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Question 1 Match the following

Narmada Valley The first big kingdom

Magadha Hunting and gathering
Garo hills Cities about 2500 years ago
Indus and its tributaries Early agriculture
Ganga Valley The first cities

Question 2: What are Scriptures and Manuscripts?

Question 3: You are the Archaeological excavation a Ancient site of a Temple. What
are the items you expect to find from the site?
Question 4: Name these items

A) B)

Question 6: What is Purnima and Amavasya?

Question 7: What is a constellation. Name any two constellations visible in night sky.

Question 8: What is Pole star. Why it is important for navigation.

Question 9: why we see only one side of moon?

Question 10. Fill in the blanks.

(a) A group of ________ forming various patterns is called a ________.

(b) A huge system of stars is called________.
(c) ________is the closest celestial body to our earth.
(d) ________is the third nearest planet to the sun.
(e) Planets do not have their own________ and ___________________.

Question 11: what a satellite is and what is a man made satellite. Give one example
of each.
Question 12: what is Universe and what is a Galaxy, define and state the difference?
Q12: Show following on Maps

a) Ganga river and Magadha

b) Garo Hills
c) Sulaiman and Kirthar hills
d) river Narmada
e) river Indus

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