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Prakri Analysis Sheet by Dr Pragya Gupta

Characteris cs Vata Pi a Kapha

Body frame Lean Athle c Sturdy

Body weight Underweight Moderate Overweight

Teeth Crooked Moderate Large

Skin Dry And Rough Bright Skin Oily And Smooth Skin

Hair Dry, Curly And Fuzzy Hair Fine , Straight, Gray Hair Thick, Oily Hair

Eyes Small Eyes Moderate Big Eyes And Thick Eyelashes

Lips Thin Moderate, Red Pale

Joints Dry, Bony, Cracking Sound Moderate Well Lubricated

Sleep pa ern Disturbed Sleep Moderate Sleep Deep And Long Sleep

Appe te Variable Strong Appe te Poor And Sluggish Diges on

Thirst Variable Excessive Less Thirst

Sweat Variable Excessive, Odorous Moderate, No Odour

Regular, So , Prone To
Bowels Cons pated Diarrhea Slow, Regular Oily

Body temperature Cold Hands And Feet Warm Hands And Feet Cold Hands And Feet
Takes Time To Learn, Good
Memory Learn Quickly,Forget Quickly Good Memory Memory

Favorite weather Warm Cool Cool And Dry

Physical ac vity Very Ac ve Moderate Slow

Intellect Quick Precise Slow

Quickly Get Angry, Quickly
Anger Forgive Hot Tempered Do Not Get Angry

Mental ac vity Very Ac ve Moderate Slow

Personality Crea ve Leadership Loyal,Calm

Temperament Nervous Mo vated Content

Immunity Low Moderate High

Total Score
How to use the Prakri Analysis Sheet :

In this chart select the answers that most applies to you. The first coloumn is for Vata, second
for Pi a and third for Kapha.

Put a ck on the characteris c which best matches to you.

Allocate one point to each op on you have cked. Now calculate the total score for each

You have probably arrived at a score that is higher in one of the three doshas.

If for example you highest score is for Vata and second highest for Pi a. In that case your
Prakri is Vata-Pi a.

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