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1. Study the following words:
1. enumerate [ɪ'njʊməreɪt] перелічувати;
2. uniquely [jʊ'nɪklɪ] чудово, незвичайно;
3. ingenuity [ˌɪnʤɪ'njʊɪtI] винахідливість, майстерність;
4. mainstay ['meɪnsteɪ] головна підтримка, опора;
5. diet ['daɪət] 1) дієта 2) їжа, харч;
6. dough [dəu] 1)тісто 2) паста;
7. entree ['ɒntreɪ] антре (страва, яку подають перед основною стравою)
8. background ['bækgraund] гарнір;
9. delicacy ['delɪkəsɪ] делікатес, ласощі;
10. stuffed [stʌft] фарширований;
11. yeast [jɪst] дріжджі; закваска;
12. kefir ['kefə] кефір;
13. yoghurt ['jɒgət] йогурт;
14. hazelnut ['heɪzlnʌt] фундук;
15. cucumber ['kjʊkʌmbə] огірок.

2. Read and translate the text.

Ukrainian cuisine
Ukrainian cuisine is one of the most famous and well-known even far from the Slavic-speaking
countries Europe. It seems impossible to describe and enumerate all the Ukrainian dishes, because of the huge
area (the biggest in Europe) and therefore various local customs continuously varied from the planes in the east
to the mountainous west. That is why modern Ukrainian cuisine is formed mainly on the basis of mixed
regional features. Moreover, Ukraine adopted and developed to suit its own unique style the cuisines of other
countries such as Poland and Hungary, Germany and Turkey, Tatar and Russia.
An excellent example of Ukrainian cuisine is a "borshch". Borshch is certainly the national dish of
Ukraine, even making its appearance on the menus of Chinese and Italian restaurants in Kyiv. This uniquely
Ukrainian soup has been adopted by other countries in the region, but as recently as 45 years ago it could not
even be found in restaurants in other Soviet republics. The many versions of borsch served throughout the
country reflect the individuality of Ukrainians as well as their ingenuity. The beet-based soup can contain as
many as 20 different ingredients, depending on the season, region, and of course, personal preference of the
cook. It can be meatless or prepared from a rich meat stock and contain either beef or smoked pork.
Bread is of course the mainstay of the Ukrainian diet. The country's reputation as the "breadbasket of
Europe" is well deserved. The French writer Honore de Balzac, who lived in Ukraine for four years, counted 77
different ways of preparing bread. It is such a central part of the diet here that there is a custom to give honored
guests and departing or arriving travelers the gift of a loaf of bread and salt. This tradition is still used in
welcoming ceremonies for dignitaries and other important persons. The dishes from wheat flour have a great
importance. “Vareniki” are dumplings made from boiled or fried dough, resembling ravioli without red sauce.
They can be filled with meat, potatoes, cabbage, and sometimes mushrooms for as an entree, or sour cherries or
sweetened cottage cheese and raisins as a dessert. Any kind can be accompanied by butter or sour cream.
Starting from the second-half of the 18th century, many potatoes dishes appeared in the Ukraine. In
Ukraine, the potato is used as often as rice is in Japan. Popular dishes on the Ukrainian table are the potato
puree (mashed potatoes) and "deruny". "Deruny" are the potato pancakes that are easy to cook, very
nourishing and tasty. You can eat them either hot or cold, you can make them for a barbeque party or just take
them with you to school or work. Potato puree is served as a favorite background for various delicacies and
vegetables gravies that are typical for Ukrainian cuisine.
"Holubtsi", or cabbage rolls, are one of the favorite Ukrainian meat dishes. They are mainly filled with
pork and a small amount of rice. The "holubtsi" are placed in a large pot, covered with tomato soup or sauce
and baked. A stuffed pepper is a variety of "holubtsi", which is made on the same meat base.



Chicken Kiev is a tasty dish named after Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It’s boneless, breaded chicken
breast stuffed with herb butter then seasoned, floured, and deep-fried.
For a real Ukrainian delicacy, try salo (leaf lard). That is raw pig fat flavored with herbs or bacon. Leaf
lard is usually served on rye bread with pickled cucumbers.
There are many different kinds of pastries and cakes. Cake Kievsky is a local specialty, made of layers
of crumbly raised wafers, hazelnuts, and it even comes in its own special green box.
Among non-alcoholic beverages used are kompot which is a sweet beverage made of dried or fresh fruit
and or berries boiled in water, kvas – a sweet and sour sparkling beverage brewed from yeast, sugar and dried
rye bread, kefir which is milk fermented by both yeast and lactobacillus bacteria and having a similar taste to
III. Post-reading stage
Exercise 1.Consult a dictionary read and translate the following words:
приправлений крихкий вишня корж
куряча грудка варити (пиво) особа, що займає високий пост шипучий
хлібний кошик величезний млинець гостинний
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the text:
1. …the most famous and well-known even far from the Slavic-speaking countries Europe.
2. Modern Ukrainian cuisine is formed… .
3. Borsch is certainly the national dish … .
4. This beet-based soup can contain as many as … .
5. … the mainstay of the Ukrainian diet.
6. The French writer Honore de Balzac, who lived in Ukraine for four years, counted …
7. ―Vareniki‖ are … dough with such fillings as … .
8. Any kind can be accompanied by … .
9. Popular dishes on the Ukrainian table are … .
10. … are the potato pancakes which are… and tasty.
11. One of the favorite Ukrainian meat dishes are… cabbage rolls, filled with….
12. Chicken Kiev is a boneless, breaded … floured, and deep-fried.
13. Traditional Ukrainian sandwich is leaf lard served on… .
14. … is made of layers of crumbly raised wafers,… .
15. Among non-alcoholic beverages used are … .
Exercise 3. Read and guess what a Ukrainian specialty each paragraph mentions. Match the words:
1) Borshch A) Ravioli-like pasta stuffed with potato, cabbage, mushrooms, meat or cheese, or with
cherries as a sweet dish.
2) Varenyky B) A domestic sausage, but it can't be called saliami. The only way to sample true home-
prepared sausage is by experiencing it for yourself with the sights and smells of the
markets of Ukraine.
3) Holubtsi C) Pancakes made from grated potato and flour and fried; served with sour cream.
4) Deruny D) It is a brawn made from boiling pigs' trotters1. The meat is picked off the bone and the
gravy sets around it into a jelly as it cools; served with horseradish or mustard.
5) Khoodets E) Soup based on beetroot with meat and other vegetables; served with sour cream. There
are many regional varieties.
6) Salo F) Pancakes, often made with soured milk for a lighter batter. Thinner pancakes are called
nalysnyky, which are rolled and served with a stuffing, usually fruit or jam.
7) Mlyntsi G) Cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables, or possibly with spiced minced meat, and
stewed slowly in the oven.
8) Domashnia H) Pork fat — no description of Ukrainian cuisine would be complete without it. Ukrainians
Kovbasa like their pigs to be fat for it. Spices are rubbed into the skin. It's eaten in thin slices on
black bread with garlic and salt. Especially delicious is the smoked version.



Exercise 4. Match the words and the phrases:

Grate the sauce over the meat and serve Melt the vegetable in a small pieces.
Peel the ham as thinly as possible Chop the eggs until light and fluffy
Pour the potatoes and boil in a pan Mix a lemon over the fish
Slice the mixture with a wooden spoon Beat a little butter in a frying pan
Stir the cheese and add to the sauce Squeeze all the ingredients together

The ways we cook

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box:

salmon potato rice eggs steak onions

1) I fry (boil, poach) scrambled ____________ for breakfast.
2) Would you like your___________ rare, medium or well done?
3) I fancy a baked (a jacket, some mashed)___________ with pickles?
4) Shall we give them smoked or poached __________ as a starter?
5) Would you like a couple of pickled ___________ with your salad?
6) Do you prefer plain boiled __________ or fried _____________?

I cook at home
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:
helping ingredients recipe sauce cook delicious
1) I am not a great_______________ but the last dinner went quite well.
2) I’d seen a __________ in a cooking magazine a week before.
3) It sounded __________ - so I thought I’d try it.
4) I went to the market and bought all the ________ and then a day in the kitchen.
5) Everybody liked it, especially the________________.
6) I think it was true because everyone wanted a second____________.

Exercise 7 . Read the recipe and put the steps below in the correct order:

1 cup chopped fresh 1 kilo chopped or shredded cream 2 tablespoons oil

beetroot cabbage
2 cups green beans, cut 1/2 kilo fresh or canned salt to taste 2 tablespoons flour
into small pieces tomatoes, chopped
3 or 4 medium potatoes, 2 tablespoons finely chopped 1/2 cup chopped 1/2 cup fresh dill,
cubed onion onion chopped
Put the chopped beetroot, carrots and green beans into a saucepan with about 2 litres of water and cook for a
while. Then add the rest of the vegetables, dill and salt and cook until vegetables are tender, adding more water
if necessary. Fry the finely chopped onion in oil in a small frying pan and add flour. Stir until smooth. You use
this to thicken the soup; add this to the borshch when the vegetables are cooked. Add some cream and the
freshly chopped garlic and cook for about 5 minutes more. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve

1) Prepare thickener;
2) Taste, add salt.
3) Add the rest of the cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, onion and dill and let them cook.
4) Serve.
5) Add thickener to borshch.
6) Add cream and garlic, and cook.
7) Cook the beetroot, carrots and green beans in 2 l of water.



I keep a good table

Exercise 8. Complete the recipe with the words from the box:

add stirring heat the oil cook gently serve slice

___________ the beef into a things strips 3 cm long. Mix the sugar, spices and soy sauce in a bowl.
__________ the beef, ginger and salt and stir well. ________ in a work and stir-fry the onion for one minute.
Add the beef and fry, ____________ constantly for four minutes. Stir in a sauce and ________ for a minute.
________ with plain boiled rice.

 Speak about food you like and dislike. Give your reasons.
 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1 What can you say about Ukrainian hospitality?
2 What are your mealtimes? What order of meals do you follow?
3 What is the difference between meals and mealtimes in England and Ukraine?
4 What is English 'afternoon tea'?
5 What is your favourite dish?
6 How would you lay the table for the guests? What about the menu?
7 What do you generally take for the first (second) course?
8 Do the national Ukrainian dishes differ from the English ones?
 Do the project. Follow the instructions.
1 Imagine that you are the owner of a very good restaurant. Give your restaurant a name. Write a menu. Offer
at least three items each for starters, main courses, side dishes, salads and desserts.
2 Display your work in a gallery of works.
3 Ask your mates to decide which restaurant they would like to go to, and why.
4 Decide what the best restaurant is for you from those that your mates displayed. Give your reasons.
 Prepare a recipe for any Ukrainian dish. Make notes and present it in class.


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