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Bhakti and sufi


1. Introduction
2. Background of New Religious
Developments Aim of this chapter-
3. Early Bhakti Traditions
4. The Virashaiva Traditions  Outline of religious developments between
5. Rise of Naths, Jogis and Siddhas in 8th-18th centuries
North India  Ideas and Practices of Bhakti and Sufi
6. Islam in India Saints
 Interpretation of ideas by historians
7. The growth of Sufism in Indian Sub-
8. The ideologies and spread of Chishti
9. New devotional Paths in Medieval Era
11.Some Important Terms

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1. Regarding the life of Buddha, what does the term 4. Upon whose request, Buddha allowed women to
“Mahabhinishkramana” mean? be the part of Sangha?

a. Enlightenment of Buddha a. Mahakashyapa

b. The Great Departure b. Indrabhuti Gautam

c. Death of Buddha c. Ananda

d. Marriage of Buddha d. Mahaprajapati Gotami

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Changes in Mode
of Worship

Prayers and Oblation

800 BCE-
500 CE
Sacrifices and Rituals

500 CE
Devotional and Idol Worship

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Integration of great
and little traditions
 The term “great” and “little” traditions was
coined by Robert Redfield.

 According to him-
 Great Tradition- Sanskrit Tradition/ Puranic Hinduism The Jagannatha Deity
 Little Tradition- Regional Practices

 Some examples of integration of “great” and

“little” traditions-
 Idol of the Jagannatha Deity
 Marichi Goddess statue in Buddhism

Marichi Goddess

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Differences and

Tantrism vs Others Vedic vs Puranic Shaivism vs Vaishnavism

 Tantric Puja of Goddess was  Vedic deities were not  The discussion over
followed by the followers of mentioned in the Puranic supremeness of deities
Shaktism texts

 Few devotees of Shaktism denied of  Followers of Vedic religion  War of words over the
authority of vedas and ignored the condemned the chanting and validation of ideologies
caste system sacrificial tradition of Puranic
 Both men and women participated
in the mystic activities

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 Introduced by the poet-saints of south India

 Women and Shudra were allowed in the cult

 Two forms of Bhakti tradition emerged

 Saguna Bhakti (Those who believed in

Physical form of God

 Nirguna Bhakti (Those who believed in the

abstract form of God)

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3. Tantrism is a part of _______ 4. Which of the following does not depict Saguna
Bhakti tradition?

a. Shakti cult a. Vaishnavism

b. Vaishnavism b. Shaivism

c. Shaivism c. Shaktism

d. Vedic religion d. Kabir Panth

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 The early Bhakti tradition originated from

south India were led by Alvars and Naynars. Important Features

 Who are Alvars and Naynars ?

 They composed many devotional songs in
Ans- They were group of poet-saints who set a Tamil to praise their respective deity i.e.
new standards of the devotion through songs Vishnu for Alvars and Shiva for Nayanars
and poetry
 They travelled from place to place singing
 Alvars – Devotion to Vishnu (Vaishnava) the hymns and in the ways they identified
 Naynars – Devotion to Shiva (Shaiva) shrines of their deities
 The songs of Alvars and Nayanars later
became the part of temple rituals when
temples were developed at those shrines
 Alvars and Nayanars does not depict
distinct religions. Instead they were  Number of saints-
group of poets who promoted • Alvars- 12
Vaishnavism and Shaivism respectively • Nayanars- 63

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Attitude towards Women devotees
caste system
 Both Alvar and Nayanars had women saints
 As per the historians, both Alvars and which were revered by the people.
Nayanars were against the caste system.
 Andal – One and Only Alvar Saint
 They promoted the participation from  Kariakkal Ammaiyar- most famous women
different sects or caste i.e. Brahmana, Nayanar saints
Shudra, Vaishya, women etc.

Kariakkal Ammaiyar
Devotional literature
 Devotee of Shiva
 By 10th century CE, the composition of these  Followed extreme asceticism
saints were compiled as-  Renounced Social obligations
 Nalayira Divyaprabandham- (4000 sacred  Challenged the concept of feminine beauty
verses of Alvar saints)
 Tevaram – Poems of 63 Nayanars saints

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Relation with State

 Both Alvar saints and Nayanara saints got  Kings also consecrated the image of saints inside
the royal patronage from Cholas, Pandayas the temple for e.g. In 945 CE, Chola King
and Pallavas Parantaka 1 installed the metal image of
Nayanaras saints Appar, Sudarar, Sambandar
 Cholas gave financial aid to built temples of
Vishnu and Shiva at different shrines
identified by these saints

 Famous Shiva temple of Thanjavur,  The devotional text of Vaishnavism,

Chidambaram were built by Cholas Nalayira Divyaprabandham composed
by Alvar saints has mention of 108
shrines (Divya desam) as the abode of
 Land Grants were given by the Pandayas Lord Vishnu
and Pallavas

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 Why did the kings supported these Poet-saints?

 These poet-saints had huge following and

popularity amongst masses.  The Alvars and Nayanars revived the Vaishnavism
and Shaivism respectively and initiated the Bhakti
tradition with new methods of music, poetry and
 In order to attract those masses, kings
patronized these poet-saints.

 Kings also invoked divine support or proclaimed

power and status by building these temples and
supporting the saints

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5. Whose poems are not compiled in Tevaram 6. Which of the following statement about
Kariakkal Ammaiyar is not correct?

a. Appar a. She followed extreme asceticism

b. Sambandar b. She challenged the patriarchal society

c. She considered herself as the beloved of

c. Andal
d. Sundarar d. None of the above

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7. Which of the following statement about the Alvar 8. ________ is represented by this Bronze sculpture.
saints is not correct?

a. They were the devotee of Vishnu

b. The total number of alvar saints was 12

c. Andal was the only women Alvar saint

d. They composed the devotional songs Manikkavaasagar

in Kannada and Telugu

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Introduction Philosophy
 Emerged in 12th century CE  Rejected heavy rituals, temple worship,
in Karnataka concept of rebirth and caste system.
 The founder of this tradition was  Worship Shiva as Ishtalinga (not the static Linga)
a Brahmin called Basavana
 Believe that their body will merge with
 It is also known as Lingayat. Shiva after their death so they bury the
dead bodies instead of cremating them

 Treat each human beings as equal

Note- as God resides in each bodies

 The Lingayats revered the Jangam  Promoted Widow remarriage and

saints (devotee of Shiva) as their Guru. Post-puberty marriage

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Sources to know Other Religious
 Vachanas (sayings) – Compiled by
the men and women who joined the  Other than Virashaiva, Alvars and Nayanars.
movement Two more religious developments marked
this period of Bhakti traditions
 Basava Purana– Biography of
Basavanna compiled in 13th century
by Palkuriki Somanatha  Religious developments in Mahrashtra led
by Gyaneshwar and Muktabai

 Compilation of Bhagvata Purana

The Major weakness

 It was highly confined to Karnataka.

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9. Which of the following traditions approved widow 10. Which of the following statement about
remarriage and post-puberty marriage? Basavanna is not correct?

a. Alvar a. He was the chief minister of Bijjala 2nd

b. Nayanars b. He criticized the temple worship

c. He encouraged the worship of static

c. Virashaiva
d. None of the above d. None of the above

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 Till 14th Century, the North India was being Rise of Siddhas, Nath and Yogis
ruled by Rajput Kings.

 In the Rajput states, the Brahaminical

philosophies was patronized.  Challenged the Orthodox ideas and Veda

 Hence north India was deprived from the Impacts  Spoke in Ordinary Language
influence of Alvars, Nayanars and  Introduced different and complex forms
Virashaiva traditions of Yoga

 Though Rajput kings patronized the Brahmanas, THE NEW ERA

even then many yogis, siddhas and Naths  With the end of 13th Century, Islamic rule i.e. Delhi
emerged in the region without any royal Sultanate had covered almost all the northern
patronage holding good influence over people. India. This led to the beginning of new religious

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711-712 CE Invasion of Md. Bin Qasim

and conquest of Sindh
The invasions of Century CE
Mahmud of Ghazni
1193 CE Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan
in Second battle of Tarain
1526 CE
Delhi Sultanate
CE The Great Mughals

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The Sharia

 It is Law governing the Muslim Community  It refers to the Islamic scholars who studied
Islam and its philosophies and advised the kings
on religious and political matters
 It is based on four Pillars

The Zimmis

Qiyas (Reasoning)  It is the term of sharia referring to the Non-

Muslims i.e. Jews, Christians, Hindus etc.
Ijma (Consensus)  They were eligible to pay the Jeziah or Jaziya in
order to get protected by the Muslim rulers.

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Approach of Muslim rulers
towards Non-Muslims

 Often rulers were flexible towards

their Non-Muslims subjects

 Some Muslim rulers granted Land

endowments and tax exemptions to
the Non-Muslim religious Institutions

 Often Muslim rulers also revered the

Hindu Saints or Yogis

Mughal Emperor Jahangir with a Yogi

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11. Which of the following statement about the 12. Which of the following is not one of the four
Siddhas, Yogis and Naths is not correct? pillars of Sharia

a. They spoke in local and a. Zimmi

ordinary language
b. Quaran
b. They questioned the authority
of Vedas c. Hadith
c. They were patronized by the Rajput
rulers of north India d. Qiyas

d. None of the Above

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Popular Practices of Islam

The Five Pillars

Shahadah (One God, Allah and Prophet

Muhammad is his Messenger)
Salat (Five times Namaz)
Zakat (Charity)
Sawm (Roza during
Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

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Blending of Universal and
regional features in Islam

Adoption of Matriliny and Matrilocal

residence by the Arab Muslim traders
who settled in Kerala

The Architecture of Mosque i.e. Initial

Mosques in Kerala were made in
blending with the regional style

The Ginan of Khojah Muslims

The khojah Muslims read the Islamic

Ancient Mosque of Kerala
scriptures like Quran and translated it
into many regional languages so that
it can reach out to many people

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Naming of Communities

Much to our strange, the word “Muslim”

probably has never been used to designate
the followers of Islam by Sanatan Sanskrit Mlechchas-
texts in the medieval era
 It refers to the community whose
Instead people were classified as per their people can’t speak Sanskrit and are
place of birth unaware of Vedic rituals and traditions.

 Turkish – Turushka/shakas
 Tajakistani- Tajika
 Persian- Parashika
 Afghans- Yavanas

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13. Which of the following term was used by 14. Which of the following statements about
Sanskrit texts to designate Afghans? five pillars of Islam is correct?

a. Shaka a. Salat refers to offering four times prayer a day

b. Zakat is to be given to religious institutions only

b. Parashika
c. Hajj is not compulsory for the people who
are physically unfit and financially weak
c. Tajika

d. Roza during Ramzan is not allowed for Women

d. Yavanas

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How it emerged?

It emerged in the 7th century with the

death of Muhammad

It was developed by 12th century into

four orders as the opposition to the Tasawwuf-
growing extremism.
 In the Islamic texts, Sufism is termed
Sufism emphasized on having personal connection as Tasawwuf.
with the supreme God through intense love,
Meditation, breathing practices and inner purification.

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 Salvation through Inner Purification

and introspection

 Intense devotion & love for God (Ishq)

 Follow the example set by Prophet Muhammad

 Non violence and love for every creature

 Practice forgiveness and meditation

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Khanqah and Silsila Ziyarat

 It refers to the pilgrimage of the

 Khanqah and Silsila are two basic tomb of Sufi saints
pillar of Sufism which helped it
spread across the globe.

Khanqah Silsila

 It is an institution where all the  It refers to an unbroken chain of relationship

followers of sufism used to gather between Master and disciples tracing its
genealogy from Muhammad
 It is regulated by a master called Pir,
 Four orders which spread in Indian
or Murshid or Shaikh
subcontinent are
 The task of Pir was to train his disciples  Chisti
(murids) in spiritual conduct and human  Qadiri
relationships and choose the right  Naqshbandi
successor (Khalifa)  Suhrawardi

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Outside the Khanqah

 Few Sufi followers started their own

movements based on mendicancy and Ba-Sharia-
extreme asceticism.
 The Sufi orders which followed the
 They defied the Sharia, hence were known as Sharia were known as Ba-Sharia.

 Few such Silsilas are Qalandariyya, Malang,


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15. Which of the following term was used to 16. Which of the following aspect is not
designate the disciple of Murshid in Khanqah? common to both Bhakti and Sufi traditions?

a. Khalifa a. Mysticism

b. Shaikh b. Visiting the Shrines

c. Pir c. Personal Love for God

d. Murid d. Worshiping the idols

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Why did Chishti order grow so rapidly across Indian

Sub-continent as compared to other Sufi orders? Important features
Answer- They adapted Successfully to the local
environments and adopted several features of  Abu Ishaq Sami (from Chist Afghanistan) was
Indian devotional tradition. the founder of Chisti order.
 Sheikh Moin-ud-din Chisti is credited to have
spread the Chishti order in Indian sub-continent..
 The tomb of Sheikh Moin-ud-din Chisti in Ajmer
is amongst one of the most visited religious
place in India

 They believed in living the life in the poverty

without any state support and get intensely
Ajmer Sharif (Dargah of Moin-Uddin Chisti) devoted with the God (Allah).

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Notable Saints Khanqah of Nizamuddin Auliya

 Located in Ghiyaspur (Delhi) beside Yamuna river

 Shaikh Moinuddin Chisti
 Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki  Several rooms with a big hall (Jamat-i-khana) for
 Shaikh Fariduddin Ganj-i-Shakar prayers
 Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya  Accommodation for Shaikh, his family, disciples
 Shaikh Nasiruddin Chirag-i-Delhi and attendants
 Open Kitchen (langer) run on Futuh served the
people from all walks of life.
Nizam as Propagator
 Popular practices in Khanqah
 Nizam is credited to train his successors to  Bowing before Shaikh
spread the message of Sufism across the  Offering Water to thirsty
Indian Sub-continent  Shaving the head of initiates
 Famous disciples- Amir Khusrau, Amir Hasan  Yogic exercise and Meditation
Sijzi, Ziyauddin Barni, Nasiruddin Muhammad

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17. Who among the following is said to have 18. What does the term “Futuh” mean regarding the
founded the Chisti order Khanqah?

a. Abdul Qadir Gilani a. Open Kitchen

b. Khwaja Moinuddin Chist b. Disciples

c. Nizamuddin Auliya c. Unasked-for-Charity

d. None of the above

d. Abu Ishaq Sami

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Tomb of Moinuddin Chisti

 Earliest Construction by Sultan Gyasuddin Khilji of Malwa

 The earliest textual reference of Ziyarat is of 14th century AD

 First Sultan to visit the tomb was Md. Bin Tughlaq

 The shrine was visited by Akbar 17 times and he
offered a Degh in 1568 for the open kitchen  It refers to the death anniversary of Sufi
saints signifying the union of their souls
with God

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Teachings of Gharib Nawaz

 Closeness with God can be  Noble Character is the one who is

achieved by three qualities
 Beautiful in Poverty
 Magnanimity like River
 Content in Hunger
 Kindness Like Sun
 Cheerful in Grief
 Humility like earth
 Friendly in Hostility

 Surest way to escape hell punishment

 Feed the Hungry

 Redress the Aggrieved

 Help the distressed

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Role of Music in Chisti Sufism Amir Khusrau

Music, dance & Mystical chants were  Indo-Persian poet, singer,

the part of Ziyarat musician, author

 Father of Qawwali
Methods to remember God
 Created Sufi poetry in
 Dikhr or Zikra (The remembrance) Hindavi and Persian
 Sama (Listening or performance of
song, dance, instruments)  Devoted Disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya


 It is a form of devotional music which

is an important part of ziyarat at the
shrines of Sufi saints

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Language and Communication

Language played a great role in the

spread of Chisti order of Sufism
throughout the Indian sub-continent
 The Sama was organized in Local
language  Specially in south India, sufism grew
the same way as did the philosophy
 Sufi saints conversed/spoke in of alvars, Naynars and Lingayats.
Hindavi (Hindustani) language That is, by music and poetry.
 In Deccan Region, the poets composed
poetry in Dakkhani which were heavily
sung by the women of household

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Sufism and the state Major Sources to know
about Chistis

 Chistis maintained a balanced distance  The works of Amir Khusraw

from the politics and state but were not
 The biography of Moinuddin chisti
isolated form it.
(Munis-al-arwah) by Jahanara Begam.
 They accepted donations from the Sultan in
cash and kind which were immediately used  Works of Ziyauddin Barni.
for the service of people
 Sultan often were forced to associate with  Kashf-ul-Mahjub of Data Ganj Baksh
Sufis realizing the crowd support they had.
 Kings often sought the guidance of Sufi saints  Other literary sources of disciples and
e.g. Akbar sought the guidance of Salim Chisti visitors.

Had any Conflict happened?.

 Though rare it is but one Incident we
remember was between Nizamuddin Auliya
and Gyathuddin Tughlaq

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19. The earliest construction in the tomb of 20. Who among the following is known as the Father of
Moinuddin Chisti was done by _________ Qawwali?

a. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq a. Amir Hasan Sijzi

b. Alauddin Khilji b. Amir Khusrau

c. Gayasuddin Khilji c. Ziyauddin Barni

d. Khwaja Salim Chisti

d. Jalaluddin Akbar

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21. Kashf-ul-Mahjub, a book on history of Sufism 22. Munis-Al-Arwah, a biography of Khwaja Moinuddin
was authored by __________ Chisti is written by ________.

a. Amir Khusraw a. Jehangir

b. Data Ganj Baksh b. Jahanara Begam

c. Shaikh Fariduddin c. Ziyauddin Barni

d. Amir Khusraw
d. Amir Hasan Sijzi

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 A poet-saint born in
Varanasi in 15th Century
 Disciple of Ramananda (a Vaishnava saint)

 The verses of Kabir were compiled in

Kabir Bijak

Kabir Granthawali

Adi Granth

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Teachings of kabir Controversy

 He laid emphasis on Bhakti  Since the verses of Kabir were compiled

(sincere love and devotion for God) long after his death, it is said that they may
not be credited to him
 Tried to unify the Islam and Hinduism by
teaching virtues common in both religion.  His religion is not sure, some claim of him
being Hindu and some claim of him being
 Salvation can only be attained
through Bhakti or doing good deeds.

 Against the idol worship and the rituals

 Rejected Caste system and laid

emphasis on Equality
 Emphasized the role of Guru in order to
live a noble life

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Guru Nanak
The Adi Granth
 Born in 1469 in a village called Nankana
Sahib (now in Pakistan) near Ravi River
 The fifth Sikh Guru Arjan deva compiled the
teachings of Guru Nanak, Baba Farid, Kabir
 He advocated “Nirguna Bhakti”.
and Ravidas to form Adi Granth Sahib.

 He rejected the sacrifices, rituals  The hymns are called Gurubani.

performed by the Hindus and Muslims.

 Emphasized on remembering and

Guru Granth Sahib
repeating the divine name
 Last Sikh guru, Guru Govind singh added the
 Composed Shabad (Hymns) to preach his hymns composed by Guru Tegh Bahadur in Adi
teachings . Granth Sahib and named it as Guru Granth Sahib

 Promoted collective recitation (Sangat).  Guru Govind singh militarized the Sikh cult by
establishing the Khalsa Panth in 1699

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 Born in Merta (Marwar) as princess and

married to Prince Bhojraj of Mewar

 She recognized the avatar of Vishnu,

Krishna as her lover.

 She defied her husband, became a wandering

saint and composed devotional songs

 She was the disciple of Raidas/Ravidas, a

saint from Varanasi

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 The traditions which we have discussed in our
chapter contain a variety of literary source having
wide range of language and style of writings.

Literature of Sufism Conclusion

Treatises (Manual opinions)  While reconstructing the history of religious

developments, one needs to understand that the
Malfuzat (Conversations) sources are very plural and the traditions are very
Maktubat (Compilation of
Tazkiras (biography of

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 Hagiography- Biography of a  Jinan- The knowledge (referred

saint written by their followers. in context of Khojah Msulims).

 Vachanas- Sayings of the saints  Zikrs- The remembrance of of

of Lingayat tradition God

 Ulama- Scholars of Islamic  Ziyarat- Pilgrimage to the tomb

tradition who advised the kings of Sufi saints
upon religious affairs.

 Sharia- The law governing the  Wali- Sufi who is considered as

Muslim community friend of God who acquired his
grace to perform miracles

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