finding loopholes and growing within the confines of the system
by getting to know it.

Editor's Note:
Mituna best boy,,,


Keywords: Growth, food, political authority, wealth, resources, agency, rebellion

Life is an aspect concerned with a spectrum of good and evil, but more precisely this is a
spectrum of predatory and mutualistic behavior. Life desires growth, and is tasked with choosing
between actions which invoke growth at the expense of others and actions which invoke growth
using mutually beneficial means, This is a distinction between the active and passive, as well as
good and evil, but the two are not necessarily the same. Life finds itself with an abundance of
resources at its disposal, allowing it to consume these resources to grow in both power and
agency, for example how those in political power or with great wealth can occasionally
circumvent rule of law for their own desires. Life is an aspect that consumes, and we see this in
its ties to food, such as the batterwitch and Jane's baking tendencies. Thus, in contrast to doom,
life is focused on agency and personal growth, rather than the limitations or responsibilities that
establish order in societies. Life’s focus on good and evil is also related to rage in a similar way
to how hope’s broader focus on possibility and impossibility is reflected in doom’s focus on
permissions and restrictions. That will be covered below.


Keywords: Interpretation, instability, empiricism, skepticism, conviction, anger, restlessness,


Rage is an aspect that neither believes nor disbelieves to begin with. Driven by empiricism, they
choose to withhold judgment and embrace skepticism. They hold belief and blind faith in
contempt, regarding them as delusions and tools of the weak. They see the world as filled with
lies, proud assertions from people who can never truly know the truth.They believe naturally that
there is a limit to all things, that it is arrogance to believe without evidence. They are dissatisfied
with the status quo, they desire to break down the faulty foundations of society and rebuild it
without corruption. They approach truth differently as well, not just society. Rage is at its core an
aspect of interpretation, They interpret evidence and the world around them to decide the truth.
They interpret the good and evil decisions of Life through the lens of comedy and tragedy. They
interpret an individual’s role in society less as a predetermined state, but as a role in a sort of
show, one which can be swapped and played with and subverted to create emotion and make
others think. The aspect is inherently performative, prominent in sporting events, colosseum-
esque blood sports, theatre, carnivals, and other spectacles, Thus the underlying existential
argument between rage and hope is that rage believes strongly in their chosen convictions, in
subjective truth, and the inherent nonsense of the world. Hope, as it’s opposite, argues that truth
is objective, and believes strongly in an underlying order that governs possibility and morality,
and that the world is ultimately one filled with meaning where good must prevail.

Editor's Note:
This is my aspect :0 and because of that I actually have some information of my own to
"the aspect could also be inquisitive, learning various things, and using them as a base for their
subjective truths."

Aspects of Character
Heart/Mind/Light/Void are all related to a person's character, and various aspects of it. Heart
considers identity, the philosophical “essence” of a person, but also a literal manifestation of this
through the soul and habits of an individual, and is thus tied to time due to its nature of focusing
on the many details that define someone. Mind considers choices, how the decisions you make
inform who you become and how you shape the world around you. It is more closely tied to
space due to its focus on the big picture and the impact of any given choice on more than just
the individuals directly involved. This makes them an aspect suited naturally to interpreting
justice and making rational informed judgments, considering consequences. Light is an aspect
that metaphorically represents the spotlight. It allows a character to achieve relevance to the
story, to have that impact that mind is so concerned with. Rather than focusing on
consequences on a cosmic scale however, light focuses on the consequences of an individual
choice and the subsequent chance of achieving the desired outcome of heart’s passion. Light
takes that passion and places it before the player, and challenges us all to watch and cheer (or
jeer). Finally Void is an aspect of mystery and the unknown, not revealing information too
quickly, the opposite of light’s “big reveal.” It provides security, privacy, and anonymity to those
who hide within, but also a certain mystique and danger, especially if the one hiding is a
potential threat. Void aspects prefer to work behind the scenes, they are background characters
or the one character you don’t get to learn about until much later, when you realize they’d been
masterminding the whole time. It conceals the heart from the world around it and nurtures it, and
removes the abstraction of choice to deal directly with physical interaction and contact,
deepening its connection with mechanics.


Keywords: Identity, soul, instinct, passion, fanworks, character, romance, roleplay, emotions.

Heart is an aspect dealing with what makes a person who they are, Instincts, emotions, the soul
itself, all of this falls under the domain of heart. As a result heart aspects are immensely tied up
in questions of who they are, with a highly expansive sense of self, always finding some passion
to throw themselves into working for, or discovering some new part of themselves. In canon
they tend to prefer melee weapons that illustrate their character, tying into their self expression,
This self expression is actually why it is complimentary with rage, as the roleplaying and
convictions of heart mesh well with the theatrics and convictions of rage. In terms of
characterization, heart is the character themself as an individual, removed from the story. It
represents nature in the nature vs nurture debate, the intrinsic qualities of a person that unite
any individual version of them. As a result the concept of heart is also tied to the more recent
ultimate self phenomenon, and further develops a connection between works of passion and
heart using characters like mspa reader and dirk. Heart is also part of a sort of triad involving
relationships with blood and hope. While hope is primarily dealing with sexuality, and blood
focuses on social cohesion (often dealing with the platonic), heart focuses on the concept of
romance in relationships, as a result “shipping” is a common practice among heart aspects, to
varying extents.


Keywords: Choices, Rationality, Justice, Impartiality, Consequences, the conscious mind,

applied reason.

Mind is an aspect that deals with the choices an individual character makes and the impact this
has on the story, or in real life, the impact the character (yes that is what you are in this case)
has on the world and history’s progression. Thus, in addition to choices, mind deals with the
consequences of those choices and the impact it has on the rest of the world. The aspect would
be a good stand in for nurture in the nature vs nurture argument, as it deals with how choices
shape us, and doubly serves to illustrate how we choose to act and who we choose to become,
which sometimes opposes our “true nature.” Mind would argue such a thing either doesn’t exist
or shouldn’t be valued just because it came first, reasoning that you can choose to be better if
you logically sort out the bad decisions that your heart might lead you to take. This is a part of
why the aspect is seen as “cold, calculating and analytical” by many outside observers. While
mind aspects are still vibrant emotional beings, they tend to make decisions based on an
assessment of impact and consequences instead, which gives the impression of intense
rationality and its associated dispassionate quality. Many people simply live in the moment more
than mind aspects, and don’t like how they need to have a plan reasoned out or how they avoid
“fun” choices for responsible ones. Justice and impartiality are associated with the aspect as the
focus on consequences lends itself well to crime and punishment, and the application of reason
removes unnecessary personal passions from the assessment. This will obviously vary with the
legal system, but regardless of what the laws are, mind will know how to apply them.


Keywords: Relevance, probability, importance, “luck,” literal light, knowledge, experimentation,

fortune (as in a desired path).

Light is an aspect that doesn’t focus on the character itself, but the relative importance of that
character to the story and the likelihood of their success or failure. The relevance of a character
is tied to the concept of a “spotlight,” and thus light is a flashy aspect that thrives in attention.
The aspect focuses primarily on probability and knowledge in terms of getting its way, The
aspect assesses their possible options and essentially places their bet on the one they desire,
dealing with numbers and a degree of uncertainty that messes with their curiosity. The aspect is
attractive to those who enjoy experimentation, and they’re known for being morally grey,
somewhat cynical of conventional morality. They like to know things, for the sake of knowledge
itself, and apply that knowledge to make educated decisions about the path to take to get to a
better future. However it is worth noting that there’s a certain innate selfishness in the aspect,
due to its relevance, that can be overwhelming if it conflicts with the personality of the player (as
perhaps they do not like being seen or known, and have no choice in the matter), Light is
piercing in that sense, peeling off the layers that obscure the parts of yourself that you do not
want to be seen, and this lends itself to the morally grey and impulsive perception of the aspect.


Keywords: Security/certainty, stability, obscurity, anonymity/privacy, mystery, doubt, cold/liquid,

forbidden knowledge, the forgotten, silence.
Void is inscrutable by design, as the aspect is one which is intrinsically meant to be hidden
away from mortal eyes. It is an aspect that preserves mystery and uncertainty, that shadow
across the street that might have just moved, but you’re not sure you really want to check. Void
is why ignorance is bliss, why mystery intrigues, and why we all (generally) love our privacy.
Void is secure and certain, no variables needed, it is stable and methodical and mechanical. But
for those who utilize it, it is a preserving blanket that provides safety and anonymity, keeping
them hidden away from a cruel outside world. They don’t mind doubt like rage or light, instead
considering the phrase ignorance is bliss to be valid, perfectly happy with drifting along on their
own if need be, waiting for life to surprise them, because they know they’ll be safe. The aspect
also deals in forbidden knowledge, tying it to cosmic horror, the furthest ring, and the
horrorterrors. This is primarily an aesthetic comparison though, and is sort of overdone, as no
canon void player even interacts with them, only rose inverting as one. It is unlikely direct action
involving horrorterrors is a wise move for any player, with feferi’s intervention being the fluke,
because the horrorterrors are described in canon as feeding on despair, and tend to demand
the players prove their right to exist in the eyes of these unfathomable monsters.

Classes are essentially the way you realize your role in existence in relationship with your
aspect, for example a knight or page renders their aspect service or in a serviceable form for the
sake of their goals. the relationship between the aspect, player, and the world around them are
thus all factors in determining class, which can make this easier to find than aspect for someone
with a clear behavioral pattern or sense of purpose but not a defined world view. there’s both an
internal psychological component i won’t get into probably unless asked, and an external one
which presents itself as a literal role being played out. for people who believe the system applies
in real life this invokes the ideas of fate, the collective unconscious, and jungian archetypes, and
for everyone else this means that it has to do with the use you have for a nonexistent character
in a story and the way they will interact with and enhance it.

Editor's Note:
Rain has something extra to say:
"classes are often understood as either what you want to do or what you do exclusively, which is
extremely reductive. a class isn’t just what you want to do, or Tavros likely wouldn’t have been a
page and would have ended up a rogue like his ideal of rufioh since he began his journey
through imitation. if a class was what you wanted to do basically every teenager ever would be
a lord or muse which just isn’t the case. think of it more as a sorting hat, Karkat wanted to be a
leader fundamentally, which is what he did, even if it wasn’t how he thought he would
accomplish it. he became a leader by serving connections to his teammates and keeping
everything together, rather than having them serve him and follow him because he’s so
awesome or whatever his 13 year old brain expected and also demonstrating that while some
goals simply can’t be achieved, there’s still room for happiness and fulfillment"

Heirs are a passive transformative class that focuses on manipulating their aspect to serve the
goals of their team. Examples of this would be how John frequently directs the wind consciously
and unconsciously to perform services which protect him and his friends from their enemies,
and even occasionally each other. This manifests itself generally as a sort of casual desire to
help others, sometimes without regard for themselves, and while they can frequently be stupid
and reckless, they are also heroic to a fault in many cases. There is also a point to be made that
the wordplay on the term “heir” could include inheriting their aspect in some form, being cloaked
by it like Equius, receiving it as part of their fate like mituna, or even becoming it like John.

Witches are an active transformation class that gets misinterpreted a lot. Like the heirs, they
direct the flow of their aspect to serve their goals (more personal in this case), but unlike many
older interpretations of the class, witches are in no way obligated to be rebellious. Witches being
rebellious is at best a character trait rather than an actual ability. For example, Jade going faster
than the speed of light is not “breaking the rules of space,” and is even stated to be a green sun
power rather than a god tier one, one which she loses when not in the green sun’s range such
as the yellow yard (where she is limited to light speed like any other mass), a feat which nearly
all god tiers and even some non-godtier goldbloods share (Rose, keeping up with Bec Noir, was
capable of moving FTL even pre-godtier, and even managed similarly inhuman speeds
instantaneously upon arrival in the medium, so homestuck clearly doesn’t use conventional
physics). Damara was also bound by the rules of her aspect, as well as under direct undeniable
control from the Lord of it in every aspect of her life for the duration of nearly the entire story
until her death in the Alternian universe. Witches, like any other class, are still bound by the
rules and masters of their aspect, and these rules can not be broken, but that does not mean
they are not still very powerful as a class. Witches are prone to making sudden drastic decisions
that have big impacts on their friends, such as feferi convincing the horrorterrors to build an
afterlife, or jade taking all of her sessions planets to the scratched iteration of their world. Their
job is to use their aspect to change the world into one that is useful to their goals. If you need
someone in a session to save it from the brink of ruin, convince a witch that it’s necessary and
they may just be able to do something single-handedly.


Princes are destroyers of their aspect. They see their aspect as being too present in their lives,
sometimes having too much of it all around them, and thus make it their role to destroy it. This is
what makes them often seem very pessimistic and negative, they tend to focus on getting rid of
what they dislike over creating more of what they like. However, this mindset is necessary when
something is present in excess, and princes have a lot to offer a session if they are used
correctly. Beyond their role as valuable soldiers, they can bring balance to a session and help
people embrace their aspect in moderation. A lot of people say the destroyers “ghost” their
opposite aspect but I believe this is a primarily superficial tendency, Dirk does not act like a
mind player just because he tries to hide his emotions, plenty of heart players are shifty about
revealing their true feelings, and frankly Dirk was far from emotionless and expressed those
emotions for his friends in many ways even if he didn’t talk it out all the time. He only takes on
superficial stereotypes of mind players like an emotionless persona and a preference for rational
planned out action.

Bards are in the same vein as princes, and essentially all the same things apply so i won’t
repeat them here. They have the addition of being a bit chaotic and unpredictable in fanon, but
as far as i can understand that’s more of a Gamzee thing, as Cronus was more of a low energy
scumbag with easily predictable behavioral patterns, and even Gamzee is predictable if you
keep in mind his core motivations, which brings me to the main difference between bards and
prince's. Bards are passive and thus seek to interact with their aspect for the good of others, or
at least interacting with others through their aspect. Gamzee spent his entire life in service to
Lord English in some way, and the fact that the reader doesn’t initially understand most of his
behavior is that he is deliberately written to conceal the plans of his master, and he was raised
in a culture which rewards unstable emotions, which contextualizes most of his behavior much
better than saying he’s “quirky, unpredictable, and chaotic” and then generalizing bards to be
that way.


Thieves are the sort of opposite of the prince in motivation, even if their personalities overlap
and become similarly destructive. They have a deficit in their aspect (either real or imagined)
that leads them to seek it out and try to take it from any source they can manage to, it’s an
incredibly toxic mentality that generally a thief needs to overcome to be a functional team
member and not just a convenient add on people call in for some help then ditch out of
disapproval. that being said, they’re not all bad, thieves are highly self motivated and tend to be
willing to do things that they really hate without being forced to if it will help them out.

Rogues on the other hand take the “i need it more than you do” and turn that on its head. Their
aspect is something which is drawn to them, that they naturally take in and redistribute to
others, who they see as more deserving, competent, or in need. I don’t have a ton to say on
them since generally rogues are interpreted fairly well, but I do think the self doubt is
emphasized a little too much with fanon interpretations of rogues. rufioh was actually a symbol
of confidence, and didn’t seem to doubt himself particularly much over the course of the story,
and roxy’s doubt is something i consider more personal to her.

Knights are a service class that generally invoke the role of serving others. they all have their
own personal code of chivalry as i’d call it, some personal catalogue of behaviors that are right
for them to do, this both means they might value incredibly stupid things like dave’s irony,
feeling inadequate if they don’t live up to it enough, and also that they might devalue their own
heroic traits because to them it is something to be expected or a norm. they tend to act more
active early on in the game, “i’m only helping you because i want to” they’re practically the
tsunderes of the class system, but as time goes on they tend to let down that wall and it
becomes clear they genuinely care for others and want to protect them for that reason. I don’t
think knights have a facade because they want to look cool, so much as they very frequently
have expectations of themselves based on other people, and they put up that facade to
convince people that they are who they want to be, accepting their identity tends to be hard on

Pages are also a service class but they tend to be people who give off the impression that they
need to be rescued by others, they are served in that people try to protect and assist them out
of pity or friendship. they have the greatest capacity for growth out of the standard classes, both
because they start out far behind the rest and because they have higher rewards for success.
their biggest issues tend to be their own indecisiveness and naivety combined with the
interference of others preventing them from learning through their own mistakes, helicopter
mom friends are no better than actual helicopter moms and can hinder a page’s development by
trying to shelter them or hurting them in the process of trying to help. i would say that pages are
often portrayed as weak innocent babies who should be protected, but i believe this is merely
because that gut instinct has spread its way into the fanon. the truth is that pages should not be
treated like babies, are often very unconsciously or consciously manipulative, and are often not
innocent or sweet do-no-wrongs, actions have consequences. A good example of this is tavros
getting jade’s grandpa shot, he wanted to help sure, but he ultimately just orphaned a child and
that was his responsibility. pages need room to grow, they shouldn’t be coddled or forgiven for
all their fuck ups.


Maids are the first of the two creator classes, they are active and self interested in the creation
of their aspect usually due to a real or perceived deficit in it, making them an ideological
antithesis of the prince who feels they have too much. they have a vested interest in getting
more of their aspect, for example aradia, while she had plenty of lifetimes and timelines, had
very little time to herself. maids are often ruled by their aspect and possess very little of their
own at first, jane lacked the political authority of the batterwitch and lived under her thumb even
though she was surrounded with the wealth and luxury that that power led to, as well as the
privileges. maids generally grow into people who can produce their aspect on their own to a
limited extent, and thus can use it to their benefit. Jane built her own empire on Earth C, and
resurrected her friends frequently before that, while aradia was a prolific user of the time stop,
dilating time for her much stronger enemies to allow her to escape or just mess with them.
Sylphs are the same as all of the above except they tend to create their aspect from within
themselves naturally, and just have to sort of take control of that. like kanaya, she had a habit of
creating space and sort of isolating herself by accident just through how she ordinarily acts
because she was concerned about others and likes to take her time. and this tendency to step
back and watch most of the time is something they need to learn to break from time to time so
they can contribute more effectively. This can go wrong pretty easily though, look at aranea, she
waited so long that when she snapped she snapped hard. they really shouldn’t let themselves
go insane waiting to speak their mind.

Because there are 168 classpect combinations including master classes (though we won't be
doing those) we can't put everything in one folder, and it definitely won't be done all at once as
that'd be fuckin' hell, so I've created a folder for all classpect information, which will have a
document for each aspect, which will be filled with each individual classpect as time goes on.
You can find it Here.

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