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Vikhil Murt hy Gayatri Vidya parishad medical college, NP Road, Srinivasa Nagar,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 530048
+91-80471 04009
Reg.No. APMC/FMR/107083

Pat ient Date: We dne s day, 14 Fe b 2024

T ime: 5:55 PM
Battula radha Kris hna, Male, 49 Yrs Cons ult Type: Online
Mobile: +91-9790282790 Appointment ID: 10735415
UHID: APJ1.0026941620

Chief Complaint s
Pain and s welling of knee.

Vit als (as declared by patient):

Drug Allergies : No, Diet Allergies /Res trictions : No

Diagnosis/ Provisional Diagnosis

Synovitis kne e

Medicat ion Prescribed Click To Order Medicine

Me dic ine Name Do s ag e Me dic ine De t ails Durat io n

1. C A LKEY- C T S O F T G EL C A P S U LE 10'S 0-1-0-0 CAPSULE | O nce a day 7 days

Contains: CALCITRIOL ( 0.25 MCG) + ELEMENTAL CALCIUM ( 500 M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food

2. T ENDO C A RE F O RT E T A BLET 15'S 0-1-0-0 TABLET | O nce a day 10 days

M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food

3. PA N 40 T A BLET 15'S 1-0-0-0 TABLET | O nce a day 7 days

Contains: PANTOPRAZOLE ( 40 MG) M- N - E - N Orally. Be fore food

4. A U G MENT I N 625 DU O T A BLET 10'S 1-0-0-1 TABLET | Twice a day 7 days

Contains: AMOXYCILLIN (500 MG) + CLAVULANIC ACID ( 125 MG) M- N - E - N Orally. Afte r food

M-N-E-N: Morning - Noon - Evening - Night Instruction NO T E: Medicine Substitution Allowed Wherever Applicable.

Advice & Inst ruct ions

Avoid forward be nding
Avoid long s tanding
Strict re s t for 2-3 days

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to book follow-up consultation with doctor

This prescription is issued on the basis of your inputs during teleconsultation It is valid from the date of issue until the specific period/dosage of each medicine as advised.

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