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Shakespeare Insult Kit

To create a Shakespearean insult...

Combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with
E.g. Thou artless fool-born lout.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

artless bat-fowling apple-john
bawdy beetle-headed baggage
churlish clapper-clawed barnacle
cockered clay-brained bum-bailey
clouted dizzy-eyed codpiece
craven doghearted death-token
currish elf-skinned flap-dragon
dankish flap-mouthed foot-licker
dissembling fly-bitten haggard
errant fool-born hedge-pig
gleeking guts-griping horn-beast
goatish half-faced lout
infectious hell-hated maggot-pie
jarring ill-breeding malt-worm
mammering onion-eyed measle
mangled pox-marked pigeon-egg
paunchy rump-fed pimple
puking spur-galled ratsbane
rank tardy-gaited strumpet
spongy tickle-brained skainsmate
venomed toad-spotted varlot
villainous unchin-snouted whey-face
wayward weather-bitten wagtail

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