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A detailed diet plan that includes a variety of food groups to ensure balanced nutrition for

Meals Time Food Group Serving Size Examples

Grains 1 oz Whole grain cereal, oatmeal

Breakfast Fruit 1 cup Sliced banana, apple slices

Dairy 1 cup Milk or dairy alternative

Snack 1 Fruit 1 cup Apple slices

Protein 1 oz Peanut butter, cheese cubes

Grains 1 oz Whole grain bread

Vegetables 1 cup Carrot sticks, cucumber slices

Protein 2 oz Turkey, chicken

Dairy 1 cup Yogurt

Snack 2 Vegetables 1 cup Vegetable sticks

Grains 1 oz Whole grain pita

Protein 3 oz Chicken, fish

Vegetables 1 cup Steamed broccoli, peas

Grains 1 oz Brown rice, quinoa

Dairy 1 cup Milk or dairy alternative

Snack 3 Fruit 1 cup Mixed berries

Children aged 4-8 years should aim for:

● 1½ serves of fruit

● 4½ serves of vegetables

● 1½-2 serves of dairy

● 4 serves of grains

● 1½ serves of protein (lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, or legumes) 1.

Ensure the child drinks plenty of water throughout the day and avoid
sugary drinks. It's also important to adjust portion sizes based on the
child's appetite and activity level. For more detailed guidance, you may
want to consult a pediatric nutritionist or refer to sources like the
[Raising Children Network] or the [Mayo Clinic] for age-appropriate
nutrition advice.

Remember, this is a general guideline, and individual needs may vary.

Always consider any food allergies or dietary restrictions the child may
have. 💪🍽️

1. Dietary guidelines & food groups 4-8 years - Raising Children Network
2. Dietary guidelines & food groups 4-8 years - Raising Children Network
3. Nutrition for kids: Guidelines for a healthy diet - Mayo Clinic
4. Dietary guidelines & food groups 4-8 years - Raising Children Network
5. The Ideal Diet for 4 Year Old Kids -
6. Eating well for 5-11year olds

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