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1. This food group is our body’s best source of energy?

A. Meat group
B. fats, oil and sweet
C. bread and cereals
D. milk and cheese
2. Which of these is not considered a nutrient?
A. Vitamins
B. minerals
C. fiber
D. Fats
3. The milk, cheese and yogurt group are important for ___.
A. Strong bones
B. teeth
C. muscles
D. all of the above
4. Which of the following nutrients is needed to build and maintain the structural components of
the body?
A. Carbohydrates
B. protein
C. Fat
D. Fiber
5. This nutrient is needed for a healthy immune system and strong connective tissue.
A. Fiber
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B
6. Which food does not belong to this food group?
A. Noodles
B. crackers
C. scallion
D. macaroni
7. The only way to get all nutrients you need is __.
A. To drink alcohol in moderation
B. To eat a combination of food
C. to eat the same food over and over again
D. to eat a vegetarian diet
8. Anemia is defined as a lack of ____ in the diet.
A. Sodium
B. iron
C. calcium
D. protein
9. Harl challenged her friends that one special vitamin would not be affected when she boils
milk. Which vitamin is it?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin B
D. None of the above
10. Marie is planning a birthday party for her grandmother and her friends at the nursing home.
Which meal planning factors should Marie pay special attention to?
A. Budgeted amount of food
B. Equipment, time and energy available
C. Food preparation skills and age/health concerns
D. Number being served and food for leftovers
11. It is the process of handling food in ways that are clean and healthy.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
12. Which among of the following is not a factor in meal planning?
A. Budget
B. mood
C. sex
D. facilities
13. It refers to the technique on preserving, saving your food or supplies.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
14. The following are the symptoms of foodborne except;
A. Vomiting
B. diarrhea
C. muscle pain
D. fever
15. It refers to the action or activity of purchasing good from stores.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
16. It refers to the food diet which provide all nutrients in required amounts and proportion good
A. Menu planning
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
17. Factor of meal planning that describes the amount of money available, depending upon the
socio economic status
A. Facilities
B. economy
C. Nutritional adequacy
D. mood
18. It refers to the process of deciding what you will eat for each meal including main dishes,
side dishes and desserts.
A. Menu planning
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
19. The term A LA CARTE means
A. A set of menus without any alternative or beverages
B. A carte menu inclusive of coffee and service charge
C. A series of dishes as chosen by a customer and cooked to order
D. A fix menu with several choices on each course
20. What step would you take if you accidentally split sauce on a customer’s jacket.
A. Offer to have it cleaned if you cannot remove it with warm water
B. Dab it with some detergent and hot water
C. Go and tell the head waiter what happened
D. Fetch a damp cloth and wipe the stain off quickly
21. The best way to deal with customer who complain about poor service is to;
A. Apologize
B. Offer him a free drink
C. inform the head waiter
D. try to make excuses
22. A kind of menu which offered in fast-food chain.
A. A la carte menu
B. fixed menu
C. Café menu
D. Market menu
23. It refers to a style food service where the diner sit at the table and served by the waiter.
A. Table service
B. food service
C. menu planning
D. Filipino service
24. A type of table service used when the group, the table and area for dinning is small.
A. Tray service
B. blue plate service
C. French service
D. English service
25. It is a style of service that does not make use of usual dining table but instead use dishes and
tale appointments are arrange.
A. Tray service
B. blue plate service
C. French service
D. English service
26. These are substances in foods that your body needs to grow, repair itself, and to supply you
with energy.
A. Nutrients
B. Calories
C. Kilocalories
D. Micronutrients

27. These are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods
supply to the body.
A. Calories
B. Nutrients
C. Vitamins
D. Minerals

28. This will guide you on how many servings from each food group is recommended daily.
A. Micronutrient Deficiencies
B. Food Guide Pyramid
C. Micronutrients
D. Vitamins

29. Which of the food group is from the top part of Food Guide pyramid?
A. Banana
B. Cassava
C. Eggs
D. Margarine
30. Which is an energy food?
A. Guava
B. Milk
C. Rice
D. Spinach

32. Which is NOT a nutrient?

A. Bread
B. Mineral
C. Protein
D. Vitamins

31. Which snack is NOT healthful?

A. Milk
B. Fruit juice
C. Soft drinks
D. Water

32. A condition where in a person is not getting enough of the right food.
A. Malnutrition
B. Macronutrients
C. Over Nutrition
D. All of these

33. A condition where in a person does not eat or take the daily food nutrients and nutritional
requirements leading to diseases
and deficiencies.
A. Over Nutrition
B. Under Nutrition
C. Obesity
D. Anorexia nervosa

34. A medical condition in which a person has too much body fat.
A. Over nutrition
B. Obesity
C. Bulimia
D. Malnutrition
35. Refers to those fundamental requirements that serve as the foundation for survival.
A. Basic Needs
B. Demands
C. Wants
D. Market Demand
36. It is involves understanding how much money you earn and spend over a period of time.
When you create a this, you are creating a plan for spending and saving money.
A. Planning
B. Food Preservation
C. Expenses
D. Budgeting
37. Is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread.
A. Measuring
B. Sewing
C. Cutting
D. Canning
38. Most important piece of equipment for stitching.
A. Ruler
B. Needle
C. Sewing Machine
D. Tape Measure
39. The process of heating the product at a specified temperature for a specific length of time.
A. Sealing
B. Canning
C. Curing
D. Cellaring
40. The ______ involves the process of chilling food to at least 10 F.
A. Dry Salting
B. Fermenting
C. Smoking
D. Freezing
41. It is the art of prolonging the life of the food items that are available.
A. Food Preservation
B. Freezing of fod
C. Fermenting food
D. All of the above
42. The most important skills in managing financial resources through logicall allocations of
funds for expenses and savings.
A. Budgeting
B. Basic needs
C. Allowance
D. Expenses
43. Those things that we would like to have but these are extra things that can wait.
A. Expenses
B. Wants
C. Demands
D. Savings
44. Those are things that are necessary for one to live or to survive.
A. Wants
B. Needs
C. Expenses
D. Savings

1. This food group is our body’s best source of energy?
A. Meat group
B. fats, oil and sweet
C. bread and cereals
D. milk and cheese
The primary energy source in the human diet is carbohydrates. Dietary carbohydrates are
eliminated metabolically by hepatic de novo lipogenesis, liver- and muscle-based glycogen
production, and direct oxidation in a variety of organs.

A is not correct because meat group is a source of protein, which is an essential nutrient for
human health.
B is also not correct because it helps the human body absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as
vitamin A, D, E and K.
C is the correct answer because This food group should form the main source of kilojoules
(energy) in the diet.
D is not the correct option because both fish and milk contain a large amount of high-quality
2. Which of these is not considered a nutrient?
A. Vitamins
B. minerals
C. fiber
D. Fats
Nutrients are chemical components that the body needs to maintain basic processes. Water,
lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates are the six main categories of nutrients
that are vital to human health.

A is considered as a nutrient because vitamins is a group of organic compounds which are

essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because
they cannot be synthesized by the body.
B is also considered as nutrient because minerals is a nutrient that is needed in small amounts
to keep the body healthy.
C is the correct answer because there is no Estimated Average Requirement or
Recommended Dietary Allowance for fiber as there are for other carbohydrate sources.
D is also considered as nutrient because fats are nutrients in food that the body uses to build cell
membranes, nerve tissue (including the brain), and hormones.
3. The milk, cheese and yogurt group are important for ___.
A. Strong bones
B. teeth
C. muscles
D. all of the above
According to some research, calcium and vitamin D may have advantages beyond bone health,
such as preventing diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.
For your body to create and maintain strong bones, calcium is necessary. Calcium is also
necessary for the healthy operation of your heart, muscles, and nerves.

A is one of those part of the body that calcium helps because calcium does more than build
strong bone. It also helps our muscles, heart, and nerves work properly. If we do not get enough
calcium in our diets, our body takes the calcium we need from our bones. Over time, this process
makes bones weaker and raises the risk of osteoporosis.

B is also one of them because it protects and strengthens the enamel on the outside of your teeth,
which helps ward off decay.
C is also part of them because by reacting with regulatory proteins that, in the absence of
calcium, block the connection between actin and myosin, calcium causes contraction.
D is the correct answer because all of them needs calcium.
4. Which of the following nutrients is needed to build and maintain the structural components of
the body?
A. Carbohydrates
B. protein
C. Fat
D. Fiber
A is incorrect because they act as an energy source, help control blood glucose and insulin
metabolism, participate in cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism, and help with fermentation.
B is the right answer because the basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need
protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important
for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women.
C is wrong answer because fat gives your body energy and support cell function.
D is incorrect option because fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest.
5. This nutrient is needed for a healthy immune system and strong connective tissue.
A. Fiber
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B
A nutritious diet, regular exercise, keeping a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, abstaining
from smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption are some strategies to fortify your immune
A is incorrect because fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it.
B is also not correct answer because vitamin k is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in two forms.
The main type is called phylloquinone, found in green leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale,
and spinach. The other type, menaquinones, are found in some animal foods and fermented
C is the correct option because vitamin c is for the development and maintenance of tissues
throughout your entire body. Collagen, a crucial protein found in skin, cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, and blood vessels, is made by the body with its assistance. In addition to mending and
preserving bones and teeth, vitamin C is necessary for wound healing.
D is not a correct answer because energy production, cell metabolism, and brain health all
depend on B vitamins. Increase your consumption of whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits,
vegetables, lean proteins, and other non-processed foods to optimize your B vitamin intake.
6. Which food does not belong to this food group?
A. Noodles
B. crackers
C. scallion
D. macaroni
A is not correct and this food belong to this group because noodles is unleavened dough is used
to make noodles, which are long strips or strings that are sliced, stretched, or extruded from a
flat surface. Noodles come in a multitude of forms and are a staple dish in many cultures.
B is also incorrect and this food belong to this group because a cracker is a flat, dry baked
biscuit typically made with flour.
C is the correct answer because this are a group of edible vegetables belonging to the genus
Allium. In general, scallions taste less than most other onions. Chinese onions, garlic, shallots,
leeks, and chives are some of their near relatives. scallions. An assortment of "red scallions"
D is also belongs to the group because it is a pasta with a narrow tube shape is called macaroni.
Macaroni is made from durum wheat and is usually chopped into little pieces; elbow macaroni
is the name for curved macaroni.
7. The only way to get all nutrients you need is __.
A. To drink alcohol in moderation
B. To eat a combination of food
C. to eat the same food over and over again
D. to eat a vegetarian diet
Adopting a wide, healthful diet is the greatest way to make sure you obtain a range of vitamins
and minerals, and in the right amounts. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes,
low-fat protein, and dairy products are all emphasized in this.

A is not a good way to get all nutrients you need because it may cause high blood pressure, heart
disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat,
esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum. Weakening of the immune system, increasing the
chances of getting sick. Learning and memory problems, including dementia and poor school

B is not also a good advice because eating combination of food can lead to stomach ache,
bloating, fatigue, gas and discomfort. If you continue consuming the wrong food combinations
for a long period, it can result in rashes, chronic digestion problems and bad breath.

C is also wrong because to eat the same food over and over agains means you're not challenging
your gut microbiome, which is essential for immunity and proper nutrition absorption. "A variety
of foods will keep your microbiome fine-tuned so it can work for you," says Lippert.A
D is the right answer because a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure,
reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and
digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in
8. Anemia is defined as a lack of ____ in the diet.
A. Sodium
B. iron
C. calcium
D. protein
Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood produces a lower-than-normal amount of
healthy red blood cells. If you have anemia, your body does not get enough oxygen-rich blood.
The lack of oxygen can make you feel tired or weak.
A is incorrect because sodium plays a key role in your body. It helps maintain normal blood
pressure, supports the work of your nerves and muscles, and regulates your body's fluid balance.
A normal blood sodium level is between 135 and 145 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L).
B is the right option because lack or without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a
substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron
deficiency anemia may leave you tired and short of breath. You can usually correct iron
deficiency anemia with iron supplementation.
C is not a correct answer because calcium is a mineral your body needs to build and maintain
strong bones and to carry out many important functions. Calcium is the most abundant mineral
in the body. Almost all calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth, giving them structure
and hardness.
D is also wrong because protein is present in almost every bodily tissue and part, including
muscle, bone, skin, and hair. It is the building block of hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen in
your blood, and the enzymes that drive several chemical reactions.

9. Harl challenged her friends that one special vitamin would not be affected when she boils
milk. Which vitamin is it?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin B
D. None of the above
According to National Library of Medicine boiling of milk increased the concentration of most of
the components and minerals except for vitamins A, B 3 , B 5 , and B 12 where the decrease
observed was 21%, 13%, 3%, and 21%, respectively. Addition of water decreased the
concentration of minerals and vitamins.
A is wrong because vitamin c is a water-soluble and temperature-sensitive vitamin, so is easily
degraded during cooking, and elevated temperatures and long cooking times have been found to
cause particularly severe losses of vitamin c.
B is the correct answer because vitamin d is not affected when boiling a milk.
C is incorrect because the vitamins b (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, B6, and B12) are
sensitive to factors like light and heat. One study looked at how boiling milk changed its vitamin
content. The study found that boiling milk decreased levels of all of the B vitamins by at least
D is not a correct answer because vitamin d is the one that would not be affected when boiling a
10. Marie is planning a birthday party for her grandmother and her friends at the nursing home.
Which meal planning factors should Marie pay special attention to?
A. Budgeted amount of food
B. Equipment, time and energy available
C. Food preparation skills and age/health concerns
D. Number being served and food for leftovers
A is incorrect answer because It include the list of all the food items to be purchased and their
cost. It enables the housewife to provide a balance meal in the family. This is also a good meal
planning factors but were looking for the best answer.
B also is not a correct answer because you can cook if your equipment are not complete but it is
important to have time and energy while cooking.
C is the correct answer because cooking skills are increasingly included in strategies to prevent
and reduce chronic diet-related diseases and obesity. Also the most important is health concern
because Inadequate cooking is a common cause of food poisoning. Cross-contamination from
raw to cooked foods, such as from hands, chopping boards or utensils, can also cause food
poisoning. Most foods, especially meat, poultry, fish and eggs, should be cooked thoroughly to
kill most types of food poisoning bacteria.
D is incorrect option because meal frequency and portion control can play a significant role in
meal planning. Depending on your goals, you may need to plan for several smaller meals
throughout the day or larger meals at specific times.

11. It is the process of handling food in ways that are clean and healthy.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
Clean eating can be a concept that promotes health and wellness by encouraging the selection
of minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy proteins, and healthy fats.
A is incorrect because food budgeting is the planning and the allocating of a particular sum of
money for various food items for the family over a given period.
B is the correct option because the establishment and upkeep of environments that will stop food
contamination or illnesses caused by food and bring disease-causing microbes down to a safe
C is not the correct answer because shopping the action or activity of purchasing goods from
D is also not the correct answer because it refers to any strategy that is used to map out what
you or somebody else is going to eat on a particular day, week, or month.
12. Which among of the following is not a factor in meal planning?
A. Budget
B. mood
C. sex
D. facilities
Meal Planning is a good way to improve your food choices. It can also help you avoid less
healthy drive-through meals. A good place to start is MyPlate Plan. This tool calculates daily
food group targets based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.
A is one of the factors in meal planning because planning and the allocating of a particular sum
of money for various food items for the family over a given period. It includes the list of all the
food items to be purchased and their cost.
B is also one of the factors in meal planning because mood in food is supposed to make you feel
good, both physically and mentally. I'm a firm believer in consuming ingredients that nourish
you, that give you the nutrients you need to get those feel-good hormones flowing.
C is not one of the factors in meal planning that’s why letter c is the correct answer because sex
is either of two groups into which many living things are divided according to their roles in
reproduction and which consist of males or females.
D is one of the factors in meal planning because facilities is an operation that stores, prepared,
packages, serves, vends, or. otherwise provides food for human consumption at the retail level.
13. It refers to the technique on preserving, saving your food or supplies.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
A is the correct answer because food budgeting is the budgeting and setting aside of a specific
amount of money for the family's food needs over a predetermined time frame.
B is nor the correct option because sanitation means the establishment and preservation of
environmental factors that will reduce disease-causing microbe levels to a safe level and stop
food contamination or illness from food.
C is also incorrect because shopping is the action or activity of purchasing goods from stores.
D is wrong answer because meal planning is refer to any method used to schedule meals for you
or another person for a specific day, week, or month. Making meal plans is an excellent method
to organize your meals and/or keep track of your intake.
14. The following are the symptoms of foodborne except;
A. Vomiting
B. diarrhea
C. muscle pain
D. fever
It caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. Many different disease-causing
microbes or pathogens can contaminate foods, so there are many different types of foodborne
illnesses. Most foodborne diseases are infections caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and
A is one of the symptoms of foodborne because vomiting is the common symptoms.
B is also one the symptoms because diarrheal diseases are caused by consuming food or
beverages that are contaminated by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.
C is not an example of symptoms if you have foodborne because muscle pain is the most common
causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries.
D is also one of the symptoms because fever is an abnormally high body temperature, usually
accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium.
15. It refers to the action or activity of purchasing good from stores.
A. Food Budgeting
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
Purchases of goods and services, excluding capital goods whose consumption is recorded as
fixed capital consumption, comprise the value of all commodities and services made during the
accounting period for resale or consumption in the manufacturing process.

A is not the correct answer because food budgeting means creating a plan to spend your money.
B is also not a correct option because sanitation is a fundamental aspect of food safety, as safe
food cannot be produced in the absence of hygienic conditions.
C is the correct option because shopping is to buy food. They share household chores, food
shopping and take turns cooking.
D is not the correct answer because refers to any strategy that is used to map out what you or
somebody else is going to eat on a particular day, week, or month.
16. It refers to the food diet which provide all nutrients in required amounts and proportion good
A. Menu planning
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
A is not the correct option because menu planning is the process of deciding what you will eat
for each meal, including main dishes, side dishes, and desserts.
B is also wrong because sanitation is the creation and maintenance of conditions that will
prevent food contamination or food born illness and lower levels of disease-causing
microorganisms to a safe level.
C is also not the correct answer because shopping is the action or activity of purchasing goods
from stores.
D is the correct option because meal planning refers to any strategy that is used to map out what
you or somebody else is going to eat on a particular day, week, or month. Meal plans are a great
way to plan and/or keep track of what you are eating.
17. Factor of meal planning that describes the amount of money available, depending upon the
socio economic status
A. Facilities
B. economy
C. Nutritional adequacy
D. mood
A way of classifying people according to their occupation, income, and level of education.
Typically, socioeconomic status is categorized as low, middle, or high. Financial, educational,
social, and health resources are typically less accessible to persons with lower socioeconomic
status than to those with greater socioeconomic position.

A is not the correct answer because facilities are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that
are provided for a particular purpose.
B is the correct answer because economy is is a system of inter-related production and
consumption activities that ultimately determine the allocation of resources within a group.
C is not the correct option because nutritional adequacy is defined as the sufficient intake of
essential nutrients, needed to fulfill nutritional requirements for optimal health. According to the
criterion of adequacy defined, the requirement for a given nutrient may be at a lower or higher
intake amount.
D is also wrong because mood is a temporary state of mind or feeling.
18. It refers to the process of deciding what you will eat for each meal including main dishes,
side dishes and desserts.
A. Menu planning
B. Sanitation
C. Shopping
D. Meal planning
A is the correct answer because menu planning are a great way to plan and/or keep track of
what you are eating.
B is incorrect because sanitation is the creation and upkeep of environmental factors that will
reduce disease-causing microbe levels to a safe level and stop food contamination or food-borne
C is not the correct answer because shopping is the activity of visiting places where goods are
sold in order to look at and buy things.
D is also wrong because meal planning is any strategy that is used to map out what you or
somebody else is going to eat on a particular day, week, or month.
19. The term A LA CARTE means
A. A set of menu without any alternative or beverages
B. A carte menu inclusive of coffee and service charge
C. A series of dishes as chosen by a customer and cooked to order
D. A fix menu with several choices on each course
In restaurants, à la carte is the practice of ordering individual dishes from a menu in a
restaurant, as opposed to table d'hôte, where a set menu is offered. It is an early 19th century
loan from French meaning "according to the menu".
A is not the correct answer because in menu there is always an alternative and beverages.
B is also wrong because a menu is complete not only a coffee menu and service charge.
C is the correct answer because a la carte is you choose each dish from a separate list instead of
eating a fixed combination of dishes at a fixed price.
D is a wrong answer because letter c is the right meaning of a la carte.
20. What step would you take if you accidentally split sauce on a customer’s jacket.
A. Offer to have it cleaned if you cannot remove it with warm water
B. Dab it with some detergent and hot water
C. Go and tell the head waiter what happened
D. Fetch a damp cloth and wipe the stain off quickly
A is not the correct step because it may waste so much time.
B is also wrong because the customer may be hurt in hot water.
C is also the wrong option because since you're the one who split the sauce on customer why
would you tell others?
D is the correct answer because that’s the easy and fastest way to help the customer.
21. The best way to deal with customer who complain about poor service is to;
A. Apologize
B. Offer him a free drink
C. inform the head waiter
D. try to make excuses
A is the correct answer ask for apologize and also some advice or suggestion to help the services
to change for the better.
B is incorrect because offering him a free drink doesn’t change the poor service they received.
C is also not the correct answer because informing to the head waiter is not the solution.
D is also wrong because trying to make excuses look you so rude.
22. A kind of menu which offered in fast-food chain.
A. A la carte menu
B. fixed menu
C. Café menu
D. Market menu
A is the correct answer because à la carte is the practice of ordering individual dishes from a
menu in a restaurant.
B is incorrect because fixed menu is a menu with few options and a fixed total price.
C is not the correct answer because café menu is a list of the food and drinks that are available.
D is also not the correct option because market menu is a menu that combines a static menu with
a cycle menu or a market menu of specials.
23. It refers to a style food service where the diner sit at the table and served by the waiter.
A. Table service
B. food service
C. menu planning
D. Filipino service
A is the correct answer because table service is a type of hospitality service where customers or
guests are seated at tables and served by waitstaff.
B is not the correct answer because it includes restaurants, grocery stores, school and hospital
cafeterias, catering operations, and many other formats.
C is also not the correct answer because menu planning is the process of deciding what you will
eat for each meal, including main dishes, side dishes, and desserts.
D is incorrect because filipino service is a table service. without a waiter/waitress.
24. A type of table service used when the group, the table and area for dinning is small.
A. Tray service
B. blue plate service
C. French service
D. English service
A is not the correct answer because it involves the delivery of pre-ordered, fully assembled meals
or snacks on a tray.
B is the correct answer because being a main course usually offered at a special price in a
C is also wrong because French service is a style of dining that emphasizes the elegance and
precision of the interaction between the server and the guest.
D is also wrong because English service is a unique and highly personalized style of dining.
25. It is a style of service that does not make use of usual dining table but instead use dishes and
tale appointments are arrange.
A. Tray service
B. blue plate service
C. French service
D. English service
A is the correct answer because it involves the delivery of pre-ordered, fully assembled meals or
snacks on a tray.
B is incorrect because when the blue plate service is used, sometimes referred to as the blue
plate special, a salad or dessert may sometimes be included but served on a separate plate than
the main dish.
C is also wrong because French service is a dining experience that places special emphasis on
the grace and dexterity of the interactions between the server and the customer.
D is not the correct option because English service is a unique and highly personalized style of
dining. It is characterized by impeccable table service and a sense of grandeur.

26. These are substances in foods that your body needs to grow, repair itself, and to supply you
with energy.
A. Nutrients
B. Calories
C. Kilocalories
D. Micronutrients
A is not the correct answer because nutrients is a substance that provides nourishment essential
for growth and the maintenance of life.
B is also wrong because calories is a measurement of the energy content of food.
C is also not the correct answer because kilocalories is the amount of heat (energy) needed to
raise the temperature of one kg of water by one degree Celsius (°C).
D is the correct option because micronutrient are vitamins and minerals needed by the body in
very small amounts.

27. These are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods
supply to the body.
A. Calories
B. Nutrients
C. Vitamins
D. Minerals
A is not the correct answer because calories is a unit of energy that originated from the caloric
theory of heat. The large calorie, food calorie, dietary calorie, or kilogram calorie is defined as
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one liter of water by one degree Celsius
(or one kelvin).
B is the correct answer because nutrients is a material that supplies nutrition necessary for life's
upkeep and expansion.
C is not the correct option because vitamins is any of a class of organic substances that the body
is unable to generate and that are necessary in trace amounts for healthy growth and
D is not the correct answer because minerals are materials that originated on Earth
spontaneously. Usually solid and inorganic, minerals are naturally created by geological
processes and have a crystal structure. A mineral can be made up of one chemical element, but
most often it's a compound.

28. This will guide you on how many servings from each food group is recommended daily.
A. Micronutrient Deficiencies
B. Food Guide Pyramid
C. Micronutrients
D. Vitamins
A is the correct answer because micronutrient deficiencies is a lack of essential vitamins and
minerals that are required in small amounts by the body for proper growth and development.
B is not the right answer because food guide pyramid is a shaped like a pyramid to suggest that
a person should eat more foods from the bottom of the pyramid and fewer foods and beverages
from the top of the pyramid.
C is also not the correct answer because micronutrients are nutrients that are required by the
body in lesser amounts for its growth and development. They play a major role in the metabolic
activities of the body. These include vitamins and minerals.
D is also incorrect because vitamins is a nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to
function and stay healthy. Sources of vitamins are plant and animal food products and dietary
supplements. Some vitamins are made in the human body from food products.

29. Which of the food group is from the top part of Food Guide pyramid?
A. Banana
B. Cassava
C. Eggs
D. Margarine
A is the correct answer because banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry –
produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.
B is not the correct answer because cassava is a major staple food in the developing world,
providing a basic diet for over half a billion people.
C is also wrong because eggs are widely considered to be a valuable source of quality protein.
Proteins are the building blocks of life, essential for the strength and repair of muscle and tissue
– with one single egg containing about 6.3 grams of protein.
D is incorrect because margarine is a food product made principally from one or more vegetable
or animal fats or oils in which is dispersed an aqueous portion containing milk products, either
solid or fluid, salt, and such other ingredients as flavouring agents, yellow food pigments,
emulsifiers, preservatives, vitamins A and D, and butter.

30. Which is an energy food?

A. Guava
B. Milk
C. Rice
D. Spinach
Where does life's sustaining energy originate? Three groups of fuel molecules—carbohydrates,
lipids, and proteins—provide energy to humans. These molecules' potential chemical energy is
converted into various forms, including thermal, kinetic, and other chemical forms.

A is not the correct answer because guava may aid healthy bowel movements and prevent
B also is incorrect because milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly
calcium. It has an important role in bone health.
C is the right option because rice is a rich source of carbohydrates, the body's main fuel source.
Carbohydrates can keep you energized and satisfied, and are important for fueling exercise.
Brown rice, especially, is an excellent source of many nutrients, including fiber, manganese,
selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins.
D is also wrong because spinach is a powerhouse of essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and
K, as well as minerals like iron and magnesium.
32. Which is NOT a nutrient?
A. Bread
B. Mineral
C. Protein
D. Vitamins
A is the one that is not a nutrient because bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour
(usually wheat) and water, usually by baking. That is why bread is not an example of nutrient.
B is an example of nutrient because mineral are those elements on the earth and in foods that
our bodies need to develop and function normally.
C is also an example of nutrient because protein is an important part of a healthy diet. Proteins
are made up of chemical 'building blocks' called amino acids.
D is an example of nutrient because vitamins is organic substances that are generally classified
as either fat soluble or water soluble.

31. Which drink is NOT healthful?

A. Milk
B. Fruit juice
C. Soft drinks
D. Water
A is an example of healthful drink because milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals,
particularly calcium. It has an important role in bone health. Nutritionists recommend that
people have milk and other dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, every day as part of a
balanced diet.
B fruit juice is also an example of healthful drink because they contain various antioxidants that
help reduce the risk of certain health issues and vitamins that help the body function well.
C is not an example of healthful drink that is why soft drinks is the correct answer. Soft drinks is
bad for a person's health. Widespread evidence indicates that sugar-sweetened and diet soda can
contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.
D is also an example of healthy drink we may consume because getting enough water every day
is important for your health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration.

32. A condition where in a person is not getting enough of the right food.
A. Malnutrition
B. Macronutrients
C. Over Nutrition
D. All of the above
A is a correct answer because this is a condition that refers to deficiencies or excesses in
nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization.
B is also a correct answer because it could promote rigid eating and disconnection from your
food preferences and hunger and fullness cues.
C is also an example of a condition because over nutrition is a form of malnutrition (imbalanced
nutrition) arising from excessive intake of nutrients, leading to accumulation of body fat that
impairs health
D is the correct option because all of them are an example of a condition.

33. A condition where in a person does not eat or take the daily food nutrients and nutritional
requirements leading to diseases and deficiencies.
A. Over Nutrition
B. Under Nutrition
C. Obesity
D. Anorexia nervosa

A is not the correct answer because over nutrition is a form of malnutrition in which the intake
of nutrients is oversupplied. The amount of nutrients exceeds the amount required for normal
growth, development, and metabolism.
B is also not the correct answer because under nutrition, denotes insufficient intake of energy
and nutrients to meet an individual's needs to maintain good health. In most literature,
undernutrition is used synonymously with malnutrition. In the strictest sense, malnutrition
denotes both undernutrition and overnutrition.
C is incorrect because obesity is a chronic complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that
can impair health. Obesity can lead to increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, it can
affect bone health and reproduction, it increases the risk of certain cancers.
D is the correct answer because anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes a severe and
strong fear of gaining weight. You may have an altered view of being fat even when you are
dangerously thin. You may use extreme exercise, calorie and food limitations, or binging and
purging to control your weight.

34. A medical condition in which a person has too much body fat.
A. Over nutrition
B. Obesity
C. Bulimia
D. Malnutrition
A is not the correct answer because over nutrition is increases the risks of serious diet-related
chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
B is the correct answer because obesity is a long-term, complicated illness characterized by high
fat deposits that can harm one's health. Obesity can impact bone health and reproduction, raise
the risk of some malignancies, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other
C is not the correct answer because bulimia is an eating disorder. It is characterized by
uncontrolled episodes of overeating (called bingeing). This is followed by purging by self-
induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, and other methods.
D is also wrong because malnutrition refers to imbalances of vital nutrients, excesses or deficits
in nutritional intake, or poor nutrient utilization. The combined effects of undernutrition,
overweight, obesity, and noncommunicable diseases linked to diet constitute the double burden
of malnutrition.
35. Refers to those fundamental requirements that serve as the foundation for survival.
A. Basic Needs
B. Demands
C. Wants
D. Market Demand
36. It is involves understanding how much money you earn and spend over a period of time.
When you create a this, you are creating a plan for spending and saving money.
A. Planning
B. Food Preservation
C. Expenses
D. Budgeting
37. Is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread.
A. Measuring
B. Sewing
C. Cutting
D. Canning
38. Most important piece of equipment for stitching.
A. Ruler
B. Needle
C. Sewing Machine
D. Tape Measure
39. The process of heating the product at a specified temperature for a specific length of time.
A. Sealing
B. Canning
C. Curing
D. Cellaring
40. The ______ involves the process of chilling food to at least 10 F.
A. Dry Salting
B. Fermenting
C. Smoking
D. Freezing
41. It is the art of prolonging the life of the food items that are available.
A. Food Preservation
B. Freezing of fod
C. Fermenting food
D. All of the above
42. The most important skills in managing financial resources through logicall allocations of
funds for expenses and savings.
A. Budgeting
B. Basic needs
C. Allowance
D. Expenses
43. Those things that we would like to have but these are extra things that can wait.
A. Expenses
B. Wants
C. Demands
D. Savings
44. Those are things that are necessary for one to live or to survive.
A. Wants
B. Needs
C. Expenses
D. Savings

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