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Two types of files data set and code file

Import data as pd

Upload file

Make path collaborate my drive (copy path)

rom google.colab import drive

df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/kerala.csv')  copy data from side panel my drive, copy


describe ()

reading data

finding missiling value

data shape

analyzing data set

linear regression

Looping through models means going through each model you have in a collection, like
a list or a dictionary, and doing something with each of them.

For example, if you have a list of machine learning models you want to train and
evaluate, looping through these models would involve iterating over each model in the
list and performing operations such as training the model, making predictions, and
evaluating its performance.

In simpler terms, it's like going through a list of items one by one and doing a set of
tasks for each item.
1. Results Dictionary:
 It's the dictionary where you stored your model evaluation results, with keys like
"Model", "Test RMSE", "Test MAE", and "Test MSE", and lists of corresponding
2. Creating DataFrame from Dictionary:

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