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MongoDB Course

Delivery Plan:
 Every day 4 hours theory and 3 hours practical session will be planned.
 Will conduct daily tests as per the instructions of the institution.
 A final test will be conducted after the course completion.
 If the student performs well in all tests CodeTantra will issue a digital version of
the performance certificate and course completion certificate.

Day-1: Introduction to MongoDB

1. Introduction to MongoDB
2. How to Install a MongoDB
3. Create a Database in MongoDB
4. Display all Database in MongoDB
5. Drop Database in MongoDB
6. Create a Collection without capped in MongoDB
7. Create a Capped collection in MongoDB
8. Drop a Collection in MongoDB
9. Create a Collection MongoDB on the fly

Day-2: Create and Query Document

1. Insert a single Document in collection
2. Insert a Multiple Documents in collection
3. Insert a single / multiple documents in collection by using insert() method.
4. Insert a single / multiple documents in collection by using bulkWrite() method.
5. Insert a Documents in collection by using JavaScript file
6. Insert a Document in collection by using JSON file
7. Querying all the Documents in JSON format
8. Querying based on criteria (comparison operators)
9. Querying based on criteria (logical operators)
10. Querying based on criteria(other operators)
11. MongoDB projection

Day-3: Update and remove documents

1. Update a single document in MongoDB
2. Update a Multiple document in MongoDB
3. Update documents by using update() method
4. Update documents by using save() method
5. Update documents by using bulkWrite() method
6. Remove a single document in collection
7. Remove a multiple document in collection
8. Remove a single/ multiple Documents by using remove() method
9. limit(), skip(), sort() methods in MongoDB

Day-4: indexing and Aggregation

1. Create indexing in MongoDB
2. Finding the indexes in a collection
3. Drop indexes in a collection
4. Drop all the indexes
5. MongoDB Aggregation
6. The aggregate() Method
7. Pipeline concept

Day-5: MongoDB with java

1. MongoDB with java connectivity
2. MongoDB with java CURD operations

Day-6: MongoDB with python

1. MongoDB with python Connectivity
2. MongoDB with python CURD operations


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