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Le ee 1610-2 23 DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS “Longitudh Or Main Introduction + A compression member is a structural element which is subjected (predominantly) to axial compressive forces, + In buildings, compression members are known as columns + Columns form part of the ‘vertical framing system’ reana effective length < 3x least lateral dim tect whisk cas reste ee 16-10-2 23 1) Tied onda : where the main eave ars are enclosed within ‘ ed lateral ties Spiral columns : where the main longitudinal bars are enclosed within Closely spaced and continuously wound spiral reinforcement Composite columns : where the reinforcement is in the form of structural steel sections or pipes, with or without longitudinal bars 2) 3) Classification of Columns Based on Slenderness Ratios (Ie‘t/b) Slenderness provides a measure of the vulnerability to failure of the column by buckling or elastic instability 1. Short columns (Column failure due to ultimate load) Db + | 2. Slender (or long) columns (Column failure due to buckling & large deflection) | were | 251.2 Short and Stender Compression Members 1, = effective length in respect of the major ‘A compression member may be considered as short ee sci eae: 1, = effective length in espet of the min eee ee eet ee ep Ie us and then b= hath ct te member . It shall otherwise be considered as a slender compression member Short Vs. Long Column When @ column i the action ae subjected to flexure combined with axial compression, Column introduce: axial compression in the displaced geometry of the =A effet duces ‘secondary moments’ — commonly referred to as the These acto, which is ignored in the usual ‘first-order’ structural analysis. increasi condary moments become increasingly significant with sing column slenderness. . ¥ ok aa Ei wsren il (o). Long a ae 16-10-2 123 Classification of Columns Based on Type of Loading 1. Columns with axial loading (applied concentrically) [ee i 2. Columns with uniaxial eccentric loading “7 FE , + columns located in the interior of i omaf significant in the case of the columns located in the building corners © ‘ 16-10-2 123 Classigi (Cation tion of ¢ Olumns Based on Type of Loading al ‘ bt ‘oading situation, bending moments (Mx and My) are applied the major axic wane axially loaded column in two perpendicular directions — about eccentrigt eX) and minor axis (Y¥) of the column section. This results in biaxial ‘cities ex= Mx /P and ey = My /P Na more gener, Multaneously 2G a a a Columns located in the interior of "YmMmetrical, simple buildings fall in the first category a s+ Exterior columns of interior frames in 2 g Feinforced concrete building, under . . 7. a: Bravity loads Boe a * The biaxial eccentricities are particularly a € i + significant in the case of the columns TOMES z located in the building corners entanor ot +: Column load transfer from beam and slab | 4) Tributary area method: Half distance fo adjacent columns Load on column = area » floor load tet: Cp HS 2) Beams reaction method: Collect loads from adjacent beam ends | i 81 ls: for design Load summation on column section 16-10-2 23 ced ere When and u ‘lative Nbraced : trans PPE and lower verse displacement column e Is said tT OF cure @, the, UTHE LATERAL STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE Is $2505, the etfectyeS PTICEM (against cgrrewem'es: the PROVIDED BY WALL OR braces, 1 tive length rato vores nan Os ukh 2 THIS COLUMN DOES NOT RESIST LATERAL ries between 05 and LOAD A column ; a ven plane if Provided by wate gY pot, the structure at's whole i, Smal re Toads in that plang res designed to resis alaterel ia ES When relative =e coe transverse displacement en the oper eal eee isplacement between th the lateral load hos nee Column NOt prevented, then 1 THE LATERAL STABILITY ARE PROVIDE load has to be resisted by the column along BY COLUMN iTSELe Ind end moments. Then the frame is said 2. THESE COLUMN RESIST LATERAL LOADS “4 (against sideway). in such cases, the 3.SWAY OCCURS, th ratio k varies between 1.0 and =. 4.LESS RESISTANT TO EARTHQUAKE with axial load a to be unbraces effective lengt Effective length of column The effective length of a column in a given plane may be defined as the distance between the points of inflection in the buckled configuration of the column in that plane. Lett =U where kis the effective length ratio depends on the degrees of rotational and translation 3 restraints at the column ends, Ls = Simply Support Possible Buckling Orc ne 16-10-2123 the column O, x depth D,), we may use the terms, |, = & (and |, = |, to denote the effective lengthe referring to buckling about the major and minor axes respectively, where |. and |, denote the corresponding unsupported lengths and k, and k, denote the Corresponding effective length factors Effective length of braced column r j | When relative transverse displacement rrp a between the upper and lower ends of a column is prevented, the frame is said to be braced (against sideway). In such 1 " “ cases, the effective length ratio k varies between 0.5 and 1.0. [Mlectve lengths of cotumes braced aguinstsidewey 16-10-2 123 —_ Effects fective length of unbraced column b ‘When relative transverse displacement between ‘ * Ta.8¢ the upper and lower ends of a column is not TIT prevented, the frame is said to be unbraced (against sideway) f ; 7 In such cases, the effective length ratio k varies. “ between 1.0 and infinity ee i : k= 1.0 corresponds to 100 percent rotational fixity at both column ends (a) Se oe k = 0c corresponds to zero rotational fixity at both column Ae aS ‘ends (c), i.e. a column pinned at both ends and permitted an = to sway (unstable) ote When one end is fully fixed’ and the other ‘free’, the ‘column acts like a vertical cantilever in the buckled mod Effective lengths of columns unbe sidews jae of braced against Sideway co --esponding to which k= 2 (b) Table 28 Effective Length of Compression Members (Clause #318 456: 2000) | i ci | LST 9 Conpresin Sener tthe frame cannot be considered to be fully braced, i is desirable to assume a more conserw 16-10-2 123 The most common case encountered in framed buildings isthe one involving, partial rotational fixity at both ends of the column For such a case in a ‘braced! frame, k 85 may be assumed for preliminary des estimate — say k = 1.0 or more, However, if the frame is clearly ‘unbraced, it is necessary to ascertain the effective length ratio more accurately. Ia rigid frame possesses sufficient inherent translational stiffness, and especially if there are infill Masonry walls, it may be considered to be braced — at least partially, if not fully, CODAL PROVISIONS FOR DESIGN OF COLUMN IS 456:2000 Slenderness Limits: 253 Slenderness Limits for Columns 253.1 The unsupported length between end restraints shall not exceed 60 times the least lateral dimension of a column, 25.32 If, in any given plane, one end of a column is unrestrained, its unsupported length, shall not exceed 1005? D where b = width of tat cross-section, and D = depihof Wecross-section measured in the plane under consideration 1s 139202016 7.1.1 The minimum dimension ofa column te es than, ‘beam pesing through or anc | column athe | b) 300 mm Gee Fig | + erPors in construction * slenderness effects v1 fal lateral/ecc n (such as n 1/500 + D, /30 20 mm, 1/500 + D, salignments); and inderestimated in design, (whichever is greater) (whichever is greater) » Longitudinal Reinforcement ‘reinforcement, shall be not ess than 0.8 percent ‘Rot more than 6 percent of the gross cross: sectional ares of the column, [NOTE — The of ect minframent my inven rascal ies in ling wd comparing ef nce ‘ace lower prcentagis ncomendes. We fs SS ee Sie om te support the load, ‘he minimum percentage of steel shall be ‘based upon the area of concrete required to ‘resist the direct stress and not upon the actual jtudinal ‘Minimum steel is used 4. to ensure nominal Nevural resistance under unre veentricties in loading and 2. to prevent the yielding oF the bars due to creep an effects, whieh result in a wansfer of kad fom the con steel ©) The minimum number of longitudinal bars ‘Provided in a column shall be four in rectangular ‘columns and six in circular columns. ) The bars diameter all got be less than 12 mm in » Seren ce nares © cae of eo si nin conan Dot less than 0.15; Ors pet leame, Ae hal be prone Fie css sea BEADI However tor a ln in & column nominal Feinforcing Transverse Re eee ana) Transverse Rein - a asin ition during construe $e the ona longitudinal bar, dient! 4, eee) tied Colum iy and arog 39.3. Short Axially Loaded Members in Compression ‘The member shall be designed by considering the assumptions given in 39-1 and the minimum cecentricity. When the minimum eccentricity a¢ per 28.4 does not exceed 0.05 times the lateral dimension, the members may be designed by the following equation: PL = OAS, A, +067), Ay P, = axial load on the member, J = characteristic compressive strength of the concrete, = Area of concrete, = characteristic strength ofthe compression reinforcement, and ‘A, = area of longitudinal reinforcement for columns. ei a DESIGN OF SHORT COLUMNS UNDER AXIAL COMPRESSION ject to an axial load of 2000 KN th of 3.0m and is braced Design the reinforce ported Fe 415 st tive loads, The column ba 1 directions. Use M 20 concrete under service dead a 11 Column or Slender Column © Given: fy = fy = 3000 mm, D, = 450 mm, D, = 600 mm 1,, |Dy = hy I/D = Fy 300/600 = Sk meodernees MON)” 1D, my 1, /D, 300/450 = ¢ ‘olumn is braced against sideway in both directions, effect re both less than unity, and hence the two slendemess rat designed as a short colum 39.2 Minitoum Eccentricity {All members in compression shal be designed for the | ‘minimum eccentricity in accordance with25.4. Where calculated eccentricity is larger, the minimom pay) ‘eccentricity shouldbe ignored Parnas 3000. 600 | sa + ~ 36.0 mm > 20.0 mm) == S00 30 3000.45 | ymin = 3002 , 450 910mm & 20.0 mm) sae eee |e as 0.08D, = 0.05 x 600 = 30.0 mm 260mm and 0.05D, = 0.05 x 450 = 22.5 mm > ém» = 21.0 m nns can be used | the Code formula for axially loaded short ¢ Provide 4-28 gat corners 4491 1 | 4-20 pad

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