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HRS Expert Consensus Statement on remote interrogation

and monitoring for cardiovascular implantable electronic

David Slotwiner, MD, FHRS, FACC (Chair),1,# Niraj Varma, MD, PhD, FRCP (Co-chair),2,# Joseph G. Akar, MD, PhD,3
George Annas, JD, MPH,4 Marianne Beardsall, MN/NP, CCDS, FHRS,5 Richard I. Fogel, MD, FHRS,6
Nestor O. Galizio, MD,7* Taya V. Glotzer, MD, FHRS, FACC,8 Robin A. Leahy, RN, BSN, CCDS, FHRS,9
Charles J. Love, MD, CCDS, FHRS, FACC, FAHA,10 Rhondalyn C. McLean, MD,11†
Suneet Mittal, MD, FHRS,12 Loredana Morichelli, RN, MSN,13 Kristen K. Patton, MD,14‡
Merritt H. Raitt, MD, FHRS,15 Renato Pietro Ricci, MD,13§ John Rickard, MD, MPH,16
Mark H. Schoenfeld, MD, CCDS, FHRS, FACC, FAHA,17 Gerald A. Serwer, MD, FHRS, FACC,18J
Julie Shea, MS, RNCS, FHRS, CCDS,19 Paul Varosy, MD, FHRS, FACC, FAHA,20
Atul Verma, MD, FHRS, FRCPC,5 Cheuk-Man Yu, MD, FACC, FRCP, FRACP21¶
From the 1Hofstra School of Medicine, North Shore - Long Island Jewish Health System, New Hyde Park,
New York, 2Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, 3Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut,
Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, 5Southlake Regional Health Centre,
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, 6St. Vincent Medical Group, Indianapolis, Indiana, 7Favaloro Foundation
University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack,
New Jersey, 9Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute, Carolinas HealthCare System, Charlotte, North Carolina,
New York University Langone Medical Center, New York City, New York, 11University of Pennsylvania
Health System, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12The Arrhythmia Institute at Valley Hospital, New York, New
York, 13Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, San Filippo Neri Hospital, Rome, Italy, 14University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington, 15VA Portland Health Care System, Oregon Health & Science University,
Knight Cardiovascular Institute, Portland, Oregon, 16Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
Yale University School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital Saint Raphael Campus, New Haven,
Connecticut, 18University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center, University of Michigan Health Center,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 20Veterans Affairs
Eastern Colorado Health Care System, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, and 21Department of
Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China.

#These authors contributed equally to this work. *Representative for TABLE OF CONTENTS
the Latin American Society of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
(Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología Introduction .................................................................................... e70
[SOLAECE]); †Representative for the American Heart Association (AHA); Remote Interrogation vs Remote Monitoring .......... e70
‡Representative for the American College of Cardiology (ACC); §Repre- Methodology of Document Preparation ..................... e71
sentative for the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA); JRepresen- Industry Forum .................................................................... e71
tative for the Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES);
¶Representative for the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS)

(footnote continued)
KEYWORDS Cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator; Cardiac
Developed in collaboration with and endorsed by the American College
resynchronization therapy; Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator;
of Cardiology (ACC), Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society
Pacemaker; Remote monitoring
(PACES), the American Heart Association (AHA), the Asia Pacific Heart
ABBREVIATIONS ABIM = American Board of Internal Medicine; Rhythm Society (APHRS), the European Heart Rhythm Association
CIED = cardiac implantable electronic device; CRT-D = cardiac (EHRA), and the Latin American Society of Cardiac Pacing and Electro-
resynchronization therapy with defibrillator; IBHRE = International physiology (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Elec-
Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners; IPE = in-person evaluationn; RM = trofisiología [SOLAECE]). Address correspondence Sheila Tynes. E-mail
remote monitoring (Heart Rhythm 2015;12:e69–e100) address:

1547-5271/$-see front matter B 2015 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved.
e70 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Section 1: History and Description of Remote information to health care providers without the active
Monitoring Technology ............................................................. e71 participation of the patient. CIEDs with wireless remote
Section 2: Evidence Supporting Remote Interrogation monitoring (RM) capabilities stand at the forefront of a new
and Monitoring ............................................................................. e72 class of medical devices that will unobtrusively acquire
Remote Interrogation: Clinical Benefits ..................... e72 vital data beyond the walls of health care facilities and
Remote Interrogation Combined With Remote seamlessly transmit the information back to health care
Monitoring: Clinical Benefits ......................................... e72 providers. This document focuses on implantable devices
Follow-Up Optimization and Patient Safety ............ e73 for managing heart rhythm disorders.
Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life ..................... e73 The 2008 recommendations were, by necessity, consensus
Device Surveillance ............................................................ e73 driven, without objective evidence to inform clinical practice.
Shock Reduction ................................................................. e82 The document recognized that contemporary CIED follow-up
Optimization of Device Longevity ............................... e83 has been neglected and that many patients were not receiving
Disease Management ......................................................... e83 the recommended follow-up care. This deficiency was sub-
Atrial Fibrillation ...................................................................... e83 sequently confirmed; patient follow-up has been erratic, with
Heart Failure .............................................................................. e83 almost a quarter of patients not seen in person in the year
Channelopathies ........................................................................ e84 following implant.2 The 2008 document advocated for
Implantable Loop Recorders ................................................ e84 structured follow-up that employs a system of regular in-
Mega-Cohort Analysis ...................................................... e84 person evaluations (IPEs). Remote interrogation (RI) and RM
Section 3: Indications, Paradigms, Frequency, and technologies (defined below) were developed as complemen-
Content of CIED Follow-Up ................................................... e84 tary tools to replace some of the routine follow-up appoint-
Timing of Patient Education and Enrollment .......... e85 ments during the long-term phase of CIED management
Remote Interrogations ....................................................... e85 while maintaining an IPE schedule of at least 6–12 months.3
Remote Monitoring ............................................................ e85 Since 2008, randomized controlled trials have compared
Communication .................................................................... e86 IPE and remote management strategies for follow-up care of
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities of the patients with CIEDs. Various trials have also explored the
Remote Monitoring Team Members .................................... e86 ability of RM to detect problems early, thereby improving
Patient Responsibilities ..................................................... e86 patient outcomes. The trials have employed a variety of
Physician Responsibilities ............................................... e87 proprietary technologies in various health care models and
Mid-Level Provider Responsibilities ........................... e88 have collectively shown the superiority of RI and RM for
Allied Professional Responsibilities ............................ e88 achieving the follow-up goals of patient adherence to
Ancillary Staff Responsibilities ..................................... e88 structured follow-up protocols and improvement in device
Institution/Clinic Responsibilities ................................. e88 clinic workflow efficiency. The advent of automatic wireless
Third-Party Provider Responsibilities ......................... e89 RM has been critical to these results, a change in paradigm
CIED Industry Responsibilities ..................................... e89 that forms the basis of new recommendations.
Section 5: Data Management .................................................. e89 The present document was developed from the foundations
Diversity of Data Repositories ....................................... e89 laid by the 2008 HRS consensus statement1 and the 2012 expert
Data Elements: Definitions and Interoperability ..... e89 consensus statement on remote monitoring of CIEDs by the
Rationale for a Coherent Data Management International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocar-
Strategy ................................................................................... e90 diography and the European Heart Rhythm Association.4 The
Section 6: Reimbursement, Legal, and Privacy goals for follow-up, hardware definitions, and personnel remain
Considerations ............................................................................... e90 the same and will not be covered in this document, except for
Reimbursement .................................................................... e90 cases in which remote technologies and responsibilities have
Legal Considerations ......................................................... e90 evolved. The present document provides new recommendations
Privacy ..................................................................................... e91 based on data published since 2008, endorses the need to
Consensus Statement Recommendations ............................ e92 maintain consistent follow-up, and outlines the limitations of
Conclusions .................................................................................... e92 strictly in-person methods. We focus on the organizational
References ....................................................................................... e93 changes required to most effectively implement RI and RM,
from the occasional replacement of routine appointments (for
patient and clinician convenience) to a system of nearly
Introduction continuous monitoring, with most IPEs initiated in response to
Cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) alert notifications communicated by RM, thereby improving the
have evolved significantly since the publication of the quality and efficiency of patient care.
2008 Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) consensus statement1
outlining recommended monitoring strategies. Novel
embedded technologies have created the ability of the Remote Interrogation vs Remote Monitoring
devices to monitor their own function, record arrhythmias The terms RI and RM are often used interchangeably, with
and other physiological parameters, and communicate this RM being the colloquially accepted term for both. RI and
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e71

RM, however, refer to different and complementary tools, Industry Forum

which we will define below and address separately through- The writing committee believes that the problems faced by
out the text. patients with heart rhythm disorders cannot be addressed if
RI refers to routine, scheduled, remote device interrog- clinicians, scientists, and industry work in isolation and that
ations structured to mirror in-office checkups.4,5 Practically the value of this document would be enhanced by a
all information obtained during an in-office device checkup structured dialogue with industry to address technical ques-
can now be obtained remotely. An important exception to tions and gain an understanding of the challenges faced by
this is the data for measuring the pacing capture threshold, industry in advancing this technology. Because of the
which is available only for devices capable of automatically potential for actual or perceived bias, strict parameters had
measuring the capture threshold. to be established for information sharing. It is the policy of
RM refers to the automated transmission of data based on the HRS that industry may participate in the development of
prespecified alerts related to device functionality and clinical clinical documents in an advisory capacity, but not in its
events.4 This provides the ability for rapid detection of authorship. To this end, manufacturers of cardiac rhythm
abnormal device function and/or arrhythmia events.6,7 management devices and related industries were invited to
join the writing committee at a forum on emerging tech-
nologies. The forum provided a venue for sharing important
research and innovation and helped inform the writing
Methodology of Document Preparation committee’s recommendations for future developments in
The writing group was comprised of content experts the field.
representing the following organizations: the HRS, the Latin
American Society of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
(SOLAECE), the American College of Cardiology (ACC), Section 1: History and Description of Remote
The American Heart Association (AHA), the European Heart Monitoring Technology
Rhythm Association (EHRA), the Pediatric and Congenital The remote evaluation of CIEDs began with the trans-
Electrophysiology Society (PACES), and the Asia Pacific telephonic monitoring (TTM) of pacemakers, which was
Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS). The members of the first introduced in 1971. Soon after its adoption, the
writing group performed a comprehensive literature search, supplementation of in-office visits with TTM for pacemaker
developed a series of recommendations, and provided follow-up became common in North America. TTM is still in
explanations for the reasoning and research used to make use, and its function remains essentially unchanged.1 The
each recommendation outlined in the document text.* The technology delivers limited data on pacemaker function via
recommendations were voted on, with the vote threshold for analog transmission over a telephone landline; the informa-
inclusion set at 80%. The classification of recommendation tion includes sensing, capture, and battery longevity data, as
and the level of evidence follow the recently updated ACC/ well as a real-time electrocardiogram (Figure 1). TTM
AHA standard.8 Class I is a strong recommendation, denot- requires coordination with the clinical staff to receive and
ing a benefit greatly exceeding risk. Class IIa is a somewhat interpret the data. Verbal communication between the patient
weaker recommendation, with a benefit probably exceeding and the nurse or technician who performs TTM is necessary,
risk, and class IIb denotes a benefit equivalent to or possibly allowing real-time assessment of the patient’s clinical status.
exceeding risk. Class III is a recommendation against a TTM technology is not capable of retrieving diagnostic data
specific treatment because either there is no net benefit or from the device’s memory and can provide only rudimentary
there is net harm. Level of evidence A denotes the highest data on the pacemaker’s function. RI and RM technologies,
level of evidence, usually from multiple randomized con- which are now incorporated in all CIEDs, are recommended
trolled trials or from a single randomized clinical trial and a over TTM because of the additional diagnostic data they
high-quality registry. Level of evidence B indicates a provide.9
moderate level, either from randomized trials or well- Despite its limitations, TTM remains an important tool for
executed nonrandomized trials. Level of evidence C is from places where more advanced technological solutions have
weaker studies with significant limitations, and level of not or cannot be instituted.
evidence E is from consensus opinions in the absence of In the late 1990s, inductive technology was incorporated
credible published evidence. into CIEDs for the purpose of RI (Figure 1).10,11 These
systems use a wand-based radiofrequency platform to
transfer data between the patient’s device and a transceiver.
*A review of relevant data was performed including evidence from The remote inductive interrogation procedure is similar to
studies conducted in human subjects and published in English from that performed at a typical IPE. Once the wand is placed
PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, and the Agency for Healthcare Research over the device, the programmed, stored, and measured data
and Quality Reports. Key search terms included but were not limited to the are sent via real-time radiofrequency transmissions from the
following: pacemaker, implantable defibrillator, cardiac resynchronization
therapy device, remote monitor, remote interrogation, transtelephonic, patient’s device to a home transceiver. The patient receives
randomized controlled trial, meta-analysis, registry, and observational feedback regarding the success or failure of the trans-
trials. mission. The data are then sent from the transceiver by
e72 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Figure 1 Technologies in use.

telephone to a central repository where they are stored and Remote Interrogation: Clinical Benefits
processed securely. Communication between the in-home RI technology was first implemented for managing patients
transceiver and the central storage repository can be with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) to reduce
conducted using either analog phone lines or a cellular the frequency of scheduled in-person follow-up visits. Two
wireless data network. The data are then available via a prospective studies evaluated the technology from the
secure dedicated website for the provider to retrieve and perspective of the patient and clinician.10,14 Patients reported
review. Inductive systems can be time-consuming and high satisfaction and acceptance of the technology, and
cumbersome to operate, can create challenges for compli- clinicians found the data to be reliable and sufficient for
ance, and do not automatically transmit asymptomatic evaluating device function and detecting arrhythmias while
events.11,12 reducing the frequency of IPEs.
In 2001, the first fully automatic platform for RM was The Pacemaker Remote Follow-up Evaluation and
introduced.13 Currently, multiple such platforms are in use. Review study examined the hypothesis that frequent sched-
Automatic RM offers the advantage of independence from uled RIs of pacemakers might be superior to routine IPEs by
patient or physician scheduling. Although there are propri- providing early identification of significant findings such as
etary differences, essentially the implanted device initiates ventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, device/lead mal-
transmissions periodically at set frequencies (ranging from function, and battery voltage elective replacement indicator
every 3 weeks to daily) and additionally if certain abnormal status (ie, clinically actionable events).9 This prospective
criteria are detected. Symptomatic patients may also initiate randomized trial enrolled 980 patients who were assigned in
the interrogations. Radiofrequency transmissions are sent a 2:1 ratio to undergo RI vs a control group assigned to IPE
wirelessly to a transceiver located close to the patient, and TTM-based follow-up. Over the 12-month study,
typically in the patient’s bedroom (Figure 1). Using either clinically actionable events were detected significantly
analog landlines or wireless data networks, the transmitted sooner among patients randomized to RI compared to
data are sent to the manufacturer’s central repository for IPEþTTM groups (mean time 5.7 and 7.7 months, respec-
storage and retrieval. Physicians or designees typically tively; P o .0001). Among patients undergoing RI, 446 of
access the patient data by logging onto a secure, dedicated 676 events (66%) were detected as compared with only 3 of
website. 190 events (2%) in patients undergoing IPEþTTM.
These early clinical trials of RI validated its safety and
effectiveness, as well as patient and clinician satisfaction.

Section 2: Evidence Supporting Remote Remote Interrogation Combined With Remote

Interrogation and Monitoring Monitoring: Clinical Benefits
Most large-scale randomized trials of remote follow-up The combination of RI and wireless RM allows for nearly
paradigms have employed both RI and RM as complemen- continuous monitoring, providing daily self-testing and
tary tools; however, several important early studies have event notification for out-of-bound parameters, which
examined RI alone. are not possible for wanded telemetry systems. These
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e73

complementary follow-up tools form the basis of the clinical similar results for early event detection and the reduction
trials discussed below. of outpatient clinic loads for patients with pacemakers
followed with RM.9,24
In summary, several large randomized prospective trials
Follow-Up Optimization and Patient Safety conducted using different proprietary RM technologies
The 2008 transatlantic consensus recommendations advo- (including pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT-Ds) in various
cated a regular calendar-based follow-up system of either countries have consistently shown that the replacement of
IPE or RI, although their comparative efficacy and ideal ratio most routine IPEs with RI and RM reduces the number of
was unknown at that time.1 Since then, the Lumos-T Safely health care visits, provides earlier detection of actionable
RedUces RouTine Office Device Follow-up (TRUST) trial events, and does not compromise safety.
in 2010 (Table 1) compared and contrasted the 2 methods,
with results showing that RI combined with RM more
Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Life
effectively and durably attained the goals of timely scheduled
Patient acceptance of remote follow-up is critical to success-
follow-up and patient retention (Figure 2).15,16 Moreover,
ful implementation. In the few studies of patient satisfaction
replacement of many IPEs with RI follow-up evaluations
that are available, a number of studies28,38 have reported no
resulted in increased efficiency for both patients and
difference in the quality of life and patient satisfaction when
comparing remote and conventional follow-up strategies.
CIED evaluation at prescribed intervals (every 6–12
Other authors21,36,39,40 have reported a high rate of patient
months for pacemakers and every 3–6 months for ICDs
satisfaction for diverse aspects such as patient’s perceived
and resynchronization devices1) can be facilitated by RI and
relationship with their health care providers, ease of use,
RM. Several studies that have demonstrated this are listed
psychological impact, and the ability to maintain follow-up
chronologically in Table 1. Results consistently show that
compliance, even with nonwireless transceivers. Remote
replacing IPE follow-up visits with RI follow-up visits for at
follow-up reduces IPE costs such as travel, time off from
least 1 year can reduce the volume of IPEs by approximately
work, and the interruption of daily activities.41 The majority
50% for patients with all types of CIEDs, without compro-
of patients surveyed in a single-center observational study
mising safety and improving the early detection of clinically
expressed a strong desire for prompt and clear communica-
significant events (Table 1 and Figure 2).15,16,19–21 In the
tion of the interrogation findings by phone, e-mail, or letter.36
TRUST trial, RM reduced the number of scheduled and
None of the patients assigned to RI/RM in the TRUST trial
unscheduled hospital evaluations by almost 50%, with no
crossed over during the study, and 98% elected to retain this
increase in the incidence of death, strokes, or events
follow-up model at the end of the trial, indicating patient
requiring surgical intervention. RM also reduced the time
acceptance and confidence in this technology. Patient-
to detection of arrhythmic events to a median of 1 day as
clinician communication improved, and patients were more
compared with more than 30 days with quarterly conven-
compliant with the scheduled IPEs when required.16 In
tional care (Table 1).21,22 The Clinical Evaluation of Remote
contrast, conventional care was characterized by follow-up
Notification to Reduce Time to Clinical Decision
attrition, suggesting that IPEs could be perceived as a relative
(CONNECT) study showed that the median time from the
inconvenience. Nevertheless, the overall attrition rates
clinical event to clinical decision per patient was reduced
among patients in the TRUST trial were high for conven-
from 22 days in the in-office arm to 4.6 days in the remote
tionally and remotely managed patients (unrelated to dis-
arm (P o .01) (Table 1).21 The Effectiveness and Cost of
tance from the receiving facility), which aligns with the
ICD Follow-Up Schedule with Telecardiology (ECOST)
results from contemporary US practice.2 Similarly, the
study endorsed the safety of RM extended over a period of
17.4% attrition rate (withdrawal, moving, lost to follow-
24 months (Table 1).23 The Evolution of Management
up) over 27 months in the European REFORM trial occurred
Strategies of Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defib-
under study conditions.19 This is an underappreciated
rillators (EVOLVO) study showed that the rate of emergency
challenge in CIED patient follow-up, and although this
department or urgent in-office visits was 35% lower in the
may be alleviated by remote management, its causes require
RM arm than in the IPE arm. Furthermore, there was a 21%
further investigation.
reduction in the rate of total health care visits for heart
failure, arrhythmias, or ICD-related events.9 The Remote
Follow-Up for ICD-Therapy in Patients Meeting MADIT II Device Surveillance
Criteria (REFORM) trial showed that ICD follow-up using RM alerts practitioners to changes in lead or device function
adjunct RM can reduce the number of IPEs by 63.2%, with that would otherwise go undetected until the next scheduled
no difference in hospitalization or mortality rates.19 IPE or RI, which can sometimes take place months after the
Although most patients in the above trials had ICDs and change.26 Trends in lead impedances, the number of mode
cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillators (CRT- switch events, ventricular arrhythmias, and changes in R-
Ds), the Pacemaker REmote Follow-up Evaluation and wave and P-wave amplitudes can presage device and non-
Review (PREFER) and COMPArative Follow-Up Schedule device problems before they manifest clinically. In addition
With Home Monitoring (COMPAS) trials demonstrated to detecting device failure, RM is able to alert practitioners to
Table 1 Remote Follow-Up: Clinical Evidence*
Study Name/ Study Size
Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
Randomized trials—PMs
PREFER9 2009 Randomized, 897 VVI/DDD PMs Mean time to first FU: 375 ⫾ 140 d Mean time to first
prospective, Medtronic CareLink RM diagnosis of CAE, Mean time to first diagnosis of CAE was
multicenter comparing the RM diagnosis of CAE was shorter in the RM
arm and the control 5.7 mo in the RM arm arm
arm vs 7.7 mo in the
control arm
P o 0.001
COMPAS25 2011 Randomized, 538 DDD PMs indications, MAE: hospitalization FU: 18 mo RM was safe and
multicenter no PM dependents for PM-related MAE: 17.3% in the RM reduced the number
Biotronik HM complications, CV arm vs 19.1% in the of in-office visits
events, and death control arm RM enabled earlier
Incidence of each MAE (P o 0.01 for non- detection of clinical
inferiority and device-related
RM reduction of Hospitalization due to adverse events
in-office visits PM complications in
the RM arm (0.4%)
vs the control arm
(2.8%) P o 0.05
Mean number of
unscheduled FUs per
patient per year:
56% lower in the RM
arm po0.001
Randomized trials—ICDs
TRUST6,15,16,26 2010 Randomized, 1,339 VVI/DDD ICDs, no PM Total in-hospital In-hospital device RM was safe in
prospective, dependent device evaluations evaluation was 2.1 supplanting
multicenter per patient per year “routine” in-office

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Biotronik HM Overall adverse event in the RM arm vs 3.8 visits, enabling early
rate per patient per year event detection in
in the control arm ICD recipients
Time from event onset p o 0.001
to physician Overall adverse event
evaluation rate was 10.4% in
both groups at 12
mo p = 0.005 for
RM reduced event
detection delay by
430 d po0.001
Slotwiner et al
Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
CONNECT 2011 Randomized, 1,997 ICDs and CRT-Ds Time from a clinical 22 d (in-office arm) vs RM reduced the time to
prospective, Medtronic Carelink RM event to a clinical 4.6 d (RM arm) a clinical decision

HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

multicenter. decision po.001
Evaluated Health care use for CV RM reduced the mean
hospitalization LOS reasons: 4 d (in- LOS
office arm) vs 3.3 d
(RM arm) po.001
LOS per hospitalization
was 3.2 d in the RM
arm vs 4.3 d in the in-
office arm p = .002
Clinical aspects 2012 Randomized, 433 ICDs Incidence of MAE (all- FU: 24.2 mo RM was as safe as
prospective, Biotronik HM cause and CV death) MAE: 40.3% vs 43.3% standard FU
multicenter Procedure-related in the RM arm vs in RM reduces
complications and the control arm appropriate and
device-related po0.05 (non inappropriate shocks
adverse events inferiority)
Appropriate and
inappropriate shocks
delivered were 71%
lower in the RM arm
p o 0.05
Battery longevity
increased in the RM
arm po0.02
76% reduction of
capacitor charges
Economic aspects 2014 310 Economic impact of RM Nonhospital costs: RM: RM reduced mean
on patients with ICD €1695 ⫾ 1131 nonhospital costs
po0.04 per patient per year
Conventional: €1952 RM did not
⫾ 1023 significantly reduce
Hospital costs: the hospital costs
RM: €2829 ⫾ 6382 per patient per year
Conventional: €3549
⫾ 9714 p = .46
Savings were increased
to €494 by adding
the ICD to
nonhospital costs or
to €315 per patient
per year by adding
the monitoring

Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
Clinical aspects 2012 Randomized, 200 LVEF r35% Rate of the emergency FU: 16 mo RM reduced the
prospective, department or number of
multicenter Medtronic ICDs or CRT- urgent in-office Total events: 0.59 vs emergency
Ds with thoracic visits for heart 0.93 events per department or
impedance failure, arrhythmias, patient per year in urgent in-office
measurement or ICD-related the RM arm vs in the visits and health
capabilities events control arm p = 0.005 care use
(OptiVol) Number of urgent visits RM increased the
per patient per year efficiency of health
Economic impact of RM for heart failure, care
on patients with ICD arrhythmias, or ICD- No significant annual
and heart failure related: 4.4 in the cost savings for the
RM arm vs 5.7 in the health care system
control arm
Time from ICD alert to
review: 1.4 d in the
RM arm vs 24.8 d in
the control arm
Economic aspects 2013 Costs: €1962 vs €2130
p = 0.8
Costs for patients: Significant reduction

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

€291 vs €381 in the annual cost
po0.01 for patients and
Cost utility: patients in gained QALYs in the
the RM arm had a RM arm
cost saving of €888
per patient and
gained 0.065 QALYs
more over 16 months
Slotwiner et al
Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings

HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

REFORM (second 2013 Randomized, parallel 155 ICD implanted Scheduled and FU: 24 mo RM safely reduces the
analysis) according to MADIT unscheduled ICD FU visits reduced by ICD FU burden for 27
Quarterly clinic visits II criteria visits 58% (3.8 vs 1.6 mo after
(Q arm) vs yearly Difference in quality of visits per patient per implantation
clinic visits (Y arm) life scores at year in the Q arm vs Favorable impact of RM
baseline and after 27 in the Y arm) on the quality of life
mo po0.001
Total and CV mortality Unscheduled FU per No impact on mortality
patient year was and hospitalization
Rate and length of all- 0.27 in the Q arm vs rate
cause and CV 0.64 in the Y arm
hospitalizations p = 0.03
All-cause mortality was
not different
between groups
Y group did not exceed
1 additional visit per
patient per year
Calò et al28 2013 Prospective, 233 Biotronik, Boston Assess current direct FU required 47 min per RM significantly
randomized Scientific, costs of 1-y ICD FU patient per year in reduced:
Medtronic, St Jude based on RM the RM arm vs 86 min The time spent by
Medical compared with per patient per year hospital staff
conventional in the control arm The costs of the
quarterly in-hospital po0.03 hospital and pt
FU from the hospital The costs associated
and patient with RM FU vs
perspective standard FU was
$103 ⫾ 27 per
patient per year vs
$154 ⫾ 21 per
patient per year
Overall cost savings for
RM vs standard FU:
$97 ⫾ 121 per
patient per year vs
$287 ⫾ 160 per
patient per year

Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
IN-TIME 2014 Randomized, parallel 716 ICDs/CRT-Ds Primary outcome At 1-y FU, 18.9% of Patients on HM less
Biotronik HM, NYHA measure was a patients in the HM likely to reach the
class II/III, LVEF composite clinical group vs 27.2% in composite end point
r35% score combining all- the control group Patients on HM had
cause mortality, had worsened lower mortality
overnight hospital symptoms p = 0.013 HM did not reduce
admission for heart 1-y all-cause mortality heart failure
failure, change in in the admissions
NYHA class, and telemonitoring
change in patient group was 3.4% vs
global self- 8.7% in the control
assessment group p = .004
Secondary outcome RM did not affect heart
measures were all- failure admissions
cause mortality, p = .38
hospital admission,
and heart failure
Registries, Mega-cohort observational studies
AWARE24 2007 Retrospective analysis 11,624 PMs, ICDs, CRT-Ds Time to detection of Mean time from the RM improved safety
Biotronik HM events and impact last FU to detection and optimized the
on physician of an event was 26 d allocation of health
workload, comparing in the RM group resources.
the RM arm vs the compared with the
standard care arm usual FU period
ALTITUDE30 2010 Nonrandomized 185,778 ICDs/CRT-Ds with Patient survival 1- and 5-y survival RM improves survival

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

networked patients LATITUDE (Boston rates were 50%
Scientific) reduced in non-RM
patients po0.001
MERLIN31 2015 Nonrandomized 269,471 PPMs, ICDs/CRT-Ds Survival according to 475% adherence to RM-mediated survival
networked patients (consecutive) with MERLIN the level of RM promoted best is dose dependent
adherence to RM and survival po.001 on the degree of
device type Pts with PM gained adherence but not
similar survival on CIED complexity
advantage with
475% adherence to
RM po0.001
Slotwiner et al
HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices
Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
Observational studies
Fauchier et al32 2005 Nonrandomized 502 ICDs Calculation of costs RM was associated with RM reduces medical
database analysis Biotronik HM related to ICD FU, a $2149 saving per and transportation
including medical patient in 5 y. Even costs compared with
services and considering an extra standard ICD FU
transportation cost of $1200 for
compared with the acquiring the
expected costs of RM technology, a
breakeven point
could be reached
after 33.5 mo
Raatikainen et al33 2008 Observational 41 ICDs Assess whether RM To complete FU, RM RM reduces costs
Medtronic Carelink RM offers a safe, required: compared with
practical, and cost- Less time from standard ICD FU
effective alternative patients: 6.9 ⫾ 5.0 (saving of €524 per
to the in-office FU of min vs 182 ⫾ 148 patient per year,
patients with ICD min po0.001 41% of the cost of
Less time from standard FU)
physicians: 8.4 ⫾
4.5 min vs 25.8 ⫾
17.0 min po0.001

Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings
HomeGuide 2013 Multicenter, 1650 PMs, ICDs, CRT-Ds To estimate clinical Clinical events: RM effectively
Registry17,18 2014 prospective registry Biotronik HM effectiveness in RM sensitivity: 84.3% detected and
event detection and PPV: 97.4% managed clinical
management of RM incremental utility: events po0.001
devices with RM 0.56 The nurse-based
To analyze outpatient workflow model was
clinic workload and safe, effective, and
the impact on RM detected 95% of efficient
resource asymptomatic
consumption events and 73% of
To test a specific AEs
nurse-based Manpower of 55.5 min
workflow model per health personnel
per month for every
100 patients
15.4 min per patient to
detect 0.43 AEs (RM
arm) vs 60.5 min per
patient to detect
0.16 AEs (in-person
Nurses reviewed 70%
of transmissions
(15% submitted to

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

the physician)
Patient satisfaction
Marzegalli et al34 2008 Observational study 67 ICDs Assess the ease of use 78% of the patients RM reduces FU time as
of the system and preferred remote FU compared with
patient and clinician to in-clinic visits; standard in-hospital
acceptance and 100% found it easy visits
satisfaction to use
Slotwiner et al
Table 1 (continued )

Study Name/ Study Size

Author Year Study Type (No. of Patients) Inclusion Criteria End Points Results Findings

HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

Ricci et al 2010 Observational 119 PMs, ICDs, and CRTs in To evaluate patient The mean scores were Patients showed a high
RM after 1 y of FU acceptance and (range 0–4) level of acceptance
satisfaction through 3.0 ⫾ 0.9 for and satisfaction for
a self-administered relationship, 3.4 ⫾ all investigated
questionnaire 0.6 for ease of use, areas
(HoMASQ) 3.4 ⫾ 0.9 for
aspects, 3.4 ⫾ 0.8
for clinical
implication, and 3.4
⫾ 0.8 for overall
Petersen36 2012 Observational 474 Medtronic ICD or CRT-D To evaluate patient 385 of 474 (81.2%) 95% were very content
and successful satisfaction with patients responded or content with
Carelink remote FU to the questionnaire remote FU
transmissions 25% of patients made 84% expressed desire
unscheduled for clear and prompt
transmissions (for communication from
shock, alarm, the monitoring
palpitation, or other center
Morichelli et al37 2014 Observational 163 Recipients of ICDs in To evaluate patient The mean scores were Patients showed a high
RM after 20 mo acceptance and (range 0–4) level of acceptance
satisfaction through 3.3 ⫾ 0.7 for and satisfaction for
a self-made relationship, 3.5 ⫾ all investigated
questionnaire 0.5 for ease of use, areas
(HoMASQ) with 3.5 ⫾ 0.4 for
another proprietary psychological
system aspects, 3.4 ⫾ 0.6 for
clinical implication,
and 3.8 ⫾ 0.3 for
overall satisfaction

AE ¼ actionable event; CAE ¼ clinically actionable event; CRT-D ¼ cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator; CV ¼ cardiovascular; DDD ¼ dual-chamber; FU ¼ follow-up; HM ¼ home monitoring; HoMASQ ¼
Home Monitoring Acceptance and Satisfaction Questionnaire; HR ¼ hazard ratio; ICD ¼ implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LOS ¼ length of stay; LVEF ¼ left ventricle ejection fraction; MADIT II ¼ Multicenter
Autonomic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II; MAE ¼ major adverse event; NYHA ¼ New York Heart Association; OR ¼ odds ratio; PM ¼ pacemaker; PPM ¼ permanent pacemaker; PPV ¼ positive predictive value; QALY ¼
quality-adjusted life year; RM ¼ remote monitoring; VVI ¼ ventricle paced, ventricle sensed, pacing inhibited if beat sensed.
* The table summarizes clinical trials discussed in the text.

e82 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Figure 2 Benefits of remote monitoring. CONNECT ¼ Clinical Evaluation of Remote Notification to Reduce Time to Clinical Decision; TRUST ¼ Lumos-T
Safely Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-Up.

possible human programming errors such as the failure to Shock Reduction

activate tachyarrhythmia therapies. The early detection function of RM for clinical events such
Although malfunction rates are generally infrequent (even as atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
for devices on advisory), they require prompt identification rates,26,46,47 T-wave oversensing or electromagnetic inter-
and action. Early battery depletion, high-voltage circuitry ference, or device malfunction, enables faster intervention to
disruption, and unexpected lead failures can lead to poten- reduce the risk of unnecessary ICD shocks.25 Even when
tially life-threatening complications. Their onset can be appropriate ICD therapy has been delivered, RM may lead to
unpredictable and sudden, and their detection can be chal- early intervention and possible reduction in the total number
lenging. Although many CIEDs have built-in audible or of therapies.
vibrating alarms that alert the patient to important issues, The ECOST study23,46 evaluated ICD therapy events as a
these alarms are often missed, especially by children or the prespecified secondary end point and reported a significant
elderly who tend to be less communicative.42 RM provides an reduction in inappropriate therapy for patients assigned to the
additional mechanism for communicating with care pro- RM arm. Over 27 months, the incidence of inappropriate
viders, enabling surveillance of CIED system integrity with shocks was 5.0% in the patients randomized to the RM group
improved temporal resolution. This mechanism can assist in compared with 10.4% in the standard group (P = .04). This
prompt detection and early intervention when compared with was largely mediated by preemptive action initiated by early
routine in-office monitoring. The advantages of this mecha- RM notification. Overall, 14.5% of shocks were inappropriate
nism have been demonstrated in large randomized trials (eg, in the remote group compared with 43% in the control group
TRUST trial26) and supported by observational data in mega- (P o .001). All causes of inappropriate shocks, including
cohort analyses (eg, ALTITUDE trial30 and MERLIN trial31). supraventricular tachycardia, noise oversensing, lead dysfunc-
RM has become the modality of choice for the surveil- tion, and T-wave oversensing, were lower in the RM arm.
lance of patients with CIEDs who are under advisory It is important to note that no study to date has shown a
status.43–45 Although the increased frequency of in-person reduction in appropriate ICD shocks with remote follow-up
surveillance would eventually detect adverse events, the compared with conventional follow-up. Even in the ECOST
majority of patients remain unaffected. A system of study,23,46 in which the number of patients with appropriate
increased IPE might therefore be onerous and inefficient. shocks was more than twice the number of patients with
In contrast, RM accurately, efficiently, and quickly identifies inappropriate shocks, the number of patients who were
abnormal parameter values (providing these are tagged to administered appropriate shocks was similar in both the
event notifications via the device and home monitor), remote follow-up and control arms of the study (16.7% vs
yielding better use of patient, device, and clinical resources. 17.5%; P = .84).
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e83

Optimization of Device Longevity incidence of previously unrecognized atrial fibrillation rang-

Enabling RM can affect battery life, especially in regard to ing from 30% to 60%.53–56 Early detection of atrial
the frequency of scheduled wireless transmissions (eg, daily fibrillation by RM can enable intervention to avoid ICD
vs every 3 months). However, the battery drain varies inappropriate therapy, heart failure, and avoid loss of
appreciably among the proprietary systems. Experience from biventricular pacing. Early detection also provides additional
the clinical use of one of these has shown preserved and time to consider whether to initiate anticoagulation therapy.
sometimes improved battery life with its use in ICDs and
pacemakers.23,48 Other proprietary systems can promote Stroke Risk Associated With Device-Detected Atrial Fibril-
battery drain when the frequency of transmissions is lation. Several large clinical trials have consistently shown
increased.49 Data on the impact of RM on battery life should an association between CIED-detected atrial fibrillation and
be transparently available to clinicians so that management thromboembolic events.56–61 The risk of thromboembolic
can be optimized to balance the benefits of RM against events is increased with even brief atrial fibrillation episodes
premature battery depletion. Before using RM for an (5 minutes), and the risk increases with increasing duration
individual patient, the CIED specialist should be aware of of the episodes.61 However, in the majority of study patients,
the individual differences in RM systems and balance the recordings made up to 30 days before the thromboembolic
relative benefits for an individual patient. events showed no atrial fibrillation episodes, indicating
The potential roles of RM in facilitating CIED battery temporal relationship between atrial fibrillation and the
conservation include the earlier identification of conditions thromboembolic event may not always exist.60,62 A combi-
that drain battery voltage, such as frequent capacitor charg- nation of atrial fibrillation burden and clinical risk scores can
ing.23,46,50 Automatic output algorithms can also falsely be used to identify patients at lower/higher risk.56 There are
detect an elevated capture threshold condition, thereby very few data to guide anticoagulation strategies for atrial
pushing the device output to unnecessarily high levels. fibrillation detected by RM of CIEDs. The risk/benefit ratio
Similarly, the early detection of antitachycardia pacing or of initiating anticoagulation therapy in response to an atrial
premature ventricular contraction burden could indicate fibrillation event of any specific duration is uncertain.
ventricular arrhythmias that could herald the administration Although benefit might be predicted from RM-mediated
of shocks. Patients could be brought in for visits sooner so as early notification and quantification of atrial fibrillation
to change their medications or ablative therapy. Alterna- burden, this benefit remains to be seen. An interventional
tively, therapy zones or time to detection can be changed so trial of starting and stopping oral anticoagulation based on
that slower, shorter episodes of nonsustained ventricular RM detected AF burden by Martin et al63 failed to show any
tachycardia are not treated, preserving treatment for truly difference in stroke rates or all-cause mortality despite
life-threatening arrhythmias and avoiding unnecessary accounting for the severity of CHADS2 scores. Another
shocks. Early detection of rapid atrial arrhythmias can also study (COMPAS trial)25 suggested a benefit but was
enable treatment and programming changes to avoid inap- relatively underpowered.
propriate shocks. Frequent aborted shocks can significantly The management of atrial fibrillation, whether detected by
impact battery life,50 and their notification by RM and RM or other modalities, should be guided by the 2014 AHA/
prevention by reprogramming can improve battery life. ACC/HRS guideline for the management of patients with
atrial fibrillation.64
Disease Management
Atrial Fibrillation Heart Failure
Early Detection of Atrial Fibrillation by Remote Monitor- There is significant interest in the use of recorded data from
ing. RM has been shown to facilitate the early detection implantable cardiac rhythm management devices for predict-
and quantification of atrial fibrillation episodes and arrhyth- ing (and thus preemptively treating) episodes of acute
mia burden.7,15,21,51,92 In the worldwide Home Monitoring decompensated heart failure. Transthoracic impedance cal-
database analysis,24 3,004,763 transmissions were sent by culated between the CIED’s endocardial lead and pulse
11,624 patients with pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT-Ds. Atrial generator has yielded mixed clinical results. Multicenter
fibrillation was responsible for more than 60% of alerts in trials have calculated positive predictive values ranging from
pacemakers and CRT-Ds and for nearly 10% of alerts in 38.1% to 60% for the worsening of systolic heart failure.65–69
dual-chamber ICDs. RM has a sensitivity of nearly 95% for Chest infection, anemia, and pleural effusion can generate
true atrial fibrillation detection,52 and as many as 90% of false-positive detections. Although intrathoracic impedance–
atrial fibrillation episodes that trigger alerts are asympto- guided HF treatment seemed to provide benefit in non-
matic.51 Even when using an inductive RM system (without randomized/case-control studies,70,71,78,79 HF-related hospi-
automatic alerts), remote follow-up performed better than talizations actually increased when this treatment was tested
standard follow-up for patients with pacemakers in detecting in a randomized trial.72 Other diagnostic factors, such as
atrial fibrillation.9 Compared with the standard scheduled asymptomatic atrial fibrillation, patient activity, mean resting
follow-up arm, the remote follow-up arm detected atrial heart rate, right ventricular pacing percentage, and CRT
fibrillation 1–5 months earlier. Patients with CIEDs have an pacing percentage, might help. Combined heart failure
e84 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

device diagnostics have been demonstrated to improve the CRT-D function.83,84 The analysis could also yield oppor-
identification of patients at a higher risk of subsequent heart tunities for optimizing device programming (eg, reducing the
failure hospitalizations.69,77 Recently, the Implant-based number of inappropriate shocks). Studies with 2 separate
Multiparameter Telemonitoring of Patients with Heart Fail- proprietary systems indicated that patient survival improved
ure73 randomized clinical trial demonstrated that daily when pacemakers, ICDs, or CRTs are coupled to RM.
automatic RM enabled early action to be taken in response Moreover, gain was amplified with higher levels of RM
to the warning signs of acute decompensated heart failure utilization, indicating a “dose-dependent” effect.30,31
(not including thoracic impedance), resulting in lower all- RM generates an enormous quantity of data containing
cause mortality and hospital admission rates for heart fail- the device’s long-term longitudinal performance and lead
ure.29 A remotely monitored implantable pulmonary artery data, which can help guide classification for advisory
hemodynamic sensor tested in a large randomized trial has notifications and enhance future product design.
shown that preemptive medical intervention taken in
response to elevated pulmonary artery pressure reduced HF
hospitalization by 37%.74
Section 3: Indications, Paradigms, Frequency,
Channelopathies and Content of CIED Follow-Up
Inherited electrical syndromes are rare indications for ICD Technological advances in RI and RM are altering the
implantation75,76; however, device management can be relative value of IPEs vs remote CIED evaluations. Up to
challenging because the devices are often implanted in now, IPEs have served as the primary tool for evaluating
younger patients (who are less likely to attend follow-ups). device function and disease management, with RI and RM
Electrical abnormalities can occur in these diseases (partic- supplementing the evaluation when available. As noted in
ularly intermittent T-wave oversensing in channelopathies the Introduction, the rate of compliance with recommended
and cardiomyopathies), which predispose patients to follow-ups is low, with only 42% of eligible US patients who
unnecessary shock therapy and require careful program- underwent CIED implantation between 2005 and 2009
ming.77–81 The risk of component failure is also considerable actually participating in an initial IPE within the recom-
because of the length of service for patients who undergo the mended 2–12 week postimplantation time frame and only a
transplantation at a young age and because of the increased trivial number of patients undergoing quarterly RI
strain from higher levels of physical activity. The pediatric consistently.2
population, who frequently has epicardial leads implanted, is Based on the evidence supporting RI and RM and the
more vulnerable. RM might therefore have particular utility disappointingly low rates of adherence to in-person follow-up,
in such patients for surveillance, early detection, and the issue is whether RM and RI should become routine,
preemptive programming.26 In the multicenter Brugada with in-office visits limited to the initial postimplantation
registry, the number of outpatient visits was significantly period and then annually, unless alerts are triggered,
lower in the RM group than in the control group (P o .001), indicating a need for IPE by either the electrophysiologist
and there was a trend suggesting that the number of or the heart failure specialist.85 This event-based paradigm
inappropriate shocks was also reduced.82 of CIED monitoring and follow-up is illustrated in Figure 3.
A more efficient and patient-centric paradigm for CIED
Implantable Loop Recorders follow-up could ultimately improve the ability of patients
Implantable loop recorders (ILRs) play an important role in and providers to adhere to the recommended follow-up
detecting infrequent arrhythmias and evaluating syncope. protocol. This paradigm holds particular value for patients
Storage capacity is limited, however, and the data are prone who are geographically isolated or otherwise unable to
to be overwritten, erasing potentially important diagnostic travel for IPEs, as well as for adolescents transitioning from
data. Among patients with cryptogenic stroke, a diagnostic home to independent living.†
strategy of an implantable loop recorder coupled with RI Although the benefit of RI and RM is likely greater for
technology has been demonstrated to detect atrial fibrillation patients with ICDs or CRT-Ds than for a non–pacemaker-
more frequently than a conventional electrocardiogram dependent patient who has a single-chamber pacemaker, a
monitoring approach.92 RM-enabled ILRs overcome these consistent follow-up paradigm for all CIEDs reduces the
limitations and facilitate early diagnosis by providing daily number of different workflows, thereby simplifying manage-
automatic and patient-activated transmissions. Interventional ment strategies and facilitating adherence by the patient and
strategies based on the RM function of ILRs have yet to be CIED clinician to the recommended follow-up paradigm.

Mega-Cohort Analysis CIEDs with epicardial leads were not included in the clinical trials of RI
and RM. This along with the fact that autocapture algorithms do not function
A large cohort analysis of consecutive patients with RM- reliably for epicardial leads should be taken into consideration when
enabled CIEDs has provided insights into disease epidemi- determining the appropriate frequency of IPE for individual patients with
ology, such as the interaction between atrial fibrillation and epicardial leads.
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e85

Figure 3 Event-based model of cardiac implantable electronic device follow-up.

Timing of Patient Education and Enrollment that automatic sensing and pacing capture algorithms are
The concept of remote follow-up should be presented to the functioning correctly, to adjust other programmed parame-
patient before CIED implantation as part of the patient ters, and to provide the patient with the opportunity to ask
education and informed consent process. This should also questions. Annual visits for device therapy should not
determine the nature of telephone access (wireless vs land- supplant visits required with other health care providers for
line [itself digital/analog]) that may govern the selection of overall disease management.
appropriate device. There is no standard practice for when to
initiate RI and RM. One option is to discuss and initiate
RI and RM at the patient’s postimplantation office visit. Remote Monitoring
An alternative is to enroll the patient before discharge and RM provides periodic alert notifications based on clinician-
send the patient home with an RM transceiver (Figure 4). configured settings and manufacturer-specific communication
Once at home, the patient connects the hardware and initiates intervals between the CIED and the RM transceiver. Alerts
the handshake transmission; receipt of the transmission is should be programmed at a minimum to monitor battery
confirmed at the first in-office visit (Table 2). Technical status, lead integrity, and arrhythmic events. There are many
circumstances (eg, ability of the remote transceiver to be internal and external factors that can hinder, delay, or prevent
paired to a CRM device in the field) and patient character- acquisition and delivery of device and patient information as
istics (eg, the patient’s ability to follow and act on instruc- intended by the clinician. Examples include the technical
tions) can limit the opportunity to initiate RM before hospital failure of the transceiver setup at home, a communication
discharge. failure between the CIED and the transceiver, clinical system
failures (such as patients not being informed that their
transceiver has failed to communicate), and practices that fail
Remote Interrogations to inform the appropriate clinician of an alert. Robust practice
After the acute 2–12-week postimplantation interrogation, systems are necessary to ensure that patients remain connected
reprogramming, and wound check, the device’s function and to RM, that data are transmitted at the desired frequency, and
stored arrhythmia events can be obtained by quarterly or that relevant findings are communicated to the patient and
semiannually scheduled RI sessions (Figure 3). The fre- corresponding health care providers (see Section 4).
quency of RIs should be determined based on CIED type and The safe and effective replacement of the bulk of routine in-
the patient-specific indications outlined in the 2008 HRS/ clinic evaluations (as demonstrated in the TRUST trial) has
EHRA Expert Consensus on the Monitoring of Cardiovas- many potential implications for resource utilization.15 Although
cular Implantable Electronic Devices1: every 3–12 months RM demands a restructuring of workflow patterns, especially
for pacemakers and every 3–6 months for ICDs. We for alert notifications, this is balanced by the reduction of
recommend that all patients undergo an IPE at least annually. routine nonactionable IPEs. However, systems that require any
This provides an opportunity for the medical records to be form of patient operation (whether inductive or wireless) are
updated with interim events and medication changes. It also associated with erratic compliance. This affects the clinical
provides an opportunity to check pacing thresholds (for workflow efficiency, mainly because missed remote trans-
devices that do not have autocapture algorithms), to verify missions must be rescheduled by contacting each patient.12
e86 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Figure 4 Initiation of remote monitoring. CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device.

Communication follow-up and clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

Technological advances in RM and interrogation, along with patients, physicians, allied professionals, and manufacturers.
the diagnostic capabilities of CIEDs that are advancing
beyond the boundaries of arrhythmia management, present
complex challenges to the sharing of information with the Patient Responsibilities
patient, referring physician(s), and heart failure specialists. Patient enrollment represents a crucial point for the medical
Regularly scheduled IPEs provide real-time feedback with team to establish a clear and open strategy for communicat-
the patient and discrete time intervals for creating summary ing with patients and their caregivers and providing detailed
reports that can be shared with the relevant health care information on the benefits and limitations of RM. A
providers. RIs should be used to create similar reports at the frequently misunderstood limitation of RM is its inability
recommended interrogation frequency (Table 3). An event to act as an emergency response system. Patients and
detected by RM can trigger a full interrogation, office visit, caregivers should be made aware that there is a delay
or even an emergency department evaluation, each of which between an episode or alert and the transmission of that
would be associated with the appropriate communication alert to the CIED clinic. The CIED clinical organizational
with the patient’s additional health care providers. Heart model should also not be constructed to immediately
failure diagnostic data will, for some patients, warrant more interpret and act on alerts, but rather it should do so within
frequent and individualized communication. an acceptable time frame (such as the next business day).
Information on the expected reaction times should be care-
fully explained to patients, and they and their caregivers
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities of the should be instructed on how to react in an emergency
situation. Key topics to be covered during the informational
Remote Monitoring Team Members
process are listed in Table 4. Documentation indicating that
The implementation of RM in clinical practice requires
the patient education has been completed should be included
changes in the organizational model of CIED clinical
in the medical record. A number of institutions have
formalized the process and ask patients to sign agreements.
These serve as documentation of the patient education
Table 2 Goals of the Initial Education Process Before CIED
Implantation process and reinforce patient expectations. Patients should
also be given explicit instructions on how to interface with
 Explain the clinical utility of CIED follow-up.
 Differentiate between in-office and remote follow-up. the CIED follow-up clinic when experiencing symptoms.
 Outline the desired frequency of CIED follow-up. Once they have received the patient education, only a
 Discuss the differences between RM and RI. minority of patients will object to RM, once technical and
 Understand the health care providers involved in patient’s care cost issues have been factored out (eg, lack of landline and
and determine who will be responsible for CIED follow-up. usage cost). The reasons for objecting to RM typically
 Assess the suitability of the patient as a candidate for RM (eg,
are analog phone lines present, does the patient have an include fear of the technology, loss of privacy, and loss of
adapter to connect using cable or Voice over Internet protocols, human contact with caregivers. These concerns can often be
and is the patient willing to pay for cellular-based monitoring). alleviated, if not eliminated, by educating patients on
 Determine the patient’s desire to access their RM data (when the benefits of RM. Demonstrations of how to set up the
available). monitor and how transmissions work should be performed
CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device; RM ¼ remote monitoring. at enrollment. A review of anticipated connectivity issues
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e87

Table 3 The RM Process as up-to-date phone and mail contacts and any travel plans.
 Enrollment to connection Patients should also inform the clinic of any clinical events,
o Enroll patient into an RM system. hospitalizations, and changes in drug therapy.
o Ensure patient receives an RM system. The timing for initiating RM depends on patient-specific
 Consider pairing the patient’s device to a transceiver
conditions and the institutional organization. The system
before hospital discharge.
o Ensure that the patient establishes a successful connection should be delivered as early as possible after implantation;
with the RM system (ie, handshake transmission). however, the implantation of a CIED represents a major
 Connection to transmission change in a patient’s life, which can have a profound effect
o Obtain monthly data from patients with heart failure and on their psychological status. Patients therefore might need
patients with an implantable cardiac monitor. some time to accept the implanted device and process the
o Obtain quarterly data from patients with pacemakers and
defibrillators. immediate postsurgical information before trying to learn
o Identify patients whose transceivers are not communicating. about RM. For this reason, many programs implement RM at
 Transmission to communication the 1-week or 1-month visit. Failure to engage patients in the
o Notify the electrophysiologist of any alert notifications. RM process can undermine any efficacy or benefits that RM
o Present clinically significant data to the electrophysiologist
can provide.12 For example, missed scheduled or duplicate
for review.
o Generate summary document for health care providers transmissions (and the resulting additional phone calls) can
involved in patient’s care. impair the clinical efficiency of CIEDs.12
Table 4 provides guidelines for the potential topics to
CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device; RM ¼ remote monitoring.
discuss in the initial patient education and patient agreement/
(eg, landline, cable/Internet, phone service, and cellular
access) and the providing of connectivity solutions will Physician Responsibilities
enhance the patient’s or caregiver’s success. Clear explan- Physicians who ultimately prescribe RM have the over-
ations of what data are transmitted, where they are trans- arching responsibility for patient monitoring. The remote
mitted to, under what circumstances, and how the data are to system is linked to the implanted CIED; RM should therefore
be used often assuage patients’ privacy concerns. Patients be thought of as an extension of the CIED’s diagnostic
should also understand that RM is not a substitute for contact capabilities. The operation of an RM program can vary
with the clinic but can actually enhance communication with among medical centers, hospitals, and private practice
the clinic. Each clinic varies in how they ensure ongoing groups. Some physicians might have the responsibility for
communication with patients, but personal knowledge of the reviewing, interpreting, documenting, and billing for the
allied professionals who actually call the patient in case of entire remote report, while others might review data that
trouble can considerably strengthen the human relationship. have first been screened by an allied professional. Regardless
In an RM program, the clinic will expect patients to of the process, physician interpretation and documentation
communicate important information to their monitors, such remain the final step.

Table 4 Potential Topics to Cover in the Initial Patient Education and Patient Agreement/Contract
Overview of RM  Explain the benefits and limitations.
 Explain the frequency and types of monitoring.

What to expect  Frequency of remote RI and RM.

 RI and RM are not meant to be an emergency response system.
 Indicate the hours of operation and the expected delay in responding to alerts (eg, next business day), as well as the
operation (if any) during evenings, weekends, and holidays.
 Expectations for in-person follow-up.
 Expectations for the responsibilities of and the communication with CIED clinic staff.
Patient  Keep all contact information up to date.
responsibilities  Keep the clinic informed of other health care providers to whom reports should be communicated.
 Inform the CIED clinic about extended travel.
 Keep the clinic up to date on the medical condition and drug changes.
 Maintain the function of the transceiver and appropriate landline/cellular communications.
 Understand how to interface with RM equipment.
 Show up for an IPE when an alert is triggered and when advised by the clinic staff.

Privacy  All patient health data are kept private in accordance with local/national laws.
 De-identified, aggregate data may be used for quality assurance and/or research purposes.

Consent  Patient agrees to RM.

CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device; IPE ¼ in-person evaluation; RI ¼ remote interrogation; RM ¼ remote monitoring.
e88 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Physicians who oversee RI and RM programs should identified. Allied professionals should know the expectations
have the skills to interpret all CIED data and intracardiac for data review, the criteria for referral to another profes-
electrograms, as well as troubleshoot and treat CIED-related sional (mid-level provider or physician), what the disposition
problems. They should also be familiar with the capabilities of the information should be, and the expectations for
and limitations of the systems in use by their clinic. It is contacting the patient. Clear lines of communication should
recommended that the physician responsible for supervising be available to the allied professional to ensure that a timely
and reviewing RI and RM data possess a board certification overview can be provided when required. The Standards of
from either the American Board of Internal Medicine Care document for the clinic should clearly outline the scope
(ABIM) Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology certification, of practice and expectations of the allied professional.
American Board of Pediatrics Cardiology certification or Most importantly, RM requires dedicated allied profes-
the International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners sional resources to ensure the timely and complete review of
(IBHRE) device certification. transmitted information. This can be accomplished by a
dedicated resource person or by assigning CIED clinic allied
professionals to RM, with clear accountability for data
Mid-Level Provider Responsibilities
review. It is not advisable to simply add RM to the usual
Mid-level practitioners are nurse practitioners or physician
CIED clinic schedule without assigning a dedicated human
assistants who function as independent practitioners and
resource because this risks overlooking urgent alert informa-
work under the supervision of a licensed physician. When
tion from RM. Maintaining higher levels of adherence to RM
responsible for supervising the RI and RM of CIEDs, these
was associated with a higher survival benefit in CIEDs.31
individuals must have the same training, qualifications, and
experience as required to perform IPEs. The practitioners
should be able to interpret CIED and basic intracardiac Ancillary Staff Responsibilities
electrogram data and understand CIED troubleshooting and RM can potentially increase the strain on CIED clinic
the management of CIED-related problems. These practi- resources. In many cases, the efficiency increased by
tioners should also be supervised by an individual who reducing the volume of IPEs can provide for the added
possesses ABIM Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology or resource requirements of RM. For some clinics, alternative
IBHRE device certification. models (such as third-party providers and the addition of
The mid-level providers’ role can vary greatly within an ancillary staff) can help accommodate the added resource
RM program. Typically, they provide oversight of the allied requirements. Ancillary staff can take the form of clerical
health professionals in the CIED clinic. They might also be staff or RM technicians who are accountable for the non-
called upon to assist with remote alerts and/or patients who clinical portions of the RM service. This can include
have undergone device therapy. The providers typically reminding patients of scheduled transmissions, patient edu-
interact with the patient, obtain a relevant history, review cation in connectivity and troubleshooting, acting as the
the transmissions, and make recommendations for manage- technology expert/customer support for the clinic, and
ment. This might require consultation with the patient’s collecting data for review by allied professionals and
attending or collaborating physician. CIED clinics should physicians. These additional human resources can reduce
have guidelines in place that outline the mid-level providers’ the nonclinical burden on the clinic staff, but clear expect-
scope of practice with regard to decision making and ations regarding the scope of practice must be identified for
physician consultation. Mid-level providers can also take this group to ensure the safety and reliability of the
on roles including patient enrollment and education, inter- information review.
pretation of routine transmissions, documentation, and
Institution/Clinic Responsibilities
Practices that provide RI and RM services should establish
Allied Professional Responsibilities the responsibilities of each member in the CIED clinic, the
The allied professional who is responsible for reviewing RM day-to-day functioning of the program (such as the use of
transmissions needs to have adequate training in the full alerts), patient-specific programming, hours of operation,
scope of device follow-up and interpretation. It is therefore and guidelines for timeliness of review. To set realistic and
recommended that these professionals possess either an appropriate expectations, clinics should determine the patient
IBHRE device certification or experience on par with such communication strategy to ensure that RM and RI policies
certification. In the absence of this experience, all down- are openly communicated to the patient. The monitoring of
loaded data need to be reviewed by an appropriately trained missed transmissions, connectivity, and patient support
professional, such as a physician who is ABIM certified in should be determined and assigned to the resource that fits
clinical cardiac electrophysiology or a mid-level provider the clinical model. It is critically important that a mechanism
who possesses an IBHRE device certification or its be established to reliably determine whether a patient’s
equivalent. transceiver has stopped communicating. Checking this fail-
The roles and responsibilities of the allied professional ure and troubleshooting its cause requires collaboration
with respect to the scope of practice for RM should be clearly between the institution responsible for monitoring the data
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e89

and the CIED manufacturer. The data can be documented in of countries, the electromagnetic spectrum band used by the
the device clinic database, the electronic health record, or CIED to communicate with the transceiver has been pre-
both, with critical information available to the entire care viously assigned to other uses (such as emergency service
team. Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation is perhaps the most communications).
frequent abnormality detected by RM and is a trigger for the This document also acknowledges that RI and RM data
clinic staff to assess patients’ risk of thromboembolic events. currently reside on servers that are owned and managed by
Operational efficiency and quality of care can be greatly the manufacturers. Given the privileged information stored
enhanced by establishing, in advance, a clear strategy for on these servers, it is critical that the industry maintains
documenting anticoagulation considerations and lines for secure and encrypted data repositories. The de-identified data
communicating this information between allied professionals pooled from the servers are of significant value to the
and physicians. industry for quality assurance purposes (eg, tracking device
Finally, we recommend that clinics develop a guidance performance and watching for early signs of device trouble,
document for patients and families to facilitate their engage- which warrant advisories) and for making improvements to
ment in the RM process by clearly defining the roles and the CIED technology. The data from these repositories are
responsibilities of each party. Some clinics have elected to also of value to individual CIED programs for improving the
implement this in the form of a signed patient-clinician quality of the processes. Finally, these data may also play an
agreement, while others have chosen to document (in the important role in answering important research questions
medical record) that the patient and/or family have received initiated by investigators independent of industry. Manufac-
appropriate education. As long as the proper information has turers should have a procedure for an independent scientific
been effectively communicated to the patient and/or family, review in place that can process requests made by independ-
either approach is reasonable. ent investigators for the use of these data.

Third-Party Provider Responsibilities Section 5: Data Management

For some providers, setting up the required infrastructure for Diversity of Data Repositories
RI and RM might prove daunting and prevent the use of the The volume, granularity, and diversity of the repositories in
technology. To meet these setup needs, several for-profit which the device data are stored present opportunities and
companies have started offering services to assist in remote challenges for RM of CIEDs. These data repositories include
follow-up. These services can potentially provide RI and RM manufacturer device registration databases, vendor device
to large numbers of patients whose providers might other- programmers, commercial manufacturer RM services, com-
wise not be able to support these services. It is important to mercial CIED practice management software systems, prac-
ensure that well-trained and qualified interpreters with tice and/or hospital medical records (which can include
credentials appropriate to their level of responsibility (ie, hardcopy and electronic records), and registries (including
ABIM Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology certification, the American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascu-
IBHRE device certification, or equivalent) are in place so lar Data Registry’s ICD Registry and vendor postapproval
that important findings can be recognized and brought to the studies). Data integrity and accessibility are essential to the
attention of the patient’s providers. usefulness of a data set. Universally accepted data element
definitions and exchange formats facilitate accurate and
CIED Industry Responsibilities efficient data transfer (regardless of manufacturer) from
CIED manufacturers play a critical role in developing RI and RM servers and programmers to electronic health records
RM technology and ensuring that adequate evidence is and other data repositories.
gathered to support the safety and effectiveness of the
technology. The collected data includes proprietary industry Data Elements: Definitions and Interoperability
data on device function and clinical data of interest to health The HRS86 has led a multistakeholder collaboration between
care providers. Manufacturers are responsible for informing CIED manufacturers and standards development organiza-
clinic staff and patients about any disruptions in the RM tions to identify and define the data elements and exchange
service. For example, device recalls and advisories must be protocols required to manage data from pacemakers, ICDs,
communicated to CIED clinic providers and patients in a and CRT-Ds. These data elements and definitions have been
transparent and timely manner. Industry should refrain from formally recognized and approved by the Institute of
direct patient care, either within the clinic or at home. Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the standards develop-
Although industry representatives might be qualified to train ment organization governing CIED nomenclature.87 Data
clinic staff, they should not perform, collect, or triage data on exchange across proprietary vendor environments (eg, from
behalf of the clinic staff and should not be employed as a a CIED programmer or an RM server to an electronic
staffing resource in lieu of local qualified personnel. Certain medical record) is made possible by the implementation of
countries face particular challenges when implementing RI the Implantable Device Cardiac Observation Profile, a
and RM. In Japan, for example, the use of analog telephone vendor-neutral standards-based exchange profile created
landlines limits the use of some RM technology. In a number under the technical framework of the Integrating the
e90 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Healthcare Enterprise, a standards development organization Costs within the French health insurance system were
created by health care professionals and industry to improve evaluated and included outpatient visits and transportation,
how computer systems in health care share information cardiovascular treatments, and hospitalization for managing
through the use of basic standards such as Digital Imaging in cardiac events. Over a 2-year follow-up, there were sub-
Medicine and Health Level-7.88 The Implantable Device stantial savings in the RM group, largely reflecting device
Cardiac Observation Profile is now being incorporated in management. Significant predictors of cost savings included
market release products by all CIED manufacturers. Repo- costs related to ICD-related outpatient visits, direct non-
sitories such as electronic medical records that choose to hospital costs related to device management, and direct
implement this profile will enable its users to access and nonhospital costs. The European Health Economic Trial on
share CIED data in a vendor-neutral environment. Home Monitoring in ICD Patients89 prospectively gathered
cost data on 312 patients assigned to RM either turned on or
Rationale for a Coherent Data Management Strategy off. Patients undergoing RM had fewer scheduled IPEs, and
Developing an organized, secure, and coordinated approach despite the fact that they had more unscheduled IPEs, the
to data management is an essential component of caring for total number of IPEs was still significantly lower than for
patients with CIEDs. The diversity and incompatibility of patients not undergoing RM (3.79 ⫾ 1.67 vs 5.53 ⫾ 2.32;
current data sources is a barrier to high-quality, patient- P o .001). While patients undergoing RM had a trend
centered care. Broad support among stakeholders for the toward fewer cardiovascular hospitalizations and shorter
nomenclature and interoperability profile described above, lengths of stay, overall provider costs were similar for both
particularly when coupled with US Food and Drug Admin- groups.
istration’s universal device identifier initiative, will lay the Manufacturers bundle the cost of the transceiver, main-
groundwork for data exchange among multiple CIED data tenance of remote servers, technical support, and increas-
repositories, thereby increasing clinical and administrative ingly the wireless data service into the upfront cost of the
efficiency, patient safety, regulatory postmarketing surveil- CIED. This substantial cost is borne by the purchasing
lance, product advisory/recall management, and clinical institution, which is not necessarily the entity that will
research. provide the patients’ ongoing follow-up care. In order to
increase their competitive advantage, manufacturers can
offer purchase options that exclude the cost of the remote
Section 6: Reimbursement, Legal, and Privacy transceivers and monitoring services. The present cost model
Considerations creates a potential conflict of interest for both the manufac-
Reimbursement turer and the device purchaser that can potentially exclude
Despite the scientific data supporting the cost-effectiveness state-of-the-art RM technology in order to reduce the up-
of RI and RM, reimbursement for physician and practice front cost of the device. Health care providers should ensure
expenses is lacking in many countries.33,89 Payers have taken that the patients’ long-term interests are met. Alternative
different approaches to this new model of health care reimbursement strategies that recognize the ongoing expense
delivery, with only the United States and Germany recogniz- of RI and RM wireless data transmission, data servers, and
ing full reimbursement for services rendered remotely. Even technical and clinical support might help ensure that patients
in countries that do not provide reimbursement, many health have access to state-of-the-art remote follow-up technology
care providers have adopted the technology because of the and services.
resulting efficiency. In this regard, RI and RM have become
essential tools for managing the increasing number of
patients with CIEDs. Italy and Canada are 2 such examples, Legal Considerations
where creative strategies have been developed to leverage The possible consequences of delayed action or inaction in
the efficiency produced by RM to reduce the number of in- response to alerts transmitted by RI and RM represent the
clinic visits, building on the ability of a single provider to most commonly cited concern on the part of caregivers. This
provide service to more patients with RM than with IPE. fear has contributed to the reluctance of many practices to
Patient costs associated with the IPE have seldom been adopt RM. The current RM technology can warn of
measured. The patient-centric paradigm of RI and RM significant clinical problems within minutes, and most
minimizes the disruption and cost to patients who would medical practices cannot respond immediately. Nonetheless,
otherwise be required to take time off from work. RM is becoming the standard of care, and as such there is
The RI and RM of CIEDs have been established as a cost- risk of liability for not informing patients of the technology
effective modality for managing patients. Early small studies and its proven benefits. Patients should be educated about the
based on cost estimates or models based on review of the limitations of the technology (delay in transmission, practice
literature suggested this was indeed the case, and this has schedule for data review, etc), what they can reasonably
recently been substantiated in a prospective study based on expect from it, and the fact that it is not an emergency alert
actual costs.38,89 The ECOST study evaluated 310 patients system. Critical alerts, such as lead malfunction or sustained
randomly assigned to RM (plus 1 annual visit, unless RM ventricular arrhythmia, should be communicated to the
dictated otherwise) vs outpatient follow-ups every 6 months. patient and acted on in a time frame commensurate with
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e91

the clinical significance of the finding, recognizing that similar to that for the pros and cons of implanting a
clinics will be staffed during normal business hours. While magnetic resonance imaging conditional device, should
it is clear that this paradigm creates a potential delay between be conducted in advance.
the detection of an event and patient notification, it is far
superior to the alternative of not implementing RM for fear
of litigation, thus leaving the patient vulnerable to a recorded Privacy
event not being detected until the next IPE, which could be Privacy remains a paramount concern. In the United States,
several months into the future. the security and privacy of protected health information has
Third-party vendors offering RM services assume the been addressed by state and federal laws, which include the
responsibility and liability for services they are contracted to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
perform. Thus, if they fail to perform such service or if an and the Health Information Technology for Economic and
employee misinterprets or fails to act appropriately on Clinical Health Act. The relationships between health care
information they have agreed to be responsible for, the providers and organizations involved with RM are governed
vendor can be held liable. by a terms-of-use agreement between the CIED vendor and
The patient (or, particularly in the pediatric setting, the the health care provider.4 International privacy laws are
responsible caregiver) is an integral part of any RM scheme complex and beyond the scope of this document. Nonethe-
and has to assume some responsibility. Keeping contact less, vendors should be encouraged to put into place a
information up to date and notifying changes of address is process whereby such data are made available in an
critical to this role. Patients can jeopardize their health and aggregate de-identified format for the purposes of research,
safety if they fail to return to the office for scheduled in- safety and efficacy surveillance, epidemiology, and
person follow-up visits or fail to respond to requests from regulation.
clinicians for an urgent evaluation of an RM-detected An ongoing concern is the question as to who owns the
abnormality. This issue needs to be addressed at the outset data obtained through RM and to what extent manufacturers
in the patient agreement given that it affects the agreed upon should be compelled to release data available in their
responsibilities. registries when medically warranted. Another concern is
A vocal minority of patients have requested full and direct how to protect patient privacy when such data are made
access to data obtained from their CIEDs.90 Most patients, available for other purposes, whether regulatory or research.
however, prefer that the data first be screened, vetted, and The manufacturer of the RM data system has, by definition,
interpreted by health care providers. Could patients be custody of the RM data because it is collected on their
harmed by having direct access to the data? Although servers. Patient medical records, by analogy, are in the
well-intended paternalism can be cited as a reason for custody of a practice or hospital.
limiting patient access, the most reasonable answer is that Fears have been raised about security breaches by hackers
patients should have access to all their data, although it is who are able to directly access wireless devices.91 Recent
strongly encouraged that they access the data under their cyberterrorism events have alerted the public to the vulner-
health care providers’ guidance. Beyond this, patients must ability of virtually any and all electronic data systems and
have the right to determine which practices receive their repositories. Although the current risk of unauthorized
RM data. access to data involving CIEDs (let alone the ability to
Cardiac rhythm management devices have differing remotely reprogram device settings) is considered to be
RM capabilities, particularly in pacemaker technology. exceedingly low, the importance of ensuring the highest
Although the data showing the benefit of RM are derived level of security against malicious activity cannot be
predominantly, though not exclusively, from the ICD overstated. The public perception of the integrity of such
population, discussions with patients as to whether to systems is critical to their acceptance and thus their ability to
implant a pacemaker with RM capability, a conversation reach and serve patients around the world.
e92 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

HRS Remote Monitoring Consensus Statement Recommendations

Class of Level of
Device Follow-Up Paradigm Recommendation Evidence

A strategy of remote CIED monitoring and interrogation, combined with at least annual IPE, is I A
recommended over a calendar-based schedule of in-person CIED evaluation alone (when
technically feasible).

All patients with CIEDs should be offered RM as part of the standard follow-up management I A

Before implementing RM, it is recommended that each patient be educated about the nature I E
of RM, their responsibilities and expectations, potential benefits, and limitations. The
occurrence of this discussion should be documented in the medical record.

It is recommended that all CIEDs be checked through direct patient contact 2–12 weeks I E

It may be beneficial to initiate RM within the 2 weeks of CIED implantation. IIa C

All patients with an implantable loop recorder with wireless data transfer capability should be I E
enrolled in an RM program, given the daily availability of diagnostic data.

It is recommended that allied health care professionals responsible for interpreting RM I E

transmissions and who are involved in subsequent patient management decisions have the
same qualifications as those performing in-clinic assessments and should ideally possess
IBHRE certification for device follow-up or equivalent experience.

It is recommended that RM programs develop and document appropriate policies and I E

procedures to govern program operations, the roles and responsibilities of those involved in
the program, and the expected timelines for providing service.

CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device; HRS ¼ Heart Rhythm Society; IBHRE ¼ International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners; IPE ¼ in-person
evaluation; RM ¼ remote monitoring.

Class of Level of
Device and Disease Management Recommendation Evidence

RM should be performed for surveillance of lead function and battery conservation. I A

Patients with a CIED component that has been recalled or is on advisory should be enrolled I E
in RM to enable early detection of actionable events.

RM is useful to reduce the incidence of inappropriate ICD shocks. I B-R

RM is useful for the early detection and quantification of atrial fibrillation. I A

The effectiveness of RM for thoracic impedance alone or combined with other diagnostics to IIb C
manage congestive heart failure is currently uncertain.

B-R ¼ level of evidence B indicates a moderate level from randomized trials; CIED ¼ cardiac implantable electronic device; ICD ¼ implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator; RM ¼ remote monitoring.

Conclusions Incorporation of RM into follow-up practice, integrating this

This consensus document reflects the wealth of recent technology with a modified frequency of the conventional
clinical data generated by large randomized prospective IPE ensures greater patient retention and improves adherence
trials from around the world that included patients with to scheduled evaluations. These data form the basis of our
pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT-Ds from various manufac- recommendations that RM represents the new standard of
turers. These consistently show meaningful patient benefits care for patients with CIEDs, with alert-driven IPE replacing
from the early detection capabilities of automatic RM. most routine office interrogations.
Slotwiner et al HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices e93

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Table A1 Author Disclosure Table

Consultant/Advisory Speakers’ Fellowship Stock Options/
Writing Group Member Institution Board/Honoraria Bureau Research Grant Support Partner Board Mbs/Other
David Slotwiner, MD Hofstra School of None None None None None None
(Chair) Medicine, North
Shore-Long Island
Jewish Health System
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD Cleveland Clinic 1: Boston Scientific, None None None None None
(Co-chair) Biotronik, Medtronic,
Sorin Group
2: St Jude Medical
Atul Verma, MD, FRCPC, Southlake Regional 1: Boehringer None 1: Medtronic, Biosense None None None
FHRS Health Centre Ingelheim, Bayer Webster, Boehringer
HealthCare Ingelheim
Charles J. Love, MD, New York University 0: Cook Medical None None None None None
FHRS, FACC, FAHA, Langone Medical 1: Lake Region Medical
CCDS Center 2: Medtronic, St Jude
Cheuk-Man Yu, MD, The Chinese University None None None None None None
FACC, FRCP, FRACP of Hong Kong
George Annas, JD, MPH Boston University None None None None None None
School of Public
Gerald A. Serwer, MD University of Michigan 1: Medtronic None None None None None
(PACES Congenital Heart
representative) Center, University of
Michigan Health
John Rickard, MD, MPH Johns Hopkins None None None None None None
Joseph G. Akar, MD, Yale University School None None None None None None
PhD of Medicine

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Julie Shea, MS, RNCS, Brigham and Women’s 1: Medtronic, Heart None None None None None
FHRS, CCDS Hospital Rhythm Society
Kristen Patton, MD University of None None None None None 0: American College of
Washington Cardiology, American
Heart Association
Loredana Morichelli, Department of 1: Medtronic None None None None None
RN, MSN Cardiovascular
Diseases, San Filippo
Neri Hospital
Marianne Beardsall, Southlake Regional 1: Medtronic, St Jude None None None None None
MN/NP, CCDS, FHRS Health Centre Medical
Mark Schoenfeld, MD, Yale University School 1: United Health Care None None None None None
FACC, FAHA, FHRS, of Medicine, Yale-
CCDS New Haven Hospital,
Slotwiner et al
Table A1 (continued )

Consultant/Advisory Speakers’ Fellowship Stock Options/

Writing Group Member Institution Board/Honoraria Bureau Research Grant Support Partner Board Mbs/Other
Saint Raphael

HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

Merritt H. Raitt, MD, VA Portland Medical None None None None None None
FHRS Center, Oregon
Health & Science
University, Knight
Nestor O. Galizio, MD Favaloro Foundation, 0: Biotronik, Boston None None None None None
(SOLAECE University Hospital Scientific 1:
representative) Biomedica
Medtronic, Bayer
Paul Varosy, MD, FACC, VA Eastern Colorado None None 1: National Institutes None None 0: National
FAHA, FHRS Health Care System, of Health Cardiovascular Data
University of 2: Patient-Centered Registry, American
Colorado Outcomes Research College of Cardiology
Institute Foundation
Renato Pietro Ricci, MD Department of 1: Medtronic Italia, None None None None None
(EHRA Cardiovascular Biotronik
representative) Diseases, San Filippo
Neri Hospital
Rhondalyn McLean, MD University of None None None None None None
Pennsylvania Health
Richard I. Fogel, MD St Vincent Medical None None None None None Officer: St Vincent
Group Medical Group
Ownership: St Vincent
Heart Center of
Robin Leahy, RN, BSN, Sanger Heart & Vascular None None None None None None
FHRS, CCDS Institute, Carolinas
HealthCare System
Suneet Mittal, MD, FHRS Valley Hospital 1: St Jude Medical, None 2: TyRx None None Equity, 5: Topera
Arrhythmia Institute Greatbatch Medical
Biotronik, Sorin
Group, Boehringer
3: Boston Scientific
4: Medtronic
Taya Glotzer, MD, FHRS, Hackensack University 1: Medtronic, St Jude 1: Medtronic None None None None
FACC Medical Center Medical

0 ¼ $0; 1 ¼ o$10,000; 2 ¼ 4$10,000 to o$25,000; 3 ¼ 4$25,000 to o$50,000; 4 ¼ 4$50,000 to o$100,000; 5 ¼ 4$100,000.

Table A2 Peer-Reviewers Disclosure Table

Writing Group Consultant/Advisory Stock Options/
Member Institution Board/Honoraria Speakers’ Bureau Research Grant Fellowship Support Partner Board Mbs/Other
Haran Burri, MD University Hospital of 1: Boston Scientific, 1: Sorin Group, 2: St Jude Medical None None None
Geneva Medtronic, St Jude Medtronic
Michele Ospedali del Tigullio None None None None None None
Brignole, MD
López Cabanillas Hospital Presidente None None None None None None
Néstor, MD Peron
Jim Cheung, MD, Weil Cornell Medical None 1: Biotronik, Medtronic 5: Biotronik 3: Biosense Webster, None None
FHRS College 2: St Jude Medical Boston Scientific,
Medtronic, St Jude
Mina K. Chung, Cleveland Clinic 0: Zoll Medical 1: American College of 5: National Institutes None None Royalty Income,
MD, FHRS Corporation, Amarin, Cardiology of Health 1: UptoDate, Jones &
Biotronik Foundation Bartlett
1: National Institutes
of Health, Japanese
Society of
Mitchell I. Phoenix Children’s None None None None None None
Cohen, MD, Hospital, University
FHRS, CCDS of Arizona School of
Arizona Pediatric
Edmond E. Hartford Hospital None None None None None None
Andrei Dan, MD University Hospital None None None None None None

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

Andrew E. University of 1: Biotronik, Medtronic, None 4: Biosense Webster 4: Boston Scientific, None None
Epstein, MD, Pennsylvania Zoll Medical 5: Biotronik, Boston Medtronic, St Jude
FAHA, FACC, Corporation, Daiichi, Scientific, Medtronic, Medical, Biotronik
FHRS Boehringer Ingelheim St Jude Medical
2: Boston Scientific, St
Jude Medical
Bulent Gorenek, Eskisehir Osmangazi None None None None None None
MD, FACC, University
Edmund Keung, VA Medical Center None None None None None None
Kousik Krishnan, Rush University Medical 1: St Jude Medical, 0: Boehringer None 2: Boston Scientific None None
MD, FHRS Center Biosense Webster Ingelheim 1: Pfizer, 3: Medtronic
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 4: St Jude Medical
Slotwiner et al
Table A2 (continued )

Writing Group Consultant/Advisory Stock Options/

Member Institution Board/Honoraria Speakers’ Bureau Research Grant Fellowship Support Partner Board Mbs/Other

HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

Chu-Pak Lau, Department of None None None None None None
MD, FHRS Medicine, University
of Hong Kong
Christophe I. CHRU Pontchaillou 1: Medtronic None None None None None
Leclercq, MD 2: St Jude Medical
Gregory Lip, MD University of None None None None None None
Harry G. Mond, Royal Melbourne 0: St Jude Medical 0: St Jude Medical None 0: St Jude Medical None None
MD, FHRS, Hospital
Jonathan P. Duke University 1: Spectranetics, Johnson None 5: Janssen None None None
Piccini Sr, MD, Medical Center & Johnson Pharmaceuticals,
MHS, FHRS ARCA Biopharma,
Boston Scientific,
ResMed, GE
Brian Olshansky, The University of Iowa 1: Boston Scientific, None None None None None
MD, FHRS, Hospitals Boehringer Ingelheim,
CCDS Medtronic, BioControl
Medical, Sanofi Aventis,
Amarin, Daiichi Sankyo,
Biotronik, On-X,
Jonathan S. Arrhythmia & 1: Medtronic, St Jude 1: Bristol-Myers 2: Biosense Webster, None None None
Steinberg, Cardiovascular Medical, Stereotaxis, Squibb, Pfizer, Boston Scientific,
MD, FHRS Associates of NY/NJ Topera Medical, Janssen Medtronic
Biosense Webster, Pharmaceuticals, 3: Medtronic, Biosense
Cameron Health, Sanofi Sanofi Aventis Webster
Aventis, Janssen 5: Biosense Webster, St
Pharmaceuticals, Jude Medical
Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Scott Care, Boston
Scientific, AliveCor
Martin K. Stiles, Waikato Hospital, 1: Boston Scientific, None None 2: St Jude Medical, None None
MBCHB, PhD Cardiology Medtronic Medtronic, Johnson
& Johnson
Charles D. Cedars-Sinai Medical 1: St Jude Medical, Sorin 2: Medtronic None None None Intellectual Property
Swerdlow, MD, Center Group Rights, 3: Medtronic
FHRS 2: Medtronic
Cynthia M. None None None None None None
Tracy, MD

Table A2 (continued )

Writing Group Consultant/Advisory Stock Options/
Member Institution Board/Honoraria Speakers’ Bureau Research Grant Fellowship Support Partner Board Mbs/Other
George Washington
University Medical
Wendy S. Tzou, University of Colorado None None None None None None
MD, FHRS Denver
Gaurav A. University of Chicago None None None None None None
Upadhyay, MD Medical Center
Michele K. Walter Reed National None None None None None Salary or position
Young, BS, Military Medical funding, 2: Rhythm
BSN, CCDS Center Management Group

0 ¼ $0; 1 ¼ o$10,000; 2 ¼ 4$10,000 to o$25,000; 3 ¼ 4$25,000 to o$50,000; 4 ¼ 4$50,000 to o$100,000; 5 ¼ 4$100,000.

Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 7, July 2015

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